Thanks to Souche Inc. which provides the server to hold an online service.
ENGLISH DOC :click me
EN summary: a Tool that can compress js source code to any ascii image,after that the result code can still run normal
js2image 是一个可以把js源代码
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
# Fedora
$ sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick
# OS X
$ brew install graphicsmagick
# Chocolatey (package manager for Windows)
# (Restart of cmd/PowerShell is required)
$ choco install graphicsmagick
$ npm install js2image -g
# 直接在命令行里执行此命令即可压缩,默认压缩出一个xmas.js后缀的文件。
# -s 源代码路径 必须的参数!
# -r 是否反相图像 可省
# -i 指定使用的图片的路径,默认使用 ./resource/tree.png 可省
$ js2image -s ./resource/jquery.js
# 新增支持打包一个文件夹内所有js文件,慎用!不保证打包后的js100%运行正常,请经过人工测试确认。
$ js2image -s ./resource
$ js2image -s ./resource/jquery.js -i ./resource/tree.png
- 图片需要是白底的,不能是透明的
- 不支持 windows 系统
$ npm install js2image --save
使用方法(见 example/test.js ):
var Js2Image = require('js2image');
var image = './resource/tree.png';
var source = './resource/jquery.js';
var target = './target/xmas.js';
var options = {};
// 获取结果的code
var sourceCode = fs.readFileSync(source);
Js2Image.getCode(sourceCode, image, options).then(function (code) {
// code为生成的代码
// 或者直接写入文件
Js2Image.writeToFile(source, image, target, options).then(function (code) {
// 生成的代码已被写入到文件target
// code为生成的代码
关于 options 可用值(可以调节像素等参数):
Size Options:
- `pxWidth` (Number): The pixel width used for aspect ratio (default: `2`).
- `size` (Object): The size of the result image (ASCII art)—interpreted by
- `height` (Number|String): The height value (default: `"100%"`).
- `width` (Number|String): The width value (default: computed value to
keep aspect ratio). This is optional if the height is provided.
- `size_options` (Object): The options for
- `screen_size` (Object): The screen size (defaults to terminal width
and height):
- `width` (Number): The screen width.
- `height` (Number): The screen height.
- `px_size` (Object): The pixel size.
- `width` (default: `1`)
- `height` (default: `1`)
- `preserve_aspect_ratio` (Boolean): If `false`, the aspect ratio will
not be preserved (default: `true`).
- `fit_screen` (Boolean): If `false`, the result size will not fit to
screen (default: `true`).
Matrix asciifier options:
- `stringify` (Boolean): If `false`, the pixel objects will not be
- `concat` (Boolean): If `false`, the pixel objects will not be joined
Pixel asciifier options:
- `pixels` (Array|String): An array or string containing the characters
used for converting the pixels in strings
(default: `" .,:;i1tfLCG08@"`).
- `reverse` (Boolean): If `true`, the pixels will be reversed creating a
*negative image* effect (default: `false`).
- `colored` (Boolean): If `true`, the output will contain ANSI styles
(default: `true`).
- `bg` (Boolean): If `true`, the **background** color will be used for
coloring (default: false).
- `fg` (Boolean): If `true`, the **foreground** color will be used for
coloring (default: true).
- `white_bg` (Boolean): Turn on the white background for transparent
pixels (default: `true`).
- `px_background` (Object): An object containing the `r` (red), `g`
(green) and `b` (blue) values of the custom background color.
Other options:
- `image_type` (String): Use this to explicitely provide the image type.
- `stringify_fn` (Function): A function getting the `pixels` matrix and
the `options` in the arguments. Use this option to implement your own
onverting ./resource/release.js
[Error: Could not execute GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick: gm "identify" "-ping" "-format" "%wx%h" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/js2image/resource/tree.png"
this most likely means the gm/convert binaries can't be found]
var content = converted.replace(/\S\[0m/g,"").replace(/\n/g,"\",\n\"");
TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
npm install -g replace