diff --git a/MCLog.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/MCLog.xccheckout b/MCLog.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/MCLog.xccheckout
index 69e5b99..b41d050 100644
--- a/MCLog.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/MCLog.xccheckout
+++ b/MCLog.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/MCLog.xccheckout
@@ -10,31 +10,31 @@
- 789CF47E-98B7-4BB5-8400-CD87C045EF74
- ssh://github.com/yuhua-chen/MCLog.git
+ 22F9C8F305497B927E2040B29E0DB7F039F7B3DB
+ https://github.com/alexlee002/MCLog
- MCLog.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace
+ MCLog.xcodeproj
- 789CF47E-98B7-4BB5-8400-CD87C045EF74
+ 22F9C8F305497B927E2040B29E0DB7F039F7B3DB
- ssh://github.com/yuhua-chen/MCLog.git
+ https://github.com/alexlee002/MCLog
- 110
+ 111
- 789CF47E-98B7-4BB5-8400-CD87C045EF74
+ 22F9C8F305497B927E2040B29E0DB7F039F7B3DB
- 789CF47E-98B7-4BB5-8400-CD87C045EF74
+ 22F9C8F305497B927E2040B29E0DB7F039F7B3DB
- MCLog_github
+ MCLog
diff --git a/MCLog/MCLog.h b/MCLog/MCLog.h
index e4bd087..2344e52 100644
--- a/MCLog/MCLog.h
+++ b/MCLog/MCLog.h
@@ -8,23 +8,19 @@
-@class MCLogIDEConsoleArea;
+#define LC_ESC @"\xC2\xA0"
+#define LC_ESC @"\033"
-@interface NSSearchField (MCLog)
-@property (nonatomic, strong) MCLogIDEConsoleArea *consoleArea;
-@property (nonatomic, strong) NSTextView *consoleTextView;
-@interface MCLogIDEConsoleArea : NSViewController
-- (BOOL)_shouldAppendItem:(id)obj;
-- (void)_clearText;
+// Reset colors
+#define LC_RESET LC_ESC @"[0m"
@interface MCLog : NSObject
+ (void)pluginDidLoad:(NSBundle *)bundle;
-void replaceShouldAppendItemMethod();
-void replaceClearTextMethod();
-NSSearchField *getSearchField(id consoleArea);
-NSString *hash(id obj);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MCLog/MCLog.m b/MCLog/MCLog.m
index 6a7cf37..cb75efd 100644
--- a/MCLog/MCLog.m
+++ b/MCLog/MCLog.m
@@ -8,17 +8,531 @@
#import "MCLog.h"
#define kTagSearchField 99
+#define MCLogger(fmt, ...) NSLog((@"[MCLog] %s(Line:%d) " fmt), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define NSColorWithHexRGB(rgb) [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:((rgb) >> 16 & 0xFF) / 255.f green:((rgb) >> 8 & 0xFF) / 255.f blue:((rgb) & 0xFF) / 255.f alpha:1.f]
+@class MCLogIDEConsoleArea;
static NSMutableDictionary *originConsoleItemsMap;
static MCLogIDEConsoleArea *consoleArea = nil;
-static IMP _clearText = nil;
+static NSSearchField *SearchField = nil;
+NSSearchField *getSearchField(id consoleArea);
+NSString *hash(id obj);
+NSArray *backtraceStack();
+void hookDVTTextStorage();
+void hookIDEConsoleAdaptor();
+void hookIDEConsoleArea();
+void hookIDEConsoleItem();
+NSRegularExpression * logItemPrefixPattern();
+NSRegularExpression * escCharPattern();
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MCLogLevel) {
+ MCLogLevelVerbose = 0x1000,
+ MCLogLevelInfo,
+ MCLogLevelWarn,
+ MCLogLevelError
+#pragma mark - NSSearchField (MCLog)
+@interface NSSearchField (MCLog)
+@property (nonatomic, strong) MCLogIDEConsoleArea *consoleArea;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) NSTextView *consoleTextView;
+static const void *kMCLogConsoleTextViewKey;
+static const void *kMCLogIDEConsoleAreaKey;
+@implementation NSSearchField (MCLog)
+- (void)setConsoleArea:(MCLogIDEConsoleArea *)consoleArea
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogIDEConsoleAreaKey, consoleArea, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+- (MCLogIDEConsoleArea *)consoleArea
+ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogIDEConsoleAreaKey);
+- (void)setConsoleTextView:(NSTextView *)consoleTextView
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogConsoleTextViewKey, consoleTextView, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+- (NSTextView *)consoleTextView
+ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogConsoleTextViewKey);
+@dynamic consoleArea;
+@dynamic consoleTextView;
+#pragma mark - MCIDEConsoleItem
+@interface NSObject (MCIDEConsoleItem)
+- (void)setLogLevel:(NSUInteger)loglevel;
+- (NSUInteger)logLevel;
+- (void)updateItemAttribute:(id)item;
+static const void *LogLevelAssociateKey;
+@implementation NSObject (MCIDEConsoleItem)
+- (void)setLogLevel:(NSUInteger)loglevel
