Author: Yash Bhalgat, Independent Researcher
In this report, I will describe my approach in solving this challenge, a few caveats and intricacies in the implementation, the challenges I faced and my final solution.
I ranked 3
rd on the Public Leaderboard and 6
th on the Private Leaderboard.
You can find the code / implementation of my approach here: github-intel-scene-classification
This report is structured as follows:
- Problem Statement
- Steps and Approaches
- Incremental Improvements
- Acknowledgements
- Five tips for future participants
The problem posed in this challenge was to classify photographs categorically as different scenes. As opposed to object classification, context and layout/placement is quite important in this problem. In particular, there were 6 classses in this task:
- Buildings (2628 images)
- Forest (2745 images)
- Glaciers (2957 images)
- Mountain (3037 images)
- Sea (2784 images)
- Streets (2883 images)
Submissions were made on a test set of 7301 images, 30% of which were used to rank participants on the public leaderboard.
Note: In this document, whenever I mention "test accuracy", that implies the accuracy displayed by the solution checker on submission of my predictions. In other words, it means the accuracy on the 30% of the test set.
In this section, I will describe in detail the variety of steps I took throughout the competition. Each step led to an improvement in the performance. I will explain the "why" and "how" for each of them.
I split each class of the training dataset into fixed 80%-20% sets - called the
(13625 images) and the valid-set
(3409 images). The models were
generally trained for a 10-20 epochs and having a validation set helped me keep
potential over-fitting in check. While the model trained, intermediate checkpoints
with best (so far) validation accuracy were saved.
Note: I could have done better here if instead of having a fixed 80% as the training set, I had used cross-validation to split the entire set into 5 equal parts and then used 4 parts for training and 1 part for validation in a "round-robin" fashion. But I did not implement this in my approaches.
My first approach was to take a set of pretrained weights and fine-tune it on
this scenes dataset. I used the weights pretrained on the ImageNet dataset for
various network architectures (AlexNet
, VGG16/19
, ResNet18/34/50
, etc). To
set some initial baselines, I fine-tuned only the last layer of the networks and secured a validation accuracy of ~90%
and a test accuracy of ~90%
with the ResNet34
This gave me a baseline to compare my future models. I will now describe various steps I took in order to improve the performance on this task and at the same time, make the models more robust / generalizable.
The ImageNet weights are trained on 1000 classes, most of which are irrelevant to this problem. So, it would be better to unlearn the irrelevant features and fine-tune the weights for only these 6 classes. For this reason, instead of just fine-tuning the last layer of the network, I decided to train all the layers of the network starting from the pretrained checkpoint.
Broadly speaking, this was done in 2 steps (as inspired from's online deep learning course):
As the last layers are randomly initialized, the first step is to fine-tune them while keeping all the previous layers frozen (in PyTorch, you can freeze a layer by setting the parameter
as False for all of its parameters). After a few epochs, you see that performance saturates and we already have a good enough performance because we used the amazing ImageNet pretrained weights! -
After this, all the previous layers are unfreezed and differential learning is implemented to train the previous layers. This basically means that as you go deeper in the model, you would want to change the layers lesser and lesser. A good practice to do this is to exponentially (with a factor of
in my case) decrease the learning rate as you go deeper into the network.
Note that, step 2 is about decreasing the learning rate across the layers, not with time! I also decreased the learning rate with time, but I will discuss that in a separate section below.
Just following this helped me significantly bump up the validation accuracy from 90% to 92.6% for the ResNet34
Although the amount of data provided in this challenge was ample, we know that in deep learning, the more the data the better! I followed a number of image transformations and other data augmentation techniques to increase the variability of the data seen by my network. By training on these transformations, the model becomes more robust to overfitting and consequently generalizes well on images it has not "seen" before.
The Albumentations library was a very helpful resource for this step which provided me a wide range of image transformation methods to plug into my training. I implemented 4 major sets of image transformations in my training procedure which are summarized as follows:
Flipping and Rotation: Since we are focusing on scene classification, only
seemed appropriate to be used because the model will never see images with mountains flipped upside-down! I also usedRandomRotation
with a limit of 25 degrees - more than that would not have made sense. -
Additive Noise and Blurring: I used additive gaussian noise as one of the distortions to make the model more robust to noisy images. This was overlayed with blurring to capture more complex distortions, again making the model more robust.
Affine Distortions: This is a very powerful augmentation tool as it changes the geometry of the images. Convolutional Neural Networks are said to learn robustness to spatial transformations very effectively, hence adding affine distortions add a lot of value in the training.
Color Distortions: One of the most commonly observed variations in scenic images are that of illumination and hue. Hence, I used contrast distortions (with CLAHE), brightness distortions and random Hue-Saturation distortions during training.
All these transformations were probabilistic, meaning that if the model were
trained for an infinite number of iterations, it would ALWAYS see a different image
in each iteration. I tweaked the values of the individual probabilities of each
augmentation using practical intution of what scenes distortions usually occur in
nature. For example, I used a probability of 0.5
for Horizontal Flips, but a low
probability value of 0.2
for Affine Distortions.
