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class RasterizeAutograd(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, rho, rhoValues, Ws, projPoints, boundingBoxes, inplane, Ms, cameraPoints,
width, height, localWidth, localHeight, camFar, focalLength, mergeThreshold, considerZ, topK):
rho BxNxhxw rho evaluated in a BB of (h, w) around projected points
rhoValues BxNx1 normalizing term of rho
Ws BxNx3 point color
projPoints BxNx2or3 projected point location
boundingBoxes BxNx4 bounding boxes (w0, h0, width, height)
inplane BxNxhxwx3 window back projected in space
Ms BxNx2x2 inverse of gaussian variance
cameraPoints BxNx3 point location in camera space
width scalar
height scalar
localWidth scalar used to limit gradient computation to local window
localHeight scalar
carFar scalar
focalLength scalar
mergeThreshold scalar depth merging threshold T
considerZ bool consider Z gradient
topK int front most points to consider during forward/backward rendering
pixels BxHxWx3
pointIdxMap BxHxWx5
rhoMap BxHxWx5
WsMap BxHxWx5x3
isBehind BxHxWx5
batchSize, numPoints, bbHeight, bbWidth = rho.shape
# compute visiblity, return per pixel top5 contributor sorted by their
# depthValue
# pointIdxMap BxHxWx5, index inside the splat's bounding box window which is to be rendered at pixel (h,w)
# depthMap BxHxWx5, depths of splats that are rendered at pixel (h,w)
# rhoMap BxHxWx5
pointIdxMap = torch.full((batchSize, height, width, topK), -1, dtype=torch.int64, device=rho.device)
depthMap = torch.full((batchSize, height, width, topK), camFar, dtype=rho.dtype, device=rho.device)
bbPositionMap = torch.full((batchSize, height, width, topK, 2), -1, dtype=torch.int64, device=rho.device)
with torch.cuda.device(rho.device):
# call visibility kernel, outputs depthMap, pointIdxMap which store the depth and index of
# the 5 closest point for each pixel, if less than 5 points paint the pixel, set idxMap to -1
_compute_visibility_maps(boundingBoxes[:, :, :2].contiguous(), inplane, pointIdxMap, bbPositionMap, depthMap)
# gather rho, wk
WsMap = _gather_maps(Ws, pointIdxMap, 0.0)
# per batch indice for rhos bx(Nxhxw)
# gather rho, Ws values from pointIdxMap and bbPositionMap, if idx < 0 (unset), then set rho=0 Ws=0
totalIdxMap = pointIdxMap*bbHeight*bbWidth+bbPositionMap[:, :, :, :, 0]*bbWidth+bbPositionMap[:, :, :, :, 1]
validMaps = totalIdxMap >= 0
totalIdxMap = torch.where(validMaps, totalIdxMap, torch.full_like(totalIdxMap, -1))
rhoMap = _gather_maps(rho.reshape(batchSize, -1, 1), totalIdxMap, 0.0).squeeze(-1)
# check depth jump
isBehind = torch.zeros(depthMap.shape, dtype=torch.uint8, device=depthMap.device)
isBehind[:, :, :, 1:] = (depthMap[:, :, :, 1:]-depthMap[:, :, :, :1]) > mergeThreshold
rhoMap_filtered = torch.where(isBehind, torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, device=rhoMap.device, dtype=rhoMap.dtype), rhoMap)
# WsMap[:, :, :, 1:, :] = torch.where(isBehind.unsqueeze(-1), torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, device=WsMap.device, dtype=WsMap.dtype), WsMap[:, :, :, 1:])
# normalize rho
sumRho = torch.sum(rhoMap_filtered, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
sumRho = torch.where(sumRho == 0, torch.ones_like(sumRho), sumRho)
rhoMap_normalized = rhoMap_filtered/sumRho
# rho * w
pixels = torch.sum(WsMap * rhoMap_normalized.unsqueeze(-1), dim=3)
# accumulated = WsMap[:, :, :, 0, :]
ctx.save_for_backward(pointIdxMap, bbPositionMap, isBehind, WsMap, rhoMap, depthMap, Ws, rhoValues, projPoints, cameraPoints, boundingBoxes, pixels, Ms)
ctx.numPoint = numPoints
ctx.bbWidth = bbWidth
ctx.bbHeight = bbHeight
ctx.localHeight = localHeight
ctx.localWidth = localWidth
ctx.mergeThreshold = mergeThreshold
ctx.focalLength = focalLength
ctx.considerZ = considerZ
ctx.rho_requires_grad = rho.requires_grad
ctx.w_requires_grad = Ws.requires_grad
ctx.xyz_requires_grad = projPoints.requires_grad
ctx.mark_non_differentiable(pointIdxMap, rhoMap, WsMap, isBehind)
return pixels, pointIdxMap, rhoMap_normalized, WsMap, isBehind
def backward(ctx, gradPixels, dpointIdxMap, gradRhoMap, gradWsMap, gradIsBehind):
gradPixels (BxHxWx3)
dRho (BxNxbbHxbbW)
dW (BxNx3)
dP (BxNx2) derivative wrt projected points
dcamP (BxNx3) derivative wrt camera points (only z-dim is nonzero)