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &LogLevelAssociateKey, @(loglevel), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+- (NSUInteger)logLevel
+ return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &LogLevelAssociateKey) unsignedIntegerValue];
+- (void)updateItemAttribute:(id)item
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ NSString *logText = [item valueForKey:@"content"];
+ if ([[item valueForKey:@"error"] boolValue]) {
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:(LC_ESC @"[31m%@" LC_RESET), logText];
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![[item valueForKey:@"output"] boolValue] || [[item valueForKey:@"outputRequestedByUser"] boolValue]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSRange prefixRange = [logItemPrefixPattern() rangeOfFirstMatchInString:logText options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, logText.length)];
+ if (prefixRange.location != 0 || logText.length <= prefixRange.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ static NSRegularExpression *ControlCharsPattern = nil;
+ if (ControlCharsPattern == nil) {
+ ControlCharsPattern = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:LC_ESC@"\\[[\\d;]+m" options:0 error:&error];
+ if (!ControlCharsPattern) {
+ MCLogger(@"%@", error);
+ }
+ }
+ NSString *content = [logText substringFromIndex:prefixRange.length];
+ NSString *originalContent = [ControlCharsPattern stringByReplacingMatchesInString:content options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, content.length) withTemplate:@""];
+ if ([originalContent hasPrefix:@"-[VERBOSE]"]) {
+ [item setLogLevel:MCLogLevelVerbose];
+ content = [NSString stringWithFormat:(LC_ESC @"[34m%@" LC_RESET), content];
+ }
+ else if ([originalContent hasPrefix:@"-[INFO]"]) {
+ [item setLogLevel:MCLogLevelInfo];
+ content = [NSString stringWithFormat:(LC_ESC @"[32m%@" LC_RESET), content];
+ }
+ else if ([originalContent hasPrefix:@"-[WARN]"]) {
+ [item setLogLevel:MCLogLevelWarn];
+ content = [NSString stringWithFormat:(LC_ESC @"[33m%@" LC_RESET), content];
+ }
+ else if ([originalContent hasPrefix:@"-[ERROR]"]) {
+ [item setLogLevel:MCLogLevelError];
+ content = [NSString stringWithFormat:(LC_ESC @"[31m%@" LC_RESET), content];
+ }
+ [item setValue:[[logText substringWithRange:prefixRange] stringByAppendingString:content] forKey:@"content"];
+static IMP IDEConsoleItemInitIMP = nil;
+@interface MCIDEConsoleItem : NSObject
+- (id)initWithAdaptorType:(id)arg1 content:(id)arg2 kind:(int)arg3;
+@implementation MCIDEConsoleItem
+- (id)initWithAdaptorType:(id)arg1 content:(id)arg2 kind:(int)arg3
+ id item = IDEConsoleItemInitIMP(self, _cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ [self updateItemAttribute:item];
+ //MCLogger(@"%@, logLevel:%zd, adaptorType:%@", item, [item logLevel], [item valueForKey:@"adaptorType"]);
+ return item;
+#pragma mark - MCLogIDEConsoleArea
+static IMP OriginalShouldAppendItem = nil;
+@interface MCLogIDEConsoleArea : NSViewController
+- (BOOL)_shouldAppendItem:(id)obj;
+- (void)_clearText;
+static IMP OriginalClearTextIMP = nil;
+@implementation MCLogIDEConsoleArea
+- (BOOL)_shouldAppendItem:(id)obj;
+ NSSearchField *searchField = getSearchField(self);
+ if (!searchField.consoleArea) {
+ searchField.consoleArea = self;
+ }
+ NSMutableDictionary *originConsoleItems = [originConsoleItemsMap objectForKey:hash(self)];
+ if (!originConsoleItems) {
+ originConsoleItems = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ }
+ NSInteger filterMode = [[self valueForKey:@"filterMode"] intValue];
+ BOOL shouldShowLogLevel = YES;
+ if (filterMode >= MCLogLevelVerbose) {
+ shouldShowLogLevel = [obj logLevel] >= filterMode
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"input"] boolValue]
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"prompt"] boolValue]
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"outputRequestedByUser"] boolValue]
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"adaptorType"] hasSuffix:@".Debugger"];
+ } else {
+ shouldShowLogLevel = [OriginalShouldAppendItem(self, _cmd, obj) boolValue];
+ }
+ if (!shouldShowLogLevel) {
+ if (searchField) {
+ // store all console items.
