The advanced FORTH environment in web, written in javascript. 100% ANS 94 compatible, SP-FORTH compatible. Features will include:
- write FORTH system in FORTH itself, not javascript
- ability to use FORTH code from node.js to write server side FORTH applications
- web console
- ability to save and load binary FORTH image
- ability to write javascript code within a FORTH code
- 100% virtual machine
- 100% target compiler
- 100% ANS 94 wordset
- 90% web console
For WEB: Just run a http server (you can use simple node.js server via start_server.bat) and load it in browser and look at console. Or start local FORTH system with help of node.js
For NODE.JS Start node.exe forthnode_cli.js to get full working console FORTH system. You can even SAVE (addr u ) its state.
Dmitry Yakimov aka (~day) write me at [email protected]
license is Public domain and apache 2.0 as you wish