- Update common code to use latest version of ClientRuntime
- Fix example typo in 'Remove-AzApplicationInsightsApiKey' documentation
- Fix typo in resource string
- Added NetworkRuleSet support.
- Add missing properties (ComputerName, OsName, OsVersion and HyperVGeneration) of VM instance view object.
- Fix typo in Remove-AzContainerRegistryReplication for Replication parameter
- More information here Azure#9633
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.1.0
- Fix typo in documentation for 'Get-AzDataFactoryV2PipelineRun'
- Added new cmmdlet added for generating SAS token : New-AzEventHubAuthorizationRuleSASToken
- added verification and error message for authorizationrules rights if only 'Manage' is assigned
- Added support to specify the KeySize for Certificate Policies
- Fix for Get-AzIntegrationAccountMap to list all map types
- Added new MapType parameter for filtering
- Added support for api version 2019-06-01 (GA)
- Add support for private endpoint and private link service
- New cmdlets
- Set-AzPrivateEndpoint
- Set-AzPrivateLinkService
- Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
- Deny-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
- Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
- Remove-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
- Test-AzPrivateLinkServiceVisibility
- Get-AzAutoApprovedPrivateLinkService
- New cmdlets
- Updated below commands for feature: PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies/PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies flag on Subnet in Virtualnetwork
- Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig/Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig/Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig
- Added optional parameter -PrivateEndpointNetworkPoliciesFlag to indicate that enable or disable apply network policies on pivate endpoint in this subnet.
- Added optional parameter -PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPoliciesFlag to indicate that enable or disable apply network policies on private link service in this subnet.
- Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig/Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig/Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig
- AzPrivateLinkService's cmdlet parameter 'ServiceName' was renamed to 'Name' with an alias 'ServiceName' for backward compatibility
- Enable ICMP protocol for network security rule configurations
- Updated cmdlets
- Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
- New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
- Set-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
- Updated cmdlets
- Add ConnectionProtocolType (Ikev1/Ikev2) as a configurable parameter for New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection
- Add PrivateIpAddressVersion in LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration
- Updated cmdlet:
- New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig
- Add-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig
- Set-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig
- Updated cmdlet:
- Application Gateway New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig command update for supporting custom port in Probe
- Updated New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig: Added optional parameter Port which is used for probing backend server. This parameter is applicable for Standard_V2 and WAF_V2 SKU.
- Updated default version for saved searches to be 1.
- Fixed custom log null regex handling
- Update 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob.md'
- Update 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer.md'
- Update 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault.md'
- Update 'Wait-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob.md'
- Update 'Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultContext.md'
- Update 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem.md'
- Update 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupRecoveryPoint.md'
- Update 'Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem.md'
- Updated service call for Unregistering container for Azure File Share
- Update 'Set-AzRecoveryServicesAsrAlertSetting.md'
- Remove missing cmdlet referenced in 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment' documentation
- Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2019-01-01
- Added new cmmdlet added for generating SAS token : New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken
- added verification and error message for authorizationrules rights if only 'Manage' is assigned
- Fix missing examples for Set-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary cmdlet
- Fix set Vulnerability Assessment recurring scans without providing any email addresses
- Fix a small typo in a warining message.
- Update example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzStorageAccount' to use correct parameter name
- Adding Invoke-AzStorageSyncChangeDetection cmdlet.
- Fix Issue 9551 for honoring TierFilesOlderThanDays
- Fixing a bug where some SiteConfig properties were not returned by Get-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebApp
- Adds a new Location parameter to Get-AzDeletedWebApp and Restore-AzDeletedWebApp
- Fixes a bug with cloning web app slots using New-AzWebApp -IncludeSourceWebAppSlots
- Add support for profile cmdlets
- Add support for environments and data planes in generated cmdlets
- Fix bug where incorrect endpoint was being used in some cases for data plane cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
- GA release of
- This module is now included as a part of the roll-up
- Fix for issue Azure#8671
- Get-AzApiManagementSubscription
- Added support for querying subscriptions by User and Product
- Added support for querying using Scope '/', '/apis', '/apis/echo-api'
- Get-AzApiManagementSubscription
- Fix for issue Azure#9307 and Azure#8432
- Import-AzApiManagementApi
- Added support for specifiying 'ApiVersion' and 'ApiVersionSetId' when importing Apis
- Import-AzApiManagementApi
- Fixed Set-AzAutomationConnectionFieldValue cmdlet bug to handle string value.
- Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzImageConfig
- Updating the output of get activity runs, get pipeline runs, and get trigger runs ADF cmdlets to support Select-Object pipe.
- Fix typo in 'New-AzEventGridSubscription' documentation
- Add support to regenerate authorization policy keys.