+ [originConsoleItems setObject:obj forKey:@([obj timestamp])];
+ [originConsoleItemsMap setObject:originConsoleItems forKey:hash(self)];
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if (!searchField) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ // store all console items.
+ [originConsoleItems setObject:obj forKey:@([obj timestamp])];
+ [originConsoleItemsMap setObject:originConsoleItems forKey:hash(self)];
+ // test with the regular expression
+ NSString *content = [obj content];
+ NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, content.length);
+ NSError *error;
+ NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:searchField.stringValue
+ options:(NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive|NSRegularExpressionDotMatchesLineSeparators)
+ error:&error];
+ if (regex == nil) {
+ // display all if with regex is error
+ NSLog(@"%s, error:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error);
+ return YES;
+ }
+ NSArray *matches = [regex matchesInString:content options:0 range:range];
+ if ([matches count] > 0
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"input"] boolValue]
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"prompt"] boolValue]
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"outputRequestedByUser"] boolValue]
+ || [[obj valueForKey:@"adaptorType"] hasSuffix:@".Debugger"]) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (void)_clearText
+ OriginalClearTextIMP(self, _cmd);
+ [originConsoleItemsMap removeObjectForKey:hash(self)];
+#pragma mark - MCDVTTextStorage
+static IMP OriginalFixAttributesInRangeIMP = nil;
+static void *kLastAttributeKey;
+@interface MCDVTTextStorage : NSTextStorage
+- (void)fixAttributesInRange:(NSRange)range;
+@interface NSObject (DVTTextStorage)
+- (void)setLastAttribute:(NSDictionary *)attribute;
+- (NSDictionary *)lastAttribute;
+- (void)updateAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attrs withANSIESCString:(NSString *)ansiEscString;
+@implementation MCDVTTextStorage
+- (void)fixAttributesInRange:(NSRange)range
+ OriginalFixAttributesInRangeIMP(self, _cmd, range);
+ __block NSRange lastRange = NSMakeRange(range.location, 0);
+ NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ if (self.lastAttribute.count > 0) {
+ [attrs setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:self.lastAttribute];
+ }
+ [escCharPattern() enumerateMatchesInString:self.string options:0 range:range usingBlock:^(NSTextCheckingResult *result, NSMatchingFlags flags, BOOL *stop) {
+ if (attrs.count > 0) {
+ NSRange attrRange = NSMakeRange(lastRange.location, result.range.location - lastRange.location);
+ [self addAttributes:attrs range:attrRange];
+ //MCLogger(@"apply attributes:%@\nin range:[%zd, %zd], affected string:%@", attrs, attrRange.location, attrRange.length, [self.string substringWithRange:attrRange]);
+ }
+ NSString *attrsDesc = [self.string substringWithRange:[result rangeAtIndex:1]];
+ if (attrsDesc.length == 0) {
+ [self addAttributes:@{
+ NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont systemFontOfSize:0.000001f],
+ NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [NSColor clearColor]
+ }
+ range:result.range];
+ lastRange = result.range;
+ return;
+ }
+ [self updateAttributes:attrs withANSIESCString:attrsDesc];
+ [self addAttributes:@{
+ NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont systemFontOfSize:0.000001f],
+ NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [NSColor clearColor]
+ }
+ range:result.range];
+ lastRange = result.range;
+ }];
+ self.lastAttribute = attrs;
+@implementation NSObject (DVTTextStorage)
+- (void)setLastAttribute:(NSDictionary *)attribute
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kLastAttributeKey, attribute, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+- (NSDictionary *)lastAttribute
+ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kLastAttributeKey);
+- (void)updateAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attrs withANSIESCString:(NSString *)ansiEscString
+ NSArray *attrComponents = [ansiEscString componentsSeparatedByString:@";"];
+ for (NSString *attrName in attrComponents) {
+ NSUInteger attrCode = [attrName integerValue];
+ switch (attrCode) {
+ case 0:
+ [attrs removeAllObjects];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ [attrs setObject:[NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:11.f] forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ [attrs setObject:@( NSUnderlineStyleSingle ) forKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ [attrs setObject:@(NSUnderlineStyleNone ) forKey:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
