From 4435b19a0b0a27adbe2b53887448a4a716980612 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xin Hao Zhang <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 15:13:14 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] sql: add crdb_internal.{node,cluster}_txn_execution_insights

Closes #93075

This commit adds 2 new virtual tables displaying execution
insights for transaction.
- crdb_internal.cluster_txn_execution_insights
- crdb_internal.node_txn_execution_insights

Release note (sql change):
2 new virtual tables displaying execution insights for transaction:
- crdb_internal.cluster_txn_execution_insights
- crdb_internal.node_txn_execution_insights
 .../testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_tenant  |    2 +
 pkg/sql/crdb_internal.go                      |  172 ++-
 .../testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal         |    2 +
 .../testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_catalog | 1134 +++++++++--------
 .../logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_builtins |   72 +-
 .../logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_catalog  |  804 ++++++------
 pkg/sql/sem/catconstants/constants.go         |    2 +
 pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/insights.proto      |    2 +
 pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/registry.go         |    1 +
 9 files changed, 1186 insertions(+), 1005 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkg/ccl/logictestccl/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_tenant b/pkg/ccl/logictestccl/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_tenant
index 99b7ecc68a8d..7a9d2198b56e 100644
--- a/pkg/ccl/logictestccl/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_tenant
+++ b/pkg/ccl/logictestccl/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_tenant
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ crdb_internal  cluster_settings                 table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  cluster_statement_statistics     table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  cluster_transaction_statistics   table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  cluster_transactions             table  admin  NULL  NULL
+crdb_internal  cluster_txn_execution_insights   table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  create_function_statements       table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  create_schema_statements         table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  create_statements                table  admin  NULL  NULL
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ crdb_internal  node_sessions                    table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_statement_statistics        table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_transaction_statistics      table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_transactions                table  admin  NULL  NULL
+crdb_internal  node_txn_execution_insights      table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_txn_stats                   table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  partitions                       table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  pg_catalog_table_is_implemented  table  admin  NULL  NULL
diff --git a/pkg/sql/crdb_internal.go b/pkg/sql/crdb_internal.go
index 48d473dad591..e49056e24e16 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/crdb_internal.go
+++ b/pkg/sql/crdb_internal.go
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ var crdbInternal = virtualSchema{
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterContentionEventsTableID:     crdbInternalClusterContentionEventsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterDistSQLFlowsTableID:         crdbInternalClusterDistSQLFlowsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterExecutionInsightsTableID:    crdbInternalClusterExecutionInsightsTable,
+		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterTxnExecutionInsightsTableID: crdbInternalClusterTxnExecutionInsightsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterLocksTableID:                crdbInternalClusterLocksTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterQueriesTableID:              crdbInternalClusterQueriesTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalClusterTransactionsTableID:         crdbInternalClusterTxnsTable,
@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ var crdbInternal = virtualSchema{
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalLocalMetricsTableID:                crdbInternalLocalMetricsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalNodeExecutionInsightsTableID:       crdbInternalNodeExecutionInsightsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalNodeStmtStatsTableID:               crdbInternalNodeStmtStatsTable,
+		catconstants.CrdbInternalNodeTxnExecutionInsightsTableID:    crdbInternalNodeTxnExecutionInsightsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalNodeTxnStatsTableID:                crdbInternalNodeTxnStatsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalPartitionsTableID:                  crdbInternalPartitionsTable,
 		catconstants.CrdbInternalRangesNoLeasesTableID:              crdbInternalRangesNoLeasesTable,
@@ -6878,7 +6880,165 @@ func populateClusterLocksWithFilter(
 	return matched, err
+// This is the table structure for both {cluster,node}_txn_execution_insights.
+const txnExecutionInsightsSchemaPattern = `
+CREATE TABLE crdb_internal.%s (
+	txn_id                     UUID NOT NULL,
+	txn_fingerprint_id         BYTES NOT NULL,
+	query                      STRING NOT NULL,
+	implicit_txn               BOOL NOT NULL,
+	session_id                 STRING NOT NULL,
+	start_time                 TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+	end_time                   TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+	user_name                  STRING NOT NULL,
+	app_name                   STRING NOT NULL,
+	rows_read                  INT8 NOT NULL,
+	rows_written               INT8 NOT NULL,
+	priority                   STRING NOT NULL,
+	retries                    INT8 NOT NULL,
+	last_retry_reason          STRING,
+	contention                 INTERVAL,
+	problems                   STRING[] NOT NULL,
+	causes                     STRING[] NOT NULL,
+  stmt_execution_ids         STRING[] NOT NULL
+var crdbInternalClusterTxnExecutionInsightsTable = virtualSchemaTable{
+	schema:  fmt.Sprintf(txnExecutionInsightsSchemaPattern, "cluster_txn_execution_insights"),
+	comment: `Cluster transaction execution insights`,
+	populate: func(ctx context.Context, p *planner, db catalog.DatabaseDescriptor, addRow func(...tree.Datum) error) (err error) {
+		return populateTxnExecutionInsights(ctx, p, addRow, &serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest{})
+	},
+var crdbInternalNodeTxnExecutionInsightsTable = virtualSchemaTable{
+	schema:  fmt.Sprintf(txnExecutionInsightsSchemaPattern, "node_txn_execution_insights"),
+	comment: `Node transaction execution insights`,
+	populate: func(ctx context.Context, p *planner, db catalog.DatabaseDescriptor, addRow func(...tree.Datum) error) (err error) {
+		return populateTxnExecutionInsights(ctx, p, addRow, &serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest{NodeID: "local"})
+	},
+func populateTxnExecutionInsights(
+	ctx context.Context,
+	p *planner,
+	addRow func(...tree.Datum) error,
+	request *serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest,
+) (err error) {
+	hasRoleOption, err := p.HasViewActivityOrViewActivityRedactedRole(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if !hasRoleOption {
+		return pgerror.Newf(
+			pgcode.InsufficientPrivilege,
+			"user %s does not have %s or %s privilege",
+			p.User(),
+			roleoption.VIEWACTIVITY,
+		)
+	}
+	response, err := p.extendedEvalCtx.SQLStatusServer.ListExecutionInsights(ctx, request)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// We should truncate the query if it surpasses some absurd limit.
