- Transports configurations (loglevel)
- AppHost configuration (loglevel, AddTrailingSlash for AspNetHost)
- Server configuration (select AppHostFactory)
- Server configuration (implement threadpooling config)
- Implement general app factory for general application host
- Implement Plain 'Hello, World' 'no System.Web' AppHost
- Implement abstract AppHostBase class with common methods
- Implement threadpooling/tasks/singlethread support
- Implement GetRoute() for managed classes
- Implement GetRoute() for native classes
- Implement domain reloading in Server.
- Create and start from the new thread (don't block main thread)
- Implement Shutdown
- Remove warnings, check using of stopReceive flag and others
- Rename namespaces
- Add 'Core' namespace, move all common things here
- Document *.config files
- Document rules of creating custom
- Implement OWIN AppHost
- Create suite, which can select nginx config, server-config, command-line params and run the tests
- Create WebClient for sending test responses
- Create AppHosts (aspx, no-web, owin) for testing
- Create UnitTests ('get' responses, 'post' responses, check headers, check large data, check no data)
- Add Travis.CI support for tests
- Do performance tests, get the metrics compared to other solutions
- Improve the results
- Refactor native bridges: create struct (BridgeClass) which incapsulates .NET methods
- Pass loglevel to native transports and listener
- Add more logging
- Add more logging
- AspNet vNext Host implementation