+ break;
+ //foreground color
+ case 30: //black
+ [attrs setObject:[NSColor blackColor] forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 31: // Red
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0xd70000) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 32: // Green
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x00ff00) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 33: // Yellow
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0xffff00) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 34: // Blue
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x005fff) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 35: // purple
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0xff00ff) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 36: // cyan
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x00ffff) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 37: // gray
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x808080) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ //background color
+ case 40: //black
+ [attrs setObject:[NSColor blackColor] forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 41: // Red
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0xd70000) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 42: // Green
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x00ff00) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 43: // Yellow
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0xffff00) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 44: // Blue
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x005fff) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 45: // purple
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0xff00ff) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 46: // cyan
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x00ffff) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ case 47: // gray
+ [attrs setObject:NSColorWithHexRGB(0x808080) forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#pragma mark - MCIDEConsoleAdaptor
+static IMP originalOutputForStandardOutputIMP = nil;
+@interface MCIDEConsoleAdaptor :NSObject
+- (void)outputForStandardOutput:(id)arg1 isPrompt:(BOOL)arg2 isOutputRequestedByUser:(BOOL)arg3;
+static const void *kUnProcessedOutputKey;
+static const void *kTimerKey;
+@interface NSObject (MCIDEConsoleAdaptor)
+- (void)setUnprocessedOutput:(NSString *)output;
+- (NSString *)unprocessedOutput;
+- (void)setTimer:(NSTimer *)timer;
+- (NSTimer *)timer;
+- (void)timerTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer;
+@implementation NSObject (MCIDEConsoleAdaptor)
+- (void)setUnprocessedOutput:(NSString *)output
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kUnProcessedOutputKey, output, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+- (NSString *)unprocessedOutput
+ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kUnProcessedOutputKey);
+- (void)setTimer:(NSTimer *)timer
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kTimerKey, timer, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+- (NSTimer *)timer
+ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kTimerKey);
+- (void)timerTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer
+ if (self.unprocessedOutput.length > 0) {
+ NSArray *args = timer.userInfo;
+ originalOutputForStandardOutputIMP(self, _cmd, self.unprocessedOutput, [args[0] boolValue], [args[1] boolValue]);
+ }
+ self.unprocessedOutput = nil;
+@implementation MCIDEConsoleAdaptor
+- (void)outputForStandardOutput:(id)arg1 isPrompt:(BOOL)arg2 isOutputRequestedByUser:(BOOL)arg3
+ [self.timer invalidate];
+ self.timer = nil;
+ NSRegularExpression *logSeperatorPattern = logItemPrefixPattern();
+ NSString *unprocessedstring = self.unprocessedOutput;
+ NSString *buffer = arg1;
+ if (unprocessedstring.length > 0) {
+ buffer = [unprocessedstring stringByAppendingString:arg1];
+ self.unprocessedOutput = nil;
+ }
+ if (logSeperatorPattern) {
+ NSArray *matches = [logSeperatorPattern matchesInString:buffer options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [buffer length])];
+ if (matches.count > 0) {
+ NSRange lastMatchingRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0);
+ for (NSTextCheckingResult *result in matches) {
+ if (lastMatchingRange.location != NSNotFound) {