+	queryMax := 5000
+	for _, insight := range response.Insights {
+		var queryBuilder strings.Builder
+		for i := range insight.Statements {
+			// Build query string.
+			remaining := queryMax - queryBuilder.Len()
+			if len(insight.Statements[i].Query) > remaining {
+				if remaining > 0 {
+					queryBuilder.WriteString(insight.Statements[i].Query[:remaining] + "...")
+				}
+				break
+			}
+			if i > 0 {
+				queryBuilder.WriteString(" ; ")
+			}
+			queryBuilder.WriteString(insight.Statements[i].Query)
+		}
+		problems := tree.NewDArray(types.String)
+		for i := range insight.Transaction.Problems {
+			if err = problems.Append(tree.NewDString(insight.Transaction.Problems[i].String())); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		causes := tree.NewDArray(types.String)
+		for i := range insight.Transaction.Causes {
+			if err = causes.Append(tree.NewDString(insight.Transaction.Causes[i].String())); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		var startTimestamp *tree.DTimestamp
+		startTimestamp, err = tree.MakeDTimestamp(insight.Transaction.StartTime, time.Nanosecond)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		var endTimestamp *tree.DTimestamp
+		endTimestamp, err = tree.MakeDTimestamp(insight.Transaction.EndTime, time.Nanosecond)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		autoRetryReason := tree.DNull
+		if insight.Transaction.AutoRetryReason != "" {
+			autoRetryReason = tree.NewDString(insight.Transaction.AutoRetryReason)
+		}
+		contentionTime := tree.DNull
+		if insight.Transaction.Contention != nil {
+			contentionTime = tree.NewDInterval(
+				duration.MakeDuration(insight.Transaction.Contention.Nanoseconds(), 0, 0),
+				types.DefaultIntervalTypeMetadata,
+			)
+		}
+		stmtIDs := tree.NewDArray(types.String)
+		for _, id := range insight.Transaction.StmtExecutionIDs {
+			if err = stmtIDs.Append(tree.NewDString(hex.EncodeToString(id.GetBytes()))); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		err = errors.CombineErrors(err, addRow(
+			tree.NewDUuid(tree.DUuid{UUID: insight.Transaction.ID}),
+			tree.NewDBytes(tree.DBytes(sqlstatsutil.EncodeUint64ToBytes(uint64(insight.Transaction.FingerprintID)))),
+			tree.NewDString(queryBuilder.String()),
+			tree.MakeDBool(tree.DBool(insight.Transaction.ImplicitTxn)),
+			tree.NewDString(hex.EncodeToString(insight.Session.ID.GetBytes())),
+			startTimestamp,
+			endTimestamp,
+			tree.NewDString(insight.Transaction.User),
+			tree.NewDString(insight.Transaction.ApplicationName),
+			tree.NewDInt(tree.DInt(insight.Transaction.RowsRead)),
+			tree.NewDInt(tree.DInt(insight.Transaction.RowsWritten)),
+			tree.NewDString(insight.Transaction.UserPriority),
+			tree.NewDInt(tree.DInt(insight.Transaction.RetryCount)),
+			autoRetryReason,
+			contentionTime,
+			problems,
+			causes,
+			stmtIDs,
+		))
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return
 // This is the table structure for both cluster_execution_insights and node_execution_insights.
