- [X] setup openzipkin/brave
- Proper integration with opentracing might have to wait as it appears that they are engaged in some serious bikeshedding.
- server
- [X] by default secure http connections unless configured not to
- [X] use http 426 to inform cleartext clients that they need to secure
- [X] use alpn to negotiate http protocol
- client
- [X] by default secure http connections unless configured not to
- [X] fix performance issues with xio ssl
- [X] fail fast if OpenSsl is not available
- [X] copy recipes over from xrpc
- Put Xio in front of a class name to avoid clashing with an existing class name
- good example XioServerBootstrap uses netty ServerBootstrap
- bad example XioBasePipeline doesn’t use anything called BasePipeline and does not clash
- com.xjeffrose.xio
- core: put common classes here
- client: base classes for clients here
- server: base classes for servers here
- http: put http common classes here
- client: http classes for clients here
- server: http classes for servers here
- core: put common classes here
JAVACMD=/usr/local/bin/drip JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" MAVEN_OPTS="-ea -Xmx512m"
openssl pkcs8 -in foo.pem -inform PEM -outform PEM -out pkcs8.pem -topk8 -passout pass: -nocrypt