+ NSString *logItemData = [buffer substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(lastMatchingRange.location, result.range.location - lastMatchingRange.location)];
+ originalOutputForStandardOutputIMP(self, _cmd, logItemData, arg2, arg3);
+ }
+ lastMatchingRange = result.range;
+ }
+ if (lastMatchingRange.location + lastMatchingRange.length < [buffer length]) {
+ self.unprocessedOutput = [buffer substringFromIndex:lastMatchingRange.location];
+ }
+ } else {
+ originalOutputForStandardOutputIMP(self, _cmd, buffer, arg2, arg3);
+ }
+ } else {
+ originalOutputForStandardOutputIMP(self, _cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ }
+ if (self.unprocessedOutput.length > 0) {
+ self.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(timerTimeout:) userInfo:@[ @(arg2), @(arg3) ] repeats:NO];
+ }
@interface MCLog ()
- NSMutableDictionary *workspace;
+ NSMutableDictionary *workspace;
@@ -26,23 +540,26 @@ @implementation MCLog
+ (void)load
- NSLog(@"%s, env: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, getenv(MCLOG_FLAG));
- if (getenv(MCLOG_FLAG) && !strcmp(getenv(MCLOG_FLAG), "YES")) {
- // alreay installed plugin
- return;
+ NSLog(@"%s, env: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, getenv(MCLOG_FLAG));
+ if (getenv(MCLOG_FLAG) && !strcmp(getenv(MCLOG_FLAG), "YES")) {
+ // alreay installed plugin
+ return;
- replaceShouldAppendItemMethod();
- replaceClearTextMethod();
- originConsoleItemsMap = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- setenv(MCLOG_FLAG, "YES", 0);
+ hookDVTTextStorage();
+ hookIDEConsoleAdaptor();
+ hookIDEConsoleArea();
+ hookIDEConsoleItem();
+ originConsoleItemsMap = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ setenv(MCLOG_FLAG, "YES", 0);
+ (void)pluginDidLoad:(NSBundle *)bundle
- NSLog(@"%s, %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, bundle);
- static id sharedPlugin = nil;
+ NSLog(@"%s, %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, bundle);
+ static id sharedPlugin = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedPlugin = [[self alloc] init];
@@ -51,14 +568,14 @@ + (void)pluginDidLoad:(NSBundle *)bundle
- (void)dealloc
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
- workspace = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ workspace = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(activate:) name:@"IDEIndexWillIndexWorkspaceNotification" object:nil];
return self;
@@ -66,8 +583,8 @@ - (id)init
- (NSView *)getViewByClassName:(NSString *)className andContainerView:(NSView *)container
- Class class = NSClassFromString(className);
- for (NSView *subView in container.subviews) {
+ Class class = NSClassFromString(className);
+ for (NSView *subView in container.subviews) {
if ([subView isKindOfClass:class]) {
return subView;
} else {
@@ -82,234 +599,228 @@ - (NSView *)getViewByClassName:(NSString *)className andContainerView:(NSView *)
- (NSView *)getParantViewByClassName:(NSString *)className andView:(NSView *)view
- NSView *superView = view.superview;
- while (superView) {
- if ([[superView className] isEqualToString:className]) {
- return superView;
- }
- superView = superView.superview;
- }
- return nil;
+ NSView *superView = view.superview;
+ while (superView) {
+ if ([[superView className] isEqualToString:className]) {
+ return superView;
+ }
+ superView = superView.superview;
+ }
+ return nil;
- (BOOL)addCustomViews
- NSView *contentView = [[NSApp mainWindow] contentView];
- NSView *consoleTextView = [self getViewByClassName:@"IDEConsoleTextView" andContainerView:contentView];
- if (!consoleTextView) {
- return NO;
- }
- contentView = [self getParantViewByClassName:@"DVTControllerContentView" andView:consoleTextView];
- NSView *scopeBarView = [self getViewByClassName:@"DVTScopeBarView" andContainerView:contentView];
- if (!scopeBarView) {
- return NO;
- }
- NSButton *button = nil;
- for (NSView *subView in scopeBarView.subviews) {
- if ([[subView className] isEqualToString:@"NSButton"]) {
- button = (NSButton *)subView;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!button) {
- return NO;
- }
- if ([scopeBarView viewWithTag:kTagSearchField]) {
- return YES;
- }
- NSRect frame = button.frame;
- frame.origin.x -= button.frame.size.width + 205;
- frame.size.width = 200.0;
- frame.size.height -= 2;
- NSSearchField *searchField = [[NSSearchField alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
- searchField.autoresizingMask = NSViewMinXMargin;
- searchField.font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:11.0];
- searchField.delegate = self;