+// Both contain statement execution insights.
 const executionInsightsSchemaPattern = `
 CREATE TABLE crdb_internal.%s (
 	session_id                 STRING NOT NULL,
@@ -6910,20 +7070,22 @@ CREATE TABLE crdb_internal.%s (
 var crdbInternalClusterExecutionInsightsTable = virtualSchemaTable{
-	schema: fmt.Sprintf(executionInsightsSchemaPattern, "cluster_execution_insights"),
+	schema:  fmt.Sprintf(executionInsightsSchemaPattern, "cluster_execution_insights"),
+	comment: `Cluster-wide statement execution insights`,
 	populate: func(ctx context.Context, p *planner, db catalog.DatabaseDescriptor, addRow func(...tree.Datum) error) (err error) {
-		return populateExecutionInsights(ctx, p, addRow, &serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest{})
+		return populateStmtInsights(ctx, p, addRow, &serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest{})
 var crdbInternalNodeExecutionInsightsTable = virtualSchemaTable{
-	schema: fmt.Sprintf(executionInsightsSchemaPattern, "node_execution_insights"),
+	schema:  fmt.Sprintf(executionInsightsSchemaPattern, "node_execution_insights"),
+	comment: `Node statement execution insights`,
 	populate: func(ctx context.Context, p *planner, db catalog.DatabaseDescriptor, addRow func(...tree.Datum) error) (err error) {
-		return populateExecutionInsights(ctx, p, addRow, &serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest{NodeID: "local"})
+		return populateStmtInsights(ctx, p, addRow, &serverpb.ListExecutionInsightsRequest{NodeID: "local"})
-func populateExecutionInsights(
+func populateStmtInsights(
 	ctx context.Context,
 	p *planner,
 	addRow func(...tree.Datum) error,
diff --git a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal
index e1c410ff6a3b..9e4afc2cadf4 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal
+++ b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ crdb_internal  cluster_settings                 table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  cluster_statement_statistics     table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  cluster_transaction_statistics   table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  cluster_transactions             table  admin  NULL  NULL
+crdb_internal  cluster_txn_execution_insights   table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  create_function_statements       table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  create_schema_statements         table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  create_statements                table  admin  NULL  NULL
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ crdb_internal  node_sessions                    table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_statement_statistics        table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_transaction_statistics      table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_transactions                table  admin  NULL  NULL
+crdb_internal  node_txn_execution_insights      table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  node_txn_stats                   table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  partitions                       table  admin  NULL  NULL
 crdb_internal  pg_catalog_table_is_implemented  table  admin  NULL  NULL
diff --git a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_catalog b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_catalog
index 97dd7653512e..8a605d35d8ca 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_catalog
+++ b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/crdb_internal_catalog
@@ -161,292 +161,294 @@ SELECT id, strip_volatile(descriptor) FROM crdb_internal.kv_catalog_descriptor
 111         {"table": {"checks": [{"columnIds": [1], "constraintId": 2, "expr": "k > 0:::INT8", "name": "ck"}], "columns": [{"id": 1, "name": "k", "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 2, "name": "v", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 25}}], "dependedOnBy": [{"columnIds": [1, 2], "id": 112}], "formatVersion": 3, "id": 111, "name": "kv", "nextColumnId": 3, "nextConstraintId": 3, "nextIndexId": 2, "nextMutationId": 1, "parentId": 106, "primaryIndex": {"constraintId": 1, "encodingType": 1, "foreignKey": {}, "geoConfig": {}, "id": 1, "interleave": {}, "keyColumnDirections": ["ASC"], "keyColumnIds": [1], "keyColumnNames": ["k"], "name": "kv_pkey", "partitioning": {}, "sharded": {}, "storeColumnIds": [2], "storeColumnNames": ["v"], "unique": true, "version": 4}, "privileges": {"ownerProto": "root", "users": [{"privileges": 2, "userProto": "admin", "withGrantOption": 2}, {"privileges": 2, "userProto": "root", "withGrantOption": 2}], "version": 2}, "replacementOf": {"time": {}}, "unexposedParentSchemaId": 107, "version": "6"}}
 112         {"table": {"columns": [{"id": 1, "name": "k", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 2, "name": "v", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 25}}, {"defaultExpr": "unique_rowid()", "hidden": true, "id": 3, "name": "rowid", "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}], "dependsOn": [111], "formatVersion": 3, "id": 112, "indexes": [{"createdExplicitly": true, "foreignKey": {}, "geoConfig": {}, "id": 2, "interleave": {}, "keyColumnDirections": ["ASC"], "keyColumnIds": [2], "keyColumnNames": ["v"], "keySuffixColumnIds": [3], "name": "idx", "partitioning": {}, "sharded": {}, "version": 4}], "isMaterializedView": true, "name": "mv", "nextColumnId": 4, "nextConstraintId": 2, "nextIndexId": 4, "nextMutationId": 1, "parentId": 106, "primaryIndex": {"constraintId": 1, "encodingType": 1, "foreignKey": {}, "geoConfig": {}, "id": 1, "interleave": {}, "keyColumnDirections": ["ASC"], "keyColumnIds": [3], "keyColumnNames": ["rowid"], "name": "mv_pkey", "partitioning": {}, "sharded": {}, "storeColumnIds": [1, 2], "storeColumnNames": ["k", "v"], "unique": true, "version": 4}, "privileges": {"ownerProto": "root", "users": [{"privileges": 2, "userProto": "admin", "withGrantOption": 2}, {"privileges": 2, "userProto": "root", "withGrantOption": 2}], "version": 2}, "replacementOf": {"time": {}}, "unexposedParentSchemaId": 107, "version": "10", "viewQuery": "SELECT k, v FROM db.public.kv"}}
