This directory contains examples for executing distributed queries with Ballista.
The standalone example is the easiest to get started with. Ballista supports a standalone mode where a scheduler and executor are started in-process.
cargo run --example standalone_sql --features="ballista/standalone"
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let config = BallistaConfig::builder()
.set("ballista.shuffle.partitions", "1")
let ctx = BallistaContext::standalone(&config, 2).await?;
let df = ctx.sql("select count(1) from test").await?;;
For background information on the Ballista architecture, refer to the Ballista README.
From the root of the project, build release binaries.
cargo build --release
Start a Ballista scheduler process in a new terminal session.
RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/ballista-scheduler
Start one or more Ballista executor processes in new terminal sessions. When starting more than one executor, a unique port number must be specified for each executor.
RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/ballista-executor -c 2 -p 50051
RUST_LOG=info ./target/release/ballista-executor -c 2 -p 50052
The examples can be run using the cargo run --bin
cargo run --release --bin sql
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let config = BallistaConfig::builder()
.set("ballista.shuffle.partitions", "4")
let ctx = BallistaContext::remote("localhost", 50050, &config).await?;
let filename = "testdata/alltypes_plain.parquet";
// define the query using the DataFrame trait
let df = ctx
.read_parquet(filename, ParquetReadOptions::default())
.select_columns(&["id", "bool_col", "timestamp_col"])?
// print the results;
cargo run --release --bin dataframe
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let config = BallistaConfig::builder()
.set("ballista.shuffle.partitions", "4")
let ctx = BallistaContext::remote("localhost", 50050, &config).await?;
let filename = "testdata/alltypes_plain.parquet";
// define the query using the DataFrame trait
let df = ctx
.read_parquet(filename, ParquetReadOptions::default())
.select_columns(&["id", "bool_col", "timestamp_col"])?
// print the results;