# Services KO
sudo systemctl --failed
# Logs de fail de l'initialisation d'un service (ici apparmor)
sudo systemctl status apparmor.service
# Logs kernel
sudo nano /var/log/kern.log
# Logs autorisations
sudo nano /var/log/auth.log
# Autres logs
sudo dmesg
# Create an alpine container with a volume inside the dedicated folder, go in with shell and create a file
docker run --name test-alpine --rm -i -t -v /home/THE_DOCKER_PEON/test-volume:/home -w /home alpine /bin/ash
>> touch test
>> exit
cd /home/THE_DOCKER_PEON/test-volume
# File should be created with dedicated namespace, cf. docker installation
# -rw-r--r-- 1 362144 362144 10 avril 1 13:13 test
Automatic security benchmark Docker bench security
Run once before starting services, AND once after.