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Intel Quartus Prime

"Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition" is a free version of a software package designed to manage boards based on Cyclone, Arria and MAX chipset families. It is fully compatible with both Windows and Linux.

There is no documented way to run it on macOS, but you can try using a virtual machine or Docker. No guarantees. If you do, please share your experience.


Important: According to Intel, you may need up to 30 GB of free space for the installation.

  1. Download the Intel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software Version 23 for Windows from Intel web site
    • "Installer (New!)" is the recommended option as it speeds up the installation process. In case you need additional help with an installer tool, check out the "Installer Quick Video" link from the same page
  2. Running an intaller tool will prompt you to download and install the required packages:
    • Required: "Quartus Prime Lite Edition", "Device" support files for your board
    • Recommended: "Quartus Prime Help", "Questa-Intel", "Quartus Prime Programmer and Tools"
    • Default values for download and install paths are usually sufficient.
    • ⚠️ If one of device downloads fail (e.g. "MAX 10",) skip it for now. Follow the Troubleshooting instructions for a manual installation afterwards.
  3. Verify you got up to three directories: C:\flexlm, C:\intelFPGA, and C:\intelFPGA_lite.

In most cases, no additional steps are necessary. The installation will be automatically detected and configured when an appropriate board is selected.


Synthesis for a board fails with Error (20004)

You may encounter the following error message during synthesis:

You can expect to get up to three directories: C:\flexlm, C:\intelFPGA, and C:\intelFPGA_lite.

In most cases, no additional steps are necessary. The installation will be automatically discovered and configured when an appropriate board is selected.

Synthesis for a board fails with Error (20004)

You may encounter the following error message during synthesis:

Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Shell
Info: Command: quartus_sh --no_banner --flow compile fpga_project
Info: Quartus(args): compile fpga_project
Info: Project Name = C:/Users/user/Documents/basics-graphics-music/labs/1_basics/1_01_and_or_not_xor_de_morgan/run/fpga_project
Info: Revision Name = fpga_project
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis
    Info: Version 23.1std.1 Build 993 05/14/2024 SC Lite Edition
    Info: Processing started: Sun Sep 15 03:35:49 2024
Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off fpga_project -c fpga_project

Error (20004): Your design targets the device family "MAX 10". The specified family is not a valid device family, is not installed, or is not supported in this version of the Quartus Prime software. If you restored a project from an archived version, your project was successfully restored, but you still must specify or install a supported device family.

This error indicates that the device files (e.g. "MAX 10") were not installed correctly. Follow the steps below to reinstall them manually:

  1. Uninstall the device files if installed
    1. Open Window's Settings, and start an uninstaller for "Quartus Prime Lite Edition"
    2. Choose "Individual components" and select a device file only (e.g. "MAX 10 FPGA").
    3. Click "Uninstall" to remove the files.
  2. To install the device files see the instructions below

One of Device files fails to download

You may need to install a device file (e.g. "MAX 10 FPGA") manually. Follow these steps:

  1. Open an Individual Files tab on the Quartus download page from above and download a device file (e.g. "MAX® 10 FPGA device support") in a *.qdz format
  2. Open "Quartus (Quartus Prime) Lite Edition" and click menu Tools > Install Devices.... You may get a dialog box asking you to run "Device Installer (Quartus Prime)" instead. Follow the instuction if prompted.
  3. Point the installer to your Downloads folder and choose to select a device component to install (e.g. "MAX 10 FPGA").
  4. If you have run 06_choose_another_fpga_board.bash already, you need to rerun it to pick the changes.


🔧 TODO: Integrate with