 113         {"function": {"functionBody": "SELECT json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(json_remove_path(d, ARRAY['table', 'families']), ARRAY['table', 'nextFamilyId']), ARRAY['table', 'indexes', '0', 'createdAtNanos']), ARRAY['table', 'indexes', '1', 'createdAtNanos']), ARRAY['table', 'indexes', '2', 'createdAtNanos']), ARRAY['table', 'primaryIndex', 'createdAtNanos']), ARRAY['table', 'createAsOfTime']), ARRAY['table', 'modificationTime']), ARRAY['function', 'modificationTime']), ARRAY['type', 'modificationTime']), ARRAY['schema', 'modificationTime']), ARRAY['database', 'modificationTime']);", "id": 113, "lang": "SQL", "name": "strip_volatile", "nullInputBehavior": "CALLED_ON_NULL_INPUT", "params": [{"class": "IN", "name": "d", "type": {"family": "JsonFamily", "oid": 3802}}], "parentId": 104, "parentSchemaId": 105, "privileges": {"ownerProto": "root", "users": [{"privileges": 2, "userProto": "admin", "withGrantOption": 2}, {"privileges": 2, "userProto": "root", "withGrantOption": 2}], "version": 2}, "returnType": {"type": {"family": "JsonFamily", "oid": 3802}}, "version": "1", "volatility": "STABLE"}}
-4294966996  {"table": {"columns": [{"id": 1, "name": "srid", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 2, "name": "auth_name", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 1043, "visibleType": 7, "width": 256}}, {"id": 3, "name": "auth_srid", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 4, "name": "srtext", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 1043, "visibleType": 7, "width": 2048}}, {"id": 5, "name": "proj4text", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 1043, "visibleType": 7, "width": 2048}}], "formatVersion": 3, "id": 4294966996, "name": "spatial_ref_sys", "nextColumnId": 6, "nextConstraintId": 2, "nextIndexId": 2, "nextMutationId": 1, "primaryIndex": {"constraintId": 1, "foreignKey": {}, "geoConfig": {}, "id": 1, "interleave": {}, "partitioning": {}, "sharded": {}}, "privileges": {"ownerProto": "node", "users": [{"privileges": 32, "userProto": "public"}], "version": 2}, "replacementOf": {"time": {}}, "unexposedParentSchemaId": 4294966999, "version": "1"}}
-4294966997  {"table": {"columns": [{"id": 1, "name": "f_table_catalog", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 2, "name": "f_table_schema", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 3, "name": "f_table_name", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 4, "name": "f_geometry_column", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 5, "name": "coord_dimension", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 6, "name": "srid", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 7, "name": "type", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 25}}], "formatVersion": 3, "id": 4294966997, "name": "geometry_columns", "nextColumnId": 8, "nextConstraintId": 2, "nextIndexId": 2, "nextMutationId": 1, "primaryIndex": {"constraintId": 1, "foreignKey": {}, "geoConfig": {}, "id": 1, "interleave": {}, "partitioning": {}, "sharded": {}}, "privileges": {"ownerProto": "node", "users": [{"privileges": 32, "userProto": "public"}], "version": 2}, "replacementOf": {"time": {}}, "unexposedParentSchemaId": 4294966999, "version": "1"}}
-4294966998  {"table": {"columns": [{"id": 1, "name": "f_table_catalog", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 2, "name": "f_table_schema", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 3, "name": "f_table_name", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 4, "name": "f_geography_column", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": 11, "oid": 19}}, {"id": 5, "name": "coord_dimension", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 6, "name": "srid", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "IntFamily", "oid": 20, "width": 64}}, {"id": 7, "name": "type", "nullable": true, "type": {"family": "StringFamily", "oid": 25}}], "formatVersion": 3, "id": 4294966998, "name": "geography_columns", "nextColumnId": 8, "nextConstraintId": 2, "nextIndexId": 2, "nextMutationId": 1, "primaryIndex": {"constraintId": 1, "foreignKey": {}, "geoConfig": {}, "id": 1, "interleave": {}, "partitioning": {}, "sharded": {}}, "privileges": {"ownerProto": "node", "users": [{"privileges": 32, "userProto": "public"}], "version": 2}, "replacementOf": {"time": {}}, "unexposedParentSchemaId": 4294966999, "version": "1"}}
-4294966999  {"schema": {"defaultPrivileges": {"type": "SCHEMA"}, "id": 4294966999, "name": "pg_extension", "privileges": {"ownerProto": "node", "users": [{"privileges": 512, "userProto": "public"}], "version": 2}, "version": "1"}}
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@@ -547,284 +549,288 @@ FROM "".crdb_internal.kv_catalog_comments
 DatabaseCommentType    104         0  "this is the test database"
 TableCommentType       111         0  "this is a table"
-TableCommentType       4294966996  0  "Shows all defined Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs). Matches PostGIS' spatial_ref_sys table."
-TableCommentType       4294966997  0  "Shows all defined geometry columns. Matches PostGIS' geometry_columns functionality."
-TableCommentType       4294966998  0  "Shows all defined geography columns. Matches PostGIS' geography_columns functionality."