pointIdxMap, bbPositionMap, isBehind, WsMap, rhoMap, depthMap, Ws, rhoValues, projPoints, cameraPoints, boundingBoxes, pixels, Ms = ctx.saved_tensors
mergeThreshold = ctx.mergeThreshold
focalLength = ctx.focalLength
numPoint = ctx.numPoint
considerZ = ctx.considerZ
bbWidth = ctx.bbWidth
bbHeight = ctx.bbHeight
batchSize, height, width, topK, C = WsMap.shape
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]: # rho will not be backpropagated
WsMap_ = torch.where(isBehind.unsqueeze(-1), torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, device=WsMap.device, dtype=WsMap.dtype), WsMap)
totalIdxMap = pointIdxMap*bbHeight*bbWidth+bbPositionMap[:, :, :, :, 0]*bbWidth+bbPositionMap[:, :, :, :, 1]
# TODO check dNormalizeddRho
rhoMap_filtered = torch.where(isBehind, torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, device=rhoMap.device, dtype=rhoMap.dtype), rhoMap)
sumRho = torch.sum(rhoMap_filtered, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
dNormalizeddRho = torch.where(rhoMap > 0, 1/sumRho-rhoMap/sumRho, rhoMap)
dRho = _guided_scatter_maps(numPoint*bbWidth*bbHeight, dNormalizeddRho.unsqueeze(-1)*gradPixels.unsqueeze(3)*WsMap_, totalIdxMap, boundingBoxes)
dRho = torch.sum(dRho, dim=-1)
dRho = torch.reshape(dRho, (batchSize, numPoint, bbHeight, bbWidth))
dRho = None
if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
# dPixels/dWs = Rho
rhoMap_filtered = torch.where(isBehind, torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1, device=rhoMap.device, dtype=rhoMap.dtype), rhoMap)
sumRho = torch.sum(rhoMap_filtered, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
sumRho = torch.where(sumRho == 0, torch.zeros_like(sumRho), sumRho)
rhoMap_normalized = rhoMap_filtered/sumRho
# BxHxWx3 -> BxHxWxKx3 -> BxNx3
dWs = _guided_scatter_maps(numPoint, gradPixels.unsqueeze(3)*rhoMap_normalized.unsqueeze(-1), pointIdxMap, boundingBoxes)
dWs = None
if ctx.needs_input_grad[3]:
localWidth = ctx.localWidth
localHeight = ctx.localHeight
depthValues = cameraPoints[:, :, 2].contiguous()
# B,N,1
dIdp = torch.zeros_like(projPoints, device=gradPixels.device, dtype=gradPixels.dtype)
dIdz = torch.zeros(1, numPoint, device=gradPixels.device, dtype=gradPixels.dtype)
outputs = _visibility_backward(focalLength, mergeThreshold, considerZ,
localHeight, localWidth,
gradPixels, pointIdxMap, rhoMap, WsMap, depthMap, isBehind,
pixels, boundingBoxes, projPoints, Ws, depthValues, rhoValues, dIdp, dIdz)
dIdp, dIdz = outputs
# outputs = _visibility_debug_backward(mergeThreshold, focalLength, considerZ,
# localHeight, localWidth, 0,
# gradPixels, pointIdxMap, rhoMap, WsMap, depthMap, isBehind,
# pixels, boundingBoxes, projPoints, Ws, depthValues, rhoValues, dIdp, dIdz)
# dIdp, dIdz, debugTensor = outputs
dIdcam = torch.zeros_like(cameraPoints)
dIdcam[:, :, 2] = dIdz
# saved_variables["dI"] = gradPixels.detach().cpu()
# saved_variables["dIdp"] = saved_variables["dIdp"].scatter_(1, saved_variables["renderable_idx"].expand(-1, -1, dIdp.shape[-1]),
# dIdp.cpu().detach())
# saved_variables["projPoints"] = saved_variables["projPoints"].scatter_(1, saved_variables["renderable_idx"].expand(-1,-1,dIdp.shape[-1]),
# projPoints.cpu().detach())
# saved_variables["dIdpMap"] = debugTensor[:,:,:,:2].cpu().detach()
dIdp = dIdcam = None
return (None, None, dWs, dIdp, None, None, dIdcam, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)
Hi, I am confused with the seventh return item of backward function, which is named dIdcam and explained as (BxNx3) derivative wrt camera points (only z-dim is nonzero). Why its corresponding input item of forward function is Ms? Something wrong here?
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Hi, I have checked the value of grad and I think you backward the grad dIdcam in wrong place, which will lead the localpoints can not be optimized in depth.
Hi @Wu-Xiuchao I just pushed a major update, could you give it a try? Currently the denoising feature isn't available yet, but the inverse rendering should be fully functional.
Hi, I am confused with the seventh return item of backward function, which is named
and explained as(BxNx3) derivative wrt camera points (only z-dim is nonzero)
. Why its corresponding input item of forward function isMs
? Something wrong here?The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: