For each method, we select the hyperparameter based on their cost efficiency, i.e., the achieved accuracy (PRC) per unit acquisition cost. We ignore the sensing policies that made no observation (cost = 0). The benchmark result of RAS against baselines are shown as follows.
Benchmark evaluation on the synthetic dataset.
# | code-fold: true
# | code-summary: Benchmark evaluation on the synthetic dataset.
# | code-overflow: wrap
# | warning: false
# | output: asis
grouped = metrics.groupby(["method", "params"])
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=metrics.columns)
for i, (m, g) in enumerate(grouped):
stats = g[scores].apply(mean_confidence_interval)
stats = stats.iloc[:2].apply(lambda x: f"{x.iloc[0]:.3f}±{x.iloc[1]:.3f}", axis=0)
df.loc[i] = stats
df.loc[i, ["method", "params"]] = m
report = []
report.append(df[df["method"] == "FO"])
for m, g in df.groupby("method"):
if m == "FO":
# For each method, we select the most "cost-efficient" model for the benchmark.
# Thus, we consider the accuracy (PRC) per unit acquisition cost.
prc = g["prc"].apply(lambda s: float(s.split("±")[0]))
cost = g["cost"].apply(lambda s: float(s.split("±")[0]))
w = prc / (cost * (cost > 0) + 1e10 * (cost == 0))
idx = w.argmax()
report = pd.concat(report)
result = report[["method", "params"] + scores].rename(
"method": "Method",
"params": "Params",
"roc": "ROC",
"prc": "PRC",
"cost": "Cost",
"delay(p>=0.3)": "d_{δ=0.3}",
"delay(p>=0.5)": "d_{δ=0.5}",
"delay(p>=0.7)": "d_{δ=0.7}",
print(result.to_markdown()) # noqa
Method | Params | ROC | PRC | Cost | d_{δ=0.3} | d_{δ=0.5} | d_{δ=0.7} | |
7 | FO | 0.680±0.000 | 0.655±0.000 | 31.000±0.000 | 0.502±0.000 | 0.349±0.000 | 0.285±0.000 | |
2 | AS | Δ=1.0 | 0.671±0.001 | 0.614±0.001 | 4.501±0.497 | 0.577±0.029 | 0.522±0.012 | 0.479±0.015 |
5 | ASAC | μ=0.01 | 0.605±0.096 | 0.559±0.080 | 0.460±1.078 | 1.099±0.664 | 1.066±0.699 | 1.052±0.641 |
8 | NLL | λ=100.0 | 0.636±0.023 | 0.588±0.016 | 2.968±0.774 | 0.993±0.131 | 0.974±0.141 | 0.975±0.147 |
13 | RAS | λ=300.0 | 0.680±0.003 | 0.647±0.006 | 6.077±0.953 | 0.325±0.084 | 0.264±0.086 | 0.246±0.071 |
In the following table, we mark the location of the best performance in
each column and evaluate the
Method | ROC | PRC | Cost | d_{δ=0.3} | d_{δ=0.5} | d_{δ=0.7} | |
7 | FO | best | best | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.003 | 0.043 |
2 | AS | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
5 | ASAC | 0.009 | 0.001 | best | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 |
8 | NLL | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
13 | RAS | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | best | best | best |
Below, we propose one optional criterion to find the best method by considering both acquisition cost and diagnosis accuracy. We consider the FO baseline with dense sensing histories as a reference, and find the optimal sensing history that achieves the largest acquisition cost reduction while maintaining a reasonable accuracy. Our criterion is defined as follows for each method (except for the FO baseline).
where a small value indicates more effective active sensing strategy (small loss in accuracy but high reduction in acquisition cost).
Find the overally best method.
# | code-fold: true
# | code-summary: Find the overally best method.
# | code-overflow: wrap
# | output: asis
perf_fo = report[report["method"]=="FO"]
rest = report[report["method"]!="FO"]
PRC_FO, COST_FO = perf_fo["prc"].item(), perf_fo["cost"].item()
PRC_FO = float(PRC_FO.split("±")[0])
COST_FO = float(COST_FO.split("±")[0])
prc = rest["prc"].apply(lambda s: float(s.split("±")[0]))
cost = rest["cost"].apply(lambda s: float(s.split("±")[0]))
w = (PRC_FO - prc).clip(0)/(COST_FO - cost)
idx = w.argmin()
best_method = rest.iloc[idx]["method"]
best_params = rest.iloc[idx]["params"]
print(f"Based on the above criterion, the best method is {best_method} ({best_params})") # noqa
Based on the above criterion, the best method is RAS (λ=300.0)
We perform similar analysis on the ADNI dataset. The benchmark results are given below.
Method | Params | ROC | PRC | Cost | d_{δ=0.1} | d_{δ=0.3} | d_{δ=0.5} | |
6 | FO | 0.747±0.000 | 0.577±0.000 | 26.865±0.000 | 0.141±0.000 | 0.510±0.000 | 0.591±0.000 | |
1 | AS | Δ=1.5 | 0.704±0.023 | 0.519±0.034 | 3.566±0.854 | 1.326±0.096 | 2.314±0.348 | 2.357±0.375 |
5 | ASAC | μ=0.1 | 0.521±0.160 | 0.352±0.103 | 0.043±0.186 | 0.527±0.000 | 3.008±3.610 | 3.581±0.000 |
8 | NLL | λ=200.0 | 0.697±0.018 | 0.512±0.020 | 3.986±0.493 | 1.040±0.149 | 2.176±0.060 | 2.739±0.135 |
15 | RAS | λ=400.0 | 0.730±0.007 | 0.560±0.012 | 8.614±1.157 | 0.820±0.096 | 1.370±0.227 | 1.192±0.176 |
The best performance in each column and the overall best method is reported as follows.
Method | ROC | PRC | Cost | d_{δ=0.1} | d_{δ=0.3} | d_{δ=0.5} | |
6 | FO | best | best | 0.000 | best | best | best |
1 | AS | 0.003 | 0.004 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
5 | ASAC | 0.009 | 0.002 | best | 0.000 | 0.079 | 0.000 |
8 | NLL | 0.001 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
15 | RAS | 0.001 | 0.009 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Based on our proposed criterion, the best method is RAS (λ=400.0)
Our method achieves a desirable balance between diagnosis accuracy and acquisition cost and is evaluated to be the best sensing policy.
The selection of model parameters could be difficult when two or more criteria are involved in the evaluation. Here, we illustrate the sensing performance of different policies on the synthetic dataset and highlight the ones in the Pareto front with gray circles in Figure 1.
These policies are considered Pareto optimal since their timeliness
To illustrate the effectiveness of our risk-averse active sensing
approach, we compare the empirical distribution of sensing deficiency