From 03c8a837fe8b2af255e10d77f149f7f95b9e21c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 15:34:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/69] add invest for one event

 core/common/   | 29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 core/web/apiv2/ | 13 +++++++++----
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 4fde79074..eb1b3600b 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from core.schemas import observable
+from core.schemas import entity, observable
     "domain": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
@@ -26,42 +26,45 @@ class MispToYeti:
     def __init__(self, misp_event):
         self.misp_event = misp_event
-    def attr_misp_to_yeti(self, attribute: dict) -> observable.Observable:
+    def attr_misp_to_yeti(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict
+    ) -> observable.Observable: # type: ignore
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_TYPES_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
-                MISP_TYPES_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]
+                MISP_TYPES_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")] # type: ignore
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
     def add_context_by_misp(
         self, attribute_misp: dict, event: dict, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
-    ) -> dict:
+    ):
         context = {}
         event_id = attribute_misp.get("event_id")
-        context["Org"] = event.get("Org")["name"]
+        context["Org"] = event["Org"]["name"]
         context["event_id"] = event_id
         if attribute_misp.get("comment"):
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
-    def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, object_misp: dict):
-        objs_type = object_misp.get("type")
+    def obs_misp_to_yeti(self,invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
+        objs_type = object_misp["type"]
         links = []
-        for attr in object_misp.get("Attribute"):
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(attr)
+        for attr in object_misp["Attribute"]:
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,attr)
         obs_yeti = links.pop()
         for obj_to_link in links:
             obs_yeti.link_to(obj_to_link, f"linked_by_misp_{objs_type}", "misp")
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
-        for object_misp in self.misp_event.get("Object"):
-            self.obs_misp_to_yeti(object_misp)
+        invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event.get("info")).save()
+        for object_misp in self.misp_event["Object"]:
+            self.obs_misp_to_yeti(invest,object_misp)
-        for attribute_misp in self.misp_event.get("Attribute"):
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(attribute_misp)
+        for attribute_misp in self.misp_event["Attribute"]:
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,attribute_misp)
             if obs_yeti:
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, self.misp_event, obs_yeti)
diff --git a/core/web/apiv2/ b/core/web/apiv2/
index 03f14298d..1bb09be3b 100644
--- a/core/web/apiv2/
+++ b/core/web/apiv2/
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
+import json
 from fastapi import APIRouter, File, UploadFile
+from core.common.misp_to_yeti import MispToYeti
 router = APIRouter()"/import_misp_json", tags=["import_misp_json"])
 async def import_misp_json(misp_file_json: UploadFile = File(...)):
-    # contents = await
-    # data_json = json.loads(contents)
+    contents = await
+    data_json = json.loads(contents)
-    # converter = MispToYeti(data_json["Event"])
-    # converter.misp_to_yeti()
+    converter = MispToYeti(data_json["Event"])
+    converter.misp_to_yeti()
     return {"status": True}

From 5f4b27cc19c87f8b5469a6ff150ce67e710b1e99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 16:37:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/69] add asn object

 core/common/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index eb1b3600b..5db8e51ff 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+import logging
 from core.schemas import entity, observable
+MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
     "domain": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
     "hostname": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
     "ip-dst": observable.ObservableType.ipv4,
@@ -19,20 +21,25 @@
     "filename": observable.ObservableType.file,
     "regkey": observable.ObservableType.registry_key,
+    "asn": observable.ObservableType.asn,
 class MispToYeti:
     def __init__(self, misp_event):
         self.misp_event = misp_event
+        self.func_by_type = {
+        "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
+    }
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
         self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict
     ) -> observable.Observable: # type: ignore
-        if attribute.get("type") in MISP_TYPES_TO_IMPORT:
+        if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
-                MISP_TYPES_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")] # type: ignore
+                MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")] # type: ignore
+            invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp",f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
@@ -49,17 +56,18 @@ def add_context_by_misp(
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
     def obs_misp_to_yeti(self,invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
-        objs_type = object_misp["type"]
-        links = []
-        for attr in object_misp["Attribute"]:
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,attr)
-            links.append(obs_yeti)
-        obs_yeti = links.pop()
-        for obj_to_link in links:
-            obs_yeti.link_to(obj_to_link, f"linked_by_misp_{objs_type}", "misp")
+        if object_misp["name"] in self.func_by_type:
+            self.func_by_type[object_misp["name"]](invest,object_misp)
+        else:
+            print(f"Object {object_misp['name']} not imported")        
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
-        invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event.get("info")).save()
+        invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
+        if self.misp_event["Tag"]:
+            invest.tag(self.misp_event["Tag"])
         for object_misp in self.misp_event["Object"]:
@@ -69,3 +77,30 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, self.misp_event, obs_yeti)
                 print(f"Attribute {attribute_misp} not imported")
+    def __import_av_signature(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_av_signature: dict):
+    def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_asn: dict):
+        asn = observable.asn.ASN(value=object_asn["asn"]).save()
+        context = {}
+        if subnet := object_asn.get("subnet"):
+            try:
+                subnet = observable.cidr.CIDR(value=subnet).save()
+                asn.link_to(subnet, "part_of", "subnet")
+            except ValueError:
+                logging.error(f"Invalid subnet: {subnet}")
+        if object_asn['last-seen']:
+            context["last-seen"] = object_asn['last-seen']
+        if object_asn['first-seen']:
+            context["first-seen"] = object_asn['first-seen']
+        if object_asn['description']:
+            context["description"] = object_asn['description']
+        if object_asn['country']:
+            context["country"] = object_asn['country']
+        asn.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
+        invest.link_to(asn, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")

From f0f4649dbbecf27b1067030f90ab7531fdca642e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 16:44:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/69] ad av signature

 core/common/ | 9 +++++++--
 core/schemas/   | 9 +++++++++
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 5db8e51ff..4417f42c9 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import logging
-from core.schemas import entity, observable
+from core.schemas import entity, observable, indicator
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
     "domain": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
         self.misp_event = misp_event
         self.func_by_type = {
         "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
+        "av-signature": self.__import_av_signature,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -80,7 +81,11 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
     def __import_av_signature(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_av_signature: dict):
+        av_sig = indicator.av_signature(name=object_av_signature["signature"],software=object_av_signature["software"]).save()
+        av_sig.description = object_av_signature["description"]
+        invest.link_to(av_sig, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
     def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_asn: dict):
         asn = observable.asn.ASN(value=object_asn["asn"]).save()
         context = {}
diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 588ff9e5e..d179963bf 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class IndicatorType(str, Enum):
     sigma = "sigma"
     query = "query"
     forensicartifact = "forensicartifact"
+    av_signature = "av_signature"
 class IndicatorMatch(BaseModel):
@@ -273,6 +274,13 @@ def save_indicators(self, create_links: bool = False):
                 self.link_to(indicator, "uses", f"Uses regex {}")
         return indicators
+class av_signature(Indicator):
+    _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = IndicatorType.av_signature
+    type: Literal[IndicatorType.av_signature] = IndicatorType.av_signature
+    software: str
+    def match(self, value: str) -> IndicatorMatch | None:
+        raise NotImplementedError
 ARTIFACT_INTERPOLATION_RE = re.compile(r"%%[a-z._]+%%")
@@ -282,6 +290,7 @@ def save_indicators(self, create_links: bool = False):
     "sigma": Sigma,
     "query": Query,
     "forensicartifact": ForensicArtifact,
+    "av_signature": av_signature,
     "indicator": Indicator,
     "indicators": Indicator,

From b174d14a93fe7bb557a9036afcc8191caa9f3fac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 16:53:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/69] add btc_wallet

 core/common/ | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 4417f42c9..5c839d337 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
         self.func_by_type = {
         "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
         "av-signature": self.__import_av_signature,
+        "btc-wallet": self.__import_btc_wallet,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -109,3 +110,19 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_asn: dict):
         asn.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
         invest.link_to(asn, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+    def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_btc: dict):
+        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=object_btc["wallet-address"]).save()
+        context = {}
+        if object_btc["BTC_received"]:
+            context["BTC_received"] = object_btc["BTC_received"]
+        if object_btc["BTC_sent"]:
+            context["BTC_sent"] = object_btc["BTC_sent"]
+        if object_btc["BTC_balance"]:
+            context["BTC_balance"] = object_btc["BTC_balance"]
+        if object_btc["time"]:
+            context["time"] = object_btc["time"]
+        if context:
+            btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
+        invest.link_to(btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")

From 3eaab5cd5cfb1592387d2aebf9531e008deb3842 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 17:26:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/69] add c2 list

 core/common/ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 5c839d337..efe9f2403 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import logging
+from datetime import timedelta
 from core.schemas import entity, observable, indicator
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
         "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
         "av-signature": self.__import_av_signature,
         "btc-wallet": self.__import_btc_wallet,
+        "c2-list": self.__import_c2_list,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -56,12 +57,24 @@ def add_context_by_misp(
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
+    def add_obs(self,invest: entity.Investigation,obs_misp: dict):
+        for attr in obs_misp["Attribute"]:
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,attr)
+            if obs_yeti:
+                self.add_context_by_misp(attr, obs_misp, obs_yeti)
+                yield obs_yeti
+            else:
+                print(f"Attribute {attr} not imported")
     def obs_misp_to_yeti(self,invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
         if object_misp["name"] in self.func_by_type:
-            print(f"Object {object_misp['name']} not imported")        
+            for obs_yeti in self.add_obs(invest,object_misp):
+                invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp",f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
         invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
@@ -110,7 +123,7 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_asn: dict):
         asn.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
         invest.link_to(asn, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
     def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_btc: dict):
         btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=object_btc["wallet-address"]).save()
         context = {}
@@ -126,3 +139,17 @@ def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_btc: dict):
             btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
         invest.link_to(btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_c2_list: dict):
+            list_c2_ip  = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ip", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
+            list_c2_domain  = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ipport", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
+            for c2 in list_c2_ip:
+                obs_yeti=self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,c2)
+                obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list['threat'],timedelta(days=30))        
+            for c2 in list_c2_domain:
+                ip,port = c2["value"].split("|")
+                obs_yeti=observable.TYPE_MAPPING[MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT["ip-src"]](value=ip)
+                obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list['threat'],timedelta(days=30))
+                obs_yeti.add_context("misp",{"port":port})

From 25d49fe05b293404317bc7d86f8a39cfc88d4348 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 11:50:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/69] Update

add location
 core/schemas/ | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 1a0c7c651..8e99f6f66 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class EntityType(str, Enum):
     tool = "tool"
     vulnerability = "vulnerability"
     course_of_action = "course-of-action"
+    location = "location"
 class Entity(YetiTagModel, database_arango.ArangoYetiConnector):
@@ -136,7 +137,15 @@ class Investigation(Entity):
     reference: str = ""
+class location(Entity):
+    _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = EntityType.location
+    type: Literal[EntityType.location] = EntityType.location
+    location: str = ""
+    reference: str = ""
+    lat: float = 0.0
+    lon: float = 0.0
 class SeverityType(str, Enum):
     none = "none"
     low = "low"

From 98733ea88197da9bf8c29291f337fcf31a1d8a4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 11:51:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/69] update location

 core/schemas/ | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 8e99f6f66..e67d9ac85 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -145,7 +145,10 @@ class location(Entity):
     reference: str = ""
     lat: float = 0.0
     lon: float = 0.0
+    country: str = ""
+    city: str = ""
+    country_code: int = 0
 class SeverityType(str, Enum):
     none = "none"
     low = "low"

From 828d9b69afe7c870c8845113411b3a2402314acd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 14:08:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/69] add setter for location

 core/schemas/ | 14 +++++++++++++-
 poetry.lock            | 15 +++++++++++++--
 pyproject.toml         |  1 +
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index e67d9ac85..140d71212 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ class Investigation(Entity):
     reference: str = ""
-class location(Entity):
+class Location(Entity):
     _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = EntityType.location
     type: Literal[EntityType.location] = EntityType.location
@@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ class location(Entity):
     city: str = ""
     country_code: int = 0
+    def set_country_name_by_code(self, code: int):
+        import pycountry
+ = pycountry.countries.get(numeric=str(code)).name
+    def set_country_code_by_name(self, name: str):
+        import pycountry
+        self.country_code = pycountry.countries.get(name=name).numeric
 class SeverityType(str, Enum):
     none = "none"
     low = "low"
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index b388b6230..d0d0b37e1 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.7.1 and should not be changed by hand.
+# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.8.1 and should not be changed by hand.
 name = "altair"
@@ -1519,6 +1519,17 @@ files = [
 pyasn1 = ">=0.4.6,<0.6.0"
+name = "pycountry"
+version = "23.12.11"
+description = "ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+    {file = "pycountry-23.12.11-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2ff91cff4f40ff61086e773d61e72005fe95de4a57bfc765509db05695dc50ab"},
+    {file = "pycountry-23.12.11.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:00569d82eaefbc6a490a311bfa84a9c571cff9ddbf8b0a4f4e7b4f868b4ad925"},
 name = "pycparser"
 version = "2.21"
@@ -2539,4 +2550,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "p
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.10,<3.12"
-content-hash = "f1c8d01a1433b9c171ae8e43ade01f69fc6d2dad1b283dcaf42f065e42ce129a"
+content-hash = "67fef59bf1c06067ebf0c79dbeaef6d4ea4a44f87f6ebaccc85c3f29d3fe677d"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 331cea592..99c05175f 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ itsdangerous = "^2.1.2"
 pyyaml = "^6.0.1"
 parameterized = "^0.9.0"
 artifacts = {git = "", rev = "main"}
+pycountry = "^23.12.11"
 pylint = "^2.16.1"

From 5986e728da3de3d81414b64d2be3debf60d56a52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 14:38:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/69] add cmd line and ruff linting

 core/common/ | 210 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 158 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index efe9f2403..0ed0cb815 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import logging
+import pycountry
 from datetime import timedelta
 from core.schemas import entity, observable, indicator
@@ -24,25 +25,30 @@
     "asn": observable.ObservableType.asn,
 class MispToYeti:
     def __init__(self, misp_event):
         self.misp_event = misp_event
         self.func_by_type = {
-        "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
-        "av-signature": self.__import_av_signature,
-        "btc-wallet": self.__import_btc_wallet,
-        "c2-list": self.__import_c2_list,
-    }
+            "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
+            "av-signature": self.__import_av_signature,
+            "btc-wallet": self.__import_btc_wallet,
+            "c2-list": self.__import_c2_list,
+            "crowdsec-ip-context": self.__import_crowdsec_ip_context,
+            "command-line": self.__import_commande_line,
+        }
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
         self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict
-    ) -> observable.Observable: # type: ignore
+    ) -> observable.Observable:  # type: ignore
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
-                MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")] # type: ignore
+                MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
-            invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp",f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+            invest.link_to(
+                obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+            )
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
@@ -57,50 +63,62 @@ def add_context_by_misp(
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
-    def add_obs(self,invest: entity.Investigation,obs_misp: dict):
+    def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: dict):
         for attr in obs_misp["Attribute"]:
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,attr)
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, attr)
             if obs_yeti:
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attr, obs_misp, obs_yeti)
                 yield obs_yeti
                 print(f"Attribute {attr} not imported")
-    def obs_misp_to_yeti(self,invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
+    def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
         if object_misp["name"] in self.func_by_type:
-            self.func_by_type[object_misp["name"]](invest,object_misp)
+            self.func_by_type[object_misp["name"]](invest, object_misp)
-            for obs_yeti in self.add_obs(invest,object_misp):
-                invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp",f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+            for obs_yeti in self.add_obs(invest, object_misp):
+                invest.link_to(
+                    obs_yeti,
+                    "imported_by_misp",
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
         invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
         if self.misp_event["Tag"]:
+        invest.description =f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"
         for object_misp in self.misp_event["Object"]:
-            self.obs_misp_to_yeti(invest,object_misp)
+            self.obs_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_misp)
         for attribute_misp in self.misp_event["Attribute"]:
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,attribute_misp)
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, attribute_misp)
             if obs_yeti:
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, self.misp_event, obs_yeti)
                 print(f"Attribute {attribute_misp} not imported")
-    def __import_av_signature(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_av_signature: dict):
-        av_sig = indicator.av_signature(name=object_av_signature["signature"],software=object_av_signature["software"]).save()
+    def __import_av_signature(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_av_signature: dict
+    ):
+        av_sig = indicator.av_signature(
+            name=object_av_signature["signature"],
+            software=object_av_signature["software"],
+            diamond=indicator.DiamondModel.capability,
+            pattern=object_av_signature["signature"],
+            location='misp',
+        ).save()
         av_sig.description = object_av_signature["description"]
-        invest.link_to(av_sig, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+        invest.link_to(
+            av_sig, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
-    def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_asn: dict):
+    def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
         asn = observable.asn.ASN(value=object_asn["asn"]).save()
         context = {}
@@ -111,20 +129,22 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_asn: dict):
             except ValueError:
                 logging.error(f"Invalid subnet: {subnet}")
-        if object_asn['last-seen']:
-            context["last-seen"] = object_asn['last-seen']
-        if object_asn['first-seen']:
-            context["first-seen"] = object_asn['first-seen']
-        if object_asn['description']:
-            context["description"] = object_asn['description']
-        if object_asn['country']:
-            context["country"] = object_asn['country']
+        if object_asn["last-seen"]:
+            context["last-seen"] = object_asn["last-seen"]
+        if object_asn["first-seen"]:
+            context["first-seen"] = object_asn["first-seen"]
+        if object_asn["description"]:
+            context["description"] = object_asn["description"]
+        if object_asn["country"]:
+            context["country"] = object_asn["country"]
         asn.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
-        invest.link_to(asn, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
-    def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_btc: dict):
+        invest.link_to(
+            asn, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
+    def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
         btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=object_btc["wallet-address"]).save()
         context = {}
         if object_btc["BTC_received"]:
@@ -137,19 +157,105 @@ def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_btc: dict):
             context["time"] = object_btc["time"]
         if context:
             btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
-        invest.link_to(btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+        invest.link_to(
+            btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
+    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
+        list_c2_ip = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ip", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
+        list_c2_domain = filter(
+            lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ipport", object_c2_list["Attribute"]
+        )
+        for c2 in list_c2_ip:
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, c2)
+            obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
+        for c2 in list_c2_domain:
+            ip, port = c2["value"].split("|")
+            obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT["ip-src"]](
+                value=ip
+            )
+            obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
+            obs_yeti.add_context("misp", {"port": port})
-    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation,object_c2_list: dict):
-            list_c2_ip  = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ip", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
-            list_c2_domain  = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ipport", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
-            for c2 in list_c2_ip:
-                obs_yeti=self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest,c2)
-                obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list['threat'],timedelta(days=30))        
-            for c2 in list_c2_domain:
-                ip,port = c2["value"].split("|")
-                obs_yeti=observable.TYPE_MAPPING[MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT["ip-src"]](value=ip)
-                obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list['threat'],timedelta(days=30))
-                obs_yeti.add_context("misp",{"port":port})
+    def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crowdsec_ip: dict):
+        ip = observable.ipv4.IPv4(value=object_crowdsec_ip["ip"]).save()
+        as_num = object_crowdsec_ip.get("as_num")
+        if as_num:
+            as_num = observable.asn.ASN(value=as_num).save()
+            ip.link_to(as_num, "part_of", "asn")
+        context = {}
+        attack_details = object_crowdsec_ip.get("attack-details")
+        if attack_details:
+            context["attack-details"] = attack_details
+        background_noise = object_crowdsec_ip.get("background-noise")
+        if background_noise:
+            context["background-noise"] = background_noise
+        behaviors = object_crowdsec_ip.get("behaviors")
+        if behaviors:
+            context["behaviors"] = behaviors
+        city = object_crowdsec_ip.get("city")
+        country = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country")
+        country_code = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country_code")
+        if city or country or country_code:
+            if city:
+                location = entity.Location(name=city,city=city).save()
+            if country:
+                location = entity.Location(name=country,country=country).save()
+                location.set_country_code_by_name(country)
+            if country_code:
+                country_name = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=country_code).name
+                location = entity.Location(name=country_name,country=country_name).save()
+            if location:
+                ip.link_to(location, "located_at", "location")
+                invest.link_to(location, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+        dst_port = object_crowdsec_ip.get("dst-port")
+        if dst_port:
+            context["dst_port"] = dst_port
+        ip_range_scope = object_crowdsec_ip.get("ip-range-scope")
+        if ip_range_scope:
+            context["ip-range-scope"] = ip_range_scope
+        trust = object_crowdsec_ip.get("trust")
+        if trust:
+            context["trust"] = trust
+        ip_range = object_crowdsec_ip.get("ip-range")
+        if ip_range:
+            cidr_obs = observable.cidr.CIDR(value=ip_range).save() # type: ignore
+            ip.link_to(cidr_obs, "part_of", "subnet")
+            invest.link_to(cidr_obs, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+        ip.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec", context)
+        reverse_dns = object_crowdsec_ip.get("reverse_dns")
+        if reverse_dns:
+            hostname = observable.hostname.Hostname(value=reverse_dns).save()
+            ip.link_to(hostname, "resolved_to", "hostname")
+            invest.link_to(hostname, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+        invest.link_to(ip, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+    def __import_commande_line(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_line: dict):
+            cmd_line = object_command_line["value"]
+            cmd_line = observable.command_line.CommandLine(value=cmd_line).save()
+            description = object_command_line.get("description")
+            context = {}
+            if description:
+                context["description"] = description
+            if context:
+                cmd_line.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)        
+            invest.link_to(cmd_line, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
\ No newline at end of file

From 79917b5555e1aa31e9459475861e0b87208ff015 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 14:51:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/69] add test location

 tests/schemas/ | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 241447278..1ecbda149 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+    Location,
 from core.schemas.observables import hostname
@@ -135,3 +136,10 @@ def test_bad_cve_name(self):
     def test_correct_cve_name(self):
         vulnerability = Vulnerability(name="CVE-1337-4242").save()
         self.assertEqual(Vulnerability.is_valid(vulnerability), True)
+    def test_location(self):
+        location = Location(name="France").save()
+        location.set_country_code_by_name(
+        self.assertEqual(, "France")
+        self.assertEqual(location.country_code, "FR")

From 19da92d60b0f692220b49a3cc5827beb37413369 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 15:02:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/69] add cookie

 core/schemas/         |  2 ++
 core/schemas/observables/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/schemas/        | 14 ++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 core/schemas/observables/

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 96db22725..50532ea4f 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class ObservableType(str, Enum):
     certificate = "certificate"
     cidr = "cidr"
     command_line = "command_line"
+    cookie = "cookie"
     docker_image = "docker_image"
     email = "email"
     file = "file"
@@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ def find_type(value: str) -> ObservableType | None:
     certificate,  # noqa: F401
     cidr,  # noqa: F401
     command_line,  # noqa: E402, F401
+    cookie,  # noqa: F401
     docker_image,  # noqa: F401
     email,  # noqa: F401
     file,  # noqa: F401
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0d7a04cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import datetime
+from typing import Literal, Optional
+from core.schemas import observable
+class Cookie(observable.Observable):
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.cookie] = observable.ObservableType.cookie
+    http_only: bool = False
+    secure: bool = False
+    type_cookie: Literal[
+        "Session management",
+        "Tracking",
+        "Personalization",
+        "Security",
+        "Exfiltration",
+        "Beaconing",
+        "Other",
+    ] = "Session management"
+    expires: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
+observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.cookie] = Cookie
diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index e6b0ed3ed..d0e5d1a0a 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+    cookie,
@@ -530,3 +531,16 @@ def test_create_user_account_incoherent_dates(self) -> None:
                     2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
+    def test_cookie(self):
+        cookie_obs = cookie.Cookie(value="test_cookie")
+        cookie_obs.http_only = True
+ = True
+        cookie_obs.type_cookie = "Session management"
+        cookie_obs.expires =
+        self.assertEqual(cookie_obs.type, "cookie")
+        self.assertEqual(cookie_obs.http_only, True)
+        self.assertEqual(, True)
+        self.assertEqual(cookie_obs.type_cookie, "Session management")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(cookie_obs.expires)

From 65370ed52c0958e93fa8d4837870066929ee5102 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 15:04:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/69] add description

 tests/schemas/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index d0e5d1a0a..20eb715ee 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -531,7 +531,9 @@ def test_create_user_account_incoherent_dates(self) -> None:
                     2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
     def test_cookie(self):
+        """Tests creating a cookie."""
         cookie_obs = cookie.Cookie(value="test_cookie")
         cookie_obs.http_only = True = True
@@ -543,4 +545,3 @@ def test_cookie(self):
         self.assertEqual(, True)
         self.assertEqual(cookie_obs.type_cookie, "Session management")

From 6f25bffad72492bb3e1054c1b84a63b1975b782f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 15:31:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/69] add cookie

 core/common/        |  59 +++++++-----
 core/schemas/observables/ |   2 +
 poetry.lock                        | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 pyproject.toml                     |   1 +
 4 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 0ed0cb815..8563a0894 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import pycountry
 from datetime import timedelta
 from core.schemas import entity, observable, indicator
+import dateparser
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
     "domain": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
     "filename": observable.ObservableType.file,
     "regkey": observable.ObservableType.registry_key,
     "asn": observable.ObservableType.asn,
+    "cookie": observable.ObservableType.cookie,
@@ -37,17 +39,18 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
             "c2-list": self.__import_c2_list,
             "crowdsec-ip-context": self.__import_crowdsec_ip_context,
             "command-line": self.__import_commande_line,
+            "cookie": self.__import_cookie,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict, description: str ="" 
     ) -> observable.Observable:  # type: ignore
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
-                obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+                obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
@@ -56,12 +59,10 @@ def add_context_by_misp(
         self, attribute_misp: dict, event: dict, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
         context = {}
-        event_id = attribute_misp.get("event_id")
         context["Org"] = event["Org"]["name"]
-        context["event_id"] = event_id
         if attribute_misp.get("comment"):
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
     def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: dict):
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
-                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ def __import_av_signature(
-        ).save()
+        )    
         av_sig.description = object_av_signature["description"]
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ def __import_av_signature(
     def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
-        asn = observable.asn.ASN(value=object_asn["asn"]).save()
+        asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_asn['value'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
         context = {}
         if subnet := object_asn.get("subnet"):
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
     def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
-        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=object_btc["wallet-address"]).save()
+        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=object_btc["wallet-address"])
         context = {}
         if object_btc["BTC_received"]:
             context["BTC_received"] = object_btc["BTC_received"]
@@ -159,7 +160,8 @@ def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
             btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
             btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        )
+        ) 
     def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
         list_c2_ip = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ip", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
             lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ipport", object_c2_list["Attribute"]
         for c2 in list_c2_ip:
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, c2)
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, c2, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
             obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
         for c2 in list_c2_domain:
             ip, port = c2["value"].split("|")
@@ -178,12 +180,12 @@ def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
             obs_yeti.add_context("misp", {"port": port})
     def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crowdsec_ip: dict):
-        ip = observable.ipv4.IPv4(value=object_crowdsec_ip["ip"]).save()
+        ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_crowdsec_ip['ip'],description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
         as_num = object_crowdsec_ip.get("as_num")
         if as_num:
-            as_num = observable.asn.ASN(value=as_num).save()
-            ip.link_to(as_num, "part_of", "asn")
+            asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, as_num)
+            ip.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
         context = {}
         attack_details = object_crowdsec_ip.get("attack-details")
@@ -238,12 +240,9 @@ def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crow
         reverse_dns = object_crowdsec_ip.get("reverse_dns")
         if reverse_dns:
-            hostname = observable.hostname.Hostname(value=reverse_dns).save()
+            hostname = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, reverse_dns,description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
             ip.link_to(hostname, "resolved_to", "hostname")
-            invest.link_to(hostname, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
-        invest.link_to(ip, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
     def __import_commande_line(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_line: dict):
             cmd_line = object_command_line["value"]
             cmd_line = observable.command_line.CommandLine(value=cmd_line).save()
@@ -256,6 +255,24 @@ def __import_commande_line(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_li
                 cmd_line.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)        
             invest.link_to(cmd_line, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+    def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: dict):
+        name = object_cookie['name']
+        cookie_attr = object_cookie['cookie']
+        cookie = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, cookie_attr,description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+ = name
+        https_only = object_cookie.get("http-only")
+        if https_only:
+            cookie.http_only = https_only
+        secure = object_cookie.get("secure")
+        if secure:
+   = secure
+        cookie_type = object_cookie.get("type")
+        if cookie_type:
+            cookie.type_cookie = cookie_type
+        expires = object_cookie.get("expires")
+        if expires:
+            cookie.expires = dateparser.parse(expires)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index e0d7a04cf..65b307dab 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ class Cookie(observable.Observable):
     ] = "Session management"
     expires: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
+    name: Optional[str] = None
+    cookie: Optional[str] = None
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.cookie] = Cookie
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index d0d0b37e1..23b147031 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -626,6 +626,28 @@ ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
 test = ["pretend", "pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist"]
 test-randomorder = ["pytest-randomly"]
+name = "dateparser"
+version = "1.2.0"
+description = "Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0b21ad96534e562920a0083e97fd45fa959882d4162acc358705144520a35830"},
+    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7975b43a4222283e0ae15be7b4999d08c9a70e2d378ac87385b1ccf2cffbbb30"},
+python-dateutil = "*"
+pytz = "*"
+regex = "<2019.02.19 || >2019.02.19,<2021.8.27 || >2021.8.27"
+tzlocal = "*"
+calendars = ["convertdate", "hijri-converter"]
+fasttext = ["fasttext"]
+langdetect = ["langdetect"]
 name = "deprecated"
 version = "1.2.14"
@@ -1933,6 +1955,108 @@ files = [
 attrs = ">=22.2.0"
 rpds-py = ">=0.7.0"
+name = "regex"
+version = "2023.12.25"
+description = "Alternative regular expression module, to replace re."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:0694219a1d54336fd0445ea382d49d36882415c0134ee1e8332afd1529f0baa5"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:b014333bd0217ad3d54c143de9d4b9a3ca1c5a29a6d0d554952ea071cff0f1f8"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:d865984b3f71f6d0af64d0d88f5733521698f6c16f445bb09ce746c92c97c586"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:1e0eabac536b4cc7f57a5f3d095bfa557860ab912f25965e08fe1545e2ed8b4c"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:c25a8ad70e716f96e13a637802813f65d8a6760ef48672aa3502f4c24ea8b400"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:a9b6d73353f777630626f403b0652055ebfe8ff142a44ec2cf18ae470395766e"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:a9cc99d6946d750eb75827cb53c4371b8b0fe89c733a94b1573c9dd16ea6c9e4"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:88d1f7bef20c721359d8675f7d9f8e414ec5003d8f642fdfd8087777ff7f94b5"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:cb3fe77aec8f1995611f966d0c656fdce398317f850d0e6e7aebdfe61f40e1cd"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:7aa47c2e9ea33a4a2a05f40fcd3ea36d73853a2aae7b4feab6fc85f8bf2c9704"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:df26481f0c7a3f8739fecb3e81bc9da3fcfae34d6c094563b9d4670b047312e1"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:c40281f7d70baf6e0db0c2f7472b31609f5bc2748fe7275ea65a0b4601d9b392"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:d94a1db462d5690ebf6ae86d11c5e420042b9898af5dcf278bd97d6bda065423"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:ba1b30765a55acf15dce3f364e4928b80858fa8f979ad41f862358939bdd1f2f"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:150c39f5b964e4d7dba46a7962a088fbc91f06e606f023ce57bb347a3b2d4630"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:09da66917262d9481c719599116c7dc0c321ffcec4b1f510c4f8a066f8768105"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:1b9d811f72210fa9306aeb88385b8f8bcef0dfbf3873410413c00aa94c56c2b6"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d902a43085a308cef32c0d3aea962524b725403fd9373dea18110904003bac97"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:d166eafc19f4718df38887b2bbe1467a4f74a9830e8605089ea7a30dd4da8887"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:c7ad32824b7f02bb3c9f80306d405a1d9b7bb89362d68b3c5a9be53836caebdb"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:636ba0a77de609d6510235b7f0e77ec494d2657108f777e8765efc060094c98c"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:f72cbae7f6b01591f90814250e636065850c5926751af02bb48da94dfced7baa"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:db2a0b1857f18b11e3b0e54ddfefc96af46b0896fb678c85f63fb8c37518b3e7"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:7502534e55c7c36c0978c91ba6f61703faf7ce733715ca48f499d3dbbd7657e0"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:e8c7e08bb566de4faaf11984af13f6bcf6a08f327b13631d41d62592681d24fe"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:283fc8eed679758de38fe493b7d7d84a198b558942b03f017b1f94dda8efae80"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:f44dd4d68697559d007462b0a3a1d9acd61d97072b71f6d1968daef26bc744bd"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:67d3ccfc590e5e7197750fcb3a2915b416a53e2de847a728cfa60141054123d4"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:68191f80a9bad283432385961d9efe09d783bcd36ed35a60fb1ff3f1ec2efe87"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:7d2af3f6b8419661a0c421584cfe8aaec1c0e435ce7e47ee2a97e344b98f794f"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:8a0ccf52bb37d1a700375a6b395bff5dd15c50acb745f7db30415bae3c2b0715"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:c3c4a78615b7762740531c27cf46e2f388d8d727d0c0c739e72048beb26c8a9d"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:d498eea3f581fbe1b34b59c697512a8baef88212f92e4c7830fcc1499f5b45a5"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:43f7cd5754d02a56ae4ebb91b33461dc67be8e3e0153f593c509e21d219c5060"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:51f4b32f793812714fd5307222a7f77e739b9bc566dc94a18126aba3b92b98a3"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:4bfc2b16e3ba8850e0e262467275dd4d62f0d045e0e9eda2bc65078c0110a11f"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:8c2c19dae8a3eb0ea45a8448356ed561be843b13cbc34b840922ddf565498c1c"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:b77e27b79448e34c2c51c09836033056a0547aa360c45eeeb67803da7b0eedaf"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:518440c991f514331f4850a63560321f833979d145d7d81186dbe2f19e27ae3d"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:e2610e9406d3b0073636a3a2e80db05a02f0c3169b5632022b4e81c0364bcda5"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:cc37b9aeebab425f11f27e5e9e6cf580be7206c6582a64467a14dda211abc232"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:5dd58946bce44b53b06d94aa95560d0b243eb2fe64227cba50017a8d8b3cd3e2"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e692296c4cc2873967771345a876bcfc1c547e8dd695c6b89342488b0ea55cd8"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:263ef5cc10979837f243950637fffb06e8daed7f1ac1e39d5910fd29929e489a"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:d6f7e255e5fa94642a0724e35406e6cb7001c09d476ab5fce002f652b36d0c39"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d15b274f9e15b1a0b7a45d2ac86d1f634d983ca40d6b886721626c47a400bf39"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:ed19b3a05ae0c97dd8f75a5d8f21f7723a8c33bbc555da6bbe1f96c470139d3c"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:a6d1047952c0b8104a1d371f88f4ab62e6275567d4458c1e26e9627ad489b445"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:b43523d7bc2abd757119dbfb38af91b5735eea45537ec6ec3a5ec3f9562a1c53"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:efb2d82f33b2212898f1659fb1c2e9ac30493ac41e4d53123da374c3b5541e64"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:b7fca9205b59c1a3d5031f7e64ed627a1074730a51c2a80e97653e3e9fa0d415"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:086dd15e9435b393ae06f96ab69ab2d333f5d65cbe65ca5a3ef0ec9564dfe770"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:e81469f7d01efed9b53740aedd26085f20d49da65f9c1f41e822a33992cb1590"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:34e4af5b27232f68042aa40a91c3b9bb4da0eeb31b7632e0091afc4310afe6cb"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:9852b76ab558e45b20bf1893b59af64a28bd3820b0c2efc80e0a70a4a3ea51c1"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:ff100b203092af77d1a5a7abe085b3506b7eaaf9abf65b73b7d6905b6cb76988"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:cc038b2d8b1470364b1888a98fd22d616fba2b6309c5b5f181ad4483e0017861"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:094ba386bb5c01e54e14434d4caabf6583334090865b23ef58e0424a6286d3dc"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:5cd05d0f57846d8ba4b71d9c00f6f37d6b97d5e5ef8b3c3840426a475c8f70f4"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:98a2636994f943b871786c9e82bfe7883ecdaba2ef5df54e1450fa9869d1f756"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:37f8e93a81fc5e5bd8db7e10e62dc64261bcd88f8d7e6640aaebe9bc180d9ce2"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:f7bc09bc9c29ebead055bcba136a67378f03d66bf359e87d0f7c759d6d4ffa31"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e14b73607d6231f3cc4622809c196b540a6a44e903bcfad940779c80dffa7be7"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:9eda5f7a50141291beda3edd00abc2d4a5b16c29c92daf8d5bd76934150f3edc"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:cc6bb9aa69aacf0f6032c307da718f61a40cf970849e471254e0e91c56ffca95"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:298dc6354d414bc921581be85695d18912bea163a8b23cac9a2562bbcd5088b1"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:2f4e475a80ecbd15896a976aa0b386c5525d0ed34d5c600b6d3ebac0a67c7ddf"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:531ac6cf22b53e0696f8e1d56ce2396311254eb806111ddd3922c9d937151dae"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:22f3470f7524b6da61e2020672df2f3063676aff444db1daa283c2ea4ed259d6"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:89723d2112697feaa320c9d351e5f5e7b841e83f8b143dba8e2d2b5f04e10923"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:0ecf44ddf9171cd7566ef1768047f6e66975788258b1c6c6ca78098b95cf9a3d"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:905466ad1702ed4acfd67a902af50b8db1feeb9781436372261808df7a2a7bca"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:4558410b7a5607a645e9804a3e9dd509af12fb72b9825b13791a37cd417d73a5"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:7e316026cc1095f2a3e8cc012822c99f413b702eaa2ca5408a513609488cb62f"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:3b1de218d5375cd6ac4b5493e0b9f3df2be331e86520f23382f216c137913d20"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:11a963f8e25ab5c61348d090bf1b07f1953929c13bd2309a0662e9ff680763c9"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:e693e233ac92ba83a87024e1d32b5f9ab15ca55ddd916d878146f4e3406b5c91"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:29171aa128da69afdf4bde412d5bedc335f2ca8fcfe4489038577d05f16181e5"},
 name = "requests"
 version = "2.31.0"
@@ -2362,6 +2486,23 @@ files = [
     {file = "tzdata-2023.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:dd54c94f294765522c77399649b4fefd95522479a664a0cec87f41bebc6148c9"},
+name = "tzlocal"
+version = "5.2"
+description = "tzinfo object for the local timezone"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+    {file = "tzlocal-5.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:49816ef2fe65ea8ac19d19aa7a1ae0551c834303d5014c6d5a62e4cbda8047b8"},
+    {file = "tzlocal-5.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8d399205578f1a9342816409cc1e46a93ebd5755e39ea2d85334bea911bf0e6e"},
+tzdata = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
+devenv = ["check-manifest", "pytest (>=4.3)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock (>=3.3)", "zest.releaser"]
 name = "urllib3"
 version = "2.2.0"
@@ -2550,4 +2691,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "p
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.10,<3.12"
-content-hash = "67fef59bf1c06067ebf0c79dbeaef6d4ea4a44f87f6ebaccc85c3f29d3fe677d"
+content-hash = "d6f401844101f765f4b2ea40bc509f627eda1132b56364b09baff855deda7407"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 99c05175f..b3725ef06 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pyyaml = "^6.0.1"
 parameterized = "^0.9.0"
 artifacts = {git = "", rev = "main"}
 pycountry = "^23.12.11"
+dateparser = "^1.2.0"
 pylint = "^2.16.1"

From f1c39fea58eea5fdbf79d42458f4f30d121bcc9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:18:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/69] add Jarm

 core/schemas/       |  2 ++
 core/schemas/observables/ | 14 ++++++++++++++
 tests/schemas/      |  7 +++++++
 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 core/schemas/observables/

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 50532ea4f..52d72a3db 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class ObservableType(str, Enum):
     imphash = "imphash"
     ipv4 = "ipv4"
     ipv6 = "ipv6"
+    jarm = "jarm"
     mac_address = "mac_address"
     md5 = "md5"
     generic = "generic"
@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ def find_type(value: str) -> ObservableType | None:
     imphash,  # noqa: F401
     ipv4,  # noqa: F401
     ipv6,  # noqa: F401
+    jarm,  # noqa: F401
     mac_address,  # noqa: F401
     md5,  # noqa: F401
     path,  # noqa: F401
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8129ebf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from typing import Literal
+from core.schemas import observable
+class Jarm(observable.Observable):
+    """Represents a JARM fingerprint.
+    Value should be in the form JARM:<HASH>.
+    """
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.jarm] = observable.ObservableType.jarm
+observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.jarm] = Jarm
diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 20eb715ee..3b0d07b75 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+    jarm,
@@ -545,3 +546,9 @@ def test_cookie(self):
         self.assertEqual(, True)
         self.assertEqual(cookie_obs.type_cookie, "Session management")
+    def test_jarm(self):
+        """Tests creating a JARM."""
+        jarm_obs = jarm.Jarm(value="1234567890")
+        self.assertEqual(jarm_obs.type, "jarm")

From f3ee1d8281382693296131e3bf3214a54fcae680 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:34:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/69] add cs-beaconing

 core/common/ | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 8563a0894..8deb8257e 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 import logging
-import pycountry
 from datetime import timedelta
-from core.schemas import entity, observable, indicator
 import dateparser
+import pycountry
+from core.schemas import entity, indicator, observable
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
     "domain": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@
     "regkey": observable.ObservableType.registry_key,
     "asn": observable.ObservableType.asn,
     "cookie": observable.ObservableType.cookie,
+    "other": observable.ObservableType.generic,
@@ -275,4 +278,70 @@ def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: dict):
         if expires:
             cookie.expires = dateparser.parse(expires)
+    def __import_cs_beaconing(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconing: dict):
+        cs_malware = entity.Malware(name="Cobalt Strike").save()
+        sha256_obs =  self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['sha256'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        sha1_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['sha1'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        md5_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['md5'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        file_cs = observable.file.File(value=f"FILE:{sha256_obs}").save()
+        file_cs.md5 = md5_obs.value
+        file_cs.sha1 = sha1_obs.value
+        cs_malware.link_to(sha256_obs, "file", "sha256")
+        cs_malware.link_to(sha1_obs, "file", "sha1")
+        cs_malware.link_to(md5_obs, "file", "md5")
+        cs_malware.link_to(file_cs, "file", "file")
+        file_cs.link_to(sha256_obs, "file", "sha256")
+        file_cs.link_to(sha1_obs, "file", "sha1")
+        file_cs.link_to(md5_obs, "file", "md5")
+        invest.link_to(
+            cs_malware, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
+        asn  = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['asn'])
+        cs_malware.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
+        geo = object_cs_beaconing.get("geo")
+        country = None
+        if geo:
+            country = entity.Location(name=geo, country=geo)
+            country.set_country_code_by_name(
+            invest.link_to(country, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        c2_url = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2", object_cs_beaconing["Attribute"])
+        for url in c2_url:
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, url, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+            obs_yeti.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
+            cs_malware.link_to(obs_yeti, "downloaded", "c2")
+        ips  = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "ip", object_cs_beaconing["Attribute"])
+        for ip_value in ips:
+            ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, ip_value, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing") 
+            ip.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
+            if country:
+                ip.link_to(country, "located_at", "location")
+            cs_malware.link_to(ip, "communicate_with", "ip")
+        city = object_cs_beaconing.get("city")
+        if city:
+            location = entity.Location(name=city,city=city).save()
+            ip.link_to(location, "located_at", "location")
+            invest.link_to(location, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        jar_md5= object_cs_beaconing["jar-md5"]
+        app_c2 = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, jar_md5, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        cs_malware.link_to(app_c2, "jar-md5", "MD5 of adversary cobaltstrike.jar file")
+        watermark = object_cs_beaconing.get("watermark")
+        watermark_yeti = None
+        if watermark:
+            watermark_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, watermark, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+            watermark_yeti.link_to(app_c2, "watermarked", "watermark")           
+            cs_malware.link_to(watermark_yeti, "watermarked", "watermark")

From c29db8a33bdf97f60744f804c69367574f4bfebb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:36:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/69] Update

 tests/schemas/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 1ecbda149..ef958fd37 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 from core.schemas.entity import (
+    Location,
-    Location,
 from core.schemas.observables import hostname

From 034f00690fcd2b59b7c7800092f2632ada3b9060 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:38:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/69] ruff

 core/common/        | 200 +++++++++++++++++++----------
 core/schemas/observables/ |   1 +
 core/schemas/observables/   |   1 +
 3 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 8deb8257e..c659dbee1 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 class MispToYeti:
     def __init__(self, misp_event):
         self.misp_event = misp_event
         self.func_by_type = {
@@ -46,15 +45,13 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict, description: str ="" 
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict, description: str = ""
     ) -> observable.Observable:  # type: ignore
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
-            invest.link_to(
-                obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description
-            )
+            invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
@@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ def add_context_by_misp(
         context = {}
         context["Org"] = event["Org"]["name"]
         if attribute_misp.get("comment"):
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
@@ -94,7 +91,9 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
         if self.misp_event["Tag"]:
-        invest.description =f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"
+        invest.description = (
+            f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"
+        )
         for object_misp in self.misp_event["Object"]:
             self.obs_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_misp)
@@ -114,8 +113,8 @@ def __import_av_signature(
-            location='misp',
-        )    
+            location="misp",
+        )
         av_sig.description = object_av_signature["description"]
@@ -123,7 +122,11 @@ def __import_av_signature(
     def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
-        asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_asn['value'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+        asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            object_asn["value"],
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+        )
         context = {}
         if subnet := object_asn.get("subnet"):
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
             btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
             btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        ) 
+        )
     def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
@@ -172,7 +175,9 @@ def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
             lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ipport", object_c2_list["Attribute"]
         for c2 in list_c2_ip:
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, c2, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest, c2, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+            )
             obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
         for c2 in list_c2_domain:
             ip, port = c2["value"].split("|")
@@ -181,25 +186,31 @@ def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
             obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
             obs_yeti.add_context("misp", {"port": port})
-    def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crowdsec_ip: dict):
-        ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_crowdsec_ip['ip'],description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+    def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crowdsec_ip: dict
+    ):
+        ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            object_crowdsec_ip["ip"],
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
+        )
         as_num = object_crowdsec_ip.get("as_num")
         if as_num:
             asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, as_num)
             ip.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
         context = {}
         attack_details = object_crowdsec_ip.get("attack-details")
         if attack_details:
             context["attack-details"] = attack_details
         background_noise = object_crowdsec_ip.get("background-noise")
         if background_noise:
             context["background-noise"] = background_noise
         behaviors = object_crowdsec_ip.get("behaviors")
         if behaviors:
             context["behaviors"] = behaviors
@@ -207,20 +218,26 @@ def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crow
         city = object_crowdsec_ip.get("city")
         country = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country")
         country_code = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country_code")
         if city or country or country_code:
             if city:
-                location = entity.Location(name=city,city=city).save()
+                location = entity.Location(name=city, city=city).save()
             if country:
-                location = entity.Location(name=country,country=country).save()
+                location = entity.Location(name=country, country=country).save()
             if country_code:
                 country_name = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=country_code).name
-                location = entity.Location(name=country_name,country=country_name).save()
+                location = entity.Location(
+                    name=country_name, country=country_name
+                ).save()
             if location:
                 ip.link_to(location, "located_at", "location")
-                invest.link_to(location, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+                invest.link_to(
+                    location,
+                    "imported_by_misp",
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
+                )
         dst_port = object_crowdsec_ip.get("dst-port")
         if dst_port:
             context["dst_port"] = dst_port
@@ -228,42 +245,55 @@ def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crow
         ip_range_scope = object_crowdsec_ip.get("ip-range-scope")
         if ip_range_scope:
             context["ip-range-scope"] = ip_range_scope
         trust = object_crowdsec_ip.get("trust")
         if trust:
             context["trust"] = trust
         ip_range = object_crowdsec_ip.get("ip-range")
         if ip_range:
-            cidr_obs = observable.cidr.CIDR(value=ip_range).save() # type: ignore
+            cidr_obs = observable.cidr.CIDR(value=ip_range).save()  # type: ignore
             ip.link_to(cidr_obs, "part_of", "subnet")
-            invest.link_to(cidr_obs, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+            invest.link_to(
+                cidr_obs,
+                "imported_by_misp",
+                f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
+            )
         ip.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec", context)
         reverse_dns = object_crowdsec_ip.get("reverse_dns")
         if reverse_dns:
-            hostname = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, reverse_dns,description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec")
+            hostname = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                reverse_dns,
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
+            )
             ip.link_to(hostname, "resolved_to", "hostname")
-    def __import_commande_line(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_line: dict):
-            cmd_line = object_command_line["value"]
-            cmd_line = observable.command_line.CommandLine(value=cmd_line).save()
-            description = object_command_line.get("description")
-            context = {}
-            if description:
-                context["description"] = description
-            if context:
-                cmd_line.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)        
-            invest.link_to(cmd_line, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+    def __import_commande_line(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_line: dict
+    ):
+        cmd_line = object_command_line["value"]
+        cmd_line = observable.command_line.CommandLine(value=cmd_line).save()
+        description = object_command_line.get("description")
+        context = {}
+        if description:
+            context["description"] = description
+        if context:
+            cmd_line.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+        invest.link_to(
+            cmd_line, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
     def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: dict):
-        name = object_cookie['name']
-        cookie_attr = object_cookie['cookie']
-        cookie = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, cookie_attr,description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+        name = object_cookie["name"]
+        cookie_attr = object_cookie["cookie"]
+        cookie = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest, cookie_attr, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        ) = name
         https_only = object_cookie.get("http-only")
         if https_only:
@@ -279,11 +309,25 @@ def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: dict):
             cookie.expires = dateparser.parse(expires)
-    def __import_cs_beaconing(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconing: dict):
+    def __import_cs_beaconing(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconing: dict
+    ):
         cs_malware = entity.Malware(name="Cobalt Strike").save()
-        sha256_obs =  self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['sha256'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
-        sha1_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['sha1'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
-        md5_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['md5'], description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+        sha256_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            object_cs_beaconing["sha256"],
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+        )
+        sha1_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            object_cs_beaconing["sha1"],
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+        )
+        md5_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            object_cs_beaconing["md5"],
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+        )
         file_cs = observable.file.File(value=f"FILE:{sha256_obs}").save()
         file_cs.md5 = md5_obs.value
         file_cs.sha1 = sha1_obs.value
@@ -298,7 +342,7 @@ def __import_cs_beaconing(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconin
             cs_malware, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        asn  = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing['asn'])
+        asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing["asn"])
         cs_malware.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
         geo = object_cs_beaconing.get("geo")
@@ -307,17 +351,27 @@ def __import_cs_beaconing(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconin
             country = entity.Location(name=geo, country=geo)
-            invest.link_to(country, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+            invest.link_to(
+                country,
+                "imported_by_misp",
+                f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
         c2_url = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2", object_cs_beaconing["Attribute"])
         for url in c2_url:
-            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, url, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}")
+            obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest, url, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+            )
             obs_yeti.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
             cs_malware.link_to(obs_yeti, "downloaded", "c2")
-        ips  = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "ip", object_cs_beaconing["Attribute"])
+        ips = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "ip", object_cs_beaconing["Attribute"])
         for ip_value in ips:
-            ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, ip_value, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing") 
+            ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                ip_value,
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
             ip.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
             if country:
                 ip.link_to(country, "located_at", "location")
@@ -325,23 +379,29 @@ def __import_cs_beaconing(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconin
         city = object_cs_beaconing.get("city")
         if city:
-            location = entity.Location(name=city,city=city).save()
+            location = entity.Location(name=city, city=city).save()
             ip.link_to(location, "located_at", "location")
-            invest.link_to(location, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
-        jar_md5= object_cs_beaconing["jar-md5"]
-        app_c2 = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, jar_md5, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
+            invest.link_to(
+                location,
+                "imported_by_misp",
+                f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
+        jar_md5 = object_cs_beaconing["jar-md5"]
+        app_c2 = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            jar_md5,
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+        )
         cs_malware.link_to(app_c2, "jar-md5", "MD5 of adversary cobaltstrike.jar file")
         watermark = object_cs_beaconing.get("watermark")
         watermark_yeti = None
         if watermark:
-            watermark_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, watermark, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing")
-            watermark_yeti.link_to(app_c2, "watermarked", "watermark")           
+            watermark_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                watermark,
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
+            watermark_yeti.link_to(app_c2, "watermarked", "watermark")
             cs_malware.link_to(watermark_yeti, "watermarked", "watermark")
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 65b307dab..0dd6ba66e 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -22,4 +22,5 @@ class Cookie(observable.Observable):
     name: Optional[str] = None
     cookie: Optional[str] = None
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.cookie] = Cookie
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 8129ebf2e..06f478dcf 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ class Jarm(observable.Observable):
     type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.jarm] = observable.ObservableType.jarm
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.jarm] = Jarm

From f47cecc7504faf955a51b04bf4f9858cbe6eb34b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:42:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/69] ruff

 core/schemas/     | 2 ++
 core/web/apiv2/ | 1 -
 tests/schemas/       | 3 +--
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index d179963bf..b2a770716 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ def save_indicators(self, create_links: bool = False):
                 self.link_to(indicator, "uses", f"Uses regex {}")
         return indicators
 class av_signature(Indicator):
     _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = IndicatorType.av_signature
     type: Literal[IndicatorType.av_signature] = IndicatorType.av_signature
@@ -282,6 +283,7 @@ class av_signature(Indicator):
     def match(self, value: str) -> IndicatorMatch | None:
         raise NotImplementedError
 ARTIFACT_INTERPOLATION_RE = re.compile(r"%%[a-z._]+%%")
diff --git a/core/web/apiv2/ b/core/web/apiv2/
index 1bb09be3b..4c8417ca6 100644
--- a/core/web/apiv2/
+++ b/core/web/apiv2/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 import json
 from fastapi import APIRouter, File, UploadFile
diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index ef958fd37..7a8de4524 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -136,10 +136,9 @@ def test_bad_cve_name(self):
     def test_correct_cve_name(self):
         vulnerability = Vulnerability(name="CVE-1337-4242").save()
         self.assertEqual(Vulnerability.is_valid(vulnerability), True)
     def test_location(self):
         location = Location(name="France").save()
         self.assertEqual(, "France")
         self.assertEqual(location.country_code, "FR")

From 867d254ef74b456e1867a3a48a877338648fc816 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:43:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/69] Update pyproject.toml

 pyproject.toml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index b3725ef06..8ffed9c90 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
 # Enable the isort rules.
-extend-select = ["I"]
+lint.extend-select = ["I"]
 # exclude files in the /deprecated/ directories
 exclude = ["deprecated"]

From a521dc188da3cdaaaf034932b8368d71b842b0cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:51:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/69] ruff linting

 core/common/                               |  6 +++---
 core/                            |  1 +
 core/schemas/observables/            |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/           |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/           |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/               |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/            |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/             |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/           |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/           |  4 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/             |  4 ++--
 plugins/feeds/public/                  |  6 +++---
 plugins/feeds/public/            |  1 +
 plugins/feeds/public/                   | 12 ++++++------
 plugins/feeds/public/ |  6 +++---
 plugins/feeds/public/                     |  6 +++---
 plugins/feeds/public/       |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/          |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/        |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/         |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/       |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/         |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/        |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/        |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/        |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/      |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/              |  3 ++-
 plugins/feeds/public/            |  6 +++---
 plugins/feeds/public/          |  6 +++---
 plugins/feeds/public/   |  6 +++---
 plugins/feeds/public/              |  6 +++---
 tests/apiv2/                           | 12 ++++++------
 32 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 28d81c447..a0010274c 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 if hasattr(yeti_config, "tldextract"):
     if yeti_config.tldextract.extra_suffixes:
-        tld_extract_dict[
-            "extra_suffixes"
-        ] = yeti_config.tldextract.extra_suffixes.split(",")
+        tld_extract_dict["extra_suffixes"] = (
+            yeti_config.tldextract.extra_suffixes.split(",")
+        )
     if yeti_config.tldextract.suffix_list_urls:
         tld_extract_dict["suffix_list_urls"] = yeti_config.tldextract.suffix_list_urls
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index ac1219748..7b06cf61f 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """Class implementing a YetiConnector interface for ArangoDB."""
 import datetime
 import json
 import logging
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index a8d8b7618..1e2127ab7 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ class Certificate(observable.Observable):
         fingerprint: the certificate fingerprint.
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.certificate] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.certificate
+    )
     last_seen: datetime.datetime = Field(default_factory=now)
     first_seen: datetime.datetime = Field(default_factory=now)
     issuer: str | None = None
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index f1102ec64..b166eff27 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class CommandLine(observable.Observable):
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.command_line] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.command_line
+    )
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.command_line] = CommandLine
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 55f16af81..bdc342793 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DockerImage(observable.Observable):
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.docker_image] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.docker_image
+    )
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.docker_image] = DockerImage
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 2ccedc8e1..eae0cfffa 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class Hostname(observable.Observable):
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.hostname] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.hostname
+    )
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.hostname] = Hostname
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 7da5d4e00..97c4fd018 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class MacAddress(observable.Observable):
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.mac_address] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.mac_address
+    )
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.mac_address] = MacAddress
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index b7ea68aff..e75165386 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class NamedPipe(observable.Observable):
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.named_pipe] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.named_pipe
+    )
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.named_pipe] = NamedPipe
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index cca622301..29298bc49 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class RegistryKey(observable.Observable):
         path_file: The filesystem path to the file that contains the registry key value.
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.registry_key] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.registry_key
+    )
     key: str
     data: bytes
     hive: RegistryHive
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index a208df721..fa8d172d7 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ class UserAccount(observable.Observable):
     Value should to be in the form <ACCOUNT_TYPE>:<ACCOUNT_LOGIN>.
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.user_account] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.user_account
+    )
     user_id: str | None = None
     credential: str | None = None
     account_login: str | None = None
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 8bb37a760..b1d163c83 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class UserAgent(observable.Observable):
-    type: Literal[
+    type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.user_agent] = (
-    ] = observable.ObservableType.user_agent
+    )
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.user_agent] = UserAgent
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 374f785a5..56a0fb0c9 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 class AbuseIPDB(task.FeedTask):
-    _SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     _defaults = {
         "frequency": timedelta(hours=5),
         "name": "AbuseIPDB",
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 68c459062..9dce6240c 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """Azorult Tracker feeds"""
 import logging
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index d218816aa..0db462a15 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ class CisaKEV(task.FeedTask):
         "source": "",
-    CISA_SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
-    NVD_SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    CISA_SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
+    NVD_SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     def run(self):
         response = self._make_request(self.CISA_SOURCE, sort=False)
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index d69251613..79512c269 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ class CiscoUmbrellaTopDomains(task.FeedTask):
         "name": "CloudflareTopDomains",
         "description": "Import Cloudflare top domains",
-    _SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     def run(self):
         top_domains = yeti_config.get("umbrella", "top_domains", 10000)
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 1d38d2dcc..bcc36f785 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 class Cruzit(task.FeedTask):
-    _SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     _defaults = {
         "frequency": timedelta(hours=1),
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 1ac1886e8..922b2ddf9 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-    Feed DNS Version IPs with ASN
+Feed DNS Version IPs with ASN
 import logging
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 8b464d8fd..9f9e5bb31 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feed DataplaneProto41: IPs from DataplaneProto41
+Feed DataplaneProto41: IPs from DataplaneProto41
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 7ed34d3c6..f8262400c 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feed of SIP INVITE attacks from Dataplane IPs and their Autonomous Systems
+Feed of SIP INVITE attacks from Dataplane IPs and their Autonomous Systems
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 1e4645e94..c336bc0fb 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feed of SIPs from Dataplane with IPs and ASNs
+Feed of SIPs from Dataplane with IPs and ASNs
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 8b268c82f..7feadcf7b 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feed of SIP registr with IPs and ASNs
+Feed of SIP registr with IPs and ASNs
 import logging
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 5e091e5f4..d638e57c9 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feeds SMTP data from Dataplane with IPs and ASNs
+Feeds SMTP data from Dataplane with IPs and ASNs
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index a3e0134ad..965451d54 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-    Feed of SMTP greetings from dataplane with IPs and ASN
+Feed of SMTP greetings from dataplane with IPs and ASN
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 382bd1db4..1626ad803 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-    Feed of ssh client bruteforce of Dataplane with IPs and ASNs
+Feed of ssh client bruteforce of Dataplane with IPs and ASNs
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 98357763b..84d3e08de 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feed of Dataplane SSH bruteforce IPs and ASNs
+Feed of Dataplane SSH bruteforce IPs and ASNs
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 241c8e0ea..297619030 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-       Feed of Dataplane SSH bruteforce IPs and ASNs
+Feed of Dataplane SSH bruteforce IPs and ASNs
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 95a1e141b..13f4f097a 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-    Feed of Dataplane SSH bruteforce IPs and ASNs
+Feed of Dataplane SSH bruteforce IPs and ASNs
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import ClassVar
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 52a9e65ce..2b1e5ecff 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ class MiningPoolStats(task.FeedTask):
     _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = ""
-    _USER_AGENT: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
+    _USER_AGENT: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
+    )
     def run(self):
         self._session = requests.Session()
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 931243bab..593564d8c 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ class PhishingDatabase(task.FeedTask):
         "description": "PhishingDatabase is a community feed of phishing URLs which are updated every 24 hours.",
-    _SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     def run(self):
         response = self._make_request(self._SOURCE)
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index 156c6f3e2..be8755f51 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ class RulezSKBruteforceBlocker(task.FeedTask):
         "description": "This feed contains daily list of IPs from",
-    _SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     def run(self):
         r = self._make_request(self._SOURCE, headers={"User-Agent": "yeti-project"})
diff --git a/plugins/feeds/public/ b/plugins/feeds/public/
index eec966ab7..4728f3433 100644
--- a/plugins/feeds/public/
+++ b/plugins/feeds/public/
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ class ThreatviewC2(task.FeedTask):
         "description": "This feed contains Cobalt Strike C2 IPs and Hostnames",
-    _SOURCE: ClassVar[
-        "str"
-    ] = ""
+    _SOURCE: ClassVar["str"] = (
+        ""
+    )
     def run(self):
         response = self._make_request(self._SOURCE, sort=False)
diff --git a/tests/apiv2/ b/tests/apiv2/
index e1db94b4c..d5e9e2c4a 100644
--- a/tests/apiv2/
+++ b/tests/apiv2/
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ def test_render_template_by_id(self):
         data = response.text
-        response.headers[
-            "Content-Disposition"
-        ] = "attachment; filename=FakeTemplate.txt"
+        response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = (
+            "attachment; filename=FakeTemplate.txt"
+        )
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, data)
         self.assertEqual(data, "<blah>\n1.1.1.1\n2.2.2.2\n3.3.3.3\n\n</blah>\n")
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ def test_render_template_by_search(self):
             json={"template_id":, "search_query": "yeti"},
         data = response.text
-        response.headers[
-            "Content-Disposition"
-        ] = "attachment; filename=FakeTemplate.txt"
+        response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = (
+            "attachment; filename=FakeTemplate.txt"
+        )
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200, data)
         self.assertEqual(data, "<blah>\\\\n\n</blah>\n")

From 8b22aa5f766791755906721d14b3275d939b6ae2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:54:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/69] fix test

 tests/schemas/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 7a8de4524..0970281e2 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ def test_location(self):
         location = Location(name="France").save()
         self.assertEqual(, "France")
-        self.assertEqual(location.country_code, "FR")
+        self.assertEqual(location.country_code, 250)

From b898eeef24efb450636fd7b79f3f70f913d7b74f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 16:58:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/69] Update

 core/schemas/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 140d71212..4cc254845 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def set_country_name_by_code(self, code: int):
     def set_country_code_by_name(self, name: str):
         import pycountry
-        self.country_code = pycountry.countries.get(name=name).numeric
+        self.country_code = int(pycountry.countries.get(name=name).numeric)
 class SeverityType(str, Enum):

From 30f23a8fac623cc10f41f2c6e4a8b110b6fbcb53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:05:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/69] fix tags

 core/common/ | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index c659dbee1..35b3d6502 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
+            if attribute['Tag']:
+                obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in attribute["Tag"]])
             invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
         invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
         if self.misp_event["Tag"]:
-            invest.tag(self.misp_event["Tag"])
+            invest.tag([t['name'] for t in self.misp_event["Tag"]])
         invest.description = (
             f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"

From 6a7f32e02fb82ecda3cee9d61c29019eb96db819 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:11:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/69] Update

 core/common/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 35b3d6502..3f3ce4379 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
-            if attribute['Tag']:
+            if attribute["Tag"]:
                 obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in attribute["Tag"]])
             invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
         invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
         if self.misp_event["Tag"]:
-            invest.tag([t['name'] for t in self.misp_event["Tag"]])
+            invest.tag([t["name"] for t in self.misp_event["Tag"]])
         invest.description = (
             f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"

From a262fd86344fe3b3f9390254e24c574d402eda63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:14:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/69] update

 poetry.lock | 158 +---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index 4bf2241da..7f10a815f 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.8.1 and should not be changed by hand.
+# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.7.1 and should not be changed by hand.
 name = "altair"
@@ -623,28 +623,6 @@ ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
 test = ["pretend", "pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist"]
 test-randomorder = ["pytest-randomly"]
-name = "dateparser"
-version = "1.2.0"
-description = "Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages"
-optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.7"
-files = [
-    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0b21ad96534e562920a0083e97fd45fa959882d4162acc358705144520a35830"},
-    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7975b43a4222283e0ae15be7b4999d08c9a70e2d378ac87385b1ccf2cffbbb30"},
-python-dateutil = "*"
-pytz = "*"
-regex = "<2019.02.19 || >2019.02.19,<2021.8.27 || >2021.8.27"
-tzlocal = "*"
-calendars = ["convertdate", "hijri-converter"]
-fasttext = ["fasttext"]
-langdetect = ["langdetect"]
 name = "deprecated"
 version = "1.2.14"
@@ -1540,17 +1518,6 @@ files = [
 pyasn1 = ">=0.4.6,<0.6.0"
-name = "pycountry"
-version = "23.12.11"
-description = "ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations"
-optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.8"
-files = [
-    {file = "pycountry-23.12.11-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2ff91cff4f40ff61086e773d61e72005fe95de4a57bfc765509db05695dc50ab"},
-    {file = "pycountry-23.12.11.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:00569d82eaefbc6a490a311bfa84a9c571cff9ddbf8b0a4f4e7b4f868b4ad925"},
 name = "pycparser"
 version = "2.21"
@@ -1954,108 +1921,6 @@ files = [
 attrs = ">=22.2.0"
 rpds-py = ">=0.7.0"
-name = "regex"
-version = "2023.12.25"
-description = "Alternative regular expression module, to replace re."
-optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.7"
-files = [
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:0694219a1d54336fd0445ea382d49d36882415c0134ee1e8332afd1529f0baa5"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:b014333bd0217ad3d54c143de9d4b9a3ca1c5a29a6d0d554952ea071cff0f1f8"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:d865984b3f71f6d0af64d0d88f5733521698f6c16f445bb09ce746c92c97c586"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:1e0eabac536b4cc7f57a5f3d095bfa557860ab912f25965e08fe1545e2ed8b4c"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:c25a8ad70e716f96e13a637802813f65d8a6760ef48672aa3502f4c24ea8b400"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:a9b6d73353f777630626f403b0652055ebfe8ff142a44ec2cf18ae470395766e"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:a9cc99d6946d750eb75827cb53c4371b8b0fe89c733a94b1573c9dd16ea6c9e4"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:88d1f7bef20c721359d8675f7d9f8e414ec5003d8f642fdfd8087777ff7f94b5"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:cb3fe77aec8f1995611f966d0c656fdce398317f850d0e6e7aebdfe61f40e1cd"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:7aa47c2e9ea33a4a2a05f40fcd3ea36d73853a2aae7b4feab6fc85f8bf2c9704"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:df26481f0c7a3f8739fecb3e81bc9da3fcfae34d6c094563b9d4670b047312e1"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:c40281f7d70baf6e0db0c2f7472b31609f5bc2748fe7275ea65a0b4601d9b392"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:d94a1db462d5690ebf6ae86d11c5e420042b9898af5dcf278bd97d6bda065423"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:ba1b30765a55acf15dce3f364e4928b80858fa8f979ad41f862358939bdd1f2f"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:150c39f5b964e4d7dba46a7962a088fbc91f06e606f023ce57bb347a3b2d4630"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:09da66917262d9481c719599116c7dc0c321ffcec4b1f510c4f8a066f8768105"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:1b9d811f72210fa9306aeb88385b8f8bcef0dfbf3873410413c00aa94c56c2b6"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d902a43085a308cef32c0d3aea962524b725403fd9373dea18110904003bac97"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:d166eafc19f4718df38887b2bbe1467a4f74a9830e8605089ea7a30dd4da8887"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:c7ad32824b7f02bb3c9f80306d405a1d9b7bb89362d68b3c5a9be53836caebdb"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:636ba0a77de609d6510235b7f0e77ec494d2657108f777e8765efc060094c98c"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:0fda75704357805eb953a3ee15a2b240694a9a514548cd49b3c5124b4e2ad01b"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:f72cbae7f6b01591f90814250e636065850c5926751af02bb48da94dfced7baa"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:db2a0b1857f18b11e3b0e54ddfefc96af46b0896fb678c85f63fb8c37518b3e7"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:7502534e55c7c36c0978c91ba6f61703faf7ce733715ca48f499d3dbbd7657e0"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:e8c7e08bb566de4faaf11984af13f6bcf6a08f327b13631d41d62592681d24fe"},
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-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:67d3ccfc590e5e7197750fcb3a2915b416a53e2de847a728cfa60141054123d4"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:68191f80a9bad283432385961d9efe09d783bcd36ed35a60fb1ff3f1ec2efe87"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:7d2af3f6b8419661a0c421584cfe8aaec1c0e435ce7e47ee2a97e344b98f794f"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:8a0ccf52bb37d1a700375a6b395bff5dd15c50acb745f7db30415bae3c2b0715"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:c3c4a78615b7762740531c27cf46e2f388d8d727d0c0c739e72048beb26c8a9d"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:ad83e7545b4ab69216cef4cc47e344d19622e28aabec61574b20257c65466d6a"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:b7a635871143661feccce3979e1727c4e094f2bdfd3ec4b90dfd4f16f571a87a"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:d498eea3f581fbe1b34b59c697512a8baef88212f92e4c7830fcc1499f5b45a5"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:43f7cd5754d02a56ae4ebb91b33461dc67be8e3e0153f593c509e21d219c5060"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:51f4b32f793812714fd5307222a7f77e739b9bc566dc94a18126aba3b92b98a3"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:ba99d8077424501b9616b43a2d208095746fb1284fc5ba490139651f971d39d9"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:4bfc2b16e3ba8850e0e262467275dd4d62f0d045e0e9eda2bc65078c0110a11f"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:8c2c19dae8a3eb0ea45a8448356ed561be843b13cbc34b840922ddf565498c1c"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:60080bb3d8617d96f0fb7e19796384cc2467447ef1c491694850ebd3670bc457"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:b77e27b79448e34c2c51c09836033056a0547aa360c45eeeb67803da7b0eedaf"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:518440c991f514331f4850a63560321f833979d145d7d81186dbe2f19e27ae3d"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:e2610e9406d3b0073636a3a2e80db05a02f0c3169b5632022b4e81c0364bcda5"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:cc37b9aeebab425f11f27e5e9e6cf580be7206c6582a64467a14dda211abc232"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:da695d75ac97cb1cd725adac136d25ca687da4536154cdc2815f576e4da11c69"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:d126361607b33c4eb7b36debc173bf25d7805847346dd4d99b5499e1fef52bc7"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:4719bb05094d7d8563a450cf8738d2e1061420f79cfcc1fa7f0a44744c4d8f73"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:5dd58946bce44b53b06d94aa95560d0b243eb2fe64227cba50017a8d8b3cd3e2"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:22a86d9fff2009302c440b9d799ef2fe322416d2d58fc124b926aa89365ec482"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:2aae8101919e8aa05ecfe6322b278f41ce2994c4a430303c4cd163fef746e04f"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e692296c4cc2873967771345a876bcfc1c547e8dd695c6b89342488b0ea55cd8"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:263ef5cc10979837f243950637fffb06e8daed7f1ac1e39d5910fd29929e489a"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:d6f7e255e5fa94642a0724e35406e6cb7001c09d476ab5fce002f652b36d0c39"},
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-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e14b73607d6231f3cc4622809c196b540a6a44e903bcfad940779c80dffa7be7"},
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-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:905466ad1702ed4acfd67a902af50b8db1feeb9781436372261808df7a2a7bca"},
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-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:7e316026cc1095f2a3e8cc012822c99f413b702eaa2ca5408a513609488cb62f"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:3b1de218d5375cd6ac4b5493e0b9f3df2be331e86520f23382f216c137913d20"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:11a963f8e25ab5c61348d090bf1b07f1953929c13bd2309a0662e9ff680763c9"},
-    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:e693e233ac92ba83a87024e1d32b5f9ab15ca55ddd916d878146f4e3406b5c91"},
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@@ -2485,23 +2350,6 @@ files = [
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-version = "5.2"
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-    {file = "tzlocal-5.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8d399205578f1a9342816409cc1e46a93ebd5755e39ea2d85334bea911bf0e6e"},
-tzdata = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
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 name = "urllib3"
 version = "2.2.1"
@@ -2690,8 +2538,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "p
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From 02071deab06767dab471bd7456445b3216aa560b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:16:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/69] Update poetry.lock

 poetry.lock | 164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 158 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index 7f10a815f..47e24c0b3 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.7.1 and should not be changed by hand.
+# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.8.1 and should not be changed by hand.
 name = "altair"
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ develop = false
 type = "git"
 url = ""
 reference = "main"
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 name = "astroid"
@@ -623,6 +623,28 @@ ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
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 test-randomorder = ["pytest-randomly"]
+name = "dateparser"
+version = "1.2.0"
+description = "Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0b21ad96534e562920a0083e97fd45fa959882d4162acc358705144520a35830"},
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+python-dateutil = "*"
+pytz = "*"
+regex = "<2019.02.19 || >2019.02.19,<2021.8.27 || >2021.8.27"
+tzlocal = "*"
+calendars = ["convertdate", "hijri-converter"]
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+langdetect = ["langdetect"]
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@@ -1480,13 +1502,13 @@ wcwidth = "*"
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 attrs = ">=22.2.0"
 rpds-py = ">=0.7.0"
+name = "regex"
+version = "2023.12.25"
+description = "Alternative regular expression module, to replace re."
+optional = false
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+files = [
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:7d2af3f6b8419661a0c421584cfe8aaec1c0e435ce7e47ee2a97e344b98f794f"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:c3c4a78615b7762740531c27cf46e2f388d8d727d0c0c739e72048beb26c8a9d"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:ad83e7545b4ab69216cef4cc47e344d19622e28aabec61574b20257c65466d6a"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:43f7cd5754d02a56ae4ebb91b33461dc67be8e3e0153f593c509e21d219c5060"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:51f4b32f793812714fd5307222a7f77e739b9bc566dc94a18126aba3b92b98a3"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:ba99d8077424501b9616b43a2d208095746fb1284fc5ba490139651f971d39d9"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:60080bb3d8617d96f0fb7e19796384cc2467447ef1c491694850ebd3670bc457"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:b77e27b79448e34c2c51c09836033056a0547aa360c45eeeb67803da7b0eedaf"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:518440c991f514331f4850a63560321f833979d145d7d81186dbe2f19e27ae3d"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp312-cp312-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:e2610e9406d3b0073636a3a2e80db05a02f0c3169b5632022b4e81c0364bcda5"},
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:263ef5cc10979837f243950637fffb06e8daed7f1ac1e39d5910fd29929e489a"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:d6f7e255e5fa94642a0724e35406e6cb7001c09d476ab5fce002f652b36d0c39"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:88ad44e220e22b63b0f8f81f007e8abbb92874d8ced66f32571ef8beb0643b2b"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:3a17d3ede18f9cedcbe23d2daa8a2cd6f59fe2bf082c567e43083bba3fb00347"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d15b274f9e15b1a0b7a45d2ac86d1f634d983ca40d6b886721626c47a400bf39"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:ed19b3a05ae0c97dd8f75a5d8f21f7723a8c33bbc555da6bbe1f96c470139d3c"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:a6d1047952c0b8104a1d371f88f4ab62e6275567d4458c1e26e9627ad489b445"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:b43523d7bc2abd757119dbfb38af91b5735eea45537ec6ec3a5ec3f9562a1c53"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:efb2d82f33b2212898f1659fb1c2e9ac30493ac41e4d53123da374c3b5541e64"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:b7fca9205b59c1a3d5031f7e64ed627a1074730a51c2a80e97653e3e9fa0d415"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:086dd15e9435b393ae06f96ab69ab2d333f5d65cbe65ca5a3ef0ec9564dfe770"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:e81469f7d01efed9b53740aedd26085f20d49da65f9c1f41e822a33992cb1590"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:34e4af5b27232f68042aa40a91c3b9bb4da0eeb31b7632e0091afc4310afe6cb"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:9852b76ab558e45b20bf1893b59af64a28bd3820b0c2efc80e0a70a4a3ea51c1"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:ff100b203092af77d1a5a7abe085b3506b7eaaf9abf65b73b7d6905b6cb76988"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:cc038b2d8b1470364b1888a98fd22d616fba2b6309c5b5f181ad4483e0017861"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:094ba386bb5c01e54e14434d4caabf6583334090865b23ef58e0424a6286d3dc"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:5cd05d0f57846d8ba4b71d9c00f6f37d6b97d5e5ef8b3c3840426a475c8f70f4"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:9aa1a67bbf0f957bbe096375887b2505f5d8ae16bf04488e8b0f334c36e31360"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:98a2636994f943b871786c9e82bfe7883ecdaba2ef5df54e1450fa9869d1f756"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:37f8e93a81fc5e5bd8db7e10e62dc64261bcd88f8d7e6640aaebe9bc180d9ce2"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:d78bd484930c1da2b9679290a41cdb25cc127d783768a0369d6b449e72f88beb"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:b521dcecebc5b978b447f0f69b5b7f3840eac454862270406a39837ffae4e697"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:f7bc09bc9c29ebead055bcba136a67378f03d66bf359e87d0f7c759d6d4ffa31"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e14b73607d6231f3cc4622809c196b540a6a44e903bcfad940779c80dffa7be7"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:9eda5f7a50141291beda3edd00abc2d4a5b16c29c92daf8d5bd76934150f3edc"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:cc6bb9aa69aacf0f6032c307da718f61a40cf970849e471254e0e91c56ffca95"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:298dc6354d414bc921581be85695d18912bea163a8b23cac9a2562bbcd5088b1"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:2f4e475a80ecbd15896a976aa0b386c5525d0ed34d5c600b6d3ebac0a67c7ddf"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:531ac6cf22b53e0696f8e1d56ce2396311254eb806111ddd3922c9d937151dae"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:22f3470f7524b6da61e2020672df2f3063676aff444db1daa283c2ea4ed259d6"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:89723d2112697feaa320c9d351e5f5e7b841e83f8b143dba8e2d2b5f04e10923"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:0ecf44ddf9171cd7566ef1768047f6e66975788258b1c6c6ca78098b95cf9a3d"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:905466ad1702ed4acfd67a902af50b8db1feeb9781436372261808df7a2a7bca"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:4558410b7a5607a645e9804a3e9dd509af12fb72b9825b13791a37cd417d73a5"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:7e316026cc1095f2a3e8cc012822c99f413b702eaa2ca5408a513609488cb62f"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:3b1de218d5375cd6ac4b5493e0b9f3df2be331e86520f23382f216c137913d20"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:11a963f8e25ab5c61348d090bf1b07f1953929c13bd2309a0662e9ff680763c9"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:e693e233ac92ba83a87024e1d32b5f9ab15ca55ddd916d878146f4e3406b5c91"},
+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:29171aa128da69afdf4bde412d5bedc335f2ca8fcfe4489038577d05f16181e5"},
 name = "requests"
 version = "2.31.0"
@@ -2350,6 +2485,23 @@ files = [
     {file = "tzdata-2024.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2674120f8d891909751c38abcdfd386ac0a5a1127954fbc332af6b5ceae07efd"},
+name = "tzlocal"
+version = "5.2"
+description = "tzinfo object for the local timezone"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+    {file = "tzlocal-5.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:49816ef2fe65ea8ac19d19aa7a1ae0551c834303d5014c6d5a62e4cbda8047b8"},
+    {file = "tzlocal-5.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8d399205578f1a9342816409cc1e46a93ebd5755e39ea2d85334bea911bf0e6e"},
+tzdata = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
+devenv = ["check-manifest", "pytest (>=4.3)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock (>=3.3)", "zest.releaser"]
 name = "urllib3"
 version = "2.2.1"
@@ -2538,4 +2690,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "p
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.10,<3.12"
-content-hash = "feb357b7966cdc46d391a7cc680b816b047614277c9d37b4e30287504dc51b5b"
+content-hash = "dabc8f6edfca97b7983905914200696ae83fe48a52c4b7094423643bf49c0d2d"

From 731b540a84e728ccf4e2419126fbbc1b00fe1517 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:22:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 27/69] Update

 core/common/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 3f3ce4379..115bd9dc5 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
             return obs_yeti
     def add_context_by_misp(
-        self, attribute_misp: dict, event: dict, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
+        self, attribute_misp: dict, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
         context = {}
-        context["Org"] = event["Org"]["name"]
+        context["Org"] = self.misp_event["Org"]["name"]
         if attribute_misp.get("comment"):
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: dict):
             obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, attr)
             if obs_yeti:
-                self.add_context_by_misp(attr, obs_misp, obs_yeti)
+                self.add_context_by_misp(attr, obs_yeti)
                 yield obs_yeti
                 print(f"Attribute {attr} not imported")
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
         for attribute_misp in self.misp_event["Attribute"]:
             obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, attribute_misp)
             if obs_yeti:
-                self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, self.misp_event, obs_yeti)
+                self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, obs_yeti)
                 print(f"Attribute {attribute_misp} not imported")

From 7ba8343d3d5d0c88c0d5c36cc3a7205f6467433b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:43:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 28/69] add test

 tests/apiv2/                   |  15 +-
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 189 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json

diff --git a/tests/apiv2/ b/tests/apiv2/
index 2fa47f691..1bac8417f 100644
--- a/tests/apiv2/
+++ b/tests/apiv2/
@@ -26,14 +26,23 @@ def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
         client.headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token_data["access_token"]}
-        cls.path_json = "tests/misp_test_data/misp_event.json"
+        cls.misp_json_files = ["tests/misp_test_data/misp_event.json", "tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json"]
     def test_import_misp(self):"Test import misp")
-        with open(self.path_json, "rb") as fichier:
-            files = {"misp_file_json": (self.path_json, fichier)}
+        test_file_json= self.misp_json_files[0]
+        with open(test_file_json, "rb") as fichier:
+            files = {"misp_file_json": (self.misp_json_files[0], fichier)}
             r ="/api/v2/import_data/import_misp_json", files=files)
             self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
+    def test_misp_object(self):
+"Test misp object")
+        test_file_json = self.misp_json_files[1]
+        with open(test_file_json, "rb") as fichier:
+            files = {"misp_file_json": (test_file_json, fichier)}
+            r ="/api/v2/import_data/import_misp_json", files=files)
+            self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fdbdb05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+    "Event": {
+        "id": "114",
+        "orgc_id": "1",
+        "org_id": "1",
+        "date": "2024-03-01",
+        "threat_level_id": "1",
+        "info": "test for yeti",
+        "published": false,
+        "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
+        "attribute_count": "5",
+        "analysis": "0",
+        "timestamp": "1709656629",
+        "distribution": "1",
+        "proposal_email_lock": false,
+        "locked": false,
+        "publish_timestamp": "0",
+        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+        "disable_correlation": false,
+        "extends_uuid": "",
+        "protected": null,
+        "event_creator_email": "",
+        "Org": {
+            "id": "1",
+            "name": "SCTIF",
+            "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d",
+            "local": true
+        },
+        "Orgc": {
+            "id": "1",
+            "name": "SCTIF",
+            "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d",
+            "local": true
+        },
+        "Attribute": [],
+        "ShadowAttribute": [],
+        "RelatedEvent": [],
+        "Galaxy": [],
+        "Object": [
+            {
+                "id": "1035",
+                "name": "c2-list",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "List of C2-servers with common ground, e.g. extracted from a blog post or ransomware analysis",
+                "template_uuid": "12456351-ceb7-4d43-9a7e-d2275d8b5785",
+                "template_version": "20230919",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "4017d4cc-284e-480e-9dc8-921dfc25f457",
+                "timestamp": "1709310117",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10620",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "7f017b41-13ba-4240-a449-3e6840739c26",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709308752",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "c2-ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10621",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "685a7a39-422c-4b70-a979-251c341d39e4",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709308752",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "c2-ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10622",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Attribution",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "b565cdc8-2bbc-4299-9f48-246aebf9172a",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709308752",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "threat",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "malware mechant",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10623",
+                        "type": "ip-src|port",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "26a7ae6b-1a22-4331-8640-cbc90e5787d3",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709310117",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "c2-ipport",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "|8888",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1036",
+                "name": "btc-wallet",
+                "meta-category": "financial",
+                "description": "An object to describe a Bitcoin wallet. Best to be used with btc-transaction object.",
+                "template_uuid": "22910C83-DD0E-4ED2-9823-45F8CAD562A4",
+                "template_version": "3",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "bd116941-502f-45b3-ac21-2d70d0c9a907",
+                "timestamp": "1709656629",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10624",
+                        "type": "btc",
+                        "category": "Financial fraud",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "49e5c32d-901c-404e-b80f-7a240be96ade",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709656629",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1036",
+                        "object_relation": "wallet-address",
+                        "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "value": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        ],
+        "EventReport": [],
+        "CryptographicKey": []
+    }

From cc1d285cd0b622c2292c9c20423cacbc56808978 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:48:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 29/69] fixe tags

 core/common/ | 12 ++++++------
 tests/apiv2/  |  9 ++++++---
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 115bd9dc5..f3517f5da 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
-            if attribute["Tag"]:
-                obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in attribute["Tag"]])
+            tags = attribute.get("Tag") 
+            if tags:
+                obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in tags])
             invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
             return obs_yeti
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
         invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
-        if self.misp_event["Tag"]:
-            invest.tag([t["name"] for t in self.misp_event["Tag"]])
+        tags = self.misp_event.get("Tag")
+        if tags:
+            invest.tag([t["name"] for t in tags])
         invest.description = (
             f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"
diff --git a/tests/apiv2/ b/tests/apiv2/
index 1bac8417f..e9d67e84f 100644
--- a/tests/apiv2/
+++ b/tests/apiv2/
@@ -26,15 +26,19 @@ def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
         client.headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token_data["access_token"]}
-        cls.misp_json_files = ["tests/misp_test_data/misp_event.json", "tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json"]
+        cls.misp_json_files = [
+            "tests/misp_test_data/misp_event.json",
+            "tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json",
+        ]
     def test_import_misp(self):"Test import misp")
-        test_file_json= self.misp_json_files[0]
+        test_file_json = self.misp_json_files[0]
         with open(test_file_json, "rb") as fichier:
             files = {"misp_file_json": (self.misp_json_files[0], fichier)}
             r ="/api/v2/import_data/import_misp_json", files=files)
             self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
     def test_misp_object(self):"Test misp object")
         test_file_json = self.misp_json_files[1]
@@ -44,6 +48,5 @@ def test_misp_object(self):
             self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
 if __name__ == "__main__":

From 68f8c53cf38c088805e7a676067442dbcd548652 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:53:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 30/69] Update

 core/common/ | 5 +++--
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index f3517f5da..d54041911 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from core.schemas import entity, indicator, observable
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
+    "btc": observable.ObservableType.wallet,
     "domain": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
     "hostname": observable.ObservableType.hostname,
     "ip-dst": observable.ObservableType.ipv4,
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
-            tags = attribute.get("Tag") 
+            tags = attribute.get("Tag")
             if tags:
                 obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in tags])
             invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
     def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
-        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=object_btc["wallet-address"])
+        btc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_btc["wallet-address"])
         context = {}
         if object_btc["BTC_received"]:
             context["BTC_received"] = object_btc["BTC_received"]

From 013ae02a74a01fe8b753d0cfe0b2a57389166c58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:58:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 31/69] Update

 core/common/ | 8 ++++++--
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index d54041911..4155c8abb 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
     "ssdeep": observable.ObservableType.ssdeep,
     "mutex": observable.ObservableType.mutex,
     "named pipe": observable.ObservableType.named_pipe,
-    "btc": observable.ObservableType.wallet,
     "filename": observable.ObservableType.file,
     "regkey": observable.ObservableType.registry_key,
@@ -156,7 +155,12 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
     def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
-        btc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_btc["wallet-address"])
+        btc_address = list(
+            filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "wallet-address", object_btc["Attribute"])
+        )[0]
+        btc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest, btc_address, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
         context = {}
         if object_btc["BTC_received"]:
             context["BTC_received"] = object_btc["BTC_received"]

From ce59669a809412f0f7f1c5e0312be1e470c2b4ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 19:02:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 32/69] add pymisp

 core/common/                  | 91 +++++++++++---------
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 69 ++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 4155c8abb..e7427185b 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 import dateparser
 import pycountry
+from pymisp import MISPObject,MISPEvent,MISPAttribute
 from core.schemas import entity, indicator, observable
+import json
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
     "btc": observable.ObservableType.wallet,
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@
 class MispToYeti:
     def __init__(self, misp_event):
-        self.misp_event = misp_event
+        self.misp_event = MISPEvent()
+        self.misp_event.from_json(json.dumps(misp_event))
         self.func_by_type = {
             "asn": self.__import_asn_object,
             "av-signature": self.__import_av_signature,
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: dict, description: str = ""
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: MISPAttribute, description: str = ""
     ) -> observable.Observable:  # type: ignore
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
@@ -59,16 +61,16 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
             return obs_yeti
     def add_context_by_misp(
-        self, attribute_misp: dict, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
+        self, attribute_misp: MISPAttribute, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
         context = {}
-        context["Org"] = self.misp_event["Org"]["name"]
+        context["Org"] =
         if attribute_misp.get("comment"):
             context["comment"] = attribute_misp.get("comment")
         obs_yeti.add_context("misp", context)
-    def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: dict):
+    def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: MISPObject):
         for attr in obs_misp["Attribute"]:
             obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, attr)
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: dict):
                 print(f"Attribute {attr} not imported")
-    def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
+    def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: MISPObject):
         if object_misp["name"] in self.func_by_type:
             self.func_by_type[object_misp["name"]](invest, object_misp)
@@ -91,16 +93,16 @@ def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: dict):
     def misp_to_yeti(self):
         invest = entity.Investigation(name=self.misp_event["info"]).save()
-        tags = self.misp_event.get("Tag")
+        tags = self.misp_event.tags
         if tags:
             invest.tag([t["name"] for t in tags])
         invest.description = (
             f"Org {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Event id: {self.misp_event['id']}"
-        for object_misp in self.misp_event["Object"]:
+        for object_misp in self.misp_event.objects:
             self.obs_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_misp)
-        for attribute_misp in self.misp_event["Attribute"]:
+        for attribute_misp in self.misp_event.attributes:
             obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, attribute_misp)
             if obs_yeti:
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, obs_yeti)
@@ -154,45 +156,52 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
             asn, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-    def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: dict):
-        btc_address = list(
-            filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "wallet-address", object_btc["Attribute"])
-        )[0]
-        btc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-            invest, btc_address, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        )
+    def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: MISPObject):
+        address = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('wallet-address')[0]
+        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=address['value'],coin='btc',address=address["value"]).save()
+        btc_received = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('BTC_received')
+        btc_sent = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('BTC_sent')
+        btc_balance = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('balence_btc')
         context = {}
-        if object_btc["BTC_received"]:
-            context["BTC_received"] = object_btc["BTC_received"]
-        if object_btc["BTC_sent"]:
-            context["BTC_sent"] = object_btc["BTC_sent"]
-        if object_btc["BTC_balance"]:
-            context["BTC_balance"] = object_btc["BTC_balance"]
-        if object_btc["time"]:
-            context["time"] = object_btc["time"]
-        if context:
-            btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} ", context)
-        invest.link_to(
-            btc, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        )
-    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2_list: dict):
-        list_c2_ip = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ip", object_c2_list["Attribute"])
-        list_c2_domain = filter(
-            lambda x: x["type"] == "c2-ipport", object_c2_list["Attribute"]
-        )
-        for c2 in list_c2_ip:
+        if btc_received:
+            context["BTC_received"] = btc_received[0]['value']
+        if btc_sent:
+            context["BTC_sent"] = btc_sent[0]['value']
+        if btc_balance:
+            context["balence_btc"] = btc_balance[0]['value']
+        btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2:MISPObject):
+        threat_actor = object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation('threat')
+        tags =[ t['value'] for t in threat_actor]
+        for c2 in object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation('c2-ip'):
             obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
                 invest, c2, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-            obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
-        for c2 in list_c2_domain:
+            if tags:
+                obs_yeti.tag(tags)
+        for c2 in object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation('c2-ipport'):
             ip, port = c2["value"].split("|")
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT["ip-src"]](
-            )
-            obs_yeti.link_to_tag(object_c2_list["threat"], timedelta(days=30))
+            ).save()
+            if tags:
+                obs_yeti.tag(tags)
             obs_yeti.add_context("misp", {"port": port})
     def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index 1fdbdb05a..c8d26aa3a 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "5",
+        "attribute_count": "8",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709656629",
+        "timestamp": "1709661209",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
                 "template_version": "3",
                 "event_id": "114",
                 "uuid": "bd116941-502f-45b3-ac21-2d70d0c9a907",
-                "timestamp": "1709656629",
+                "timestamp": "1709661209",
                 "distribution": "5",
                 "sharing_group_id": "0",
                 "comment": "",
@@ -179,6 +179,69 @@
                         "value": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
                         "Galaxy": [],
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10625",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "fe6eac0d-2f7d-4642-bb71-7520e992b5ea",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709661209",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1036",
+                        "object_relation": "BTC_received",
+                        "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "value": "0.5",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10626",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "33c7998b-16f5-41c1-ace4-b5ae8b1b618c",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709661209",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1036",
+                        "object_relation": "BTC_sent",
+                        "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "value": "0.8",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10627",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "9232f198-c0fd-48f5-9391-4d26a18bff2f",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709661209",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1036",
+                        "object_relation": "balance_BTC",
+                        "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "value": "1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []

From deb028badc623a5cda76ae6cdde9ac9a175d5731 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 19:02:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 33/69] Update

 core/common/ | 47 +++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index e7427185b..0118c07ba 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import dateparser
 import pycountry
-from pymisp import MISPObject,MISPEvent,MISPAttribute
+from pymisp import MISPObject, MISPEvent, MISPAttribute
 from core.schemas import entity, indicator, observable
 import json
@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, attribute: MISPAttribute, description: str = ""
+        self,
+        invest: entity.Investigation,
+        attribute: MISPAttribute,
+        description: str = "",
     ) -> observable.Observable:  # type: ignore
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
@@ -157,45 +160,39 @@ def __import_asn_object(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_asn: dict):
     def __import_btc_wallet(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_btc: MISPObject):
-        address = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('wallet-address')[0]
+        address = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation("wallet-address")[0]
-        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(value=address['value'],coin='btc',address=address["value"]).save()
-        btc_received = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('BTC_received')
-        btc_sent = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('BTC_sent')
-        btc_balance = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation('balence_btc')
+        btc = observable.wallet.Wallet(
+            value=address["value"], coin="btc", address=address["value"]
+        ).save()
+        btc_received = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation("BTC_received")
+        btc_sent = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation("BTC_sent")
+        btc_balance = object_btc.get_attributes_by_relation("balence_btc")
         context = {}
         if btc_received:
-            context["BTC_received"] = btc_received[0]['value']
+            context["BTC_received"] = btc_received[0]["value"]
         if btc_sent:
-            context["BTC_sent"] = btc_sent[0]['value']
+            context["BTC_sent"] = btc_sent[0]["value"]
         if btc_balance:
-            context["balence_btc"] = btc_balance[0]['value']
-        btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+            context["balence_btc"] = btc_balance[0]["value"]
+        btc.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
-    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2:MISPObject):
-        threat_actor = object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation('threat')
-        tags =[ t['value'] for t in threat_actor]
+    def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2: MISPObject):
+        threat_actor = object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation("threat")
+        tags = [t["value"] for t in threat_actor]
-        for c2 in object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation('c2-ip'):
+        for c2 in object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation("c2-ip"):
             obs_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
                 invest, c2, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
             if tags:
-        for c2 in object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation('c2-ipport'):
+        for c2 in object_c2.get_attributes_by_relation("c2-ipport"):
             ip, port = c2["value"].split("|")
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT["ip-src"]](

From 3ad50ed9afa90b780749aea5a7bafa99dbe143ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 19:07:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 34/69] Update

 core/common/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 0118c07ba..2bf921929 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+import json
 import logging
-from datetime import timedelta
 import dateparser
 import pycountry
-from pymisp import MISPObject, MISPEvent, MISPAttribute
+from pymisp import MISPAttribute, MISPEvent, MISPObject
 from core.schemas import entity, indicator, observable
-import json
 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT = {
     "btc": observable.ObservableType.wallet,

From 22d6e6d004c0bab59778a86b666d50cf780cfd3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 19:36:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 35/69] signature av-test

 core/common/                  | 19 +++--
 core/schemas/                    |  2 +-
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 87 +++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 2bf921929..f1ca8120e 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -114,16 +114,23 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
     def __import_av_signature(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_av_signature: dict
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_av_signature: MISPObject
+        signature = object_av_signature.get_attributes_by_relation("signature")[0]
+        description = object_av_signature.get_attributes_by_relation("Text")
+        software = object_av_signature.get_attributes_by_relation("software")
         av_sig = indicator.av_signature(
-            name=object_av_signature["signature"],
-            software=object_av_signature["software"],
+            name=signature["value"],
+            pattern=signature["value"],
-            pattern=object_av_signature["signature"],
-        )
-        av_sig.description = object_av_signature["description"]
+        ).save()
+        if description:
+            av_sig.description = description[0]["value"]
+        if software:
+   = software[0]["value"]
             av_sig, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index a9b50a082..ea8d322a7 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ def save_indicators(self, create_links: bool = False):
 class av_signature(Indicator):
     _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = IndicatorType.av_signature
     type: Literal[IndicatorType.av_signature] = IndicatorType.av_signature
-    software: str
+    software: str = ""
     def match(self, value: str) -> IndicatorMatch | None:
         raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index c8d26aa3a..2cb6d7689 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "8",
+        "attribute_count": "11",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709661209",
+        "timestamp": "1709663597",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -244,6 +244,89 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1037",
+                "name": "av-signature",
+                "meta-category": "misc",
+                "description": "Antivirus detection signature",
+                "template_uuid": "4dbb56ef-4763-4c97-8696-a2bfc305cf8e",
+                "template_version": "1",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "2f2e5dea-0c4b-4e41-a15b-d428e3d841a3",
+                "timestamp": "1709663597",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10628",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Antivirus detection",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "98143267-5fe9-48c2-8519-584a4c659034",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709663597",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1037",
+                        "object_relation": "signature",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "malware_1872727",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10629",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Antivirus detection",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "6bc5cba5-4484-499a-9e05-8f37fa671bde",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709663597",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1037",
+                        "object_relation": "software",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Windows",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10630",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "a9c73a38-0f92-40ad-81fc-3f26bd4055b3",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709663597",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1037",
+                        "object_relation": "text",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Vilain malware",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From 10edcb93d2e55b427dda9e8980704511d194112e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2024 11:20:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/69] add command line test

 core/common/                  | 22 ++++---
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 66 +++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index f1ca8120e..72e9a068f 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(
         country_code = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country_code")
         if city or country or country_code:
+            location = None
             if city:
                 location = entity.Location(name=city, city=city).save()
@@ -293,19 +294,26 @@ def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(
             ip.link_to(hostname, "resolved_to", "hostname")
     def __import_commande_line(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_line: dict
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_command_line: MISPObject
-        cmd_line = object_command_line["value"]
-        cmd_line = observable.command_line.CommandLine(value=cmd_line).save()
-        description = object_command_line.get("description")
+        cmd_line = object_command_line.get_attributes_by_relation("value")[0]
+        description_misp = object_command_line.get_attributes_by_relation(
+            "description"
+        )[0]
+        description = description_misp["value"] if description_misp else ""
+        cmd_line_obs = observable.command_line.CommandLine(
+            value=cmd_line["value"]
+        ).save()
         context = {}
         if description:
             context["description"] = description
         if context:
-            cmd_line.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+            cmd_line_obs.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
-            cmd_line, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+            cmd_line_obs, "imported by misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
     def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: dict):
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index 2cb6d7689..7e42c024d 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "11",
+        "attribute_count": "13",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709663597",
+        "timestamp": "1709718740",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -327,6 +327,68 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1038",
+                "name": "command-line",
+                "meta-category": "misc",
+                "description": "Command line and options related to a specific command executed by a program, whether it is malicious or not.",
+                "template_uuid": "88ebe222-d3cc-11e9-875d-7f13f460adaf",
+                "template_version": "1",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "06486300-27ed-47d6-94fd-b26261e68e6a",
+                "timestamp": "1709718740",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10631",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "e5603d5f-c32f-4609-99af-6863868c47ab",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709718740",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1038",
+                        "object_relation": "description",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "mechant malware",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10632",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "7a9ac133-1592-4b50-bc52-d99d74184081",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709718740",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1038",
+                        "object_relation": "value",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "cmd.exe --mechant malware",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From e4f2be42a400d960fcfc5192c85c82307b67b76a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 10:18:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 37/69] add cookie object

 core/common/                  |   6 +-
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 194 ++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 72e9a068f..5642d73cc 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ def __import_commande_line(
             cmd_line_obs, "imported by misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-    def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: dict):
-        name = object_cookie["name"]
+    def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: MISPObject):
+        name = object_cookie.get_attributes_by_relation("cookie-name")[0]["value"]
-        cookie_attr = object_cookie["cookie"]
+        cookie_attr = object_cookie.get_attributes_by_relation("cookie")[0]
         cookie = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
             invest, cookie_attr, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index 7e42c024d..aa10e1f04 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "13",
+        "attribute_count": "21",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709718740",
+        "timestamp": "1709720828",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -389,9 +389,197 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1039",
+                "name": "cookie",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user's web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with the next request to the same server. Typically, it's used to tell if two requests came from the same browser \u2014 keeping a user logged-in, for example. It remembers stateful information for the stateless HTTP protocol. As defined by the Mozilla foundation.",
+                "template_uuid": "7755ad19-55c7-4da4-805e-197cf81bbcb8",
+                "template_version": "6",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "449d6cd4-39cb-4cd5-96e2-655963900f87",
+                "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10633",
+                        "type": "cookie",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "3f74b060-02a8-49b3-b0bc-61596f787aca",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "cookie",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "MTA3NTg1NTM5Mg==",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10634",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "a865fa81-627e-4cea-a3f2-72fc2a51b266",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "cookie-name",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "MTA3NTg1NTM5Mg==",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10635",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "35f5eeb1-e7dd-420f-acaf-f9620d5ae29e",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "cookie-value",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "MTA3NTg1NTM5Mg==",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10636",
+                        "type": "datetime",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "b29d314d-81ba-4123-8887-c5fa3497c65b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "expires",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "2024-06-03T00:00:00.000000+0000",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10637",
+                        "type": "boolean",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "e38c81cd-2333-4203-ba20-e00ac387992f",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "http-only",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10638",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "0e2153cb-5374-4e6b-9aa1-511f1778f947",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "path",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "/test/path",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10639",
+                        "type": "boolean",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "1a7394be-e699-4bd4-9f60-2e1fb1e8841b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "secure",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10640",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "55740096-fa6e-4221-a3ef-ca4fad63e378",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1039",
+                        "object_relation": "text",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Chinoxy Cookie",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],
         "CryptographicKey": []
\ No newline at end of file

From d90b02a26079809e9fc091e52913748235b7d1d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 13:18:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 38/69] add crowdsec-ip object

 core/common/                  |  71 ++--
 core/schemas/observables/              |   1 +
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 402 ++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 441 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 5642d73cc..e860b3874 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     "filename": observable.ObservableType.file,
     "regkey": observable.ObservableType.registry_key,
-    "asn": observable.ObservableType.asn,
+    "AS": observable.ObservableType.asn,
     "cookie": observable.ObservableType.cookie,
     "other": observable.ObservableType.generic,
@@ -209,47 +209,56 @@ def __import_c2_list(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_c2: MISPObject):
             obs_yeti.add_context("misp", {"port": port})
     def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crowdsec_ip: dict
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_crowdsec_ip: MISPObject
+        ip_attr = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("ip")[0]
         ip = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-            invest,
-            object_crowdsec_ip["ip"],
-            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
+            invest, ip_attr, description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        as_num = object_crowdsec_ip.get("as_num")
+        as_num = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("as-num")
+        as_name = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("as-name")
+        as_obj = None
         if as_num:
-            asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, as_num)
-            ip.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
+            as_obj = observable.asn.ASN(value=as_num[0].value).save()
+            ip.link_to(as_obj, "part_of", "asn")
+        if as_obj and as_name:
+   = as_name[0].value
         context = {}
-        attack_details = object_crowdsec_ip.get("attack-details")
+        attack_details = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("attack-details")
         if attack_details:
-            context["attack-details"] = attack_details
+            context["attack-details"] = attack_details[0].value
         background_noise = object_crowdsec_ip.get("background-noise")
         if background_noise:
-            context["background-noise"] = background_noise
+            context["background-noise"] = background_noise[0].value
         behaviors = object_crowdsec_ip.get("behaviors")
         if behaviors:
-            context["behaviors"] = behaviors
+            context["behaviors"] = behaviors[0].value
-        city = object_crowdsec_ip.get("city")
-        country = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country")
-        country_code = object_crowdsec_ip.get("country_code")
+        city = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("city")
+        country = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("country")
+        country_code = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("country_code")
         if city or country or country_code:
             location = None
             if city:
-                location = entity.Location(name=city, city=city).save()
+                location = entity.Location(
+                    name=city[0].value, city=city[0].value
+                ).save()
             if country:
-                location = entity.Location(name=country, country=country).save()
-                location.set_country_code_by_name(country)
+                location = entity.Location(
+                    name=country[0].value, country=country[0].value
+                ).save()
+                location.set_country_code_by_name(country[0].value)
             if country_code:
-                country_name = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=country_code).name
+                country_name = pycountry.countries.get(
+                    alpha_2=country_code[0].value
+                ).name
                 location = entity.Location(
                     name=country_name, country=country_name
@@ -260,35 +269,35 @@ def __import_crowdsec_ip_context(
                     f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
-        dst_port = object_crowdsec_ip.get("dst-port")
+        dst_port = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("dst-port")
         if dst_port:
-            context["dst_port"] = dst_port
+            context["dst_port"] = dst_port[0].value
-        ip_range_scope = object_crowdsec_ip.get("ip-range-scope")
+        ip_range_scope = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("ip-range-scope")
         if ip_range_scope:
-            context["ip-range-scope"] = ip_range_scope
+            context["ip-range-scope"] = ip_range_scope[0].value
-        trust = object_crowdsec_ip.get("trust")
+        trust = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("trust")
         if trust:
-            context["trust"] = trust
+            context["trust"] = trust[0].value
-        ip_range = object_crowdsec_ip.get("ip-range")
+        ip_range = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("ip-range")
         if ip_range:
-            cidr_obs = observable.cidr.CIDR(value=ip_range).save()  # type: ignore
+            cidr_obs = observable.cidr.CIDR(value=ip_range[0].value).save()  # type: ignore
             ip.link_to(cidr_obs, "part_of", "subnet")
                 f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
+        if context:
+            ip.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec", context)
-        ip.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec", context)
-        reverse_dns = object_crowdsec_ip.get("reverse_dns")
+        reverse_dns = object_crowdsec_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("reverse_dns")
         if reverse_dns:
             hostname = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-                reverse_dns,
+                reverse_dns[0],
                 description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} CrowdSec",
             ip.link_to(hostname, "resolved_to", "hostname")
diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 1aeba6027..7e8f7535a 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class ASN(observable.Observable):
     type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.asn] = observable.ObservableType.asn
     country: str | None = None
     description: str | None = None
+    name: str | None = None
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.asn] = ASN
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index aa10e1f04..93b2d7b03 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "21",
+        "attribute_count": "39",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709720828",
+        "timestamp": "1709808045",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -577,6 +577,404 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1040",
+                "name": "crowdsec-ip-context",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "CrowdSec Threat Intelligence - IP CTI search",
+                "template_uuid": "0f0a6def-a351-4d3b-9868-d732f6f4666f",
+                "template_version": "3",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "8d7293ee-6840-4bb4-ad28-b9ac8280d4e8",
+                "timestamp": "1709808045",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10641",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "d37e69f4-c220-4720-9e80-4c24299ff818",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "trust",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1.1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10642",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "8b13f982-eaf4-4cf7-8e8b-207e89453ecb",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10643",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "40a0d8b2-c1c2-452d-b9df-c026006d7cda",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "scores",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "10",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10644",
+                        "type": "hostname",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "9f60442b-8584-453f-b008-53c4e806db89",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "reverse-dns",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10645",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "5c8fce70-084b-492f-bd94-988472deba62",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "longitude",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1.1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10646",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "d489b90e-5263-41c0-baaa-4ed4e62ec55d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "latitude",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1.1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10647",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "36f12ed5-0a3e-4599-bdbb-276d49a77924",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "ip-range",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10648",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "942491a7-5f67-41e6-831b-bd1c5f69172d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "false-positives",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "NO",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10649",
+                        "type": "port",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "a857a881-0538-4672-9fab-11257f93e034",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "dst-port",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "80",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10650",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "5a9ce51c-ab14-4fa3-8675-fe7050a6f858",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "country",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "France",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10651",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "1ee369e6-aa0d-45fc-a371-8d65f5bc0c02",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "classifications",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Malicious",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10652",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "ab28a6ee-8a07-419e-9c35-2fe0d6949e6c",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "city",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Paris",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10653",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "27312d85-8a27-458b-be82-36458f71b63a",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "behaviors",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Scan",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10654",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "f5817800-c09c-44e6-ba29-766d6f373369",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "background-noise",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1.1",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10655",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "2783d137-941d-4cc1-a704-fc3b18699814",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "attack-details",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Scan",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10656",
+                        "type": "AS",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "fa2f5ede-b5f0-4865-a0e0-fa96ee150c99",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "as-num",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1234",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10657",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "55dd1fa8-5a4d-4bc5-a500-22309718d9be",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709807688",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "country-code",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "FR",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10658",
+                        "type": "AS",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "b98acf92-8236-4e0e-b0f3-563be4708786",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709808045",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1040",
+                        "object_relation": "as-name",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1234",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From 35d4fddca5ce27ff130f9e0dd89bfb00af466bb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 17:15:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 39/69] add cs-beaconing-confi file object

 core/common/                  | 116 +++++---
 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 276 ++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index e860b3874..d3ed2d703 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
             "crowdsec-ip-context": self.__import_crowdsec_ip_context,
             "command-line": self.__import_commande_line,
             "cookie": self.__import_cookie,
+            "cs-beacon-config": self.__import_cs_beaconing,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -61,7 +62,12 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
                 obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in tags])
             invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
             print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
-            return obs_yeti
+        else:
+            obs_yeti = observable.generic_observable.GenericObservable(
+                value=attribute.get("value")
+            ).save()  # type: ignore
+        return obs_yeti
     def add_context_by_misp(
         self, attribute_misp: MISPAttribute, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
@@ -348,40 +354,69 @@ def __import_cookie(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cookie: MISPObjec
     def __import_cs_beaconing(
-        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconing: dict
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_cs_beaconing: MISPObject
         cs_malware = entity.Malware(name="Cobalt Strike").save()
-        sha256_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-            invest,
-            object_cs_beaconing["sha256"],
-            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
-        )
-        sha1_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-            invest,
-            object_cs_beaconing["sha1"],
-            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
-        )
-        md5_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-            invest,
-            object_cs_beaconing["md5"],
-            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
-        )
-        file_cs = observable.file.File(value=f"FILE:{sha256_obs}").save()
-        file_cs.md5 = md5_obs.value
-        file_cs.sha1 = sha1_obs.value
-        cs_malware.link_to(sha256_obs, "file", "sha256")
-        cs_malware.link_to(sha1_obs, "file", "sha1")
-        cs_malware.link_to(md5_obs, "file", "md5")
-        cs_malware.link_to(file_cs, "file", "file")
-        file_cs.link_to(sha256_obs, "file", "sha256")
-        file_cs.link_to(sha1_obs, "file", "sha1")
-        file_cs.link_to(md5_obs, "file", "md5")
-        invest.link_to(
-            cs_malware, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        )
-        asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(invest, object_cs_beaconing["asn"])
-        cs_malware.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
+        sha256_attr = object_cs_beaconing.get_attributes_by_relation("sh256")
+        sha256_obs = None
+        if sha256_attr:
+            sha256_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                sha256_attr[0],  # type: ignore
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
+            cs_malware.link_to(sha256_obs, "file", "sha256")
+        sha1_attr = object_cs_beaconing.get_attributes_by_relation("sha1")
+        sha1_obs = None
+        if sha1_obs:
+            sha1_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                sha1_attr[0],  # type: ignore
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
+            cs_malware.link_to(sha1_obs, "file", "sha1")
+        md5_attr = object_cs_beaconing.get_attributes_by_relation("md5")
+        md5_obs = None
+        if md5_attr:
+            md5_obs = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                md5_attr[0],  # type: ignore
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
+            cs_malware.link_to(md5_obs, "file", "md5")
+        config_cs = None
+        if sha256_obs:
+            config_cs = observable.file.File(value=f"FILE:{sha256_obs.value}").save()
+        elif sha1_obs and not config_cs:
+            config_cs = observable.file.File(value=f"FILE:{sha1_obs.value}").save()
+        elif md5_obs and not config_cs:
+            config_cs = observable.file.File(value=f"FILE:{md5_obs.value}").save()
+        if config_cs:
+            if md5_obs:
+                config_cs.md5 = md5_obs.value
+            if sha1_obs:
+                config_cs.sha1 = sha1_obs.value
+            cs_malware.link_to(config_cs, "file", "file")
+            invest.link_to(
+                cs_malware,
+                "imported_by_misp",
+                f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+        asn_attr = object_cs_beaconing.get_attributes_by_relation("asn")
+        if asn_attr:
+            asn = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                asn_attr[0],  # type: ignore
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
+            cs_malware.link_to(asn, "part_of", "asn")
         geo = object_cs_beaconing.get("geo")
         country = None
@@ -425,20 +460,21 @@ def __import_cs_beaconing(
                 f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
-        jar_md5 = object_cs_beaconing["jar-md5"]
-        app_c2 = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-            invest,
-            jar_md5,
-            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
-        )
+        jar_md5 = object_cs_beaconing.get_attributes_by_relation("jar-md5")
+        if jar_md5:
+            app_c2 = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                jar_md5[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
+            )
         cs_malware.link_to(app_c2, "jar-md5", "MD5 of adversary cobaltstrike.jar file")
-        watermark = object_cs_beaconing.get("watermark")
+        watermark = object_cs_beaconing.get_attributes_by_relation("watermark")
         watermark_yeti = None
         if watermark:
             watermark_yeti = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-                watermark,
+                watermark[0],
                 description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']} Cobalstrike Beaconing",
             watermark_yeti.link_to(app_c2, "watermarked", "watermark")
diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index 93b2d7b03..afa05ebaf 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "39",
+        "attribute_count": "51",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709808045",
+        "timestamp": "1709826473",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -975,6 +975,278 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1041",
+                "name": "cs-beacon-config",
+                "meta-category": "file",
+                "description": "Cobalt Strike Beacon Config",
+                "template_uuid": "d17355ef-ca1f-4b5a-86cd-65d877991f54",
+                "template_version": "3",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "9b822b13-01b2-4ea8-bdc5-43ddf783daba",
+                "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10659",
+                        "type": "url",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "fd5e7d03-fef1-4022-a631-46f0b935747b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "c2",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "https://url.cs",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10660",
+                        "type": "ip-dst",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "57e19849-9f2b-4ebd-af85-e060a569ee25",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10661",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "d1df1e8e-4741-426c-8113-d5dd8446592f",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "license-id",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1234567890",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10662",
+                        "type": "md5",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "c7ee8e7b-4ff4-41ad-ab4b-472d63cc6d41",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "md5",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "bc67462c4ee665dc75b59b41aa2855f2",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10663",
+                        "type": "sha1",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "4286581d-c3e5-4a6e-9652-cb1f6bf90de3",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "sha1",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "5a8584501da14a7830e2227dde846ec67ac7f64c",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10664",
+                        "type": "sha256",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "c0fcfd8c-5c21-4c51-9944-0a3f88e1daa8",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "sha256",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "32a0000b5dc0de6b7e55b661ef220e166007392b90ada97dd4ad3ef0bb265615",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10665",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "200187be-c799-4e09-9e68-6f3d00b18913",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "city",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Paris",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10666",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "944e171f-2a18-4c62-9736-eb680d91dffe",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "geo",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "France",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10667",
+                        "type": "md5",
+                        "category": "External analysis",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "26c806fc-ea00-488b-85db-177b597da8f8",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "jar-md5",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "bc67462c4ee665dc75b59b41aa2855f2",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10668",
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+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "sector",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "Education",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10669",
+                        "type": "sha256",
+                        "category": "External analysis",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "9e47882d-0819-4475-a1ce-1500c6ec87e3",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
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+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "32a0000b5dc0de6b7e55b661ef220e166007392b90ada97dd4ad3ef0bb265615",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10670",
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+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1041",
+                        "object_relation": "watermark",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "ZERTYUIOPLKJH",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From 67e16ce43adf1f5562f1eb420afa68f23be101c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 16:25:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 40/69] Update misp_event_objects.json

 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 157 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index afa05ebaf..a92a020d2 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "51",
+        "attribute_count": "56",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709826473",
+        "timestamp": "1709911415",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -34,7 +34,33 @@
         "Attribute": [],
         "ShadowAttribute": [],
-        "RelatedEvent": [],
+        "RelatedEvent": [
+            {
+                "Event": {
+                    "id": "93",
+                    "date": "2023-12-06",
+                    "threat_level_id": "1",
+                    "info": "Threat Actors Exploit Adobe ColdFusion CVE-2023-26360 for Initial Access to Government Servers",
+                    "published": false,
+                    "uuid": "c9bc99a4-9207-4123-ac75-d02fd88a8138",
+                    "analysis": "0",
+                    "timestamp": "1701867257",
+                    "distribution": "1",
+                    "org_id": "1",
+                    "orgc_id": "1",
+                    "Org": {
+                        "id": "1",
+                        "name": "SCTIF",
+                        "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d"
+                    },
+                    "Orgc": {
+                        "id": "1",
+                        "name": "SCTIF",
+                        "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        ],
         "Galaxy": [],
         "Object": [
@@ -1247,6 +1273,131 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1042",
+                "name": "domain-ip",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "A domain/hostname and IP address seen as a tuple in a specific time frame.",
+                "template_uuid": "43b3b146-77eb-4931-b4cc-b66c60f28734",
+                "template_version": "11",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "896cdc82-64d5-4334-bc9c-31aa85dc55d1",
+                "timestamp": "1709911414",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10671",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "62705eaa-b158-4bed-bdef-a25e11c07f12",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709911415",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1042",
+                        "object_relation": "domain",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10672",
+                        "type": "hostname",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "48fbc23b-85cc-485d-90e3-00fcbf63a8a6",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709911415",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1042",
+                        "object_relation": "hostname",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10673",
+                        "type": "ip-dst",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "6df0bd65-edc7-4a40-a2d9-54ae6aa35fdf",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709911415",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1042",
+                        "object_relation": "ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10674",
+                        "type": "port",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "878a65e8-f870-484a-9fb1-36cb484707d8",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709911415",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1042",
+                        "object_relation": "port",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "53",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10675",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "6e939061-b00c-410e-82d8-295fb5f1b9db",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709911415",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1042",
+                        "object_relation": "text",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "dns google",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From ef3d6771b8c5db69860a530bacc3d7ad1f6768b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 16:46:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 41/69] add domain-ip object

 core/common/ | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index d3ed2d703..1618f19db 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
             "command-line": self.__import_commande_line,
             "cookie": self.__import_cookie,
             "cs-beacon-config": self.__import_cs_beaconing,
+            "domain-ip": self.__import_domain_ip,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -479,3 +480,61 @@ def __import_cs_beaconing(
             watermark_yeti.link_to(app_c2, "watermarked", "watermark")
             cs_malware.link_to(watermark_yeti, "watermarked", "watermark")
+    def __import_domain_ip(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_domain_ip: MISPObject
+    ):
+        domain_attr = object_domain_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("domain")
+        ip_attr = object_domain_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("ip")
+        hostname_attr = object_domain_ip.get_attributes_by_relation("hostname")
+        ip_obj = None
+        domain_obj = None
+        hostname_obj = None
+        if domain_attr:
+            domain_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                domain_attr[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+        if ip_attr:
+            ip_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                ip_attr[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+        if hostname_attr:
+            hostname_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                hostname_attr[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+        if hostname_obj and domain_obj and ip_obj:
+            domain_obj.link_to(hostname_obj, "resolved_to", "hostname")
+            domain_obj.link_to(ip_obj, "resolved_to", "ip")
+            hostname_obj.link_to(ip_obj, "resolved_to", "ip")
+        elif domain_obj and ip_obj and not hostname_obj:
+            domain_obj.link_to(ip_obj, "resolved_to", "ip")
+        elif not domain_obj and ip_obj and hostname_obj:
+            hostname_obj.link_to(ip_obj, "resolved_to", "ip")
+        context = {}
+        last_seen = object_domain_ip.get("last-seen")
+        if last_seen:
+            context["last-seen"] = last_seen
+        first_seen = object_domain_ip.get("first-seen")
+        if first_seen:
+            context["first-seen"] = first_seen
+        description = object_domain_ip.get("text")
+        if description:
+            context["description"] = description
+        if hostname_obj:
+            hostname_obj.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+        if domain_obj:
+            domain_obj.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+        if ip_obj:
+            ip_obj.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)

From 8e8e63b7afc466fcccaa56d1b1ccb132edf36cc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 17:18:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 42/69] Update misp_event_objects.json

 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 276 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 274 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index a92a020d2..e76ab8d5f 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "56",
+        "attribute_count": "68",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709911415",
+        "timestamp": "1709914685",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -1398,6 +1398,278 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1043",
+                "name": "dns-record",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "A set of DNS records observed for a specific domain.",
+                "template_uuid": "f023c8f0-81ab-41f3-9f5d-fa597a34a9b9",
+                "template_version": "2",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "17f7b3f3-640f-403f-8e02-533157a9dd74",
+                "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10676",
+                        "type": "ip-dst",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "d969a4ce-1ea5-44d4-808f-5178a3acca24",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "a-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10677",
+                        "type": "ip-dst",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "978fa705-0408-49c2-8b29-a6c3e3fad348",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "aaaa-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "fe80::dc23:da6a:903a:199a",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10678",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "37221d25-317c-4e16-a051-a74420183def",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "cname-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10679",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "87dc197d-778c-4dae-9f8c-a6c8620e0a4b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "mx-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10680",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "9bfd69fd-65ae-46da-8658-6707a4c61a73",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "ns-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10681",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "6a65f02b-aa44-4ede-9bb6-2c4627d4683d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "ptr-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10682",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "5dc15655-ef0c-4ecf-93fe-4907229dde2d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "queried-domain",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10683",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "90ec68a2-bc84-42dd-998d-a531193c4f6b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "soa-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10684",
+                        "type": "ip-dst",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "aee5db87-93bc-4ab9-aae2-dccf8030b025",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "spf-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10685",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "d0d4ecfe-df45-4800-8e2b-8a846c797633",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "srv-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10686",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "7e4f909f-76fa-4b88-8dca-350cc19d4ddc",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "text",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "test google",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10687",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "b5c51e3c-21a6-4a0e-8ca4-9f11d2c24105",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1043",
+                        "object_relation": "txt-record",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "maliciouuuuuuuus",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From a0c714e5bd1d4499c6c6e4e462cb6dbafb22ece4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 17:20:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 43/69] add dns-record object

 core/common/ | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 1618f19db..46ea77e05 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -538,3 +538,145 @@ def __import_domain_ip(
             domain_obj.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
         if ip_obj:
             ip_obj.add_context(f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context)
+    def __import_dns_record(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_dns_record: MISPObject
+    ):
+        queried_domain = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("queried-domain")[
+            0
+        ]
+        queried_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            invest,
+            queried_domain,
+            description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+        )
+        a_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("a-record")
+        aaaa_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("aaaa-record")
+        cname_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("cname-record")
+        mx_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("mx-record")
+        ns_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("ns-record")
+        soa_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("soa-record")
+        txt_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("txt-record")
+        spf_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("spf-record")
+        ptr_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("ptr-record")
+        srv_record = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("srv-record")
+        description = object_dns_record.get_attributes_by_relation("Text")
+        context = {}
+        if description:
+            context["description"] = description[0]["value"]
+        if a_record:
+            a_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                a_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            if context:
+                a_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+            queried_obj.link_to(a_red_obj, "resolved_to", "ip")
+        if aaaa_record:
+            aaaa_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                aaaa_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            if context:
+                aaaa_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+            queried_obj.link_to(aaaa_red_obj, "resolved_to", "ip")
+        if cname_record:
+            cname_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                cname_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            if context:
+                cname_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+            queried_obj.link_to(cname_red_obj, "cname", "hostname")
+        if mx_record:
+            mx_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                mx_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            if context:
+                mx_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+            queried_obj.link_to(mx_red_obj, "mx", "hostname")
+        if ns_record:
+            ns_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                ns_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            if context:
+                ns_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+            queried_obj.link_to(ns_red_obj, "ns", "hostname")
+        if soa_record:
+            soa_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                soa_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            queried_obj.link_to(soa_red_obj, "soa", "hostname")
+            if context:
+                soa_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+        if txt_record:
+            txt_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                txt_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            queried_obj.link_to(txt_red_obj, "txt", "hostname")
+            if context:
+                txt_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+        if spf_record:
+            spf_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                spf_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            queried_obj.link_to(spf_red_obj, "spf", "hostname")
+            if context:
+                spf_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+        if ptr_record:
+            ptr_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                ptr_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            queried_obj.link_to(ptr_red_obj, "ptr", "hostname")
+            if context:
+                ptr_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )
+        if srv_record:
+            srv_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                srv_record[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            queried_obj.link_to(srv_red_obj, "srv", "hostname")
+            if context:
+                srv_red_obj.add_context(
+                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                )

From ad59591b57787f543ec6af4cab56192c66bb9a02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 18:37:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 44/69] add attribute path

 core/schemas/observables/ |  5 +++++
 tests/schemas/      | 14 +++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 4d40198d9..938e64d5b 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from datetime import datetime
 from typing import Literal
 from core.schemas import observable
@@ -5,6 +6,10 @@
 class Path(observable.Observable):
     type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.path] = observable.ObservableType.path
+    creation_time: datetime | None
+    modification_time: datetime | None
+    access_time: datetime | None
+    path_encoding: str | None
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.path] = Path
diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 3b0d07b75..c652afee5 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -396,7 +396,19 @@ def test_create_md5(self) -> None:
     def test_create_path(self) -> None:
         """Tests creating a path."""
-        observable = path.Path(value="/var/test").save()
+        observable = path.Path(value="/var/test")
+        observable.creation_time = datetime.datetime(
+            2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
+        )
+        observable.modification_time = datetime.datetime(
+            2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
+        )
+        observable.access_time = datetime.datetime(
+            2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
+        )
+        observable.path_encoding = "utf-8"
         self.assertEqual(observable.value, "/var/test")
         self.assertIsInstance(observable, path.Path)

From b65e5a6507a00e4d6b74b8186795eed0743a89e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 18:40:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 45/69] fix pydantic

 core/schemas/observables/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/observables/ b/core/schemas/observables/
index 938e64d5b..fa88a9859 100644
--- a/core/schemas/observables/
+++ b/core/schemas/observables/
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 class Path(observable.Observable):
     type: Literal[observable.ObservableType.path] = observable.ObservableType.path
-    creation_time: datetime | None
-    modification_time: datetime | None
-    access_time: datetime | None
-    path_encoding: str | None
+    creation_time: datetime | None = None
+    modification_time: datetime | None = None
+    access_time: datetime | None = None
+    path_encoding: str | None = None
 observable.TYPE_MAPPING[observable.ObservableType.path] = Path

From 65014792c3c470e31e3b3156cd55c318881474fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 18:45:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 46/69] Update

 tests/schemas/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index c652afee5..1d1891caf 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ def test_create_path(self) -> None:
             2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
         observable.path_encoding = "utf-8"
         self.assertEqual(observable.value, "/var/test")

From 35d994e80e683391a04c49d1128cbbfd839b6fce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 18:47:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 47/69] Update

 tests/schemas/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 1d1891caf..c0214fd81 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ def test_create_path(self) -> None:
             2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
         observable.path_encoding = "utf-8"
+        observable =
         self.assertEqual(observable.value, "/var/test")

From 45ae8c83219a696ee666db6628e89eeeb9900f3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:35:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 48/69] Update misp_event_objects.json

 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 129 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index e76ab8d5f..ae06841f4 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "68",
+        "attribute_count": "73",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1709914685",
+        "timestamp": "1710167623",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -1670,6 +1670,131 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1044",
+                "name": "directory",
+                "meta-category": "file",
+                "description": "Directory object describing a directory with meta-information",
+                "template_uuid": "23ac6a02-1017-4ea6-a4df-148ed563988d",
+                "template_version": "1",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "ec79de9c-f711-4883-ac62-e2a46637a0fd",
+                "timestamp": "1710167623",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10688",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "125fb030-6e34-439c-a335-eb894b315fb1",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710167623",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1044",
+                        "object_relation": "path",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "/var/lib/mechant",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10689",
+                        "type": "datetime",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "8db2f816-950d-4848-bc63-8ee5cda387c1",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710167623",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1044",
+                        "object_relation": "access-time",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "2024-03-11T14:32:39.000000+0000",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10690",
+                        "type": "datetime",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "1e757cae-d0b0-478f-96ab-058b8a75e82d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710167623",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1044",
+                        "object_relation": "creation-time",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "2024-03-11T14:32:39.000000+0000",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10691",
+                        "type": "datetime",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "769bcd9e-738c-4c8b-92a1-c48ade6009a3",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710167623",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1044",
+                        "object_relation": "modification-time",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "2024-03-11T14:32:39.000000+0000",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10692",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "9f98c812-a9c2-4b49-b139-ef301037138b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710167623",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1044",
+                        "object_relation": "path-encoding",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "BRF",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From 9067348b5112e77ead81bd42085a2ca99296e3f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:46:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 49/69] add directory

 core/common/ | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 46ea77e05..ec4950eef 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
     "AS": observable.ObservableType.asn,
     "cookie": observable.ObservableType.cookie,
     "other": observable.ObservableType.generic,
+    "path": observable.ObservableType.path,
@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
             "cookie": self.__import_cookie,
             "cs-beacon-config": self.__import_cs_beaconing,
             "domain-ip": self.__import_domain_ip,
+            "dns-record": self.__import_dns_record,
+            "directory": self.__import_directory,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -680,3 +683,26 @@ def __import_dns_record(
                     f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+    def __import_directory(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obj_path: MISPObject):
+        path_attr = obj_path.get_attributes_by_relation("path")[0]
+        path = observable.path.Path(value=path_attr["value"])
+        creation_time = obj_path.get_attributes_by_relation("creation-time")
+        if creation_time:
+            path.creation_time = creation_time[0]["value"]
+        modification_time = obj_path.get_attributes_by_relation("modification-time")
+        if modification_time:
+            path.modification_time = modification_time[0]["value"]
+        access_time = obj_path.get_attributes_by_relation("access-time")
+        if access_time:
+            path.access_time = access_time[0]["value"]
+        path_encoding = obj_path.get_attributes_by_relation("path-encoding")
+        if path_encoding:
+            path.path_encoding = path_encoding[0]["value"]
+        invest.link_to(
+            path, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )

From 0278c4d31cecd5e24899d163e2f8c02cd20321c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:47:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 50/69] ruff

 core/common/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index ec4950eef..a530b4a19 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ def __import_directory(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obj_path: MISPObject)
         path_encoding = obj_path.get_attributes_by_relation("path-encoding")
         if path_encoding:
             path.path_encoding = path_encoding[0]["value"]
+        path =
             path, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"

From 1d7639e62f5c7d62014c60c4769687e747c3af31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 18:18:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 51/69] add email

 core/common/ | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index a530b4a19..b8522617a 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -706,3 +706,72 @@ def __import_directory(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obj_path: MISPObject)
             path, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+    def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject):
+        email_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("email")[0]
+        email =["value"]).save()
+        invest.link_to(
+            email, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
+        )
+        bbc_email = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("bcc-email")
+        if bbc_email:
+            for email_bcc in bbc_email:
+                email_bcc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    email_bcc,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                email.link_to(email_bcc, "bcc", "email")
+        cc_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("cc-email")
+        if cc_attr:
+            for email_cc in cc_attr:
+                email_cc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    email_cc,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                email.link_to(email_cc, "cc", "email")
+        from_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from")
+        if from_attr:
+            from_email = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                from_attr[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            email.link_to(from_email, "from", "email")
+        to_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("to")
+        if to_attr:
+            for to in to_attr:
+                email_to = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    to,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                email.link_to(email_to, "to", "email")
+        from_domain_attrs = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from-domain")
+        if from_domain_attrs:
+            from_domain = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                invest,
+                from_domain_attrs[0],
+                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            email.link_to(from_domain, "from", "domain")
+        ips_src_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("ip-src")
+        if ips_src_attr:
+            for ip_attr in ips_src_attr:
+                ip_src = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    ip_attr,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                email.link_to(ip_src, "sent_from", "ip")
+        subject_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("subject")
+        if subject_attr:
+            for index, subject in enumerate(subject_attr):
+                email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})

From f4660b67321c13914366579a4f1fd858cc749fa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 08:58:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 52/69] Update misp_event_objects.json

 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 465 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 463 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index ae06841f4..9afb6adf0 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
         "info": "test for yeti",
         "published": false,
         "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
-        "attribute_count": "73",
+        "attribute_count": "94",
         "analysis": "0",
-        "timestamp": "1710167623",
+        "timestamp": "1710748448",
         "distribution": "1",
         "proposal_email_lock": false,
         "locked": false,
@@ -1795,6 +1795,467 @@
                         "ShadowAttribute": []
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1045",
+                "name": "email",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "Email object describing an email with meta-information",
+                "template_uuid": "a0c666e0-fc65-4be8-b48f-3423d788b552",
+                "template_version": "19",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "811b697d-e19d-4fe1-a396-1967c1c6f388",
+                "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10694",
+                        "type": "email-dst-display-name",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "af3a24c5-25d8-4696-9752-194ba8c64f9e",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "reply-to-display-name",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "replay-test",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10695",
+                        "type": "email-reply-to",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "655d763a-9512-4fa3-8ec3-6dced7de19f6",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "reply-to",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10696",
+                        "type": "email-subject",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "54df3237-4668-4659-be80-c1473e8d2233",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "subject",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "subject test",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10697",
+                        "type": "email-dst",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "4b772548-d324-4f14-8ffa-76350deb37a8",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "bcc",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10698",
+                        "type": "email-dst",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "269ee214-63f1-4ffb-8c11-6a74a8ffb18e",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "to",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10699",
+                        "type": "email-dst-display-name",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "2cd432b5-7326-414f-8cd4-55b4d3efdd62",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "to-display-name",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "to-display-test",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10700",
+                        "type": "domain",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "7580354c-82e4-4613-a2f0-04c35f032e54",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "from-domain",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10701",
+                        "type": "email-src-display-name",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "9f5d7efc-c73b-42f0-9d76-bb2136398c32",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "from-display-name",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "from-display-test",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10702",
+                        "type": "email-src",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "d927fddc-884d-4d2d-81b6-eb9a6a8c406d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
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+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10703",
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+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "0fba1948-13a1-4001-8ab3-d001af7aef9e",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
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+                        "object_relation": "email-body",
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+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "blablablaba",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10704",
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+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
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+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
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+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
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+                    },
+                    {
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+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
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+                        "value": "2024-03-18T00:00:00.000000+0000",
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+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10710",
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+                        "category": "Network activity",
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+                        "uuid": "8dc24960-2f20-4970-9732-f4216fad2328",
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+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "received-header-ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10711",
+                        "type": "hostname",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "36ac2aa4-6b14-41ec-bbf6-4626839e734d",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "received-header-hostname",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10712",
+                        "type": "email-message-id",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "b2b8e0b3-7050-4371-a218-d00b6aad4d26",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "message-id",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "1235",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10713",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "cf825b17-9c0c-4e4d-ac22-a47fdec5d79b",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "ip-src",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10714",
+                        "type": "email-header",
+                        "category": "Payload delivery",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "209dbd9b-0bb9-408c-9850-a1f5a721cdc5",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1710748448",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": true,
+                        "object_id": "1045",
+                        "object_relation": "header",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "test header",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
         "EventReport": [],

From 8241b90a7006a0fab4330ba5a21d59889d6fdd4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:52:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 53/69] add email import and fixes errors import

 core/common/ | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index b8522617a..98c17fac2 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ def __init__(self, misp_event):
             "domain-ip": self.__import_domain_ip,
             "dns-record": self.__import_dns_record,
             "directory": self.__import_directory,
+            "email": self.__import_email,
     def attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -57,21 +58,27 @@ def attr_misp_to_yeti(
         attribute: MISPAttribute,
         description: str = "",
     ) -> observable.Observable:  # type: ignore
+        obs_yeti = None
         if attribute.get("type") in MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT:
             obs_yeti = observable.TYPE_MAPPING[
                 MISP_Attribute_TO_IMPORT[attribute.get("type")]  # type: ignore
+        else:
+            try:
+                obs_yeti = observable.generic_observable.GenericObservable(
+                    value=attribute.get("value")
+                ).save()  # type: ignore
+            except ValueError:
+                logging.error(f"Invalid value: {attribute.get('value')}")
+        if obs_yeti:
             tags = attribute.get("Tag")
             if tags:
                 obs_yeti.tag([t["name"] for t in tags])
             invest.link_to(obs_yeti, "imported_by_misp", description)
-            print(f"Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
+  "Attribute {attribute.get('value')} imported")
-        else:
-            obs_yeti = observable.generic_observable.GenericObservable(
-                value=attribute.get("value")
-            ).save()  # type: ignore
-        return obs_yeti
+        return obs_yeti  # type: ignore
     def add_context_by_misp(
         self, attribute_misp: MISPAttribute, obs_yeti: observable.Observable
@@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ def add_obs(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obs_misp: MISPObject):
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attr, obs_yeti)
                 yield obs_yeti
-                print(f"Attribute {attr} not imported")
+      "Attribute {attr} not imported")
     def obs_misp_to_yeti(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_misp: MISPObject):
         if object_misp["name"] in self.func_by_type:
@@ -120,7 +127,7 @@ def misp_to_yeti(self):
             if obs_yeti:
                 self.add_context_by_misp(attribute_misp, obs_yeti)
-                print(f"Attribute {attribute_misp} not imported")
+      "Attribute {attribute_misp} not imported")
     def __import_av_signature(
@@ -645,11 +652,13 @@ def __import_dns_record(
                 description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-            queried_obj.link_to(txt_red_obj, "txt", "hostname")
-            if context:
-                txt_red_obj.add_context(
-                    f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
-                )
+            if txt_red_obj:
+                queried_obj.link_to(txt_red_obj, "txt", "hostname")
+                if context:
+                    txt_red_obj.add_context(
+                        f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}", context
+                    )
         if spf_record:
             spf_red_obj = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
@@ -708,7 +717,7 @@ def __import_directory(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obj_path: MISPObject)
     def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject):
-        email_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("email")[0]
+        email_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from")[0]
         email =["value"]).save()
             email, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
@@ -733,13 +742,6 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 email.link_to(email_cc, "cc", "email")
-        from_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from")
-        if from_attr:
-            from_email = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-                invest,
-                from_attr[0],
-                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-            )
             email.link_to(from_email, "from", "email")
         to_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("to")
@@ -775,3 +777,23 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
         if subject_attr:
             for index, subject in enumerate(subject_attr):
                 email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})
+        send_date = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("send-date")
+        if send_date:
+            email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
+        received_date = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("received-date")
+        if received_date:
+            email.add_context("misp", {"received-date": received_date[0]["value"]})
+        user_agent_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("user-agent")
+        if user_agent_attr:
+            user_agent_obs = observable.user_agent.UserAgent(
+                value=user_agent_attr[0]["value"]
+            ).save()
+            invest.link_to(
+                user_agent_obs,
+                "imported_by_misp",
+                f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+            )
+            email.link_to(user_agent_obs, "user-agent", "user-agent")

From cde97df03ed1edd4676bc118044a5d7d470c06bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:56:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 54/69] fix error name

 core/common/ | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 98c17fac2..6ba460706 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -742,8 +742,6 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 email.link_to(email_cc, "cc", "email")
-            email.link_to(from_email, "from", "email")
         to_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("to")
         if to_attr:
             for to in to_attr:

From f41b680104e6f1aa3cff1ee8135f4175a7b39130 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:08:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 55/69] update emails objects

 core/common/ | 167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 6ba460706..e26d6bdf8 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -717,72 +717,134 @@ def __import_directory(self, invest: entity.Investigation, obj_path: MISPObject)
     def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject):
-        email_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from")[0]
-        email =["value"]).save()
-        invest.link_to(
-            email, "imported_by_misp", f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}"
-        )
+        from_email_list = []
+        list_to_emails = []
+        list_cc_emails = []
+        list_bbc_emails = []
+        from_domains_list = []
+        list_ips_src = []
+        list_to_display_names = []
+        attachment_list = []
+        from_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from")
+        if from_attr:
+            from_email_list = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    email_from,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                for email_from in from_attr
+            ]
         bbc_email = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("bcc-email")
         if bbc_email:
-            for email_bcc in bbc_email:
-                email_bcc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            list_bbc_emails = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
                     description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-                email.link_to(email_bcc, "bcc", "email")
+                for email_bcc in bbc_email
+            ]
         cc_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("cc-email")
         if cc_attr:
-            for email_cc in cc_attr:
-                email_cc = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            list_cc_emails = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
                     description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-                email.link_to(email_cc, "cc", "email")
+                for email_cc in cc_attr
+            ]
         to_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("to")
         if to_attr:
-            for to in to_attr:
-                email_to = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            list_to_emails = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-                    to,
+                    email_to,
                     description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-                email.link_to(email_to, "to", "email")
+                for email_to in to_attr
+            ]
+        to_display_name_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation(
+            "to-display-name"
+        )
+        if to_display_name_attr:
+            list_to_display_names = [
+                observable.generic_observable.GenericObservable(
+                    value=display_name['value']
+                ).save()
+                for display_name in to_display_name_attr
+            ]
+        for email in list_to_emails:
+            for display_name in list_to_display_names:
+                email.link_to(display_name, "display_name", "display_name")
         from_domain_attrs = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from-domain")
         if from_domain_attrs:
-            from_domain = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-                invest,
-                from_domain_attrs[0],
-                description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-            )
-            email.link_to(from_domain, "from", "domain")
+            from_domains_list = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    domain,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                for domain in from_domain_attrs
+            ]
         ips_src_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("ip-src")
         if ips_src_attr:
-            for ip_attr in ips_src_attr:
-                ip_src = self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+            list_ips_src = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
-                    ip_attr,
+                    ip_src,
                     description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-                email.link_to(ip_src, "sent_from", "ip")
+                for ip_src in ips_src_attr
+            ]
         subject_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("subject")
+        ## Add subjects for all emails
         if subject_attr:
             for index, subject in enumerate(subject_attr):
-                email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})
+                for email in from_email_list:
+                    email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})
+                for email in list_to_emails:
+                    email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})
+                for email in list_cc_emails:
+                    email.add_context("misp", {"fsubject {index}": subject["value"]})
+                for email in list_bbc_emails:
+                    email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})
+        ## Add send date to all emails
         send_date = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("send-date")
         if send_date:
-            email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in from_email_list:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in list_to_emails:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in list_cc_emails:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in list_bbc_emails:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
         received_date = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("received-date")
+        ## add receive date to all emails
         if received_date:
-            email.add_context("misp", {"received-date": received_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in from_email_list:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"received-date": received_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in list_to_emails:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"received-date": received_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in list_cc_emails:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"received-date": received_date[0]["value"]})
+            for email in list_bbc_emails:
+                email.add_context("misp", {"received-date": received_date[0]["value"]})
         user_agent_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("user-agent")
         if user_agent_attr:
@@ -794,4 +856,49 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
-            email.link_to(user_agent_obs, "user-agent", "user-agent")
+        attachment_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("attachment")
+        if attachment_attr:
+            attachment_list = [
+                self.attr_misp_to_yeti(
+                    invest,
+                    attachment,
+                    description=f"misp {self.misp_event['Orgc']['name']}",
+                )
+                for attachment in attachment_attr
+            ]
+        for email in from_email_list:
+            email.link_to(user_agent_obs, "sent_by", "user_agent")
+        ## add attachement at all emails
+        for attachment in attachment_list:
+            for email in list_to_emails:
+                email.link_to(attachment, "sent_to", "attachment")
+            for email in list_cc_emails:
+                email.link_to(attachment, "sent_to", "attachment")
+            for email in list_bbc_emails:
+                email.link_to(attachment, "sent_to", "attachment")
+            for email in from_email_list:
+                email.link_to(attachment, "sent_by", "attachment")
+        ## add IP src to ips_src
+        for email in from_email_list:
+            for ip in list_ips_src:
+                email.link_to(ip, "sent_by", "ip")
+        # Create Link between emails
+        for email_from in from_email_list:
+            for email_to in list_to_emails:
+                email_from.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")
+        for email_cc in list_cc_emails:
+            for email_to in list_to_emails:
+                email_cc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")
+        for email_bcc in list_bbc_emails:
+            for email_to in list_to_emails:
+                email_bcc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")
+        for email_bcc in list_bbc_emails:
+            for email_to in list_to_emails:
+                email_bcc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")

From cd3d5b77b806303d2bfbd46028e851cd5839a15f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:09:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 56/69] fix linting

 core/common/ | 18 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index e26d6bdf8..553fc7277 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -776,15 +776,14 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
         if to_display_name_attr:
             list_to_display_names = [
-                    value=display_name['value']
+                    value=display_name["value"]
                 for display_name in to_display_name_attr
         for email in list_to_emails:
             for display_name in list_to_display_names:
                 email.link_to(display_name, "display_name", "display_name")
         from_domain_attrs = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("from-domain")
         if from_domain_attrs:
             from_domains_list = [
@@ -807,7 +806,6 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 for ip_src in ips_src_attr
         subject_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("subject")
         ## Add subjects for all emails
         if subject_attr:
@@ -820,7 +818,7 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                     email.add_context("misp", {"fsubject {index}": subject["value"]})
                 for email in list_bbc_emails:
                     email.add_context("misp", {f"subject {index}": subject["value"]})
         ## Add send date to all emails
         send_date = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("send-date")
         if send_date:
@@ -834,7 +832,7 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 email.add_context("misp", {"send-date": send_date[0]["value"]})
         received_date = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("received-date")
         ## add receive date to all emails
         if received_date:
             for email in from_email_list:
@@ -881,12 +879,12 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 email.link_to(attachment, "sent_to", "attachment")
             for email in from_email_list:
                 email.link_to(attachment, "sent_by", "attachment")
         ## add IP src to ips_src
         for email in from_email_list:
             for ip in list_ips_src:
                 email.link_to(ip, "sent_by", "ip")
         # Create Link between emails
         for email_from in from_email_list:
             for email_to in list_to_emails:
@@ -894,11 +892,11 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
         for email_cc in list_cc_emails:
             for email_to in list_to_emails:
                 email_cc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")
         for email_bcc in list_bbc_emails:
             for email_to in list_to_emails:
                 email_bcc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")
         for email_bcc in list_bbc_emails:
             for email_to in list_to_emails:
                 email_bcc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")

From 7bff7a7092fd504aa6d2bc1aaccfcf2ab57ff32e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:12:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 57/69] fix variable never used

 core/common/ | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index 553fc7277..e1f34db07 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -805,6 +805,9 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
                 for ip_src in ips_src_attr
+        for domain in from_domains_list:
+            for ip in list_ips_src:
+                domain.link_to(ip, "misp", "ip")
         subject_attr = object_email.get_attributes_by_relation("subject")
         ## Add subjects for all emails

From 4ab560c03428c569e472840cf16fca8710a3639b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:32:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 58/69] add exploit entity

 core/schemas/  | 15 +++++++++++++++
 tests/schemas/ | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 4cc254845..8bee1d23d 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class EntityType(str, Enum):
     vulnerability = "vulnerability"
     course_of_action = "course-of-action"
     location = "location"
+    exploit = "exploit"
 class Entity(YetiTagModel, database_arango.ArangoYetiConnector):
@@ -190,6 +191,17 @@ class Vulnerability(Entity):
     reference: str = ""
+class Exploit(Entity):
+    _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = EntityType.exploit
+    type: Literal[EntityType.exploit] = EntityType.exploit
+    reference: str = ""
+    description: str = ""
+    level: str = ""
+    platform: str = ""
+    accessibility: str = ""
 class CourseOfAction(Entity):
     _type_filter: ClassVar[str] = EntityType.course_of_action
     type: Literal[EntityType.course_of_action] = EntityType.course_of_action
@@ -211,6 +223,7 @@ class CourseOfAction(Entity):
     EntityType.threat_actor: ThreatActor,
     EntityType.tool: Tool,
     EntityType.vulnerability: Vulnerability,
+    EntityType.exploit: Exploit,
@@ -249,6 +262,7 @@ def validate_entity(ent: Entity) -> bool:
     | ThreatActor
     | Tool
     | Vulnerability
+    | Exploit
@@ -266,4 +280,5 @@ def validate_entity(ent: Entity) -> bool:
     | Type[ThreatActor]
     | Type[Tool]
     | Type[Vulnerability]
+    | Type[Exploit]
diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 0970281e2..a4e38e66c 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 from core.schemas.entity import (
+    Exploit,
@@ -142,3 +143,18 @@ def test_location(self):
         self.assertEqual(, "France")
         self.assertEqual(location.country_code, 250)
+    def test_exploit(self):
+        exploit = Exploit(name="Exploit CVE-1337-4242").save()
+        exploit.accessibility = "public"
+        exploit.reference = ""
+        exploit.description = "This is a test"
+        exploit.platform = "Windows"
+        exploit.level = "high"
+        exploit =
+        self.assertEqual(, "Exploit CVE-1337-4242")
+        self.assertEqual(exploit.accessibility, "public")
+        self.assertEqual(exploit.reference, "")
+        self.assertEqual(exploit.description, "This is a test")
+        self.assertEqual(exploit.platform, "Windows")
+        self.assertEqual(exploit.level, "high")

From 3305fb79922205c124f2c0449676a53af2b442aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:32:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 59/69] change attr in exploit

 core/schemas/  | 2 +-
 tests/schemas/ | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/schemas/ b/core/schemas/
index 8bee1d23d..2b29e553a 100644
--- a/core/schemas/
+++ b/core/schemas/
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class Exploit(Entity):
     reference: str = ""
     description: str = ""
     level: str = ""
-    platform: str = ""
+    software: str = ""
     accessibility: str = ""
diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index a4e38e66c..537cb3996 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -156,5 +156,5 @@ def test_exploit(self):
         self.assertEqual(exploit.accessibility, "public")
         self.assertEqual(exploit.reference, "")
         self.assertEqual(exploit.description, "This is a test")
-        self.assertEqual(exploit.platform, "Windows")
+        self.assertEqual(, "Windows")
         self.assertEqual(exploit.level, "high")

From 9c28a69e2d484aa0696df3725c27da772f850ebe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:32:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 60/69] fix tests

 tests/schemas/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/schemas/ b/tests/schemas/
index 537cb3996..07c6e8603 100644
--- a/tests/schemas/
+++ b/tests/schemas/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def test_exploit(self):
         exploit.accessibility = "public"
         exploit.reference = ""
         exploit.description = "This is a test"
-        exploit.platform = "Windows"
+ = "Windows"
         exploit.level = "high"
         exploit =
         self.assertEqual(, "Exploit CVE-1337-4242")

From 4f5f11dcc04f1e5a84b611a9e4ea26f3f7d31a6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebdraven <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 23:30:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 61/69] add exploit poc

 core/common/ | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index e1f34db07..da4f080d8 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -903,3 +903,96 @@ def __import_email(self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_email: MISPObject)
         for email_bcc in list_bbc_emails:
             for email_to in list_to_emails:
                 email_bcc.link_to(email_to, "sent_to", "email")
+    ## to detail the use case
+    def __import_exploit_poc(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_exploit_poc: MISPObject
+    ):
+        poc_attr = object_exploit_poc.get_attributes_by_relation("poc")
+    def __import_exploit(
+        self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_exploit: MISPObject
+    ):
+        exploit_attr = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("exploit")
+        filename_attr = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("filename")
+        exploit_as_attachment = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation(
+            "exploit-as-attachment"
+        )
+        exploit_obj = None
+        if exploit_attr:
+            exploit_obj = entity.Exploit(name=exploit_attr[0]["value"]).save()
+            for file_attr in filename_attr:
+                file_obj = observable.file.File(value=filename_attr[0]["value"]).save()
+                exploit_obj.link_to(file_obj, "exploit", "file")
+            if exploit_as_attachment:
+                exploit_as_att_obj = observable.generic_observable.GenericObservable(
+                    value=exploit_as_attachment[0]["value"]
+                ).save()
+                exploit_obj.link_to(exploit_as_att_obj, "exploit", "file")
+        elif not exploit_obj and filename_attr:
+            exploit_obj = entity.Exploit(name=filename_attr[0]["value"]).save()
+            for file_attr in filename_attr[1:]:
+                file_obj = observable.file.File(value=file_attr["value"]).save()
+                exploit_obj.link_to(file_obj, "exploit", "file")
+            if exploit_as_attachment:
+                exploit_as_att_obj = observable.generic_observable.GenericObservable(
+                    value=exploit_as_attachment[0]["value"]
+                ).save()
+                exploit_obj.link_to(exploit_as_att_obj, "exploit", "file")
+        elif not exploit_obj and exploit_as_attachment:
+            exploit_obj = entity.Exploit(name=exploit_as_attachment[0]["value"])
+            for file_attr in filename_attr:
+                file_obj = observable.file.File(value=file_attr["value"]).save()
+                exploit_obj.link_to(file_obj, "exploit", "file")
+        description = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("description")
+        if description:
+            exploit_obj.description = description[0]["value"]
+        accessibility = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("accessibility")
+        if accessibility:
+            exploit_obj.accessibility = accessibility[0]["value"]
+        software_attr = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("software")
+        if software_attr:
+   = software_attr[0]["value"]
+        level_attr = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("level")
+        if level_attr:
+            exploit_obj.level = level_attr[0]["value"]
+        reference_attr = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("reference")
+        if reference_attr:
+            exploit_obj.reference = reference_attr[0]["value"]
+        cve_id = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("cve-id")
+        if cve_id:
+            vulnerability = entity.Vulnerability(name=cve_id[0]["value"]).save()
+            exploit_obj.link_to(vulnerability, "exploit", "vulnerability")  # type: ignore
+        context = {}
+        zero_day_today = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("0day-today-id")
+        if zero_day_today:
+            context["0day-today-id"] = zero_day_today[0]["value"]
+        credit = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("credit")
+        if credit:
+            context["credit"] = credit[0]["value"]
+        comment = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("comment")
+        if comment:
+            context["comment"] = comment[0]["value"]
+        exploitdb_id = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("exploitdb-id")
+        for index, exploit in enumerate(exploitdb_id):
+            context[f"exploitdb-id {index}"] = exploit["value"]
+        title = object_exploit.get_attributes_by_relation("title")
+        if title:
+            context["title"] = title[0]["value"]

From 11ffefbcbfa80814b4c5cabc91a1304bedbf9515 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 09:24:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 62/69] Update misp_event_objects.json

 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 2459 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 2458 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index 9afb6adf0..3accad98f 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -2261,4 +2261,2461 @@
         "EventReport": [],
         "CryptographicKey": []
\ No newline at end of file
+    "Event": {
+        "id": "114",
+        "orgc_id": "1",
+        "org_id": "1",
+        "date": "2024-03-01",
+        "threat_level_id": "1",
+        "info": "test for yeti",
+        "published": false,
+        "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
+        "attribute_count": "95",
+        "analysis": "0",
+        "timestamp": "1711099001",
+        "distribution": "1",
+        "proposal_email_lock": false,
+        "locked": false,
+        "publish_timestamp": "0",
+        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+        "disable_correlation": false,
+        "extends_uuid": "",
+        "protected": null,
+        "event_creator_email": "",
+        "Org": {
+            "id": "1",
+            "name": "SCTIF",
+            "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d",
+            "local": true
+        },
+        "Orgc": {
+            "id": "1",
+            "name": "SCTIF",
+            "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d",
+            "local": true
+        },
+        "Attribute": [],
+        "ShadowAttribute": [],
+        "RelatedEvent": [
+            {
+                "Event": {
+                    "id": "93",
+                    "date": "2023-12-06",
+                    "threat_level_id": "1",
+                    "info": "Threat Actors Exploit Adobe ColdFusion CVE-2023-26360 for Initial Access to Government Servers",
+                    "published": false,
+                    "uuid": "c9bc99a4-9207-4123-ac75-d02fd88a8138",
+                    "analysis": "0",
+                    "timestamp": "1701867257",
+                    "distribution": "1",
+                    "org_id": "1",
+                    "orgc_id": "1",
+                    "Org": {
+                        "id": "1",
+                        "name": "SCTIF",
+                        "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d"
+                    },
+                    "Orgc": {
+                        "id": "1",
+                        "name": "SCTIF",
+                        "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        ],
+        "Galaxy": [
+            {
+                "id": "7",
+                "uuid": "c4e851fa-775f-11e7-8163-b774922098cd",
+                "name": "Attack Pattern",
+                "type": "mitre-attack-pattern",
+                "description": "ATT&CK Tactic",
+                "version": "9",
+                "icon": "map",
+                "namespace": "mitre-attack",
+                "enabled": true,
+                "local_only": false,
+                "kill_chain_order": {
+                    "mitre-attack": [
+                        "reconnaissance",
+                        "resource-development",
+                        "initial-access",
+                        "execution",
+                        "persistence",
+                        "privilege-escalation",
+                        "defense-evasion",
+                        "credential-access",
+                        "discovery",
+                        "lateral-movement",
+                        "collection",
+                        "command-and-control",
+                        "exfiltration",
+                        "impact"
+                    ],
+                    "mitre-mobile-attack": [
+                        "initial-access",
+                        "execution",
+                        "persistence",
+                        "privilege-escalation",
+                        "defense-evasion",
+                        "credential-access",
+                        "discovery",
+                        "lateral-movement",
+                        "collection",
+                        "command-and-control",
+                        "exfiltration",
+                        "impact",
+                        "network-effects",
+                        "remote-service-effects"
+                    ],
+                    "mitre-pre-attack": [
+                        "priority-definition-planning",
+                        "priority-definition-direction",
+                        "target-selection",
+                        "technical-information-gathering",
+                        "people-information-gathering",
+                        "organizational-information-gathering",
+                        "technical-weakness-identification",
+                        "people-weakness-identification",
+                        "organizational-weakness-identification",
+                        "adversary-opsec",
+                        "establish-&-maintain-infrastructure",
+                        "persona-development",
+                        "build-capabilities",
+                        "test-capabilities",
+                        "stage-capabilities"
+                    ]
+                },
+                "GalaxyCluster": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "47089",
+                        "uuid": "7c93aa74-4bc0-4a9e-90ea-f25f86301566",
+                        "collection_uuid": "dcb864dc-775f-11e7-9fbb-1f41b4996683",
+                        "type": "mitre-attack-pattern",
+                        "value": "Application Shimming - T1138",
+                        "tag_name": "misp-galaxy:mitre-attack-pattern=\"Application Shimming - T1138\"",
+                        "description": "The Microsoft Windows Application Compatibility Infrastructure/Framework (Application Shim) was created to allow for backward compatibility of software as the operating system codebase changes over time. For example, the application shimming feature allows developers to apply fixes to applications (without rewriting code) that were created for Windows XP so that it will work with Windows 10. (Citation: Elastic Process Injection July 2017) Within the framework, shims are created to act as a buffer between the program (or more specifically, the Import Address Table) and the Windows OS. When a program is executed, the shim cache is referenced to determine if the program requires the use of the shim database (.sdb). If so, the shim database uses [Hooking]( to redirect the code as necessary in order to communicate with the OS. \n\nA list of all shims currently installed by the default Windows installer (sdbinst.exe) is kept in:\n\n* <code>%WINDIR%\\AppPatch\\sysmain.sdb</code>\n* <code>hklm\\software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\appcompatflags\\installedsdb</code>\n\nCustom databases are stored in:\n\n* <code>%WINDIR%\\AppPatch\\custom & %WINDIR%\\AppPatch\\AppPatch64\\Custom</code>\n* <code>hklm\\software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\appcompatflags\\custom</code>\n\nTo keep shims secure, Windows designed them to run in user mode so they cannot modify the kernel and you must have administrator privileges to install a shim. However, certain shims can be used to [Bypass User Account Control]( (UAC) (RedirectEXE), inject DLLs into processes (InjectDLL), disable Data Execution Prevention (DisableNX) and Structure Exception Handling (DisableSEH), and intercept memory addresses (GetProcAddress). Similar to [Hooking](, utilizing these shims may allow an adversary to perform several malicious acts such as elevate privileges, install backdoors, disable defenses like Windows Defender, etc.",
+                        "galaxy_id": "7",
+                        "source": "",
+                        "authors": [
+                            "MITRE"
+                        ],
+                        "version": "27",
+                        "distribution": "3",
+                        "sharing_group_id": null,
+                        "org_id": "0",
+                        "orgc_id": "0",
+                        "default": true,
+                        "locked": false,
+                        "extends_uuid": "",
+                        "extends_version": "0",
+                        "published": false,
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "GalaxyClusterRelation": [
+                            {
+                                "id": "40367",
+                                "galaxy_cluster_id": "47089",
+                                "referenced_galaxy_cluster_id": "46984",
+                                "referenced_galaxy_cluster_uuid": "42fe883a-21ea-4cfb-b94a-78b6476dcc83",
+                                "referenced_galaxy_cluster_type": "revoked-by",
+                                "galaxy_cluster_uuid": "7c93aa74-4bc0-4a9e-90ea-f25f86301566",
+                                "distribution": "3",
+                                "sharing_group_id": null,
+                                "default": true
+                            }
+                        ],
+                        "Org": {
+                            "id": "0",
+                            "name": "MISP",
+                            "date_created": "",
+                            "date_modified": "",
+                            "description": "Automatically generated MISP organisation",
+                            "type": "",
+                            "nationality": "Not specified",
+                            "sector": "",
+                            "created_by": "0",
+                            "uuid": "0",
+                            "contacts": "",
+                            "local": true,
+                            "restricted_to_domain": [],
+                            "landingpage": null
+                        },
+                        "Orgc": {
+                            "id": "0",
+                            "name": "MISP",
+                            "date_created": "",
+                            "date_modified": "",
+                            "description": "Automatically generated MISP organisation",
+                            "type": "",
+                            "nationality": "Not specified",
+                            "sector": "",
+                            "created_by": "0",
+                            "uuid": "0",
+                            "contacts": "",
+                            "local": true,
+                            "restricted_to_domain": [],
+                            "landingpage": null
+                        },
+                        "meta": {
+                            "external_id": [
+                                "T1138"
+                            ],
+                            "kill_chain": [
+                                "mitre-attack:persistence",
+                                "mitre-attack:privilege-escalation"
+                            ],
+                            "mitre_platforms": [
+                                "Windows"
+                            ],
+                            "refs": [
+                                "",
+                                "",
+                                ""
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        "tag_id": 449,
+                        "event_tag_id": "204",
+                        "local": false,
+                        "relationship_type": false
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        ],
+        "Object": [
+            {
+                "id": "1035",
+                "name": "c2-list",
+                "meta-category": "network",
+                "description": "List of C2-servers with common ground, e.g. extracted from a blog post or ransomware analysis",
+                "template_uuid": "12456351-ceb7-4d43-9a7e-d2275d8b5785",
+                "template_version": "20230919",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "4017d4cc-284e-480e-9dc8-921dfc25f457",
+                "timestamp": "1709310117",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": null,
+                "last_seen": null,
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10620",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "7f017b41-13ba-4240-a449-3e6840739c26",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709308752",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "c2-ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10621",
+                        "type": "ip-src",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "685a7a39-422c-4b70-a979-251c341d39e4",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709308752",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "c2-ip",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10622",
+                        "type": "text",
+                        "category": "Attribution",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "b565cdc8-2bbc-4299-9f48-246aebf9172a",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709308752",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "threat",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "malware mechant",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10623",
+                        "type": "ip-src|port",
+                        "category": "Network activity",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "26a7ae6b-1a22-4331-8640-cbc90e5787d3",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709310117",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1035",
+                        "object_relation": "c2-ipport",
+                        "first_seen": null,
+                        "last_seen": null,
+                        "value": "|8888",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    }
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "id": "1036",
+                "name": "btc-wallet",
+                "meta-category": "financial",
+                "description": "An object to describe a Bitcoin wallet. Best to be used with btc-transaction object.",
+                "template_uuid": "22910C83-DD0E-4ED2-9823-45F8CAD562A4",
+                "template_version": "3",
+                "event_id": "114",
+                "uuid": "bd116941-502f-45b3-ac21-2d70d0c9a907",
+                "timestamp": "1709661209",
+                "distribution": "5",
+                "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                "comment": "",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                "ObjectReference": [],
+                "Attribute": [
+                    {
+                        "id": "10624",
+                        "type": "btc",
+                        "category": "Financial fraud",
+                        "to_ids": true,
+                        "uuid": "49e5c32d-901c-404e-b80f-7a240be96ade",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709656629",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1036",
+                        "object_relation": "wallet-address",
+                        "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "value": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10625",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "fe6eac0d-2f7d-4642-bb71-7520e992b5ea",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709661209",
+                        "comment": "",
+                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
+                        "deleted": false,
+                        "disable_correlation": false,
+                        "object_id": "1036",
+                        "object_relation": "BTC_received",
+                        "first_seen": "2024-03-03T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "last_seen": "2024-03-13T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
+                        "value": "0.5",
+                        "Galaxy": [],
+                        "ShadowAttribute": []
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "id": "10626",
+                        "type": "float",
+                        "category": "Other",
+                        "to_ids": false,
+                        "uuid": "33c7998b-16f5-41c1-ace4-b5ae8b1b618c",
+                        "event_id": "114",
+                        "distribution": "5",
+                        "timestamp": "1709661209",
+                        "comment": "",
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+                        "deleted": false,
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From d8a9b7f78eaa447b77b0ec8117aa3f1ed9c57bde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 09:53:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 63/69] Update poetry.lock

 poetry.lock | 268 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index 47e24c0b3..a68ac31d3 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.8.1 and should not be changed by hand.
+# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.7.1 and should not be changed by hand.
 name = "altair"
-version = "5.2.0"
+version = "5.3.0"
 description = "Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python."
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@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ toolz = "*"
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@@ -73,13 +74,13 @@ trio = ["trio (>=0.23)"]
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+version = "3.2.3"
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@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ develop = false
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@@ -314,13 +315,13 @@ zstd = ["zstandard (==0.22.0)"]
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+version = "2.2.12"
 description = "An easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for Censys APIs ("
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@@ -520,13 +521,13 @@ colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
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 description = "Enables git-like *did-you-mean* feature in click"
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@@ -748,18 +749,18 @@ all = ["email-validator (>=2.0.0)", "httpx (>=0.23.0)", "itsdangerous (>=1.1.0)"
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@@ -775,13 +776,13 @@ files = [
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@@ -882,22 +883,22 @@ files = [
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@@ -992,13 +993,13 @@ referencing = ">=0.31.0"
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-version = "5.3.5"
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@@ -1015,7 +1016,7 @@ mongodb = ["pymongo (>=4.1.1)"]
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+    {file = "ruff-0.3.5-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:a7b6e63194c68bca8e71f81de30cfa6f58ff70393cf45aab4c20f158227d5936"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.5-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:a759d33a20c72f2dfa54dae6e85e1225b8e302e8ac655773aff22e542a300985"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.5-py3-none-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:9d8605aa990045517c911726d21293ef4baa64f87265896e491a05461cae078d"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.5-py3-none-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:dc56bb16a63c1303bd47563c60482a1512721053d93231cf7e9e1c6954395a0e"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.5-py3-none-win_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:faeeae9905446b975dcf6d4499dc93439b131f1443ee264055c5716dd947af55"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a067daaeb1dc2baf9b82a32dae67d154d95212080c80435eb052d95da647763d"},
 name = "setuptools"
-version = "69.1.1"
+version = "69.2.0"
 description = "Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "setuptools-69.1.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:02fa291a0471b3a18b2b2481ed902af520c69e8ae0919c13da936542754b4c56"},
-    {file = "setuptools-69.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5c0806c7d9af348e6dd3777b4f4dbb42c7ad85b190104837488eab9a7c945cf8"},
+    {file = "setuptools-69.2.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c21c49fb1042386df081cb5d86759792ab89efca84cf114889191cd09aacc80c"},
+    {file = "setuptools-69.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0ff4183f8f42cd8fa3acea16c45205521a4ef28f73c6391d8a25e92893134f2e"},
 docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "pygments-github-lexers (==0.0.5)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (<7.2.5)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-favicon", "sphinx-inline-tabs", "sphinx-lint", "sphinx-notfound-page (>=1,<2)", "sphinx-reredirects", "sphinxcontrib-towncrier"]
-testing = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "flake8-2020", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "jaraco.develop (>=7.21)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "packaging (>=23.2)", "pip (>=19.1)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-home (>=0.5)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-xdist", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
+testing = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "importlib-metadata", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "jaraco.develop (>=7.21)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "mypy (==1.9)", "packaging (>=23.2)", "pip (>=19.1)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-home (>=0.5)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-xdist (>=3)", "tomli", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
 testing-integration = ["build[virtualenv] (>=1.0.3)", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "packaging (>=23.2)", "pytest", "pytest-enabler", "pytest-xdist", "tomli", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
@@ -2412,13 +2413,13 @@ requests = "*"
 name = "tldextract"
-version = "5.1.1"
+version = "5.1.2"
 description = "Accurately separates a URL's subdomain, domain, and public suffix, using the Public Suffix List (PSL). By default, this includes the public ICANN TLDs and their exceptions. You can optionally support the Public Suffix List's private domains as well."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "tldextract-5.1.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b9c4510a8766d377033b6bace7e9f1f17a891383ced3c5d50c150f181e9e1cc2"},
-    {file = "tldextract-5.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:9b6dbf803cb5636397f0203d48541c0da8ba53babaf0e8a6feda2d88746813d4"},
+    {file = "tldextract-5.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4dfc4c277b6b97fa053899fcdb892d2dc27295851ab5fac4e07797b6a21b2e46"},
+    {file = "tldextract-5.1.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c9e17f756f05afb5abac04fe8f766e7e70f9fe387adb1859f0f52408ee060200"},
@@ -2428,7 +2429,8 @@ requests = ">=2.1.0"
 requests-file = ">=1.4"
-testing = ["black", "mypy", "pytest", "pytest-gitignore", "pytest-mock", "responses", "ruff", "tox", "types-filelock", "types-requests"]
+release = ["build", "twine"]
+testing = ["black", "mypy", "pytest", "pytest-gitignore", "pytest-mock", "responses", "ruff", "syrupy", "tox", "types-filelock", "types-requests"]
 name = "tomli"
@@ -2674,18 +2676,18 @@ files = [
 name = "zipp"
-version = "3.17.0"
+version = "3.18.1"
 description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "zipp-3.17.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0e923e726174922dce09c53c59ad483ff7bbb8e572e00c7f7c46b88556409f31"},
-    {file = "zipp-3.17.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:84e64a1c28cf7e91ed2078bb8cc8c259cb19b76942096c8d7b84947690cabaf0"},
+    {file = "zipp-3.18.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:206f5a15f2af3dbaee80769fb7dc6f249695e940acca08dfb2a4769fe61e538b"},
+    {file = "zipp-3.18.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2884ed22e7d8961de1c9a05142eb69a247f120291bc0206a00a7642f09b5b715"},
-docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (<7.2.5)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
-testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-ignore-flaky", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-ruff"]
+docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
+testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-ignore-flaky", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)"]
 lock-version = "2.0"

From 2ae5d3d04464c9bc32da4af1408d784b7955e018 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 09:57:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 64/69] Update poetry.lock

 poetry.lock | 421 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 133 insertions(+), 288 deletions(-)

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index 7a793851a..c4e9f5812 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 name = "altair"
-version = "5.3.0"
+version = "5.2.0"
 description = "Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "altair-5.3.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7084a1dab4d83c5e7e5246b92dc1b4451a6c68fd057f3716ee9d315c8980e59a"},
-    {file = "altair-5.3.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5a268b1a0983b23d8f9129f819f956174aa7aea2719ed55a52eba9979b9f6675"},
+    {file = "altair-5.2.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8c4888ad11db7c39f3f17aa7f4ea985775da389d79ac30a6c22856ab238df399"},
+    {file = "altair-5.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2ad7f0c8010ebbc46319cc30febfb8e59ccf84969a201541c207bc3a4fa6cf81"},
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ toolz = "*"
 typing-extensions = {version = ">=4.0.1", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
-all = ["altair-tiles (>=0.3.0)", "anywidget (>=0.9.0)", "pyarrow (>=11)", "vega-datasets (>=0.9.0)", "vegafusion[embed] (>=1.6.6)", "vl-convert-python (>=1.3.0)"]
-dev = ["geopandas", "hatch", "ipython", "m2r", "mypy", "pandas-stubs", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "ruff (>=0.3.0)", "types-jsonschema", "types-setuptools"]
+dev = ["anywidget", "geopandas", "hatch", "ipython", "m2r", "mypy", "pandas-stubs", "pyarrow (>=11)", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "ruff (>=0.1.3)", "types-jsonschema", "types-setuptools", "vega-datasets", "vegafusion[embed] (>=1.4.0)", "vl-convert-python (>=1.1.0)"]
 doc = ["docutils", "jinja2", "myst-parser", "numpydoc", "pillow (>=9,<10)", "pydata-sphinx-theme (>=0.14.1)", "scipy", "sphinx", "sphinx-copybutton", "sphinx-design", "sphinxext-altair"]
@@ -74,13 +73,13 @@ trio = ["trio (>=0.23)"]
 name = "argcomplete"
-version = "3.2.3"
+version = "3.2.2"
 description = "Bash tab completion for argparse"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "argcomplete-3.2.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c12355e0494c76a2a7b73e3a59b09024ca0ba1e279fb9ed6c1b82d5b74b6a70c"},
-    {file = "argcomplete-3.2.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:bf7900329262e481be5a15f56f19736b376df6f82ed27576fa893652c5de6c23"},
+    {file = "argcomplete-3.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e44f4e7985883ab3e73a103ef0acd27299dbfe2dfed00142c35d4ddd3005901d"},
+    {file = "argcomplete-3.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f3e49e8ea59b4026ee29548e24488af46e30c9de57d48638e24f54a1ea1000a2"},
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ test = ["coverage", "mypy", "pexpect", "ruff", "wheel"]
 name = "artifacts"
-version = "20240401"
+version = "20240303"
 description = " Artifact Repository."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ develop = false
 type = "git"
 url = ""
 reference = "main"
-resolved_reference = "be86a49309750fd000ea2433be8d2d7128fd58c8"
+resolved_reference = "2449049ef7c3b2f06ed8dfab9862b8d168ce36db"
 name = "astroid"
@@ -315,13 +314,13 @@ zstd = ["zstandard (==0.22.0)"]
 name = "censys"
-version = "2.2.12"
+version = "2.2.11"
 description = "An easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for Censys APIs ("
 optional = false
-python-versions = "<4.0,>=3.8"
+python-versions = ">=3.8,<4.0"
 files = [
-    {file = "censys-2.2.12-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:ef1b27c915c021ad1f1e492b0deb169b119e88eb3a48fc115d1e20912bc6d932"},
-    {file = "censys-2.2.12.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:da75c2e37f064b9ffd579650217cb8d3f129048949f997acee31a0cb34b6e0dd"},
+    {file = "censys-2.2.11-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5f924e8fd46bda1f6fd4ce9ff60e24857657c1a33bbcfd903fe6a73147d1ab0e"},
+    {file = "censys-2.2.11.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:d4e161e3085800c0f9b6ff6cc035a7727ff525135cdde62ff01e32eb371c5773"},
@@ -521,13 +520,13 @@ colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
 name = "click-didyoumean"
-version = "0.3.1"
+version = "0.3.0"
 description = "Enables git-like *did-you-mean* feature in click"
 optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.6.2"
+python-versions = ">=3.6.2,<4.0.0"
 files = [
-    {file = "click_didyoumean-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5c4bb6007cfea5f2fd6583a2fb6701a22a41eb98957e63d0fac41c10e7c3117c"},
-    {file = "click_didyoumean-0.3.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4f82fdff0dbe64ef8ab2279bd6aa3f6a99c3b28c05aa09cbfc07c9d7fbb5a463"},
+    {file = "click-didyoumean-0.3.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f184f0d851d96b6d29297354ed981b7dd71df7ff500d82fa6d11f0856bee8035"},
+    {file = "click_didyoumean-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:a0713dc7a1de3f06bc0df5a9567ad19ead2d3d5689b434768a6145bff77c0667"},
@@ -624,28 +623,6 @@ ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
 test = ["pretend", "pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist"]
 test-randomorder = ["pytest-randomly"]
-name = "dateparser"
-version = "1.2.0"
-description = "Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages"
-optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.7"
-files = [
-    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0b21ad96534e562920a0083e97fd45fa959882d4162acc358705144520a35830"},
-    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7975b43a4222283e0ae15be7b4999d08c9a70e2d378ac87385b1ccf2cffbbb30"},
-python-dateutil = "*"
-pytz = "*"
-regex = "<2019.02.19 || >2019.02.19,<2021.8.27 || >2021.8.27"
-tzlocal = "*"
-calendars = ["convertdate", "hijri-converter"]
-fasttext = ["fasttext"]
-langdetect = ["langdetect"]
 name = "deprecated"
 version = "1.2.14"
@@ -749,18 +726,18 @@ all = ["email-validator (>=2.0.0)", "httpx (>=0.23.0)", "itsdangerous (>=1.1.0)"
 name = "filelock"
-version = "3.13.3"
+version = "3.13.1"
 description = "A platform independent file lock."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "filelock-3.13.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5ffa845303983e7a0b7ae17636509bc97997d58afeafa72fb141a17b152284cb"},
-    {file = "filelock-3.13.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a79895a25bbefdf55d1a2a0a80968f7dbb28edcd6d4234a0afb3f37ecde4b546"},
+    {file = "filelock-3.13.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:57dbda9b35157b05fb3e58ee91448612eb674172fab98ee235ccb0b5bee19a1c"},
+    {file = "filelock-3.13.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:521f5f56c50f8426f5e03ad3b281b490a87ef15bc6c526f168290f0c7148d44e"},
-docs = ["furo (>=2023.9.10)", "sphinx (>=7.2.6)", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.25.2)"]
-testing = ["covdefaults (>=2.3)", "coverage (>=7.3.2)", "diff-cover (>=8.0.1)", "pytest (>=7.4.3)", "pytest-cov (>=4.1)", "pytest-mock (>=3.12)", "pytest-timeout (>=2.2)"]
+docs = ["furo (>=2023.9.10)", "sphinx (>=7.2.6)", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.24)"]
+testing = ["covdefaults (>=2.3)", "coverage (>=7.3.2)", "diff-cover (>=8)", "pytest (>=7.4.3)", "pytest-cov (>=4.1)", "pytest-mock (>=3.12)", "pytest-timeout (>=2.2)"]
 typing = ["typing-extensions (>=4.8)"]
@@ -776,13 +753,13 @@ files = [
 name = "google-auth"
-version = "2.29.0"
+version = "2.28.1"
 description = "Google Authentication Library"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.7"
 files = [
-    {file = "google-auth-2.29.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:672dff332d073227550ffc7457868ac4218d6c500b155fe6cc17d2b13602c360"},
-    {file = "google_auth-2.29.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:d452ad095688cd52bae0ad6fafe027f6a6d6f560e810fec20914e17a09526415"},
+    {file = "google-auth-2.28.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:34fc3046c257cedcf1622fc4b31fc2be7923d9b4d44973d481125ecc50d83885"},
+    {file = "google_auth-2.28.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:25141e2d7a14bfcba945f5e9827f98092716e99482562f15306e5b026e21aa72"},
@@ -883,22 +860,22 @@ files = [
 name = "importlib-metadata"
-version = "7.1.0"
+version = "7.0.1"
 description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "importlib_metadata-7.1.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:30962b96c0c223483ed6cc7280e7f0199feb01a0e40cfae4d4450fc6fab1f570"},
-    {file = "importlib_metadata-7.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b78938b926ee8d5f020fc4772d487045805a55ddbad2ecf21c6d60938dc7fcd2"},
+    {file = "importlib_metadata-7.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4805911c3a4ec7c3966410053e9ec6a1fecd629117df5adee56dfc9432a1081e"},
+    {file = "importlib_metadata-7.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f238736bb06590ae52ac1fab06a3a9ef1d8dce2b7a35b5ab329371d6c8f5d2cc"},
 zipp = ">=0.5"
-docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
+docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (<7.2.5)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
 perf = ["ipython"]
-testing = ["flufl.flake8", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)", "jaraco.test (>=5.4)", "packaging", "pyfakefs", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)"]
+testing = ["flufl.flake8", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)", "packaging", "pyfakefs", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)", "pytest-ruff"]
 name = "ipwhois"
@@ -993,13 +970,13 @@ referencing = ">=0.31.0"
 name = "kombu"
-version = "5.3.6"
+version = "5.3.5"
 description = "Messaging library for Python."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "kombu-5.3.6-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:49f1e62b12369045de2662f62cc584e7df83481a513db83b01f87b5b9785e378"},
-    {file = "kombu-5.3.6.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f3da5b570a147a5da8280180aa80b03807283d63ea5081fcdb510d18242431d9"},
+    {file = "kombu-5.3.5-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0eac1bbb464afe6fb0924b21bf79460416d25d8abc52546d4f16cad94f789488"},
+    {file = "kombu-5.3.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:30e470f1a6b49c70dc6f6d13c3e4cc4e178aa6c469ceb6bcd55645385fc84b93"},
@@ -1016,7 +993,7 @@ mongodb = ["pymongo (>=4.1.1)"]
 msgpack = ["msgpack"]
 pyro = ["pyro4"]
 qpid = ["qpid-python (>=0.26)", "qpid-tools (>=0.26)"]
-redis = ["redis (>=4.5.2,!=4.5.5,!=5.0.2)"]
+redis = ["redis (>=4.5.2,!=4.5.5,<6.0.0)"]
 slmq = ["softlayer-messaging (>=1.0.3)"]
 sqlalchemy = ["sqlalchemy (>=1.4.48,<2.1)"]
 sqs = ["boto3 (>=1.26.143)", "pycurl (>=", "urllib3 (>=1.26.16)"]
@@ -1204,38 +1181,38 @@ files = [
 name = "mypy"
-version = "1.9.0"
+version = "1.8.0"
 description = "Optional static typing for Python"
 optional = false
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@@ -2094,13 +1958,13 @@ requests = ">=1.0.0"
 name = "requests-oauthlib"
-version = "2.0.0"
+version = "1.3.1"
 description = "OAuthlib authentication support for Requests."
 optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.4"
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@@ -2283,44 +2147,44 @@ pyasn1 = ">=0.1.3"
 name = "ruff"
-version = "0.3.5"
+version = "0.3.0"
 description = "An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.7"
 files = [
-    {file = "ruff-0.3.5-py3-none-macosx_10_12_x86_64.macosx_11_0_arm64.macosx_10_12_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:aef5bd3b89e657007e1be6b16553c8813b221ff6d92c7526b7e0227450981eac"},
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+    {file = "ruff-0.3.0-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_armv7l.whl", hash = "sha256:5da894a29ec018a8293d3d17c797e73b374773943e8369cfc50495573d396933"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.0-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:755c22536d7f1889be25f2baf6fedd019d0c51d079e8417d4441159f3bcd30c2"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.0-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:dd73fe7f4c28d317855da6a7bc4aa29a1500320818dd8f27df95f70a01b8171f"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.0-py3-none-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:19eacceb4c9406f6c41af806418a26fdb23120dfe53583df76d1401c92b7c14b"},
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+    {file = "ruff-0.3.0-py3-none-win_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:e3a4a6d46aef0a84b74fcd201a4401ea9a6cd85614f6a9435f2d33dd8cefbf83"},
+    {file = "ruff-0.3.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0886184ba2618d815067cf43e005388967b67ab9c80df52b32ec1152ab49f53a"},
 name = "setuptools"
-version = "69.2.0"
+version = "69.1.1"
 description = "Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "setuptools-69.2.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c21c49fb1042386df081cb5d86759792ab89efca84cf114889191cd09aacc80c"},
-    {file = "setuptools-69.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0ff4183f8f42cd8fa3acea16c45205521a4ef28f73c6391d8a25e92893134f2e"},
+    {file = "setuptools-69.1.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:02fa291a0471b3a18b2b2481ed902af520c69e8ae0919c13da936542754b4c56"},
+    {file = "setuptools-69.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5c0806c7d9af348e6dd3777b4f4dbb42c7ad85b190104837488eab9a7c945cf8"},
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-testing = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "importlib-metadata", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "jaraco.develop (>=7.21)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "mypy (==1.9)", "packaging (>=23.2)", "pip (>=19.1)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-home (>=0.5)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-xdist (>=3)", "tomli", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
+testing = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "flake8-2020", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "jaraco.develop (>=7.21)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "packaging (>=23.2)", "pip (>=19.1)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-home (>=0.5)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-xdist", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
 testing-integration = ["build[virtualenv] (>=1.0.3)", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "packaging (>=23.2)", "pytest", "pytest-enabler", "pytest-xdist", "tomli", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
@@ -2413,13 +2277,13 @@ requests = "*"
 name = "tldextract"
-version = "5.1.2"
+version = "5.1.1"
 description = "Accurately separates a URL's subdomain, domain, and public suffix, using the Public Suffix List (PSL). By default, this includes the public ICANN TLDs and their exceptions. You can optionally support the Public Suffix List's private domains as well."
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "tldextract-5.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4dfc4c277b6b97fa053899fcdb892d2dc27295851ab5fac4e07797b6a21b2e46"},
-    {file = "tldextract-5.1.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c9e17f756f05afb5abac04fe8f766e7e70f9fe387adb1859f0f52408ee060200"},
+    {file = "tldextract-5.1.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b9c4510a8766d377033b6bace7e9f1f17a891383ced3c5d50c150f181e9e1cc2"},
+    {file = "tldextract-5.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:9b6dbf803cb5636397f0203d48541c0da8ba53babaf0e8a6feda2d88746813d4"},
@@ -2429,8 +2293,7 @@ requests = ">=2.1.0"
 requests-file = ">=1.4"
-release = ["build", "twine"]
-testing = ["black", "mypy", "pytest", "pytest-gitignore", "pytest-mock", "responses", "ruff", "syrupy", "tox", "types-filelock", "types-requests"]
+testing = ["black", "mypy", "pytest", "pytest-gitignore", "pytest-mock", "responses", "ruff", "tox", "types-filelock", "types-requests"]
 name = "tomli"
@@ -2487,23 +2350,6 @@ files = [
     {file = "tzdata-2024.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2674120f8d891909751c38abcdfd386ac0a5a1127954fbc332af6b5ceae07efd"},
-name = "tzlocal"
-version = "5.2"
-description = "tzinfo object for the local timezone"
-optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.8"
-files = [
-    {file = "tzlocal-5.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:49816ef2fe65ea8ac19d19aa7a1ae0551c834303d5014c6d5a62e4cbda8047b8"},
-    {file = "tzlocal-5.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8d399205578f1a9342816409cc1e46a93ebd5755e39ea2d85334bea911bf0e6e"},
-tzdata = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
-devenv = ["check-manifest", "pytest (>=4.3)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock (>=3.3)", "zest.releaser"]
 name = "urllib3"
 version = "2.2.1"
@@ -2765,21 +2611,20 @@ files = [
 name = "zipp"
-version = "3.18.1"
+version = "3.17.0"
 description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
-    {file = "zipp-3.18.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:206f5a15f2af3dbaee80769fb7dc6f249695e940acca08dfb2a4769fe61e538b"},
-    {file = "zipp-3.18.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2884ed22e7d8961de1c9a05142eb69a247f120291bc0206a00a7642f09b5b715"},
+    {file = "zipp-3.17.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0e923e726174922dce09c53c59ad483ff7bbb8e572e00c7f7c46b88556409f31"},
+    {file = "zipp-3.17.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:84e64a1c28cf7e91ed2078bb8cc8c259cb19b76942096c8d7b84947690cabaf0"},
-docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
-testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-ignore-flaky", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)"]
+docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (<7.2.5)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
+testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-ignore-flaky", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-ruff"]
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.10,<3.12"
-content-hash = "dabc8f6edfca97b7983905914200696ae83fe48a52c4b7094423643bf49c0d2d"
+content-hash = "57a08bd352325126a13a2843a05f06edd75bf97be48f5a54714349dc006853b4"

From ee57b20ae8d2dc12c0dd72d04d33e9eabafac2aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 09:59:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 65/69] Update pyproject.toml

 pyproject.toml | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index b03d13a60..f0821c446 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -24,12 +24,8 @@ authlib = "^1.2.1"
 itsdangerous = "^2.1.2"
 pyyaml = "^6.0.1"
 parameterized = "^0.9.0"
-artifacts = {git = "", rev = "main"}
-pycountry = "^23.12.11"
-dateparser = "^1.2.0"
 yara-python = "^4.5.0"
 pylint = "^2.16.1"
 mypy = "^1.0.0"

From 762621ac5c84fe449d796c98857fb974a8382dff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 10:00:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 66/69] Update

fix linting
 core/common/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/core/common/ b/core/common/
index da4f080d8..982ebd7dc 100644
--- a/core/common/
+++ b/core/common/
@@ -909,6 +909,7 @@ def __import_exploit_poc(
         self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_exploit_poc: MISPObject
         poc_attr = object_exploit_poc.get_attributes_by_relation("poc")
+        print(poc_attr)
     def __import_exploit(
         self, invest: entity.Investigation, object_exploit: MISPObject

From c9c8887bc6c603a328e27a2a2ec9fdf2320c2cab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 10:02:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 67/69] add dateparser

 poetry.lock    | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 pyproject.toml |   1 +
 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index c4e9f5812..d0d81907b 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -623,6 +623,28 @@ ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
 test = ["pretend", "pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist"]
 test-randomorder = ["pytest-randomly"]
+name = "dateparser"
+version = "1.2.0"
+description = "Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0b21ad96534e562920a0083e97fd45fa959882d4162acc358705144520a35830"},
+    {file = "dateparser-1.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7975b43a4222283e0ae15be7b4999d08c9a70e2d378ac87385b1ccf2cffbbb30"},
+python-dateutil = "*"
+pytz = "*"
+regex = "<2019.02.19 || >2019.02.19,<2021.8.27 || >2021.8.27"
+tzlocal = "*"
+calendars = ["convertdate", "hijri-converter"]
+fasttext = ["fasttext"]
+langdetect = ["langdetect"]
 name = "deprecated"
 version = "1.2.14"
@@ -1921,6 +1943,108 @@ files = [
 attrs = ">=22.2.0"
 rpds-py = ">=0.7.0"
+name = "regex"
+version = "2023.12.25"
+description = "Alternative regular expression module, to replace re."
+optional = false
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+    {file = "regex-2023.12.25.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:29171aa128da69afdf4bde412d5bedc335f2ca8fcfe4489038577d05f16181e5"},
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@@ -2350,6 +2474,23 @@ files = [
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+name = "tzlocal"
+version = "5.2"
+description = "tzinfo object for the local timezone"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+    {file = "tzlocal-5.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:49816ef2fe65ea8ac19d19aa7a1ae0551c834303d5014c6d5a62e4cbda8047b8"},
+    {file = "tzlocal-5.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8d399205578f1a9342816409cc1e46a93ebd5755e39ea2d85334bea911bf0e6e"},
+tzdata = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
+devenv = ["check-manifest", "pytest (>=4.3)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock (>=3.3)", "zest.releaser"]
 name = "urllib3"
 version = "2.2.1"
@@ -2627,4 +2768,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "p
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.10,<3.12"
-content-hash = "57a08bd352325126a13a2843a05f06edd75bf97be48f5a54714349dc006853b4"
+content-hash = "889ee6348cff5919c2879d2ee0d000aa5c6df31b60adefbad3c742d90aaced4a"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f0821c446..df8554cad 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ itsdangerous = "^2.1.2"
 pyyaml = "^6.0.1"
 parameterized = "^0.9.0"
 yara-python = "^4.5.0"
+dateparser = "^1.2.0"
 pylint = "^2.16.1"

From bb178a2f86de950ccca76f342c4aadd184818c40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 10:05:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 68/69] add pycountry

 poetry.lock    | 13 ++++++++++++-
 pyproject.toml |  1 +
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index d0d81907b..287dee6f9 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -1540,6 +1540,17 @@ files = [
 pyasn1 = ">=0.4.6,<0.6.0"
+name = "pycountry"
+version = "23.12.11"
+description = "ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+    {file = "pycountry-23.12.11-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2ff91cff4f40ff61086e773d61e72005fe95de4a57bfc765509db05695dc50ab"},
+    {file = "pycountry-23.12.11.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:00569d82eaefbc6a490a311bfa84a9c571cff9ddbf8b0a4f4e7b4f868b4ad925"},
 name = "pycparser"
 version = "2.21"
@@ -2768,4 +2779,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "p
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = ">=3.10,<3.12"
-content-hash = "889ee6348cff5919c2879d2ee0d000aa5c6df31b60adefbad3c742d90aaced4a"
+content-hash = "511dd695f7fc68624b205789e66a5c12a733e26b5c6620075aa340049226d9ef"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index df8554cad..fd5450eec 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pyyaml = "^6.0.1"
 parameterized = "^0.9.0"
 yara-python = "^4.5.0"
 dateparser = "^1.2.0"
+pycountry = "^23.12.11"
 pylint = "^2.16.1"

From 0b6b0fbf072922b01e24e35d599a0cc2ba7870e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Larinier <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 10:09:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 69/69] Update misp_event_objects.json

 tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json | 2265 +-----------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2264 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
index 3accad98f..9c63eeba7 100644
--- a/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
+++ b/tests/misp_test_data/misp_event_objects.json
@@ -1,2267 +1,4 @@
-    "Event": {
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-        "org_id": "1",
-        "date": "2024-03-01",
-        "threat_level_id": "1",
-        "info": "test for yeti",
-        "published": false,
-        "uuid": "82be29f1-dd28-4ede-9990-48374c4faf0a",
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-        "extends_uuid": "",
-        "protected": null,
-        "event_creator_email": "",
-        "Org": {
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-        },
-        "Orgc": {
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-        },
-        "Attribute": [],
-        "ShadowAttribute": [],
-        "RelatedEvent": [
-            {
-                "Event": {
-                    "id": "93",
-                    "date": "2023-12-06",
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-                    "info": "Threat Actors Exploit Adobe ColdFusion CVE-2023-26360 for Initial Access to Government Servers",
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-                    },
-                    "Orgc": {
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-                        "name": "SCTIF",
-                        "uuid": "93f7ba22-2cfa-4214-bccd-9bec36f8056d"
-                    }
-                }
-            }
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-        "Object": [
-            {
-                "id": "1035",
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-                "description": "List of C2-servers with common ground, e.g. extracted from a blog post or ransomware analysis",
-                "template_uuid": "12456351-ceb7-4d43-9a7e-d2275d8b5785",
-                "template_version": "20230919",
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-                "Attribute": [
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-                        "to_ids": true,
-                        "uuid": "7f017b41-13ba-4240-a449-3e6840739c26",
-                        "event_id": "114",
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-                    },
-                    {
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-                        "value": "",
-                        "Galaxy": [],
-                        "ShadowAttribute": []
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "id": "10622",
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-                        "uuid": "b565cdc8-2bbc-4299-9f48-246aebf9172a",
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-                        "sharing_group_id": "0",
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-                        "object_id": "1035",
-                        "object_relation": "threat",
-                        "first_seen": null,
-                        "last_seen": null,
-                        "value": "malware mechant",
-                        "Galaxy": [],
-                        "ShadowAttribute": []
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "id": "10623",
-                        "type": "ip-src|port",
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-                        "value": "|8888",
-                        "Galaxy": [],
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-                    }
-                ]
-            },
-            {
-                "id": "1036",
-                "name": "btc-wallet",
-                "meta-category": "financial",
-                "description": "An object to describe a Bitcoin wallet. Best to be used with btc-transaction object.",
-                "template_uuid": "22910C83-DD0E-4ED2-9823-45F8CAD562A4",
-                "template_version": "3",
-                "event_id": "114",
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-                        "event_id": "114",
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-                        "ShadowAttribute": []
-                    }
-                ]
-            },
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-                "id": "1038",
-                "name": "command-line",
-                "meta-category": "misc",
-                "description": "Command line and options related to a specific command executed by a program, whether it is malicious or not.",
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-                        "first_seen": null,
-                        "last_seen": null,
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-                    },
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-                        "last_seen": null,
-                        "value": "cmd.exe --mechant malware",
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-            {
-                "id": "1039",
-                "name": "cookie",
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-                "description": "An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user's web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with the next request to the same server. Typically, it's used to tell if two requests came from the same browser \u2014 keeping a user logged-in, for example. It remembers stateful information for the stateless HTTP protocol. As defined by the Mozilla foundation.",
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-                        "value": "MTA3NTg1NTM5Mg==",
-                        "Galaxy": [],
-                        "ShadowAttribute": []
-                    },
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