- searchField.consoleTextView = (NSTextView *)consoleTextView;
- searchField.tag = kTagSearchField;
- [searchField.cell setPlaceholderString:@"Regular Expression"];
- [scopeBarView addSubview:searchField];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(searchFieldDidEndEditing:) name:NSControlTextDidEndEditingNotification object:nil];
- return YES;
+ NSView *contentView = [[NSApp mainWindow] contentView];
+ NSView *consoleTextView = [self getViewByClassName:@"IDEConsoleTextView" andContainerView:contentView];
+ if (!consoleTextView) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ contentView = [self getParantViewByClassName:@"DVTControllerContentView" andView:consoleTextView];
+ NSView *scopeBarView = [self getViewByClassName:@"DVTScopeBarView" andContainerView:contentView];
+ if (!scopeBarView) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ NSButton *button = nil;
+ NSPopUpButton *filterButton = nil;
+ for (NSView *subView in scopeBarView.subviews) {
+ if (button && filterButton) break;
+ if (button == nil && [[subView className] isEqualToString:@"NSButton"]) {
+ button = (NSButton *)subView;
+ }
+ else if (filterButton == nil && [[subView className] isEqualToString:@"NSPopUpButton"]) {
+ filterButton = (NSPopUpButton *)subView;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!button) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ if(filterButton) {
+ [self filterPopupButton:filterButton addItemWithTitle:@"Verbose" tag:MCLogLevelVerbose];
+ [self filterPopupButton:filterButton addItemWithTitle:@"Info" tag:MCLogLevelInfo];
+ [self filterPopupButton:filterButton addItemWithTitle:@"Warn" tag:MCLogLevelWarn];
+ [self filterPopupButton:filterButton addItemWithTitle:@"Error" tag:MCLogLevelError];
+ }
+ NSInteger selectedItem = [filterButton indexOfItemWithTag:[[consoleTextView valueForKey:@"logMode"] intValue]];
+ if (selectedItem < 0 || selectedItem >= [filterButton numberOfItems]) {
+ [filterButton selectItemAtIndex:0];
+ }
+ if ([scopeBarView viewWithTag:kTagSearchField]) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ NSRect frame = button.frame;
+ frame.origin.x -= button.frame.size.width + 205;
+ frame.size.width = 200.0;
+ frame.size.height -= 2;
+ NSSearchField *searchField = [[NSSearchField alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
+ searchField.autoresizingMask = NSViewMinXMargin;
+ searchField.font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:11.0];
+ searchField.delegate = self;
+ searchField.consoleTextView = (NSTextView *)consoleTextView;
+ searchField.tag = kTagSearchField;
+ [searchField.cell setPlaceholderString:@"Regular Expression"];
+ [scopeBarView addSubview:searchField];
+ SearchField = searchField;
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(searchFieldDidEndEditing:) name:NSControlTextDidEndEditingNotification object:nil];
+ return YES;
+- (void)filterPopupButton:(NSPopUpButton *)popupButton addItemWithTitle:(NSString *)title tag:(NSUInteger)tag
+ [popupButton addItemWithTitle:title];
+ [popupButton itemAtIndex:popupButton.numberOfItems - 1].tag = tag;
#pragma mark - Notifications
- (void)searchFieldDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
- if (![[notification object] isMemberOfClass:[NSSearchField class]]) {
- return;
- }
- NSSearchField *searchField = [notification object];
- if (![searchField respondsToSelector:@selector(consoleTextView)]) {
- return;
- }
- if (![searchField respondsToSelector:@selector(consoleArea)]) {
- return;
- }
- NSTextView *consoleTextView = searchField.consoleTextView;
- MCLogIDEConsoleArea *consoleArea = searchField.consoleArea;
- // get rid of the annoying 'undeclared selector' warning
- #pragma clang diagnostic push
- #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector"
- if ([consoleTextView respondsToSelector:@selector(clearConsoleItems)]) {
- [consoleTextView performSelector:@selector(clearConsoleItems) withObject:nil];
- }
- NSMutableDictionary *originConsoleItems = [originConsoleItemsMap objectForKey:hash(consoleArea)];
- NSArray *sortedItems = [[originConsoleItems allValues] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
- NSTimeInterval a = [obj1 timestamp];
- NSTimeInterval b = [obj2 timestamp];
- if (a > b) {
- return NSOrderedDescending;
- }
- if(a < b) {
- return NSOrderedAscending;
- }
- return NSOrderedSame;
- }];
- if ([consoleArea respondsToSelector:@selector(_appendItems:)]) {
- [consoleArea performSelector:@selector(_appendItems:) withObject:sortedItems];
- }
