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A/B/n Rollout - OpenShift

Learn how to perform an A/B/n rollout on Red Hat OpenShift

This tutorial shows how iter8 can be used to perform A/B/n rollout of several versions of a service to select the one that maximizes a reward metric while also satisfying any other requirements.

This tutorial is for use with Red Hat OpenShift. A corresponding tutorial for plain Kubernetes is here.

This tutorial has eight steps, which are meant to be tried in order. You will learn:

  • how to define application specific metrics;
  • how to specify a reward metric; and
  • how to execute an A/B/n experiment with iter8.

The tutorial is based on the Bookinfo sample application distributed with Istio. This application comprises 4 microservices: productpage, details, reviews, and ratings. Of these, productpage is a user-facing service while the others are backend services.

The version of the bookinfo productpage service used in this tutorial has been modified from the original to allow the following behaviors (all configurable via environment variables when deploying):

  • change the color of a phrase "William Shakespeare's" in the Summary line of the returned page;
  • configurable delays in query response time (delay_seconds with probability delay_probabilities); and
  • creation of a configurable number of "books sold" (uniformly distributed in the range reward_min to reward_max) that is exposed as a metric to be periodically collected by Prometheus

These changes enable us to visually distinguish between versions when using a browser and to configure the behavior with respect to metrics. The source code for these changes is available here.

This rest of this tutorial assumes you have already installed iter8 (including the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh). If not, do so using the instructions here.

Define New Metrics

Out of the box, iter8 comes with a set of predefined metrics. For details of metrics definitions provided in iter8, see the metrics reference.

You can augment the default set of metrics by replacing ConfigMap iter8config-metrics (defined in the iter8 namespace) with a new ConfigMap.

For demonstration purposes, we add two new metrics: a ratio metric which measures how many requests take more than 500ms to process and an application specific counter metric that captures the number of books sold by our service. We will use the latter metric as our reward metric -- our experiment will select the version that maximize the number of books sold subject to satisfying all other criteria.

To define the ratio metric, add the following to the counter_metrics.yaml field of the map:

- name: le_500_ms_latency_request_count
  query_template: (sum(increase(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le='0.5',reporter='source',job='istio-mesh'}[$interval])) by ($version_labels))
- name: le_inf_latency_request_count
  query_template: (sum(increase(istio_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le='+Inf',reporter='source',job='istio-mesh'}[$interval])) by ($version_labels))

and the following to the ratio_metrics.yaml value:

- name: le_500_ms_latency_percentile
  numerator: le_500_ms_latency_request_count
  denominator: le_inf_latency_request_count
  preferred_direction: higher
  zero_to_one: true

To define the reward metric, books_purchased_total, add the following to the counter_metrics.yaml field:

- name: books_purchased_total
  query_template: sum(increase(number_of_books_purchased_total{}[$interval])) by ($version_labels)

We can do all of the above as follows:

kubectl --namespace iter8 apply -f ../yamls/abn-tutorial/productpage-metrics-telemetry-v1.yaml

The above discussion and command assumes that you are using a version of the Service Mesh that does not have the Istio mixer component disabled. If the mixer is disabled, use ../yamls/abn-tutorial/productpage-metrics.yaml instead.

Configure Application for Prometheus Scraping

The productpage Deployment definition includes annotations that direct Prometheus to scrape the pods for metrics; in particular, the reward metric we defined. The annotations are: "true" /metrics "9080"

Unfortunately, the Prometheus server installed with the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh expects communication with the pod to be implemented using mTLS. To avoid this, reconfigure Prometheus:

oc --namespace istio-system edit configmap/prometheus

Find the scrape_configs entry with job_name: 'kubernetes-pods. Comment out the entry with a source_label of __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status if one exists. In this example, the last three lines have been commented out:

- job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
  - role: pod
  relabel_configs:  # If first two labels are present, pod should be scraped  by the istio-secure job.
  - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
    action: keep
    regex: true
  # Keep target if there's no sidecar or if is explicitly set to "http"
  #- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
  #  action: keep
  #  regex: ((;.*)|(.*;http))

Then restart the prometheus pod if any changes were made:

oc --namespace istio-system delete pod $(oc --namespace istio-system get pod --selector='app=prometheus' -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

You should only have to do this once.

Deploy the Bookinfo application

To deploy the Bookinfo application, create a namespace configured to enable auto-injection of the Istio sidecar. You can use whatever namespace name you wish. By default, the namespace bookinfo-iter8 is created.

oc apply -f ../yamls/namespace.yaml

Next, deploy the application:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 apply -f ../yamls/bookinfo-tutorial.yaml

You should see pods for each of the four microservices:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 get pods

Note that we deployed version v1 of the productpage microsevice; that is, productpage-v1. Each pod should have two containers, since the Istio sidecar was injected into each.

Expose the Bookinfo application

Expose the Bookinfo application by defining a Gateway, VirtualService and DestinationRule. These will use the Route defined for the Istio ingress gateway:

export GATEWAY_URL=$(oc -n istio-system get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{}')
curl -L -s ../yamls/bookinfo-gateway.yaml \
| sed "${GATEWAY_URL}#" \
| oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 apply -f -

You can inspect the created resources:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 get gateway,virtualservice,destinationrule

Verify access to Bookinfo

You can check access to the application with the following curl command:

curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" "http://${GATEWAY_URL}/productpage"

If everything is working, the command above should return 200.