-TableCommentType       4294967000  0  "view definitions (incomplete - see also information_schema.views)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967001  0  "database users\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967002  0  "pg_user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967003  0  "local to remote user mapping (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967004  0  "scalar types (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967005  0  "pg_ts_template was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967006  0  "pg_ts_parser was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967007  0  "pg_ts_dict was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967008  0  "pg_ts_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967009  0  "pg_ts_config_map was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967010  0  "triggers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967011  0  "pg_transform was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967012  0  "pg_timezone_names lists all the timezones that are supported by SET timezone"
-TableCommentType       4294967013  0  "pg_timezone_abbrevs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967014  0  "available tablespaces (incomplete; concept inapplicable to CockroachDB)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967015  0  "tables summary (see also information_schema.tables, pg_catalog.pg_class)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967016  0  "pg_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967017  0  "pg_subscription_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967018  0  "pg_stats was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967019  0  "pg_stats_ext was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967020  0  "pg_statistic was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967021  0  "pg_statistic_ext has the statistics objects created with CREATE STATISTICS\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967022  0  "pg_statistic_ext_data was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967023  0  "pg_statio_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967024  0  "pg_statio_user_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967025  0  "pg_statio_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967026  0  "pg_statio_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967027  0  "pg_statio_sys_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967028  0  "pg_statio_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967029  0  "pg_statio_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967030  0  "pg_statio_all_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967031  0  "pg_statio_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967032  0  "pg_stat_xact_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967033  0  "pg_stat_xact_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967034  0  "pg_stat_xact_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967035  0  "pg_stat_xact_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967036  0  "pg_stat_wal_receiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967037  0  "pg_stat_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967038  0  "pg_stat_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967039  0  "pg_stat_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967040  0  "pg_stat_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967041  0  "pg_stat_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967042  0  "pg_stat_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967043  0  "pg_stat_ssl was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967044  0  "pg_stat_slru was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967045  0  "pg_stat_replication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967046  0  "pg_stat_progress_vacuum was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967047  0  "pg_stat_progress_create_index was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967048  0  "pg_stat_progress_cluster was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967049  0  "pg_stat_progress_basebackup was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967050  0  "pg_stat_progress_analyze was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967051  0  "pg_stat_gssapi was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967052  0  "pg_stat_database was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967053  0  "pg_stat_database_conflicts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967054  0  "pg_stat_bgwriter was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967055  0  "pg_stat_archiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967056  0  "pg_stat_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967057  0  "pg_stat_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967058  0  "backend access statistics (empty - monitoring works differently in CockroachDB)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967059  0  "pg_shmem_allocations was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967060  0  "Shared Dependencies (Roles depending on objects). \n"
-TableCommentType       4294967061  0  "shared security labels (empty - feature not supported)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967062  0  "shared object comments\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967063  0  "pg_shadow lists properties for roles that are marked as rolcanlogin in pg_authid\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967064  0  "session variables (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967065  0  "pg_sequences is very similar as pg_sequence.\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967066  0  "sequences (see also information_schema.sequences)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967067  0  "security labels (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967068  0  "security labels (empty)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967069  0  "pg_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967070  0  "database roles\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967071  0  "rewrite rules (only for referencing on pg_depend for table-view dependencies)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967072  0  "pg_replication_slots was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967073  0  "pg_replication_origin was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967074  0  "pg_replication_origin_status was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967075  0  "range types (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967076  0  "pg_publication_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967077  0  "pg_publication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967078  0  "pg_publication_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967079  0  "built-in functions (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967080  0  "prepared transactions (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967081  0  "prepared statements\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967082  0  "pg_policy was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967083  0  "pg_policies was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967084  0  "pg_partitioned_table was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967085  0  "pg_opfamily was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967086  0  "operators (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967087  0  "opclass (empty - Operator classes not supported yet)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967088  0  "available namespaces\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967089  0  "available materialized views (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967090  0  "locks held by active processes (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967091  0  "pg_largeobject was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967092  0  "pg_largeobject_metadata was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967093  0  "available languages (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967094  0  "pg_init_privs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967095  0  "table inheritance hierarchy (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967096  0  "index creation statements\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967097  0  "indexes (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967098  0  "pg_hba_file_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967099  0  "pg_group was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967100  0  "foreign tables (empty  - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967101  0  "foreign servers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967102  0  "foreign data wrappers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967103  0  "pg_file_settings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967104  0  "installed extensions (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967105  0  "event triggers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967106  0  "enum types and labels (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967107  0  "object comments\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967108  0  "dependency relationships (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967109  0  "default ACLs; these are the privileges that will be assigned to newly created objects\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967110  0  "contains the default values that have been configured for session variables\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967111  0  "available databases (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967112  0  "contains currently active SQL cursors created with DECLARE\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967113  0  "encoding conversions (empty - unimplemented)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967114  0  "table constraints (incomplete - see also information_schema.table_constraints)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967115  0  "pg_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967116  0  "available collations (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967117  0  "tables and relation-like objects (incomplete - see also information_schema.tables/sequences/views)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967118  0  "casts (empty - needs filling out)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967119  0  "available extensions\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967120  0  "pg_available_extension_versions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967121  0  "role membership\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967122  0  "authorization identifiers - differs from postgres as we do not display passwords, \nand thus do not require admin privileges for access. \n"
-TableCommentType       4294967123  0  "table columns (incomplete - see also information_schema.columns)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967124  0  "column default values\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967125  0  "pg_amproc was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967126  0  "pg_amop was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967127  0  "index access methods (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967128  0  "aggregated built-in functions (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967130  0  "views (incomplete)\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967131  0  "view_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967132  0  "view_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967133  0  "view_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967134  0  "grantable privileges (incomplete)"
-TableCommentType       4294967135  0  "user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967136  0  "user_mapping_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967137  0  "user_defined_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967138  0  "user_attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967139  0  "usage_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967140  0  "udt_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967141  0  "type privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967142  0  "triggers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967143  0  "triggered_update_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967144  0  "transforms was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967145  0  "tablespaces was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967146  0  "tablespaces_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967147  0  "tables and views\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967148  0  "tables_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967149  0  "privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967150  0  "table_constraints_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967151  0  "table constraints\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967152  0  "index metadata and statistics (incomplete)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967153  0  "st_units_of_measure was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967154  0  "st_spatial_reference_systems was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967155  0  "st_geometry_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967156  0  "exposes the session variables."