- Added 'RoutingPreference' to public ip tags
- Improve examples for 'Get-AzNetworkServiceTag' reference documentation
- Fix null reference issue in Get-AzPolicyState
- More information here: Azure#9446
- Fixed CustomLog datasource model returned in Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource
- Fix for get-policy command for IaaSVMs
- Fix help text for Get-AzPolicyState -Top parameter
- Add client-side paging support for Get-AzPolicyAlias
- Add new parameters for Set-AzPolicyAssignment, -PolicyParameters and -PolicyParametersObject
- Handful of doc and example updates for Policy cmdlets
- Fix for issue #4938 - New-AzServiceBusQueue returns BadRequest when setting MaxSizeInMegabytes
- Add Instance Failover Group cmdlets from preview release to public release
- Support Azure SQL Server\Database Auditing with new cmdlets.
- Set-AzSqlServerAudit
- Get-AzSqlServerAudit
- Remove-AzSqlServerAudit
- Set-AzSqlDatabaseAudit
- Get-AzSqlDatabaseAudit
- Remove-AzSqlDatabaseAudit
- Remove email constraints from Vulnerability Assessment settings
- Change 2 parameters '-IndexDocument' and '-ErrorDocument404Path' from required to optional in cmdlet:
- Enable-AzStorageStaticWebsite
- Update help of Get-AzStorageBlobContent by add an example
- Show more error information when cmdlet failed with StorageException
- Support create or update Storage account with Azure Files AAD DS Authentication
- New-AzStorageAccount
- Set-AzStorageAccount
- Support list or close file handles of a file share, file directory or a file
- Get-AzStorageFileHandle
- Close-AzStorageFileHandle
- This module is now included as a part of the roll-up
- Fix bug with incorrect URL being used in some cases for Functions calls
- More information here: Azure#8983
- Fix Issue with aliases from AzureRM to Az cmdlets
- Set-AzureRmVMBootDiagnostics -> Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic
- Export-AzureRMLogAnalyticThrottledRequests -> Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest
- New-AzVm and New-AzVmss simple parameter sets now accept the 'ProximityPlacementGroup' parameter.
- Fix typo in 'New-AzVM' reference documentation
- Fixed a typo in 'Set-AzDnsZone' help examples.
- Updated to use the 2019-06-01 API version.
- New cmdlets:
- New-AzEventGridDomain
- Creates a new Azure Event Grid Domain.
- Get-AzEventGridDomain
- Gets the details of an Event Grid Domain, or gets a list of all Event Grid Domains in the current Azure subscription.
- Remove-AzEventGridDomain
- Removes an Azure Event Grid Domain.
- New-AzEventGridDomainKey
- Regenerates the shared access key for an Azure Event Grid Domain.
- Get-AzEventGridDomainKey
- Gets the shared access keys used to publish events to an Event Grid Domain.
- New-AzEventGridDomainTopic:
- Creates a new Azure Event Grid Domain Topic.
- Get-AzEventGridDomainTopic
- Gets the details of an Event Grid Domain Topic, or gets a list of all Event Grid Domain Topics under specific Event Grid Domain in the current Azure
- Remove-AzEventGridDomainTopic:
- Removes an existing Azure Event Grid Domain Topic.
- New-AzEventGridDomain
- Updated cmdlets:
- New-AzEventGridSubscription/Update-AzEventGridSubscription:
- Add new mandatory parameters to support piping for the new Event Grid Domain and Event Grid Domain Topic to allow creating new event subscription under these resources.
- Add new mandatory parameters for specifying the new Event Grid Domain name and/or Event Grid Domain Topic name to allow creating new event subscription under these resources.
- Add new Parameter sets for domains and domain topics to allow reusing existing parameters (e.g., EndPointType, SubjectBeginsWith, etc).
- Add new optional parameters for specifying:
- Event subscription expiration date,
- Advanced filtering parameters.
- Add new enum for servicebusqueue as destination.
- Disallow usage of 'All' in -IncludedEventType option and replace it with
- Get-AzEventGridTopic, Get-AzEventGridDomain, Get-AzEventGridDomainTopic, Get-AzEventGridSubscription:
- Add new optional parameters (Top, ODataQuery and NextLink) to support results pagination and filtering.
- Remove-AzEventGridSubscription
- Add new mandatory parameters to support piping for Event Grid Domain and Event Grid Domain Topic to allow removing existing event subscription under these resources.
- Add new mandatory parameters for specifying the Event Grid Domain name and/or Event Grid Domain Topic name to allow removing existing event subscription under these resources.