- #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ if (![[notification object] isMemberOfClass:[NSSearchField class]]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSSearchField *searchField = [notification object];
+ if (![searchField respondsToSelector:@selector(consoleTextView)]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![searchField respondsToSelector:@selector(consoleArea)]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSTextView *consoleTextView = searchField.consoleTextView;
+ MCLogIDEConsoleArea *consoleArea = searchField.consoleArea;
+ // get rid of the annoying 'undeclared selector' warning
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector"
+ if ([consoleTextView respondsToSelector:@selector(clearConsoleItems)]) {
+ [consoleTextView performSelector:@selector(clearConsoleItems) withObject:nil];
+ }
+ NSMutableDictionary *originConsoleItems = [originConsoleItemsMap objectForKey:hash(consoleArea)];
+ NSArray *sortedItems = [[originConsoleItems allValues] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
+ NSTimeInterval a = [obj1 timestamp];
+ NSTimeInterval b = [obj2 timestamp];
+ if (a > b) {
+ return NSOrderedDescending;
+ }
+ if(a < b) {
+ return NSOrderedAscending;
+ }
+ return NSOrderedSame;
+ }];
+ if ([consoleArea respondsToSelector:@selector(_appendItems:)]) {
+ [consoleArea performSelector:@selector(_appendItems:) withObject:sortedItems];
+ }
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- (void)activate:(NSNotification *)notification {
- id IDEIndex = [notification object];
- BOOL isAdded = [[workspace objectForKey:hash(IDEIndex)] boolValue];
- if (isAdded) {
- return;
- }
- if ([self addCustomViews]) {
- [workspace setObject:@(YES) forKey:hash(IDEIndex)];
- }
+ id IDEIndex = [notification object];
+ BOOL isAdded = [[workspace objectForKey:hash(IDEIndex)] boolValue];
+ if (isAdded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ([self addCustomViews]) {
+ [workspace setObject:@(YES) forKey:hash(IDEIndex)];
+ }
-#pragma mark - NSSearchField (MCLog)
+#pragma mark - method hookers
-static const void *kMCLogConsoleTextViewKey;
-static const void *kMCLogIDEConsoleAreaKey;
-@implementation NSSearchField (MCLog)
-- (void)setConsoleArea:(MCLogIDEConsoleArea *)consoleArea
+void hookIDEConsoleArea()
- objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogIDEConsoleAreaKey, consoleArea, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+ Class IDEConsoleArea = NSClassFromString(@"IDEConsoleArea");
+ //_shouldAppendItem
+ Method shouldAppendItem = class_getInstanceMethod(IDEConsoleArea, @selector(_shouldAppendItem:));
+ OriginalShouldAppendItem = method_getImplementation(shouldAppendItem);
+ IMP hookedShouldAppendItemIMP = class_getMethodImplementation([MCLogIDEConsoleArea class], @selector(_shouldAppendItem:));
+ method_setImplementation(shouldAppendItem, hookedShouldAppendItemIMP);
+ //_clearText
+ Method clearText = class_getInstanceMethod(IDEConsoleArea, @selector(_clearText));
+ OriginalClearTextIMP = method_getImplementation(clearText);
+ IMP newImpl = class_getMethodImplementation([MCLogIDEConsoleArea class], @selector(_clearText));
+ method_setImplementation(clearText, newImpl);
-- (MCLogIDEConsoleArea *)consoleArea
+void hookIDEConsoleItem()
- return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogIDEConsoleAreaKey);
+ Class IDEConsoleItem = NSClassFromString(@"IDEConsoleItem");
+ Method consoleItemInit = class_getInstanceMethod(IDEConsoleItem, @selector(initWithAdaptorType:content:kind:));
+ IDEConsoleItemInitIMP = method_getImplementation(consoleItemInit);
+ IMP newConsoleItemInit = class_getMethodImplementation([MCIDEConsoleItem class], @selector(initWithAdaptorType:content:kind:));
+ method_setImplementation(consoleItemInit, newConsoleItemInit);
-- (void)setConsoleTextView:(NSTextView *)consoleTextView
+void hookDVTTextStorage()
- objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogConsoleTextViewKey, consoleTextView, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
+ Class DVTTextStorage = NSClassFromString(@"DVTTextStorage");
+ Method fixAttributesInRange = class_getInstanceMethod(DVTTextStorage, @selector(fixAttributesInRange:));
+ OriginalFixAttributesInRangeIMP = method_getImplementation(fixAttributesInRange);
+ IMP newFixAttributesInRangeIMP = class_getMethodImplementation([MCDVTTextStorage class], @selector(fixAttributesInRange:));
+ method_setImplementation(fixAttributesInRange, newFixAttributesInRangeIMP);
-- (NSTextView *)consoleTextView
+void hookIDEConsoleAdaptor()
