You can start the stack with a full demo dataset:
docker compose --profile full-demo-dataset up -d --build
You can also add a basic Kubernetes + OCI demo dataset, by running the following command:
docker compose --profile basic-metadata --profile k8s-demo-data up -d --build
You will see in a next section how to build this dataset by yourself, in case you want to try with your own Kubernetes cluster.
Here is where each component is exposed:
- Blueprint:
- Fuseki (the triple store): (credentials:
) - Trifid:
Here is how some of the triples were generated, in case you want to generate your own, based on your own data.
Once you have started the Docker Compose stack, you can run the following command (this is the one that was used in the first part already):
docker compose --profile k8s-demo-data up -d --build
This will run a job that will import the triples that are in the demo-data/k8s.ttl
Those triples were generated by starting a Kubernetes cluster using Docker Desktop.
This will help you populate the store with some useful data without the need of running a Kubernetes cluster, so that you can start playing with them.
To learn more about how those triples were generated, read the next section.
This requires you to have access to a Kubernetes cluster.
If you want to quickly get a cluster locally, just:
- enable Kubernetes from Docker Desktop if you are using MacOS or Windows,
- install microk8s + run the following command:
microk8s config > ~/.kube/config
, if you are using Linux.
By default it will use the selected context
(you get it by running: config current-context
) that you have when running kubectl
For more information, you can read the README of the project here:
To generate triples, you can run the following command within this directory:
mkdir -p ./volumes/k8s-data/
npx @zazuko/k8s-rdf-exporter@latest --base-iri= --base-iri-oci= > ./volumes/k8s-data/data.ttl
The demo-data/k8s.ttl
was generated that way, using a Kubernetes cluster created using Docker Desktop.
Importing generated triples to the Fuseki triplestore (run one of both):
- for the custom file with your cluster (
):docker compose --profile k8s-custom-data up -d --build
- for the demo file (
):docker compose --profile k8s-demo-data up -d --build
Running one of the above commands will import the triples into the Fuseki triplestore and removes the previous k8s data, not the other data or any metadata.
To reset everything (it will also remove your custom k8s data if any), you can run the following command:
docker compose --profile='*' down
rm -rf ./volumes/
This can be useful if you want to start from scratch and try other kinds of data.