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Plugin Issues

Yogesh Khatri (@swiftforensics) edited this page Jul 20, 2019 · 4 revisions

##Issues not listed below If you can't find a resolution for your issue here, please create one in Issues .


You will likely get several lines in the output (and log) that look like this:
MAIN.SPOTLIGHT.SPOTLIGHT_PARSER|DEBUG|Err, could not find path for id xxxx

This is normal and expected. The plugin tries to rebuild path for each item but because not every folder is indexed, this can happen on quite a few entries.

Another message you might see is:
MAIN.SPOTLIGHT.SPOTLIGHT_PARSER|INFO|Not seen before value-type 0x0F item, prop_type=xx, prop=xxxx

If you see this, then you have a new type in your log which I have not encountered before and hence, the plugin does not know how to process it. If it is possible to share your store.db file, create an issue and provide the DEBUG log and store.db file there. If you do not wish to make it available to all, email these to me privately.

Getting Started



  • Write a Plugin
  • Plugin Helpers
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