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File metadata and controls

156 lines (124 loc) · 9.19 KB



This project includes all the code developed during the production of my Master thesis Zanutto, 2022.

The goal of the thesis was to investigate the possibility to use operational hydrological forecasts and train a control policy for the release of a water reservoir, the Lake Como in Italy, that was directly informed by the forecasts.

The forecasts are: (i) the probabilistic open source EFAS reforecast and (ii) seasonal reforecast, (iii) a short-term deterministic inflow forecast to the lake produced by a local company (these data are protected).

The historical level and outflow measurements used are not publicy available as well.

  • setup_base where insert the path to the folder where all data will be included. All the paths in this Readme will be relative to this data_folder.

0. Data upload: data_parser folder

All the data had different origin, format and variables. It was necessary to format all in the same way. In the data_parser folder, you can find all the classes, functions and scripts that handle the data. In particular I decided to use all time series parsed into a Timetable MATLAB Object. The forecasts where similar, but not equal, hence I created a class (hydrological) forecast to handle them. Because of the different definition between the data, the main variable is the inflow in the next 24 hours ($inf_{24}$), hence between time $t$ and $t+24$.

[! Note] This decision of using the future discharge ($inf_{24}$) was a decision made at the beginning of the development, with not a lot of knowledge of the system and forced by some data I received early in the development, it is not advisable. Following version should use the discharge in the past x hours ($dis_x$) as EFASes (and any GOOD hydrological model) do.

Main functions/script/classes

  • parse_probabilistic_forecast: creates forecast objects for the EFAS forecast starting from the .NetCDF raw file.
  • parse_determinstic_forecast: creates forecast objects for the Det forecast starting from .xlsx files.
  • parse_benchmark: creates a Timetable MATLAB Object for the historical measurements and creates some benchmark forecast starting from the inflow.
  • myDOY: given a datetime array returns an array with the corresponding day of the year, neglecting leap years.
  • moving_average: performs a moving average on a Timetable object.
  • forecast: class for a hydrological forecast object.
  • ciclostationary: computes the annual cyclostationary mean of a Timetable object.

Additional f/s/c

  • timeSeries_generator creates .txt files for external use. It is just a script to render the production faster, not necessary.
  • cicloseriesGenerator: fits a cyclostationary array in a timearray.

Step by Step Instructions


Your Raw Data should have this structure in the folder LakeComoRawData:

  • efrf sub seasonal efas forecast
    • LocationName (Fuentes, Olginate, LakeComo, Mandello)
      • one file for each instance (twice per week, 99-18). The original data from EFAS are $dis_{06}$, here the data are already processed as $dis_{24}$.
  • efsr seasonal efas forecast
    • LocationName
      • one file for each instance (monthly, 99-19). Data as $dis_{24}$.
    • private info. (Data are in excel)
  • utils
    • *.txt files with data about the Lake Como, e.g. historical measurements.


setup_base; parse_probabilistic_forecast; parse_determinstic_forecast; parse_benchmark;


each object in its own class, save each object in a file in LakeComoProcessedData.

1. Forecast Analysis stats, efas_analysis folder

  • The folder stats contains the functions to calculate various scores on the forecasts.
  • The folder efas_analyis contains the script to use the functions in a automated way and saving all the results in MATLAB Table objects. I don't suggest looking at them, as they are not optimized.

Step by Step Instructions


  • Install the Statistical Toolbox, for the function fitdist.
  • Step 0 or load all the files in LakeComoProcessedData in the workspace.


setup_base; nameOfTheScript;


Tables with the results, save them in the folder LakeComoSolutions/Scores.

2. Perfect Operating Policy ddp folder

The folder contains the script to compute the Perfect Operating Policy (POP, Giuliani et. al, 2015), i.e. the policy assuming perfect knowledge of the future.

Main scripts

  • Run 1st lakeComo_ddp_99_18_new_setup to set up the workspace.
  • Run 2nd lakeComo_ddp_gen_no_vr to compute the solutions.

[! Note] This script doesn't have the constraint on the speed release, it is checked a posteriori with the function speed_constraint_check. Including the constraint directly in the simulation would have meant increasing the dimensionality of the state space, hence, of the computational time.

  • optional ddpsol_reoder to reoder in a struct the solutions.


Load the historical data in the worskpace.


setup_base; lakeComo_ddp_99_18_new_setup; lakeComo_ddp_gen_no_vr; ddpsol_reoder;


A struct with all the solutions of the ddp. See ddpsol_reoder for the info on the struct. Save the variable in Solutions/DDP

Additional scripts

  • lakeComo_ddp_denaro_setup substitutes lakeComo_ddp_99_18_new_setup in setting up the workspace, it is intended to try and replicate the result of Denaro et. al, 2017.

3. Input Variable Selection ivs folder

In this folder you find the scripts to run the IVS on the processed data. You can find the main algorithms and everything here. It is simply a fork on the original work of Galelli, Castelletti, 2013 available here


  • Install the IVS Toolbox.
  • Put in the folder candidate_variables_99_18 all the .txt files on which you want to run the IVS. This files have to be formatted correctly, i.e. txt files with a value for each row; total of 7305 values, one per day. Select the number of the solution in the ddp that you want, create two txt files with release and level release_sol#_99_18.txt and save it in Solutions/DDP.


code = "something"; script_ivs_run


The workspace resulting from each run will be saved as Solutions/IVS/sol#/_ivs_something_sol#_n#.mat. It's a script and it access the base workspace, so it is possible to comment the line where the parameters are defined and define them directly in the command window.

4. Evolutionary Multi-Objective Direct Policy Search dps_support

The code to run the optimization is available here. The two specific models developed during the thesis (new problem formulation and joint learning) are available in my fork of the project. However, in this folder you can find some functions to upload the result in a struct matlabize_solution, extract the parameters of the control law given the point in the pareto front extract_params.


Solutions are saved in Solutions/EMODPS or Solutions/EMODPS_autoselect if using the extended policy. The structure is always:

  • /data the files uploaded when creating the object.
  • /output the output files for each seed produce by Borg and the settings file used to produce them.
  • /runtime the runtime files for each seed produce by Borg.


use matlabize_solution normally.


A struct as explained by matlabize_solution.

A1 Plots draws folder

All the scripts to generate the plots are here.

A2 Lake Como model

The classes and functions of the model of Lake Como that is implemented in c++ when running the optimization, but in MATLAB to run simple simulations.

  • model_lakecomo: original class, the control policy is parametrized only by a combination of RBF.
  • model_lakecomoAutoselect: new class, other than the classic combination of RBF the algorithm selects more parameters from the input as well.


Solutions are saved in Solutions/EMODPS or Solutions/EMODPS_autoselect if using the extended policy. The structure is always:

  • /data the files uploaded when creating the object.
  • /output the output files for each seed and the settings file used to produce them.
  • /runtime the runtime files for each seed produce by Borg.


is the same with model_lakeComo or model_lakecomoAutoselect, just change the name of the constructor. solN = ##; sol = matlabize_solution( path ); mdc = model_lakecomo( sol.settings_file ); [J, h, r] = mdc.evaluate( extract_params( sol, solN ) );


An object of the class model_lakecomo, the results of the simulation (objectives J, level h, release r)