- New-AzEventGridSubscription/Update-AzEventGridSubscription:
- New-AzFrontDoorWafMatchConditionObject
- Add transforms support and new operator auto-complete value (RegEx)
- New-AzFrontDoorWafManagedRuleObject
- Add new auto-complete values
- Add support for Virtual Network Gateway Resource
- New cmdlets
- Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayVpnClientConnectionHealth
- New cmdlets
- Add AvailablePrivateEndpointType
- New cmdlets
- Get-AzAvailablePrivateEndpointType
- New cmdlets
- Add PrivatePrivateLinkService
- New cmdlets
- Get-AzPrivateLinkService
- New-AzPrivateLinkService
- Remove-AzPrivateLinkService
- New-AzPrivateLinkServiceIpConfig
- Set-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
- New cmdlets
- Add PrivateEndpoint
- New cmdlets
- Get-AzPrivateEndpoint
- New-AzPrivateEndpoint
- Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint
- New-AzPrivateLinkServiceConnection
- New cmdlets
- Updated below commands for feature: UseLocalAzureIpAddress flag on VpnConnection
- Updated New-AzVpnConnection: Added optional parameter -UseLocalAzureIpAddress to indicate that local azure ip address should be used as source address while initiating connection.
- Updated Set-AzVpnConnection: Added optional parameter -UseLocalAzureIpAddress to indicate that local azure ip address should be used as source address while initiating connection.
- Added readonly field PeeredConnections in ExpressRoute peering.
- Added readonly field GlobalReachEnabled in ExpressRoute.
- Added breaking change attribute to call out deprecation of AllowGlobalReach field in ExpressRouteCircuit model
- Fixed Issue 8756 Error using TargetListenerID with AzApplicationGatewayRedirectConfiguration cmdlets
- Fixed bug in New-AzApplicationGatewayPathRuleConfig that prevented the rewrite ruleset from being set.
- Fixed displaying of VirtualNetworkTaps in NetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration
- Fixed Cortex Get cmdlets for list all part
- Fixed VirtualHub reference creation for ExpressRouteGateways, VpnGateway
- Added support for Availability Zones in AzureFirewall and NatGateway
- Added cmdlet Get-AzNetworkServiceTag
- Add support for multiple public IP addresses for Azure Firewall
- Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
- Added parameter -PublicIpAddress which accepts one or more Public IP Address objects
- Added parameter -VirtualNetwork which accepts a Virtual Network object
- Added methods AddPublicIpAddress and RemovePublicIpAddress on firewall object - these accept a Public IP Address object as input
- Deprecated parameters -PublicIpName and -VirtualNetworkName
- Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
- Updated below commands for feature: Set VpnClient AAD authentication options to Virtual network gateway resource.
- Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameters AadTenantUri,AadAudienceId,AadIssuerUri to set VpnClient AAD authentication options on Gateway.
- Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter AadTenantUri,AadAudienceId,AadIssuerUri to set VpnClient AAD authentication options on Gateway.
- Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional switch parameter RemoveAadAuthentication to remove VpnClient AAD authentication options from Gateway.
- Enable pergb2018 pricing tier in 'New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace' command
- Support for additional Template Export options
- Add '-SkipResourceNameParameterization' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup
- Add '-SkipAllParameterization' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup
- Add '-Resource' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup for exported resource filtering
- Fix add certificate ByExistingKeyVault getting the wrong thumbprint in some cases
- Fix Advanced Threat Protection storage endpoint suffix
- Fix Advanced Data Security enable overrides Advanced Threat Protection policy
- New Cmdlets for Management.Sql to allow customers to add TDE keys and set TDE protector for managed instances
- Add-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey
- Get-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey
- Remove-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey
- Get-AzSqlInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionProtector
- Set-AzSqlInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionProtector
- Support Kind FileStorage and SkuName Premium_ZRS when create Storage account
- New-AzStorageAccount
- Clarified description of blob immutability cmdlet
- Remove-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy
- Optimizes Get-AzWebAppCertificate to filter by resource group on the server instead of the client
- Adds -UseDisasterRecovery switch parameter to Get-AzWebAppSnapshot
- Updated cmdlets to support rulesEngine feature based on API version 2019-04-15.
- Added
parameter that starts the operation and returns immediately, before the operation is completed.- Updated cmdlets: Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest Remove-AzVM Remove-AzVMAccessExtension Remove-AzVMAEMExtension Remove-AzVMChefExtension Remove-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Remove-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension Remove-AzVMDscExtension Remove-AzVMSqlServerExtension Restart-AzVM Set-AzVM Set-AzVMAccessExtension Set-AzVMADDomainExtension Set-AzVMAEMExtension Set-AzVMBginfoExtension Set-AzVMChefExtension Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Set-AzVMDscExtension Set-AzVMExtension Start-AzVM Stop-AzVM Update-AzVM
- Fix for #9231 - Get-AzEventHubNamespace does not return tags
- Fix for #9230 - Get-AzEventHubNamespace returns ResourceGroup instead of ResourceGroupName
- Update ResourceId and InputObject for Nat Gateway
- Add alias for ResourceId and InputObject
- Fix Null reference issue in Get-AzPolicyEvent
- IaaSVM policy minimum retention in days changed to 7 from 1
- Fix for issue #9182 - Get-AzServiceBusNamespace returns ResourceGroup instead of ResourceGroupName
- Fix typo in error message for 'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability'
- Fix missing character in Service Fabric cmdlines
- Add DnsZonePartner Parameter for New-AzureSqlInstance cmdlet to support AutoDr for Managed Instance.