After using these transformations for training, the performance of the ResNet34
model went up to a test accuracy of 94%. It proved effective even with the
shallower models, for example, the test accuracy with just one AlexNet
reached 93%.
To further tackle the overfitting problem and make the models more generalizable,
I added Dropout as the second-last layer in all my models. In particular, I
tried using Dropout with a value of p=0.7
in my models. But Dropout did not show
much effect - for some architectures, the validation and test accuracy in fact
dropped down by certain amounts.
The second approach I tried was using a recently proposed approach called CutOut.
This is actually a very useful data augmentation technique. With num_holes=20
height and width of 16
pixels, this method randomly cuts/removes "num_holes
number of patches of the given size from the images. A default probability value
of 0.5
was used here. This method alone gave a tremendous improvement in
performance. The ResNet50
model reached a test accuracy of 95.3%
Sometimes, the optimization/training of the deep models gets stuck in a local minima which leads to poor generalization. Different adaptive learning rates can be used to tackle this problem. I tried out a variety of learning rate decay methods, namely
exponential learning rate
- the learning rate decays exponentially. The hyperparameters are theinitial learning rate
, thedecay interval
andrate of decay
cosine learning rate decay
- this is just another method for learning rate decay, but the results were better with this method than the above -
cosine learning rate with restarts
- this method proved to be the most effective. In this method, after the learning rate decays to a certain value, it is rebooted to its initial value and the decay starts again but with longerdecay_interval
. Because of this, if the model is stuck in a local minima, the rebooting of the learning rate (to a much larger value) helps the model escape the local minima.
To be specific, the best performing model of ResNet50
gave a validation accuracy
of 95.7%
after using the "cosine learning rate decay with restarts". An initial
learning rate of 0.0005
was used with initial decay interval of 2
epochs and
decay rate of 0.97
Once I had some basic results as described above, explored other architectures,
namely ResNet152
, DenseNet161/121
, InceptionResnet
, ResNext
, MobileNet
and SqueezeNet
. The best performing model was the ResNet152
with a test accuracy of 96.21%
After reaching the top 10 on the public leaderboard, the competition had started over the first decimal point of test accuracy. To bump up the accuracy, I used the good-old ensembling technique. The idea behind ensembling is that - a single "highly accurate" model has a low bias but high variance. By ensembling various "high accuracy" models, you can have a low bias with a low variance, i.e. better generalization and no overfitting.
My best submission was an emsemble of ResNet152
+ DenseNet161
+ ResNext64
+ NASNet
, which gave me a test accuracy of 96.71%
(on the public leaderboard).
The nail in the coffin was to use augmentation even at the test-time. Remember that
I heavily used data augmentation while training. But for testing, till now, I only
used the raw test image to make the predictions. In this step, I randomly applied
iterations of augmentations on each test image and averaged the the second-last
layer output (the layer before the softmax) of the network for these 5
before computing the softmax probabilities.
This final step gave me my best test accuracy of 96.84%
on the public leaderboard.
I would like to thank Analytics Vidya for hosting and organizing this challenge. I would also like to thank the people who have worked hard to make the pretrained weights openly available for so many different architectures: pretrained-models.pytorch. Also, thanks to the Kaggle Masters for making the Albumentations library openly available.
In retrospect, for other people who read my code and myself, I would like to document a few directions or tips in which we can proceed differently in the future:
Exploratory Data Analysis - Before setting out to solve any data science problem, it is extremely beneficial to perform a prior analysis of the data itself. This can give you a lot of cues, for example - imbalance among classes, required cleaning/preprocessing, intra-class and inter-class variation, etc.
Basic baselines - Nowadays, because it is so easy to implement deep learning algorithms, many people directly jump there before even trying out a few simple baselines. Whenever you encounter a challenge like this one, first setting up a few basic baselines is very important for the following reasons -
- It will give you an idea of the expected performance from the advanced models you will build later.
- You can inspect the predictions of these simple baselines to analyze which samples are difficult to classify and get more insight into the data available.
- Pushing yourself to reach acceptable performance with simplistic baselines will force you to build better features for the data and that is very useful.
Simple tricks - Be aware of a the tricks. This comes from experience. Cross-validation, ensembling, using different learning rates, diffrent data augmentations, different regularizations are just a few of many tricks that can prove beneficial. Apart from experience, another way to know these is to read research papers and stay up-to-date!
Thorough knowledge of Machine Learning: Many people enter Data Science competitions without having a strong foundation in Machine Learning, Linear Algebra or Statistics. And that is fine! But having atleast a basic understanding of what is happening when you use
is very important. For example, enablingcudnn
while running aPyTorch
code makes the inference and training a 10 times faster - if you knew this, wouldn't that be awesome? -
Explore: The most effective way to learn is to explore. There were a lot of things I tried that didn't work. There were atleast 20 different combinations of data augmentations I have mentioned in this report than FAILED. But while exploring these, I also learnt a lot of new things which I didn't know before. So, I encourage you to fearlessly explore new methods, even if no one else has tried them before.