The only change made to a "testnet in a box" artifacts is changing the network magic numbers defined in chainparams.cpp
and the branchID in upgrades.cpp
To produce a new build, the
script included in this repo is run against a zcash git clone, then a normal build process is performed.
A Tekon task is included to automate the process.
Install the minio client
MINIO_SECRETACCESSKEY=$(kubectl get secrets minio-secret-key -o jsonpath="{.data.SECRETACCESSKEY}" | base64 -d)
mc config host add \
zcash-testnet-in-a-box http://localhost:9000 minio $MINIO_SECRETACCESSKEY \
--api S3v4
mc cp ./tools/ zcash-testnet-in-a-box/binaries/
Edit tekton/tasks/build-binary-tnb.yml
for the git version to build from.
Then run it:
kubectl create -f tekton/tasks/build-binary-tnb.yml
Watch either the pod logs or task status on the Tekton dashboard.
kubectl logs -l build=zcashd-tnb -c step-upload-file
Prodcues output like:
2020/07/20 13:56:08 Skipping step because a previous step failed
Added `minio` successfully.
+ tar --strip-components 3 -zvcf ./zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz /workspace/source/src/zcashd /workspace/source/src/zcash-cli /workspace/source/src/zcash-gtest /workspace/source/src/zcash-tx
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
+ mc cp ./zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz minio/binaries/
`zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz` -> `minio/binaries/zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz`
Total: 0 B, Transferred: 155.33 MiB, Speed: 378.84 MiB/s
The compiled archive will be uploaded to minio identified but the git commit hash build from.
zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz` -> `minio/binaries/zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz