See docs
Data transformers are used to translate the data for a field into a format that can be displayed in a form.
They're already used internally for many field types. For example, the DateType
- Data transformer converts the
value of the field to ayyyy-MM-dd
formatted string when rendering the form. - Data transformer converts string back to a
object on submit.
Suppose we have a form with a text field "Tags". We want to enter tags there and separate them by comma.
namespace App\Form\DataTransformer;
use App\Entity\Tag;
use App\Repository\TagRepository;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\TransformationFailedException;
final readonly class TagTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface
public function __construct(
private TagRepository $tagRepository,
) {
* Transforms an object (Array Collection) to a string (tags).
* @param ArrayCollection<int, Tag>|null $value
public function transform($value): string
if ($value === null) {
return '';
$tagNames = [];
foreach ($value as $tag) {
$tagNames[] = $tag->getName();
return implode(', ', $tagNames);
* Transforms a string (tag names) to an object (ArrayCollection).
* @param string $value
* @throws TransformationFailedException if object (tag) is not found.
public function reverseTransform($value): ArrayCollection
if (!$value) {
return new ArrayCollection();
$tagNames = explode(',', $value);
$tagNames = array_map('trim', $tagNames);
$tagNames = array_unique($tagNames);
$tags = new ArrayCollection();
foreach ($tagNames as $tagName) {
$tag = $this->tagRepository->findOneBy(['name' => $tagName]);
if (!$tag) {
$tag = (new Tag())->setName($tagName);
return $tags;
File src\Form\BlogType.php
class BlogType extends AbstractType
public function __construct(
private readonly TagTransformer $tagTransformer,
) {}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
// ...
->add('tags', TextType::class, [
'required' => false,
// ...
File: src\Entity\Blog.php
#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: BlogRepository::class)]
class Blog
// ...
* @var Collection<int, Tag>
#[ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity: Tag::class, inversedBy: 'blogs', cascade: ['persist'])]
private Collection $tags;
public function __construct()
$this->tags = new ArrayCollection();
// ...