2.1.0 (2024-06-26)
- add jp README (2f12c4d)
2.0.0 (2023-10-25)
- change name of custom configuration env
- rename project
- add support output build log and enabled this option on actions (129ee70)
- change matrix of plugin_test version (2c6fcf9)
- README: Add instructions for importing GPG public key #13 (6b28f6e)
- remove install dependency on actions (eca7e1d)
- can not install 3.82 on linux (62264d3)
- can not install 4.0 (c8faf82)
- can not install 4.2.1 or older version on linux (7df2524)
- cannot install GPG keys on GitHub Actions (e650265)
- install GPG key on CI (8a0f862)
- show details of gpg verification error (81a98ce)
- unable to install with the combination of the installed make and target version (7075ad2)
- rename project (9fbdb38)
1.2.0 (2021-07-09)
- suppress remove confirmation for downloaded directory (4d74671)
1.1.0 (2021-07-09)
- enabled build use actions on develop branch (c12187b)
- suppress logs (4c1cdbb)
- initial implementation of GNU Make command (7eb52af)
- indent for README (b3310fb)