title: Overview of ERC-20 Forgery Protocol
%% ======== PARTICIPANTS ========
participant d as DEX
box rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.25) Interested parties
actor f as Passer
actor t as Forger
participant fy as Forgery
actor r as Mark
t ->>+ fy: Reassignes ownership <br /> over the fourrée
f <<->> d: Swap DAI for FC;
Note over f, d: Increases price of the FC
f <<->> d: Swap the FC for a wrapped fourrée
f ->>+ fy: Transfer the fourrée to Receiver
fy ->> fy: Unwrap the fourrée
fy -->>- r: Transfer the fourrée to Receiver
opt The FC is overpriced
fy <<-->> d: Rebalance the pool
Note over fy, d: Decreases price of the FC
fy -->>- t: Transfer the received DAIs
- Forger reassigness the owneship of its fourrée over to Forgery and receives regular rewards based on its usage.
- Flasher
flowchart RL
subgraph DEX
ft["Forgery Coin"]
-->fwf["Forgery Wrapped Fourrée"]
fwf -..-> f["Fourrée"]
Fr is an ownable token that mimics another popular one --- the referent. The best Fr is the closest to its referent overview at Blockscan.
Do not confuse with "Flash" which is actually an attempt to scam scammers. The idea of fake transactions that live for up to a half of a year is impossible.
FWCs are deployed along with fourrée ownership reassignment over to the Forgery.
Passers use withdrawTo(address account, uint256 value)
as in ERC20Wrapper.sol
to unleash the token onto the mark.
Passers buy the FCs to pay for prefixed with "fw" versions of the tokens owned by the Forgery on a DEX and unwrap them afterwards.
FCs can be bought on the same DEX for DAI or earned when a fourrée is bought and unwrapped by the forger.
The protocol does't have any own fees and treasures. The mission is to create a protocol for forgers and passers, not a business.
Contracts development is paid by using its frontend, where is a built-in host tipping.