Generate load

To simulate user requests, use a command such as the following:

watch -n 0.1 'curl -s "http://${GATEWAY_URL}/productpage" | grep -i "color:"'

This command requests the productpage microservice 10 times per second. In turn, this causes about the same frequency of requests against the backend microservices. We filter the response to see the color being used to display the text "William Shakespeare's" in the Summary line of the page. The color varies between versions giving us a visual way to distinguish between them. Initially it should be red.

Create an A/B/n Experiment

We will now define an A/B/n experiment to compare versions v2 and v3 of the productpage application to the existing version, v1. These versions are visually identical except for the color of the text "William Shakespeare's" that appears in the page Summary. In version v2 they are gold and in version v3 they are green.

In addition to the visual difference, the v2 version has a high number of books sold (it is greatest of the three versions) but it has a long response time. The v3 version has an intermediate number of books sold (compared to the other versions) and a response time comparable to the v1 version.

To describe a A/B/n experiment, create an iter8 Experiment that identifies the original, or baseline version and the new, or candidate versions and some evaluation criteria including the identification of a reward metric. For example:

kind: Experiment
  name: productpage-abn-test
    name: productpage
    baseline: productpage-v1
      - productpage-v2
      - productpage-v3
      - name:
        gateway: bookinfo-gateway
    - metric: iter8_mean_latency
        type: relative
        value: 1.6
    - metric: iter8_error_rate
        type: absolute
        value: 0.05
    - metric: le_500_ms_latency_percentile
        type: absolute
        value: 0.95
    - metric: mean_books_purchased
      isReward: true
    interval: 20s
    maxIterations: 10
    strategy: progressive
    maxIncrement: 10

In this example, the target of the experiment is the service productpage. The baseline and candidate versions are specified using their Deployment names; productpage-v1 for the baseline version and productpage-v2 and productpage-v3 for the candidate versions. Three evaluation criteria are specified and a reward metric is identified. The evaluation criteria ensure that:

  • compared to the baseline, the candidates iter8_mean_latency should less than 1.6 times greater;
  • less than 5% of queries should return an error; and
  • 95% of latencies should be less than 500ms.

Additionally, the reward metric is mean_books_purchased.

The additional parameters control how long the experiment should run and how much traffic can be shifted to the new version in each interval. Details regarding these parameters are here.

The experiment can be created using the command. We modify the dummy host to match the existing rcfoute.

curl -L -s ../yamls/abn-tutorial/abn_productpage_v1v2v3.yaml \
| sed sed "${GATEWAY_URL}#" \
| oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 apply -f -

Inspection of the new experiment shows that it is paused because the specified candidate versions cannot be found in the cluster:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 get experiment
NAME                   TYPE    HOSTS                                PHASE   WINNER FOUND   CURRENT BEST   STATUS
productpage-abn-test   A/B/N   [productpage]   Pause                                 TargetsError: Missing Candidate

Once the candidate versions are deployed, the experiment will start automatically.

Deploy the candidate versions of the productpage service

To deploy the v2 and v3 versions of the productpage microservice, execute:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 apply -f ../yamls/productpage-v2.yaml -f ../yamls/productpage-v3.yaml

Once its corresponding pods have started, the Experiment will show that it is progressing:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 get experiment
NAME                   TYPE    HOSTS                                PHASE         WINNER FOUND   CURRENT BEST     STATUS
productpage-abn-test   A/B/N   [productpage]   Progressing   false                           IterationUpdate: Iteration 3/20 completed

At approximately 20 second intervals, you should see the interation number change. Over time, you should see a decision that one of the versions (it could be the baseline version) is identified as the winner. To make this determination, iter8 will evaluate the specified criteria and apply advanced analytics to make a determination. Based on intermediate evaluations, traffic will be adjusted between the versions. iter8 will eventually identify that the best version is the candidate, productpage-v3 and that it is confident that this choice will be the final choice (by indicating that a winner has been found:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 get experiment
NAME                   TYPE    HOSTS                                PHASE         WINNER FOUND   CURRENT BEST     STATUS
productpage-abn-test   A/B/N   [productpage]   Progressing   true           productpage-v3   IterationUpdate: Iteration 7/20 completed

If iter8 is unable to determine a winner with confidence, the experiment will fail and the best choice will default to the baseline version.

When the experiment is finished (about 5 minutes), you will see that all traffic has been shifted to the winner, productpage-v3:

oc --namespace bookinfo-iter8 get experiment
NAME                   TYPE    HOSTS                                PHASE       WINNER FOUND   CURRENT BEST     STATUS
productpage-abn-test   A/B/N   [productpage]   Completed   true           productpage-v3   ExperimentCompleted: Traffic To Winner


To clean up, delete the namespace:

oc delete namespace bookinfo-iter8

Other things to try (before cleanup)

Inspect progress using Grafana

You can inspect the progress of your experiment using the sample iter8 Metrics dashboard. To install this dashboard, see here.

Inspect progress using Kiali

Coming soon

Alter the duration of the experiment

The progress of an experiment can be impacted by duration and trafficControl parameters:

  • duration.maxIterations defines the number of iterations in the experiment (default: 100)
  • duration.interval defines the duration of each iteration (default: 30 seconds)
  • trafficControl.maxIncrement identifies the largest change (increment) that will be made in the percentage of traffic sent to a candidate (default: 2 percent)

The impact of the first two parameters on the duration of the experiment are clear. Restricting the size of traffic increment also influences how quickly an experiment can come to a decision about a candidate.