- Deprecating Get-AzSqlDatabaseSecureConnectionPolicy cmdlet
- Rename Threat Detection cmdlets to Advanced Threat Protection
- New-AzSqlInstance -StorageSizeInGB and -LicenseType parameters are now optional.
- fixes the issue where using Set-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebAppSlot with -WebApp property was removing the tags
- Created new Cmdlets for managing diagnostics at the global and API Scope
- Get-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Get the diagnostics configured a global or api Scope
- New-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Create new diagnostics at the global scope or api Scope
- New-AzApiManagementHttpMessageDiagnostic - Create diagnostic setting for which Headers to log and the size of Body Bytes
- New-AzApiManagementPipelineDiagnosticSetting - Create Diagnostic settings for incoming/outgoing HTTP messages to the Gateway.
- New-AzApiManagementSamplingSetting - Create Sampling Setting for the requests/response for a diagnostic
- Remove-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Remove a diagnostic entity at global or api scope
- Set-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Update a diagnostic Entity at global or api scope
- Created new Cmdlets for managing Cache in ApiManagement service
- Get-AzApiManagementCache - Get the details of the Cache specified by identifier or all caches
- New-AzApiManagementCache - Create a new 'default' Cache or Cache in a particular azure 'region'
- Remove-AzApiManagementCache - Remove a cache
- Update-AzApiManagementCache - Update a cache
- Created new Cmdlets for managing API Schema
- New-AzApiManagementSchema - Create a new Schema for an API
- Get-AzApiManagementSchema - Get the schemas configured in the API
- Remove-AzApiManagementSchema - Remove the schema configured in the API
- Set-AzApiManagementSchema - Update the schema configured in the API
- Created new Cmdlet for generating a User Token.
- New-AzApiManagementUserToken - Generate a new User Token valid for 8 hours by default.Token for the 'GIT' user can be generated using this cmdlet./
- Created a new cmdlet to retrieving the Network Status
- Get-AzApiManagementNetworkStatus - Get the Network status connectivity of resources on which API Management service depends on. This is useful when deploying ApiManagement service into a Virtual Network and validing whether any of the dependencies are broken.
- Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagement to manage ApiManagement service
- Added support for the new 'Consumption' SKU
- Added support to turn the 'EnableClientCertificate' flag on for 'Consumption' SKU
- The new cmdlet New-AzApiManagementSslSetting allows configuring 'TLS/SSL' setting on the 'Backend' and 'Frontend'. This can also be used to configure 'Ciphers' like '3DES' and 'ServerProtocols' like 'Http2' on the 'Frontend' of an ApiManagement service.
- Added support for configuring the 'DeveloperPortal' hostname on ApiManagement service.
- Updated cmdlets Get-AzApiManagementSsoToken to take 'PsApiManagement' object as input
- Updated the cmdlet to display Error Messages inline
PS D:\github\azure-powershell> Set-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context -PolicyFilePath C:\wrongpolicy.xml -ApiId httpbin
Set-AzApiManagementPolicy :
Error Code: ValidationError
Error Message: One or more fields contain incorrect values:
Error Details: [Code=ValidationError, Message=Error in element 'log-to-eventhub' on line 3, column 10: Logger not found, Target=log-to-eventhub]
- Updated cmdlet Export-AzApiManagementApi to export APIs in 'OpenApi 3.0' format
- Updated cmdlet Import-AzApiManagementApi
- To import Api from 'OpenApi 3.0' document specification
- To override the 'PsApiManagementSchema' property specified in any ('Swagger', 'Wadl', 'Wsdl', 'OpenApi') document.
- To override the 'ServiceUrl' property specified in any document.
- Updated cmdlet Get-AzApiManagementPolicy to return policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml'
- Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementPolicy to accept policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml' and Xml escaped using 'xml'
- Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementApi
- To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
- To create an API in an 'ApiVersionSet'
- To clone an API using 'SourceApiId' and 'SourceApiRevision'.
- Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
- Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementApi
- To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
- To updated an API into an 'ApiVersionSet'
- Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
- Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementRevision
- To clone (copy tags, products, operations and policies) an existing revision using 'SourceApiRevision'. The new Revision assumes the 'ApiId' of the parent.
- To provide an 'ApiRevisionDescription'
- To override the 'ServiceUrl' when cloning an API.
- Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider
- To configure 'AAD' or 'AADB2C' with an 'Authority'
- To setup 'SignupPolicy', 'SigninPolicy', 'ProfileEditingPolicy' and 'PasswordResetPolicy'
- Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementSubscription
- To account for the new SubscriptonModel using 'Scope' and 'UserId'
- To account for the old subscription model using 'ProductId' and 'UserId'
- Add support to enable 'AllowTracing' at the subscription level.
- Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementSubscription
- To account for the new SubscriptonModel using 'Scope' and 'UserId'
- To account for the old subscription model using 'ProductId' and 'UserId'
- Add support to enable 'AllowTracing' at the subscription level.
- Updated following cmdlets to accept 'ResourceId' as input
- 'New-AzApiManagementContext'
New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso
- 'Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease'
Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso/apis/echo-api/releases/releaseId
- 'Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet'
Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/constoso/apiversionsets/pathversionset
- 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer'
- 'Get-AzApiManagementBackend'
Get-AzApiManagementBackend -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso/backends/servicefabric
- 'Get-AzApiManagementCertificate'
- 'Remove-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet'
- 'Remove-AzApiManagementSubscription'
- 'New-AzApiManagementContext'
- Updated Get-AzAutomationJobOutputRecord to handle JSON and Text record values.
- Fix for issue Azure#7977
- Fix for issue Azure#8600
- Changed behavior for Start-AzAutomationDscCompilationJob to just start the job instead of waiting for its completion.
- Fix for issue Azure#8347
- Fix for Get-AzAutomationDscNode when using -Name returns all node. Now it returns matching node only.
- Add ProtectFromScaleIn and ProtectFromScaleSetAction parameters to Update-AzVmssVM cmdlet.
- New-AzVM wimple parameter set now uses by default an available location if 'East US' is not supported
- Update the ADLS sdk to use httpclient, integrate dataplane testing with azure framework
- Fixed incorrect parameter names in help examples
- Add DisableBgpRoutePropagation flag to Effective Route Table output
- Updated cmdlet:
- Get-AzEffectiveRouteTable
- Updated cmdlet:
- Fix double dash in New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate documentation
- Add new cmdlet Get-AzDenyAssignment for retrieving deny assignments
- Rename Advanced Threat Protection cmdlets to Advanced Data Security and enable Vulnerability Assessment by default
- Update Authentication Library to fix ADFS issues with username/password auth
- Only display Bing disclaimer for Bing Search Services.
- Improve error when create account failed.
- Proximity placement group feature.
- The following new cmdlets are added: New-AzProximityPlacementGroup Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup Remove-AzProximityPlacementGroup
- The new parameter, ProximityPlacementGroupId, is added to the following cmdlets: New-AzAvailabilitySet New-AzVMConfig New-AzVmssConfig
- StorageAccountType parameter is added to New-AzGalleryImageVersion.
- TargetRegion of New-AzGalleryImageVersion can contain StorageAccountType.
- SkipShutdown switch parameter is added to Stop-AzVM and Stop-AzVmss
- Breaking changes
- Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics is changed to Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic.
- Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequests is changed to Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequests.
- First Generally Available release of Azure Deployment Manager cmdlets
- Automatic DNS NameServer Delegation
- Create DNS zone cmdlet accepts parent zone name as additional optional parameter.
- Adds NS records in the parent zone for newly created child zone.
- First Generally Available Release of Azure FrontDoor cmdlets
- Rename WAF cmdlets to include 'Waf'
Get-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
New-AzFrontDoorCustomRuleObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafCustomRuleObject
New-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> New-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
New-AzFrontDoorManagedRuleObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafManagedRuleObject
New-AzFrontDoorManagedRuleOverrideObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafManagedRuleOverrideObject
New-AzFrontDoorMatchConditionObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafMatchConditionObject
New-AzFrontDoorRuleGroupOverrideObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafRuleGroupOverrideObject
Remove-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> Remove-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
Update-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> Update-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
- Removed two cmdlets:
- Grant-AzHDInsightHttpServicesAccess
- Revoke-AzHDInsightHttpServicesAccess
- Added a new cmdlet Set-AzHDInsightGatewayCredential to replace Grant-AzHDInsightHttpServicesAccess
- Update cmdlet Get-AzHDInsightJobOutput to distinguish reader role and hdinsight operator role:
- Users with reader role need to specify 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' parameter explicitly, otherwise error occurs.
- Users with hdinsight operator role will not be affected.
- New cmdlets for SQR API (Scheduled Query Rule)
- New-AzScheduledQueryRuleAlertingAction
- New-AzScheduledQueryRuleAznsActionGroup
- New-AzScheduledQueryRuleLogMetricTrigger
- New-AzScheduledQueryRuleSchedule
- New-AzScheduledQueryRuleSource
- New-AzScheduledQueryRuleTriggerCondition
- New-AzScheduledQueryRule
- Get-AzScheduledQueryRule
- Set-AzScheduledQueryRule
- Update-AzScheduledQueryRule
- Remove-AzScheduledQueryRule
- More information about SQR API
- Updated Az.Monitor.md to include cmdlets for GenV2(non classic) metric-based alert rule
- Add support for Nat Gateway Resource
- New cmdlets
- New-AzNatGateway
- Get-AzNatGateway
- Set-AzNatGateway
- Remove-AzNatGateway
- Updated cmdlets
- New-AzureVirtualNetworkSubnetConfigCommand
- Add-AzureVirtualNetworkSubnetConfigCommand
- New cmdlets
- Updated below commands for feature: Custom routes set/remove on Brooklyn Gateway.
- Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter -CustomRoute to set the address prefixes as custom routes to set on Gateway.
- Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter -CustomRoute to set the address prefixes as custom routes to set on Gateway.
- Support for querying policy evaluation details.
- Add '-Expand' parameter to Get-AzPolicyState. Support '-Expand PolicyEvaluationDetails'.
- Support for Cross subscription Azure to Azure site recovery.
- Marking upcoming breaking changes for Azure Site Recovery.
- Fix for Azure Site Recovery recovery plan end action plan.
- Fix for Azure Site Recovery Update network mapping for Azure to Azure.
- Fix for Azure Site Recovery update protection direction for Azure to Azure for managed disk.
- Other minor fixes.
- Fix typos in customer-facing messages
- Added new cmdlets for NetworkRuleSet of Namespace
- Upgrade to Storage Client Library 10.0.1 (the namespace of all objects from this SDK change from 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.')
- Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage 11.0.0, to support new API version 2019-04-01.
- The default Storage account Kind in Create Storage account change from 'Storage' to 'StorageV2'
- New-AzStorageAccount
- Change the Storage account cmdlet output Sku.Name to be aligned with input SkuName by add '-', like 'StandardLRS' change to 'Standard_LRS'
- New-AzStorageAccount
- Get-AzStorageAccount
- Set-AzStorageAccount
- 'Kind' property will now be set for PSSite objects returned by Get-AzWebApp
- Get-AzWebApp*Metrics and Get-AzAppServicePlanMetrics marked deprecated
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
- Update Uninstall-AzureRm to correctly delete modules in Mac
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Fix issue with AEM installation if resource ids of disks had lowercase resourcegroups in resource id
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Fix documentation for wildcards
- Add SsisProperties if NodeCount not null for managed integration runtime.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated the help text for endpoint to indicate that resources should be created before using the create/update event subscription cmdlets.
- Added new cmdlets for NetworkRuleSet of Namespace
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Fix documentation for wildcards
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- New cmdlets for GenV2(non classic) metric-based alert rule
- New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2DimensionSelection
- New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria
- Remove-AzMetricAlertRuleV2
- Get-AzMetricAlertRuleV2
- Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2
- Updated Monitor SDK to version 0.22.0-preview
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Fix documentation for wildcards
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated table format for SQL in azure VM
- Added alternate method to fetch location in AzureFileShare
- Updated ScheduleRunDays in SchedulePolicy object according to timezone
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Fix documentation for wildcards
- Replace dependency on Monitor SDK with common code
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Enhanced process of multiple columns classification.
- Include sku properties (sku name, family, capacity) in response from Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective and format as table by default.
- Ability to Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective by location without needing a preexisting server in the region.
- Support for time zone parameter in Managed Instance create.
- Fix documentation for wildcards
- fixes the Set-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebAppSlot to not remove the tags on execution
- Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
- Updated the WebSites SDK.
- Removed the AdminSiteName property from PSAppServicePlan.
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
- Updated Add-AzEnvironment and Set-AzEnvironment to accept parameter AzureAnalysisServicesEndpointResourceId
- Using ServiceClient in dataplane cmdlets and removing the original authentication logic
- Making Add-AzureASAccount a wrapper of Connect-AzAccount to avoid a breaking change
- Fixed New-AzAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration cmdlet bug for Inclusions. Now parameter IncludedKbNumber and IncludedPackageNameMask should work.
- Bug fix for azure automation update management dynamic group
- Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzDiskConfig and New-AzSnapshotConfig
- Allow VM creation with galley image from other tenants.
- Fixed issue in the -Command parameter of New-AzContainerGroup which added a trailing empty argument
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.2
- Updated Set-AzDataFactoryV2 cmdlet with extra parameters for RepoConfiguration related settings.
- Improve handling of providers for 'Get-AzResource' when providing '-ResourceId' or '-ResourceGroupName', '-Name' and '-ResourceType' parameters
- Improve error handling for for 'Test-AzDeployment' and 'Test-AzResourceGroupDeployment'
- Handle errors thrown outside of deployment validation and include them in output of command instead
- More information here: Azure#6856
- Add '-IgnoreDynamicParameters' switch parameter to set of deployment cmdlets to skip prompt in script and job scenarios
- More information here: Azure#6856
- Support Database Data Classification.
