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This folder contains various caching implementations in Python, each suited for different use cases, from in-memory caching to file-based and distributed caching solutions.


Redis Cache

Redis Cache is a high-performance distributed caching solution, often used for real-time applications.

  • Files:

    • Example of connecting to Redis and using it for caching.
    • redis.conf: Configuration file for Redis server.
  • Setup:

    1. Install the Redis Python client: pip install redis.
    2. Configure the redis.conf file as needed.
    3. Start Redis server and run
  • Example Usage:

    from redis_cache.main import cache_set, cache_get
    cache_set("key", "value")

Database Cache (SQLite)

Database Cache uses SQLite to store cache data persistently, making it useful for caching small datasets that need to survive restarts.

  • File:

  • Setup:

    1. No additional setup required if Python's SQLite library is available.
  • Example Usage:

    from db_cache import get_from_cache, set_in_cache
    set_in_cache("user_id", "12345")

Disk-Based Cache

Disk-Based Cache uses file storage for caching, making it persistent across application restarts.

  • File:

  • Setup:

    1. Install diskcache: pip install diskcache.
  • Example Usage:

    from disk_cache import disk_cache_set, disk_cache_get
    disk_cache_set("username", "admin")

FIFO Cache

FIFO (First-In, First-Out) Cache evicts the oldest cache entries first, making it ideal for cases where the order of data matters.

  • File:

  • Example Usage:

    from fifo_cache import FIFOCache
    cache = FIFOCache(3)
    cache.put("a", 1)
    cache.put("b", 2)
    cache.put("c", 3)
    cache.put("d", 4)  # "a" is evicted

LIFO Cache

LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) Cache evicts the most recently added item first, useful for stack-like data storage.

  • File:

  • Example Usage:

    from lifo_cache import LIFOCache
    cache = LIFOCache(3)
    cache.put("x", 10)
    cache.put("y", 20)
    cache.put("z", 30)
    cache.put("a", 40)  # "z" is evicted

LFU Cache

LFU (Least Frequently Used) Cache evicts the least accessed items, suitable for scenarios with infrequent access patterns.

  • File:

  • Example Usage:

    from lfu_cache import LFUCache
    cache = LFUCache(3)
    cache.put("apple", 1)
    cache.put("banana", 2)
    cache.put("cherry", 3)
    cache.put("date", 4)  # "banana" is evicted

LRU Cache

LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache removes the least recently accessed items, making it suitable for applications where data accessed frequently is retained.

  • File:

  • Example Usage:

    from lru_cache import LRUCache
    cache = LRUCache(3)
    cache.put("key1", "value1")
    cache.put("key2", "value2")
    cache.put("key3", "value3")
    cache.put("key4", "value4")  # "key2" is evicted


Memcached is an in-memory caching solution designed for distributed systems.

  • File:

  • Setup:

    1. Install python-memcached: pip install python-memcached.
    2. Start a Memcached server.
  • Example Usage:

    from memcached import memcached_set, memcached_get
    memcached_set("session_id", "ABC123")

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the caching folder.
  2. Install any required dependencies as mentioned in each section.
  3. Configure and run each script as needed for the caching strategy you want to implement.


Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to add more caching techniques or improve existing ones, please submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.