CocoaSplit Command line
Use Contents/MacOS/CocoaSplitCmd
The default is to load the saved settings from the GUI app and then immediately start streaming. This behavior is controllable via a command line switch.
Command line client specific switches:
-dumpInfo YES : (The YES is required) Emit a JSON dump of audio sources, x264 profiles, tunes presets, and profile names for Apple VTCompression. The utility exits after printing this info.
-loadSettings NO : Do not load saved settings from the GUI application. The default is to load settings
Command line switches and what they correspond to in the GUI.
-captureWidth Output Width
-captureHeight Output Height
-captureVideoAverageBitrate AppleVTCompressor - Avg Bitrate x264 - VBV Maxrate
-captureVideoMaxBitrate AppleVTCompressor - Max Bitrate x264 - VBV Buffer
-captureVideoMaxKeyframeInterval AppleVTCompressor - Keyframe x264 - Keyframe
-audioBitrate Audio - Bitrate
-audioSamplerate Audio - Sample Rate
-x264tune x264 - Tune Valid values are given in dumpInfo output
-x264preset x264 - Preset Valid values are given in dumpInfo output
-x264profile AppleVTCompressor - Profile x264 - Profile Valid values are given in dumpInfo output.
-x264crf x264 - CRF
-selectedVideoType Video - Type. Valid types are Syphon, AVFoundation, QTCapture, Desktop
-selectedCompressorType Video - Compress. Valid values are x264, AppleVTCompressor
-videoCaptureID Video - Source. Unique ID of the video source. Varies based on selectedVideoType. Currently no way to get these without figuring them out yourself. Sorry.
-audioCaptureID Audio - Source. Valid values are given in dumpInfo. Use the uniqueID property
-captureFPS Video - FPS.
-outputDestinations Array of stream destinations/outputs. Handles just about anything ffmpeg will for an output. All outputs are considered 'active'. Since this is an array the output is a bit peculiar.
Example command line use, with syphon input for video and microphone input for audio. Using x264, outputting to /tmp/blah.mp4
./CocoaSplitCmd -loadSettings NO -captureWidth 1280 -captureHeight 720 -captureVideoAverageBitrate 3000 -captureVideoMaxBitrate 6000 -captureVideoMaxKeyframeInterval 200 -audioBitrate 128 -x264preset veryfast -x264crf 22 -selectedCompressorType x264 -videoCaptureID "info.v002.Syphon.F0B6D834-9BB5-44A5-B177-AE0E8DA2D8E7" -selectedVideoType Syphon -audioCaptureID "AppleHDAEngineInput:1B,0,1,0:1" -captureFPS 60 -outputDestinations "/tmp/blah.mp4" -audioSamplerate 44100
Errors should emit something on stderr and exit the utility with a non-zero exit code. Right now they pop up error modal dialogs. Sorry.
Put valid video input types in dumpInfo Enumerate all valid video inputs (per type) in dumpInfo?
Output periodic status to stdout for each output. Basically the same stuff that's in the status panel of the UI.
BUGS: If you control-c the app it is an immediately non-graceful exit. If any of the output formats require trailers in their files it will leave a corrupt/unuseable file. Most notably this means it will break MP4 or MOV output. FLV is ok, though.