- @tamagui/cli: tamagui test ./packages/site/components/OffsetBox.tsx
cli to compile a file and see output:
Loading tamagui Compiling OffsetBox
for lineargradient:
- propMapper
- move logic to function
media queries in styled() not working
Paragraph size={} not accepting simple numbers
tamagui needs to overwrite StackProps (verify)
themes: mobile sizing separate :)
document: getTokens, useThemeName
textTransform on font for uppercase h6
document slimming react-native-web and bundle size
TODO fix babel tests they seem right but output isny matching
could do a pass on generated classnames to dedupe would help benchmarks
static compilation can go further with variants because it knows they always only accept certain values... see mount-deep-tree
basic styled() extraction => work liek props =>
space => gap?
fix parent variant types
[number] (test Text numberOfLines)
create small kitchen sink in expo to test
fix kitchen sink
- media query
- hover/press
- themes
- shorthands
- change theme
escape hatch for html props
? -
optimize regular styled() usage
pressStyle test
variants [number] [any] would be nice
- instead of any variant: { size: (x: typed) => {} } could be inferred? fully dynamic basically
createComponent move most hooks into dynamic loaded features, see useFeatures
- pressable, responderEvents, layout, press events, usePlatformMethods
make styled() accept any component (see Input.tsx)
fix // TODO comments
[perf] no need to concat classname at compile className={} if not flattening because it happens in createComponent
media based hoverStyle/pressStyle may need runtime equivalent!
babel add displayname
bring back focusStyle, eventually focusWithinStyle
make colors tree shakeable
container queries
auto skeleton components
classname transitions via className (compiler + runtime)?
honestly hover/press/focus need children selectors, this unlocks much nicer list effects and press effects:
bc: 'red',
'& .heading': {
color: 'white'
- className only!
seems somewhat doable: for css extraction its actuall direct to CSS, for js runtime you set a context, something like "ChildStyleContext" where it keeps a hash of [className]: style and then in createComponent just have to merge it in during getSplitStyles.
hoverStyle={{ opacity: 1 }}
hoverStyle={{ opacity: 1, '& .link': color: 'red' }}
=> css (.item .link { color: red; })
=> js (parent):
<StyleContext target=".link" on="hover" style={{ color: 'red' }} />
=> (children)
const context = useStyleContext()
- if className === context.target
if state.hover
addStyle({ color: 'red' })
or moti:
const context = useStyleContext()
if className === context.target
const state = useMotiPressable()
now with animations:
// either
<Stack transition="springy" hoverStyle={{ opacity: 1 }} />
<Stack transition={{ opacity: 'springy' }} hoverStyle={{ opacity: 1 }} />
// then we define:
animations: {
springy: {
// may want to allow platform specifiers,
// web animations via css are nice to fallback to
native: {
mass: 1,
tension: 0.5,
web: 'transition all ease-in-out 100ms'