Android-RateThisApp is an library to show "Rate this app" dialog.
The library monitors the following status
- How many times is the app launched
- How long days does it take from the app installation
and show a dialog to engage users to rate the app in Google Play.
git clone git://
Import Android-RateThisApp/library in Eclispe. Then, link your application project with this library.
Call RateThisApp.onStart(Context)
and RateThisApp.showRateDialogIfNeeded(Context)
in your launcher activity's onStart() method.
protected void onStart() {
// Monitor launch times and interval from installation
// If the criteria is satisfied, "Rate this app" dialog will be shown
The default criteria to show the dialog is as below:
- App is launched more than 10 times
- App is launched more than 7 days later than installation.
If you want to use your own criteria, please edit constants in
If you want to contribute this project, please send pull request. In present, I need contributors who can translate resources from English/Japanese into Spanish, Chinese and other languages.
This software is licensed under Apache License 2.0
Keisuke Kobayashi - [email protected]