- Report detail error when create Storage context with parameter -UseConnectedAccount, but without login Azure account
- New-AzStorageContext
- Support Manage Blob Service Properties of a specified Storage account with Management plane API
- Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty
- Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty
- Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy
- Disable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy
- -AsJob support for Blob and file upload and download cmdlets
- Get-AzStorageBlobContent
- Set-AzStorageBlobContent
- Get-AzStorageFileContent
- Set-AzStorageFileContent
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
- Azure automation update management change to support the following new features :
- Dynamic grouping
- Pre-Post script
- Reboot Setting
- Fix issue with path resolution in Get-AzVmBootDiagnosticsData
- Update Compute client library to 25.0.0.
- Added wildcard support to KeyVault cmdlets
- Add Threat Intelligence support for Azure Firewall
- Add Application Gateway Firewall Policy top level resource and Custom Rules
- Add Alert action type for Azure Firewall Network and Application Rule Collections
- Added support for conditions in RewriteRules in the Application Gateway
- New cmdlets added:
- New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleCondition
- Cmdlets updated with optional parameter - RuleSequence and Condition
- New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRule
- New cmdlets added:
- Added SnapshotRetentionInDays in Azure VM policy to support Instant RP
- Added pipe support for unregister container
- Update wildcard support for Get-AzResource and Get-AzResourceGroup
- Update credentials used when making generic calls to ARM
- changed Threat Detection's cmdlets param (ExcludeDetectionType) from DetectionType to string[] to make it future proof when new DetectionTypes are added and to support autocomplete as well.
- Add Vulnerability Assessment cmdlets on Server and Managed Instance
- Support Get/Set/Remove Management Policy on a Storage account
- Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy
- Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy
- Remove-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy
- Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction
- New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyFilter
- New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule
- Fix ARM template bug that breaks cloning all slots using 'New-AzWebApp -IncludeSourceWebAppSlots'
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
- Add 'Register-AzModule' command to support AutoRest generated cmdlets
- Update examples for Connect-AzAccount
- Fixed issue when retreiving certain monthly schedules in several Azure Automation cmdlets
- Fix Get-AzAutomationDscNode returning just top 20 nodes. Now it returns all nodes
- Added new Powershell cmdlets for Enable/Disable Custom Domain Https and deprecated the old ones
- Add wildcard support to Get cmdlets
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.1
- Fix for ListWorkflows only retrieving the first page of results
- Add wildcard support to Network cmdlets
- Added Sql server in Azure VM support
- SDK Update
- Removed VMappContainer check in Get-ProtectableItem
- Added Name and ServerName as parameters for Get-ProtectableItem
- Add
parameter to deployment cmdlets- More information here: Azure#2933
- Fix issue when piping the result of
- More information here: Azure#8240
- Fix issue with JSON data type change when running
- More information here: Azure#7930
- Updating AuditingEndpointsCommunicator.
- Fixing the behavior of an edge case while creating new diagnostic settings.
- Support Kind BlockBlobStorage when create Storage account - New-AzStorageAccount
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration
- Deprecated AddAzureASAccount cmdlet
- Update help for Import-AzAutomationDscNodeConfiguration
- Added configuration name validation to Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration cmdlet
- Improved error handling for Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration cmdlet
- Added CustomSubdomainName as a new optional parameter for New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount which is used to specify subdomain for the resource.
- Fix issue with ID parameter sets
- Update Get-AzVMExtension to list all installed extension if Name parameter is not provided
- Add Tag and ResourceId parameters to Update-AzImage cmdlet
- Get-AzVmssVM without instance ID and with InstanceView can list VMSS VMs with instance view.
- Add cmdlets for ADL deleted item enumerate and restore
- Added new boolean property SkipEmptyArchives to Skip Empty Archives in CaptureDescription class of Eventhub
- Fix tagging on Set-AzKeyVaultSecret
- Add in Basic sku for Integration Accounts
- Add in XSLT 2.0, XSLT 3.0 and Liquid Map Types
- New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies
- Get-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
- New-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
- Remove-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
- Set-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
- New cmdlets for Integration Account Batch Configuration
- Get-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
- New-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
- Remove-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
- Set-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
- Update Logic App SDK to version 4.1.0
- Update help for Get-AzMetric
- Update help example for Add-AzApplicationGatewayCustomError
- Additional support for New and Get ApplicationInsights data source.
- Added new 'ApplicationInsights' kind to support Get specific and Get all ApplicationInsights data sources for given workspace.
- Added New-AzOperationalInsightsApplicationInsightsDataSource cmdlet for creating data source by given Application-Insights resource parameters: subscription Id, resourceGroupName and name.
- Fix for issue Azure#8166
- Fix for issue Azure#8235
- Fix for issue Azure#6219
- Fix bug preventing repeat creation of KeyCredentials
- Add support for SQL DB Hyperscale tier
- Fixed bug where restore could fail due to setting unnecessary properties in restore request
- Correct example in Get-AzWebAppSlotMetrics
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Update to latest version of ClientRuntime
General availability for Az.AnalysisServices module.