-TableCommentType       4294967157  0  "sequences\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967158  0  "schema privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967159  0  "database schemas (may contain schemata without permission)\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967160  0  "schemata_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967161  0  "sql_sizing was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967162  0  "sql_parts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967163  0  "sql_implementation_info was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967164  0  "sql_features was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967165  0  "built-in functions (empty - introspection not yet supported)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967166  0  "routine_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967167  0  "role_usage_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967168  0  "role_udt_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967169  0  "privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; see also information_schema.table_privileges; may contain excess users or roles)\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967170  0  "privileges granted on functions (incomplete; only contains privileges of user-defined functions)"
-TableCommentType       4294967171  0  "role_column_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967172  0  "resource_groups was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967173  0  "foreign key constraints\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967174  0  "profiling was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967175  0  "processlist was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967176  0  "plugins was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967177  0  "partitions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967178  0  "built-in function parameters (empty - introspection not yet supported)\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967179  0  "optimizer_trace was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967180  0  "keywords was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967181  0  "column usage by indexes and key constraints\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967182  0  "information_schema_catalog_name was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967183  0  "foreign_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967184  0  "foreign_table_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967185  0  "foreign_servers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967186  0  "foreign_server_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967187  0  "foreign_data_wrappers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967188  0  "foreign_data_wrapper_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967189  0  "files was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967190  0  "events was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967191  0  "engines was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967192  0  "roles for the current user\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967193  0  "element_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967194  0  "domains was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967195  0  "domain_udt_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967196  0  "domain_constraints was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967197  0  "data_type_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967198  0  "constraint_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967199  0  "columns usage by constraints\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967200  0  "table and view columns (incomplete)\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967201  0  "columns_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967202  0  "columns with user defined types\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967203  0  "column_statistics was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967204  0  "column privilege grants (incomplete)\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967205  0  "column_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967206  0  "column_domain_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967207  0  "column_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967208  0  "shows the collations available in the current database\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967209  0  "identifies which character set the available collations are \napplicable to. As UTF-8 is the only available encoding this table does not\nprovide much useful information.\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967210  0  "check constraints\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967211  0  "check_constraint_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967212  0  "character sets available in the current database\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967213  0  "attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
-TableCommentType       4294967214  0  "roles available to the current user\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967215  0  "roles for which the current user has admin option\n\n"
-TableCommentType       4294967217  0  "list super regions of databases visible to the current user"
-TableCommentType       4294967218  0  "which entries of pg_catalog are implemented in this version of CockroachDB"
-TableCommentType       4294967220  0  "node-level table listing all currently running range feeds"
-TableCommentType       4294967221  0  "virtual table with default privileges"
-TableCommentType       4294967222  0  "available regions for the cluster"
-TableCommentType       4294967223  0  "traces for in-flight spans across all nodes in the cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967224  0  "virtual table with table descriptors that still have data"
-TableCommentType       4294967225  0  "virtual table with cross db references"
-TableCommentType       4294967226  0  "virtual table with database privileges"
-TableCommentType       4294967227  0  "virtual table to validate descriptors"
-TableCommentType       4294967228  0  "decoded zone configurations from system.zones (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967230  0  "finer-grained transaction statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.transaction_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m)."
-TableCommentType       4294967231  0  "stats for all tables accessible by current user in current database as of 10s ago"
-TableCommentType       4294967232  0  "table descriptors accessible by current user, including non-public and virtual (KV scan; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967233  0  "key spans per SQL object"
-TableCommentType       4294967234  0  "indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967235  0  "details for all columns accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967237  0  "session variables (RAM)"
-TableCommentType       4294967238  0  "session trace accumulated so far (RAM)"
-TableCommentType       4294967239  0  "ongoing schema changes, across all descriptors accessible by current user (KV scan; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967240  0  "server parameters, useful to construct connection URLs (RAM, local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967242  0  "range metadata without leaseholder details (KV join; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967243  0  "defined partitions for all tables/indexes accessible by the current user in the current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967244  0  "per-application transaction statistics (in-memory, not durable; local node only). This table is wiped periodically (by default, at least every two hours)"
-TableCommentType       4294967245  0  "statement statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.statement_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m)."
