The Device Information functionality allows the operator to inspect various device properties.
To trigger the reporting of the Device Information, the following desired properties need to be set:
"desired" : { "windows": { "deviceInfo": {} } }
The format of the ""
reported property is as follows:
"reported" : { "windows": { "deviceInfo": { "osEdition": "OS edition", "secureBootState": "secureBootStateValue", "totalMemory": "available memory in MBs", "totalStorage": "available storage in MBs", "name": "machine name", "processorArchitecture": "processArchitecture", "commercializationOperator": "commercializationOperator", "displayResolution": "WidthXHeight", "radioSwVer": "radio software version", "processorType": "processorType", "platform": "IoTUAP", "osVer": "OS version", "fwVer": "firmware version", "hwVer": "hardware version", "oem": "oem", "type": "device type", "lang": "lanugage", "dmVer": "device management version", "model": "device model", "manufacturer": "manufacturer", "id": "device id guid" "batteryStatus": "batteryStatus", "batteryRemaining": "batteryRemaining", "batteryRuntime": "batteryRuntime", } } }
can be:
- 0 - Not supported
- 1 - Enabled
- 2 - Disabled
- the name of the mobile operator if it exists; otherwise it returns 404
- ToDo: missing documentation/incorrect CSP implementation (
- ToDo: undocumented (
- The value is the number of seconds of battery life remaining when the device is not connected to an AC power source. When it is connected to a power source, the value is -1. When the estimation is unknown, the value is -1.
- ToDo: undocumented (
To configure the device to Pacifict Standard Time, the timeInfo is set to:
"reported" : { "windows": { "deviceInfo": { "osEdition": "123", "secureBootState": "0", "totalMemory": "1024", "totalStorage": "1448", "name": "gmileka0222", "processorArchitecture": "5", "commercializationOperator": "000-88", "displayResolution": "1600x1200", "radioSwVer": "Not Present", "processorType": "0", "platform": "IoTUAP", "osVer": "10.0.15143.1000", "fwVer": "10.0.14961.0", "hwVer": "0.1", "oem": "Raspberry Pi", "type": "Raspberry Pi 2", "lang": "en-US", "dmVer": "1.3", "model": "Raspberry Pi 2 Model B", "manufacturer": "RASPBERRY PI", "id": "{E9F452D0-0288-4AAC-BC5B-A380500A3DC9}" "batteryStatus": "1", "batteryRuntime": "-1", "batteryRemaining": "-1", } } }