- AEM extension: Add support for UltraSSD and P60,P70 and P80 disks
- Update help description for Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics
- Update help description and example for Update-AzImage
General availability for Az.RecoveryServices module.
- Fix tagging for resource groups
- More information here: Azure#8166
- Fix issue where
doesn't respect -ErrorAction- More information here: Azure#8235
- Add Get/Set AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy
- Fix issue where not being logged into Azure account would result in nullref exception when executing SQL cmdlets
- Fixed null ref exception in Get-AzSqlCapability
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Release with correct version of Authentication
- Release with updated Authentication dependency
- Release with updated Authentication dependency
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
- Add interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Add warning message in PS Core for Uninstall-AzureRm
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Added support for Python 2 runbooks
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Add Invoke-AzVMReimage cmdlet
- Add TempDisk parameter to Set-AzVmss
- Fix the warning message of New-AzVM
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.0
- Fix issue with ADLS endpoint when using MSI
- More information here: Azure#7462
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Add Encoding format to Add-IotHubRoutingEndpoint cmdlet.
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Fix incorrect examples in 'New-AzADAppCredential' and 'New-AzADSpCredential' reference documentation
- Fix issue where path for '-TemplateFile' parameter was not being resolved before executing resource group deployment cmdlets
- Az.Resources: Correct documentation for New-AzPolicyDefinition -Mode default value
- Az.Resources: Fix for issue Azure#7522
- Az.Resources: Fix for issue Azure#5747
- Fix formatting issue with 'PSResourceGroupDeployment' object
- More information here: Azure#2123
- Rollback when a certificate is added to VMSS model but an exception is thrown this is to fix bug: microsoft/service-fabric-issues#932
- Fix some error messages.
- Fix create cluster with default ARM template for New-AzServiceFabriCluster which was not working with migration to Az.
- Fix add cluster/application certificate to only add to VM Scale Sets that correspond to the cluster by checking cluster id in the extension.
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Updated parameter description for LicenseType parameter with possible values
- Fix for updating managed instance identity not working when it is the only updated property
- Support for custom collation on managed instance
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Give detail error message when get/set classic Logging/Metric on Premium Storage Account, since Premium Storage Account not supoort classic Logging/Metric.
- Get/Set-AzStorageServiceLoggingProperty
- Get/Set-AzStorageServiceMetricsProperty
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Update incorrect online help URLs
- Fixes 'New-AzWebAppSSLBinding' to upload the certificate to the correct resourcegroup+location if the app is hosted on an ASE.
- Fixes 'New-AzWebAppSSLBinding' to not overwrite the tags on binding an SSL certificate to an app
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/
- Add 'Local' Scope to Enable-AzureRmAlias
- Name is now optional in ID parameter set for Restart/Start/Stop/Remove/Set-AzVM and Save-AzVMImage
- Updated the description of ID in help files
- Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module
- Update the sdk version of dataplane to 1.1.14 for SDK fixes.
- Fix handling of negative acesstime and modificationtime for getfilestatus and liststatus, Fix async cancellation token
- Updated to use the 2019-01-01 API version.
- Update the following cmdlets to support new scenario in 2019-01-01 API version
- New-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
- Event Time-To-Live,
- Maximum number of delivery attempts for the events,
- Dead letter endpoint.
- Update-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
- Event Time-To-Live,
- Maximum number of delivery attempts for the events,
- Dead letter endpoint.
- New-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
- Add new enum values (namely, storageQueue and hybridConnection) for EndpointType option in New-AzEventGridSubscription and Update-AzEventGridSubscription cmdlets.
- Show warning message if creating or updating the event subscription is expected to entail manual action from user.
- Updated to the latest version of the IotHub SDK
- Get-AzLogicApp lists all without specified Name
- Fix parameter set issue when providing '-ODataQuery' and '-ResourceId' parameters for 'Get-AzResource'
- More information here: Azure#7875
- Fix handling of the -Custom parameter in New/Set-AzPolicyDefinition
- Fix typo in New-AzDeployment documentation
- Made '-MailNickname' parameter mandatory for 'New-AzADUser'
- More information here: Azure#8220
- Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module
- Converted the Storage management client dependency to the common SDK implementation.
- Set the StorageAccountName of Storage context as the real Storage Account Name, when it's created with Sas Token, OAuth or Anonymous
- New-AzStorageContext
- Create Sas Token of Blob Snapshot Object with '-FullUri' parameter, fix the returned Uri to be the sanpshot Uri
- New-AzStorageBlobSASToken
- Fixed a date parsing bug in 'Get-AzDeletedWebApp'
- Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module
- General availability of
module - For more information about the
module, please visit the following: https://aka.ms/azps-announce - Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/completers-in-azure-powershell/