-TableCommentType       4294967246  0  "current values for metrics (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967247  0  "running sessions visible by current user (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967248  0  "running user transactions visible by the current user (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967249  0  "running queries visible by current user (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967251  0  "DistSQL remote flows information (RAM; local node only)\n\nThis virtual table contains all of the remote flows of the DistSQL execution\nthat are currently running on this node. The local flows (those that are\nrunning on the same node as the query originated on) are not included."
-TableCommentType       4294967252  0  "contention information (RAM; local node only)\n\nAll of the contention information internally stored in three levels:\n- on the highest, it is grouped by tableID/indexID pair\n- on the middle, it is grouped by key\n- on the lowest, it is grouped by txnID.\nEach of the levels is maintained as an LRU cache with limited size, so\nit is possible that not all of the contention information ever observed\nis contained in this table."
-TableCommentType       4294967253  0  "acquired table leases (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967254  0  "store details and status (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967255  0  "node details across the entire cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967256  0  "wrapper over with row access control (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967257  0  "decoded job metadata from crdb_internal.system_jobs (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967258  0  "in-flight spans (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967259  0  "cluster-wide index usage statistics (in-memory, not durable).Querying this table is an expensive operation since it creates acluster-wide RPC fanout."
-TableCommentType       4294967260  0  "key spans per table index"
-TableCommentType       4294967261  0  "index columns for all indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967262  0  "cluster-wide transaction contention events. Querying this table is an\n\t\texpensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
-TableCommentType       4294967263  0  "locally known edges in the gossip network (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967264  0  "locally known gossiped node liveness (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967265  0  "locally known gossiped health alerts (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967266  0  "locally known gossiped node details (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967267  0  "node liveness status, as seen by kv"
-TableCommentType       4294967268  0  "forward inter-descriptor dependencies starting from tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967269  0  "telemetry counters (RAM; local node only)"
-TableCommentType       4294967270  0  "databases accessible by the current user (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967271  0  "CREATE statements for all user defined types accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967272  0  "CREATE and ALTER statements for all tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967273  0  "CREATE statements for all user defined schemas accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)"
-TableCommentType       4294967274  0  "CREATE statements for all user-defined functions"
-TableCommentType       4294967275  0  "cluster-wide transaction statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
-TableCommentType       4294967276  0  "cluster-wide statement statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
-TableCommentType       4294967277  0  "cluster settings (RAM)"
-TableCommentType       4294967278  0  "running sessions visible to current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967279  0  "running user transactions visible by the current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967280  0  "running queries visible by current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
-TableCommentType       4294967281  0  "cluster-wide locks held in lock tables. Querying this table is an\n\t\texpensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
+TableCommentType       4294966994  0  "Shows all defined Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs). Matches PostGIS' spatial_ref_sys table."
+TableCommentType       4294966995  0  "Shows all defined geometry columns. Matches PostGIS' geometry_columns functionality."
+TableCommentType       4294966996  0  "Shows all defined geography columns. Matches PostGIS' geography_columns functionality."
+TableCommentType       4294966998  0  "view definitions (incomplete - see also information_schema.views)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294966999  0  "database users\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967000  0  "pg_user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967001  0  "local to remote user mapping (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967002  0  "scalar types (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967003  0  "pg_ts_template was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967004  0  "pg_ts_parser was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967005  0  "pg_ts_dict was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967006  0  "pg_ts_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967007  0  "pg_ts_config_map was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967008  0  "triggers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967009  0  "pg_transform was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967010  0  "pg_timezone_names lists all the timezones that are supported by SET timezone"
+TableCommentType       4294967011  0  "pg_timezone_abbrevs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967012  0  "available tablespaces (incomplete; concept inapplicable to CockroachDB)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967013  0  "tables summary (see also information_schema.tables, pg_catalog.pg_class)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967014  0  "pg_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967015  0  "pg_subscription_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967016  0  "pg_stats was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967017  0  "pg_stats_ext was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967018  0  "pg_statistic was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967019  0  "pg_statistic_ext has the statistics objects created with CREATE STATISTICS\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967020  0  "pg_statistic_ext_data was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967021  0  "pg_statio_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967022  0  "pg_statio_user_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967023  0  "pg_statio_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967024  0  "pg_statio_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967025  0  "pg_statio_sys_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967026  0  "pg_statio_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967027  0  "pg_statio_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967028  0  "pg_statio_all_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967029  0  "pg_statio_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967030  0  "pg_stat_xact_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967031  0  "pg_stat_xact_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967032  0  "pg_stat_xact_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967033  0  "pg_stat_xact_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967034  0  "pg_stat_wal_receiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967035  0  "pg_stat_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967036  0  "pg_stat_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967037  0  "pg_stat_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967038  0  "pg_stat_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967039  0  "pg_stat_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967040  0  "pg_stat_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967041  0  "pg_stat_ssl was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967042  0  "pg_stat_slru was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967043  0  "pg_stat_replication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967044  0  "pg_stat_progress_vacuum was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967045  0  "pg_stat_progress_create_index was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967046  0  "pg_stat_progress_cluster was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967047  0  "pg_stat_progress_basebackup was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967048  0  "pg_stat_progress_analyze was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967049  0  "pg_stat_gssapi was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967050  0  "pg_stat_database was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967051  0  "pg_stat_database_conflicts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967052  0  "pg_stat_bgwriter was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967053  0  "pg_stat_archiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967054  0  "pg_stat_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967055  0  "pg_stat_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967056  0  "backend access statistics (empty - monitoring works differently in CockroachDB)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967057  0  "pg_shmem_allocations was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967058  0  "Shared Dependencies (Roles depending on objects). \n"
