The Certificate Management functionality allows the operator to perform the following tasks:
- Install a certficate (from blob storage).
- Uninstall a certificate.
- List installed certificates.
- Get detailed information about an installed certificate.
To install new certificates, the operator will have to:
- Upload the certificate files to an Azure Storage account as blobs and save them in a container.
- Configure Azure storage is the device twin (see externalStorage).
- Configure the certificate file names (and their containers) in the device twin.
Those tasks can be performed on a pre-defined set certificate stores. Target certificate stores are specified through their CSP paths. Below is a list of those CSPs path along with the corresponding json property name for each.
CSP Path | Json Property |
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/RootCATrustedCertificates/Root | rootCATrustedCertificates_Root |
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/RootCATrustedCertificates/CA | rootCATrustedCertificates_CA |
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/RootCATrustedCertificates/TrustedPublisher | rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPublisher |
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/RootCATrustedCertificates/TrustedPeople | rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPeople |
./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/CA/System | certificateStore_CA_System |
./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/Root/System | certificateStore_Root_System |
./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/My/User | certificateStore_My_User |
./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/My/System | certificateStore_My_System |
The operator can specify a list of certificates, and for each, what desired state is required.
"desired": { "windows": { "certificates": { "rootCATrustedCertificates_Root": { list of hashes and required states }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_CA": { list of hashes and required states }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPublisher": { list of hashes and required states }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPeople": { list of hashes and required states }, "certificateStore_CA_System": { list of hashes and required states }, "certificateStore_Root_System": { list of hashes and required states }, "certificateStore_My_User": { list of hashes and required states }, "certificateStore_My_System": { list of hashes and required states } } } }
{ "hash00": { "state": "installed" "fileName": "container00\\blobName.cer", } "hash01": { "state": "uninstalled" "fileName": "", } }
- For the install scenario,
is required and must be set to"installed"
is required and must be in the form: containerName\blobName.cer.
- For the uninstall scenario,
is required and must be set to"uninstalled"
is ignored.
The DM client reports the hashes of installed certificates under the same set of properties described above.
"reported": { "windows": { "certificates": { "rootCATrustedCertificates_Root": { reported hashes list }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_CA": { reported hashes list }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPublisher": { reported hashes list }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPeople": { reported hashes list }, "certificateStore_CA_System": { reported hashes list }, "certificateStore_Root_System": { reported hashes list }, "certificateStore_My_User": { reported hashes list }, "certificateStore_My_System": { reported hashes list } } } }
{ "hash00" : "", "hash01" : "" }
To get more details about any of the installed certificates, the request can be initiated by calling the asynchronous
The method will schedule a job on the device to capture the certificate details in a json file and upload it to the specified blob in Azure Storage.
The method returns immediately and indicates that it has accepted or rejected the job.
{ "path" : "csp path", "hash" : "hashValue", "connectionString" : "connectionStrng", "containerName" : "containerName", "output" : "blobFileName" }
The device responds immediately with the following JSON payload:
{ "response" : value (See below) "reason" : value (See below) }
Possible "response"
values are:
- The reboot request was accepted. The device will retrieve the certificate details and upload it to the Azure Storage specified in the input parameters."rejected"
- The device rejected the request.
is used to communicate why an App Install request was rejected if possible.
{ "Tag" : 52, "Status" : value, "Base64Encoding" : <Base64Encoding value>, "TemplateName" : <TemplateName>, "IssuedTo" : <issued to value>, "IssuedBy" : <issued by value>, "ValidTo" : <date time value>, "ValidFrom" : <date time value> }
If the operator wants to install a new certificate (MyCertificate.cer) to ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/RootCATrustedCertificates/Root, the following steps should be followed:
- Upload the certificate file to the default Azure blob storage. Let's assume its hash is MyCertificateHash.
- Set the desired properties to:
"desired": { "windows": { "certificates": { "rootCATrustedCertificates_Root": { "09de264388ccf8607966266135da76e0b8d7798b": { "state": "installed", "fileName": "certificates\\mycertificate.cer" } }, "rootCATrustedCertificates_CA": {}, "rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPublisher": {}, "rootCATrustedCertificates_TrustedPeople": {}, "certificateStore_CA_System": {}, "certificateStore_Root_System": {}, "certificateStore_My_User": {}, "certificateStore_My_System": {} } } }