This is a sphinx-doc extension that allows you to write LaTeX algorithm directly inside sphinx-doc. The rendering of LaTex algorithm is powered by pseudocode.js.
You can directly type LaTeX algorithm (e.g., quicksort algorithm taken from pseudocode.js demo) under pcode
directive in any .rst
files as follows:
.. pcode::
% This quicksort algorithm is extracted from Chapter 7, Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition)
\PROCEDURE{Quicksort}{$A, p, r$}
\IF{$p < r$}
\STATE $q = $ \CALL{Partition}{$A, p, r$}
\STATE \CALL{Quicksort}{$A, p, q - 1$}
\STATE \CALL{Quicksort}{$A, q + 1, r$}
\PROCEDURE{Partition}{$A, p, r$}
\STATE $x = A[r]$
\STATE $i = p - 1$
\FOR{$j = p$ \TO $r - 1$}
\IF{$A[j] < x$}
\STATE $i = i + 1$
\STATE exchange
$A[i]$ with $A[j]$
\STATE exchange $A[i]$ with $A[r]$
The above code will be rendered as
See more examples on demo page.
Install the package via
pip install sphinxcontrib-pseudocode
Then in the Sphinx-doc
, add
extensions = [
Write LaTeX algorithm within pcode
directive as shown above. The following option is supported:
in pseudocode.js: Whether line numbering is enabled)
This blog explains the underlying implementation details of this extension.