We're going to look we're going to make a picture of.
And on so can you see if you can find to triangles to put as their feet.
And the actually go at the bottom and.
That would be the two triangles would make the dog's feet and then there should be.
Where that will make the dog's nose and so if you can find the dog's knows.
[BREATH] triangle has three sides like this triangle three science if you can find a triangle venice resigned so remember of hold it up for me.
Very you three sites so there should be to do that make his feet and then.
It's happening all i will try different piece then have another piece would fit.
And they should be how about that square for his nose can you find a square that has four signs are already did say.
Effect all right and then maybe could every triangle next to his nose that would make a party.
This spaces that going and then he has.
Here are doing fine let's see well what could we find some other pieces that i bought a triangle for his body can find all the triangles one there's a lot of train in this dog.
I live.
Rectangle that has a slant to it that maybe is year.
Now find topsy we can find one that makes it for is here and the same kind of peace would go for his tail his tail sticking straight up in the air.
And then we'll try to fit all those trained goes together to make is the rest of his.
[COUGH] and you know help.
Thousands call you have to kind of try at one place and save it fits and then try and other one and save it fits because there are a big.
Where i angles in this dog and little triangles and the big triangles or more of his body and the little triangles or for his feet the back of his and his back.
[BREATH] how let you work in a minute.
This is a brand junk so how the triangles or brown.
Right in the center of a dog is a square or it's in the shape of and i'm and you stop a few pieces left.
And you know sometimes we have to try piece one place and if it doesn't fit we move but to another place to see that might fit there.
And remember this is the first time you've done this kind of puzzles.
So puzzles take a lot of practice you have to do him a couple of times and tell you learn how they work together.
[BREATH] take your time.
And our frankly how do we do.
In for i did about more time in five whether just seeing how many pieces you can get in five minutes.
How is it going to go excellent.
And his joke has to have a pretty long next so there was a couple pieces for his nap and then a couple pieces for.
The audio you already got that excellent ok you're getting the hang of this than a great job.
Does he barking yet is the barking dogs [BREATH].
Here's a pretend great the gene aiming to become the name form [UH] time goals there have names either a post this is a puzzle dung.
Do your best [BREATH] hole.
I just have a picture of what the dog looks like see if you can't finish up rock weight.
But if they're well i know your pretty fast puzzles.
You days.
Because you get most of the pieces trying to get wong pieces.
If we can that's good to keep trying them to figure out where they go.
[BREATH] well.