This tutorial describes how to install Lisk from source on a Ubuntu based machine.
NOTE: The following is applicable to: Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) - x86_64.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl build-essential python wget unzip
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y sqlite3
After it installs, check version of sqlite3:
sqlite3 -version
SQLite3 should have the following version number (or greater): 3.8.2
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
After it installs, check version of Node.js/npm:
node -v
npm -v
- Node.js should have the following version number (or greater):
- npm should have the following version number (or greater):
Choose a network and download the appropriate archive:
Testnet (for development purposes):
Unzip the archive:
Change directory:
cd 0.1.2
Install node modules:
npm install --production
This is a specialized version of Node.js used to execute dapps within a virtual machine.
Download the Lisk Node archive:
Unzip the archive:
Check version of Node.js:
nodejs/node -v
- Node.js should have the following version number (or greater):
Download the blockchain archive (applicable to the mainnet only):
Unzip the archive:
Install forever, a Node.js process manager:
sudo npm install -g forever
Start Lisk:
forever start app.js
The Lisk process, logs, and etc can be found with the command:
forever list
You will see list of working Node.js processes with logs, process ids and indexes.
Verify that Lisk has started without any errors and synchronized with the db.
After it starts, open: http://localhost:8000/ if on the mainnet (once Lisk is launched) or http://localhost:7000/ if on a testnet, replacing localhost with your public IP address if you have one.
The Lisk web client should launch successfully.
If you are running your node from a local machine, you can enable forging through the web client, without further interruption. NOTE: Should the Lisk node or machine need to be restarted, you will need to re-enable forging again.
If your node is running on a remote machine, or if you want to keep forging persistently enabled, you will need to follow the below instructions.
Stop the running Lisk node:
forever stop app.js
Open config.json:
nano config.json
Arrow down until you find the following section:
"forging": {
"secret" : [""]
Set the secret parameter to your account secret phrase.
"forging": {
"secret" : ["YourDelegatePassphrase"] <- Replace with your delegate passphrase
(Optional) In the forging section you will also see an access property, this is used to allow only your IP address to enable forging through the web client.
"access": {
"whiteList": [""] <- Replace with your IP which you will use to access your node
To set 2 accounts to forge on a single node, enter both account passphrases like below.
"forging": {
"secret" : ["YourDelegatePassphrase1","YourDelegatePassphrase2"] <- Replace with your delegate passphrases
"access": {
"whiteList": [""]
After you have typed in your passphrase. Hit: Ctrl+ X
Then: Y
Start Lisk:
forever start app.js
Then, open the Lisk web client and wait for the blockchain to load. Once the blockchain has loaded, navigate to "Forging" section, and verify that Forging (Enabled) appears in the top left corner.
NOTE: To complete this step you require a signed certificate (from a CA) and a public and private key pair.
Stop the running Lisk node:
forever stop app.js
Open config.json:
nano config.json
Arrow down until you find the following section:
"ssl": {
"enabled": false, < Change FROM false TO true
"options": {
"port": 443, < Default SSL Port
"address": "", < Change only if you wish to block web access to the node
"key": "path_to_key", < Replace FROM path_to_key TO actual path to key file
"cert": "path_to_cert" < Replace FROM path_to_cert TO actual path to certificate file
After you are done, save changes and exit. Hit: Ctrl+ X
Then: Y
NOTE: If SSL Port configured above (ssl > options > port) is within well known ports range (below 1024), you must start Lisk with admin rights:
sudo forever start app.js
If the port is above 1023, you can start Lisk normally:
forever start app.js
Open the web client. You should now have an SSL enabled connection.
To have Lisk automatically start each time your machine boots:
- Install forever-service, a Node.js service manager:
sudo npm install forever-service -g
- Change to your Lisk folder and run:
forever-service install lisk
Your Lisk node should now automatically start when booting your machine. By installing Lisk as a service, it also allows you to manage your node using the following commands:
- Start:
sudo start lisk
- Stop:
sudo stop lisk
- Restart:
sudo restart lisk
- Status:
sudo status lisk
bash: /usr/local/bin/forever: No such file or directory
npm ERR! cb() never called!
npm ERR! not ok code 0
It is likely that forever, nodejs or your home folder has been removed.
Please ensure that your old Lisk client isn't running anymore. Then follow the these steps:
- Run
sudo apt-get clean
- Run
sudo apt-get update
- Follow the installation guide again (don't just re-install forever!)
- Run
sudo npm cache clear
- Run
sudo npm install -g forever
Your problem should now be resolved.
npm ERR! git clone --template=/root/.npm/_git-remotes/_templates..
npm ERR! Permission denied (publickey).
- Or something else with github or publickey inside.
It is likely that git or ssh is not installed and configured.
- Run
sudo apt-get install git ssh
- Generate a key pair for ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- Open the just created public key with
nano ~/.ssh/
- Create a new SSH key at the GitHub SSH keys settings page.
- Copy your public key into the key field and click on Add SSH key.
Your problem should now be resolved.