- return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kMCLogConsoleTextViewKey);
+ Class IDEConsoleAdaptor = NSClassFromString(@"IDEConsoleAdaptor");
+ Method outputForStandardOutput = class_getInstanceMethod(IDEConsoleAdaptor, @selector(outputForStandardOutput:isPrompt:isOutputRequestedByUser:));
+ originalOutputForStandardOutputIMP = method_getImplementation(outputForStandardOutput);
+ IMP newOutputForStandardOutputIMP = class_getMethodImplementation([MCIDEConsoleAdaptor class], @selector(outputForStandardOutput:isPrompt:isOutputRequestedByUser:));
+ method_setImplementation(outputForStandardOutput, newOutputForStandardOutputIMP);
-@dynamic consoleArea;
-@dynamic consoleTextView;
-#pragma mark - MCLogIDEConsoleArea
+#pragma mark - util methods
-@implementation MCLogIDEConsoleArea
-- (BOOL)_shouldAppendItem:(id)obj;
+NSRegularExpression * logItemPrefixPattern()
- NSSearchField *searchField = getSearchField(self);
- if (!searchField) {
- return YES;
- }
- if (!searchField.consoleArea) {
- searchField.consoleArea = self;
- }
- NSMutableDictionary *originConsoleItems = [originConsoleItemsMap objectForKey:hash(self)];
- if (!originConsoleItems) {
- originConsoleItems = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- }
- // store all console items.
- [originConsoleItems setObject:obj forKey:@([obj timestamp])];
- [originConsoleItemsMap setObject:originConsoleItems forKey:hash(self)];
- if (![searchField.stringValue length]) {
- return YES;
- }
- // test with the regular expression
- NSString *content = [obj content];
- NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, content.length);
- NSError *error;
- NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:searchField.stringValue
- options:(NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive|NSRegularExpressionDotMatchesLineSeparators)
- error:&error];
- if (regex == nil) {
- // display all if with regex is error
- NSLog(@"%s, error:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error);
- return YES;
+ static NSRegularExpression *pattern = nil;
+ if (pattern == nil) {
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ pattern = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}\\s\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}[\\.:]\\d{3}\\s+.+\\[[\\da-fA-F]+:[\\da-fA-F]+\\]\\s+"
+ options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive
+ error:&error];
+ if (!pattern) {
+ MCLogger(@"%@", error);
+ }
- NSArray *matches = [regex matchesInString:content options:0 range:range];
- if ([matches count]) {
- return YES;
- }
- return NO;
+ return pattern;
-- (void)_clearText
+NSRegularExpression * escCharPattern()
- _clearText(self, _cmd);
- [originConsoleItemsMap removeObjectForKey:hash(self)];
-#pragma mark -
-void replaceShouldAppendItemMethod()
- Class IDEConsoleArea = NSClassFromString(@"IDEConsoleArea");
- Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([IDEConsoleArea class], @selector(_shouldAppendItem:));
- IMP newImpl = class_getMethodImplementation([MCLogIDEConsoleArea class], @selector(_shouldAppendItem:));
- method_setImplementation(originalMethod, newImpl);
-void replaceClearTextMethod()
- Class IDEConsoleArea = NSClassFromString(@"IDEConsoleArea");
- Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([IDEConsoleArea class], @selector(_clearText));
- _clearText = method_getImplementation(originalMethod);
- IMP newImpl = class_getMethodImplementation([MCLogIDEConsoleArea class], @selector(_clearText));
- method_setImplementation(originalMethod, newImpl);
+ static NSRegularExpression *pattern = nil;
+ if (pattern == nil) {
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ pattern = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:(LC_ESC @"\\[([\\d;]*\\d+)m") options:0 error:&error];
+ if (!pattern) {
+ MCLogger(@"%@", error);
+ }
+ }
+ return pattern;
NSSearchField *getSearchField(id consoleArea)
@@ -332,4 +843,26 @@ void replaceClearTextMethod()
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lx", (long)obj];
+NSArray *backtraceStack()
+ void* callstack[128];
+ int frames = backtrace(callstack, 128);
+ char **symbols = backtrace_symbols(callstack, frames);
+ int i;
+ NSMutableArray *backtrace = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:frames];
+ for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
+ NSString *line = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:symbols[i]];
+ if (line == nil) {
+ break;
+ }
+ [backtrace addObject:line];
+ }
+ free(symbols);
+ return backtrace;
\ No newline at end of file