+TableCommentType       4294967059  0  "shared security labels (empty - feature not supported)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967060  0  "shared object comments\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967061  0  "pg_shadow lists properties for roles that are marked as rolcanlogin in pg_authid\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967062  0  "session variables (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967063  0  "pg_sequences is very similar as pg_sequence.\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967064  0  "sequences (see also information_schema.sequences)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967065  0  "security labels (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967066  0  "security labels (empty)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967067  0  "pg_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967068  0  "database roles\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967069  0  "rewrite rules (only for referencing on pg_depend for table-view dependencies)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967070  0  "pg_replication_slots was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967071  0  "pg_replication_origin was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967072  0  "pg_replication_origin_status was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967073  0  "range types (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967074  0  "pg_publication_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967075  0  "pg_publication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967076  0  "pg_publication_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967077  0  "built-in functions (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967078  0  "prepared transactions (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967079  0  "prepared statements\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967080  0  "pg_policy was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967081  0  "pg_policies was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967082  0  "pg_partitioned_table was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967083  0  "pg_opfamily was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967084  0  "operators (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967085  0  "opclass (empty - Operator classes not supported yet)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967086  0  "available namespaces\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967087  0  "available materialized views (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967088  0  "locks held by active processes (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967089  0  "pg_largeobject was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967090  0  "pg_largeobject_metadata was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967091  0  "available languages (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967092  0  "pg_init_privs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967093  0  "table inheritance hierarchy (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967094  0  "index creation statements\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967095  0  "indexes (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967096  0  "pg_hba_file_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967097  0  "pg_group was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967098  0  "foreign tables (empty  - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967099  0  "foreign servers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967100  0  "foreign data wrappers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967101  0  "pg_file_settings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967102  0  "installed extensions (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967103  0  "event triggers (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967104  0  "enum types and labels (empty - feature does not exist)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967105  0  "object comments\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967106  0  "dependency relationships (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967107  0  "default ACLs; these are the privileges that will be assigned to newly created objects\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967108  0  "contains the default values that have been configured for session variables\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967109  0  "available databases (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967110  0  "contains currently active SQL cursors created with DECLARE\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967111  0  "encoding conversions (empty - unimplemented)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967112  0  "table constraints (incomplete - see also information_schema.table_constraints)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967113  0  "pg_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967114  0  "available collations (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967115  0  "tables and relation-like objects (incomplete - see also information_schema.tables/sequences/views)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967116  0  "casts (empty - needs filling out)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967117  0  "available extensions\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967118  0  "pg_available_extension_versions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967119  0  "role membership\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967120  0  "authorization identifiers - differs from postgres as we do not display passwords, \nand thus do not require admin privileges for access. \n"
+TableCommentType       4294967121  0  "table columns (incomplete - see also information_schema.columns)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967122  0  "column default values\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967123  0  "pg_amproc was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967124  0  "pg_amop was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967125  0  "index access methods (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967126  0  "aggregated built-in functions (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967128  0  "views (incomplete)\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967129  0  "view_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967130  0  "view_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967131  0  "view_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967132  0  "grantable privileges (incomplete)"
+TableCommentType       4294967133  0  "user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967134  0  "user_mapping_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967135  0  "user_defined_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967136  0  "user_attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967137  0  "usage_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967138  0  "udt_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967139  0  "type privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967140  0  "triggers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967141  0  "triggered_update_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967142  0  "transforms was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967143  0  "tablespaces was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967144  0  "tablespaces_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967145  0  "tables and views\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967146  0  "tables_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967147  0  "privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967148  0  "table_constraints_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967149  0  "table constraints\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967150  0  "index metadata and statistics (incomplete)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967151  0  "st_units_of_measure was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967152  0  "st_spatial_reference_systems was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967153  0  "st_geometry_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967154  0  "exposes the session variables."
+TableCommentType       4294967155  0  "sequences\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967156  0  "schema privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967157  0  "database schemas (may contain schemata without permission)\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967158  0  "schemata_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967159  0  "sql_sizing was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967160  0  "sql_parts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967161  0  "sql_implementation_info was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967162  0  "sql_features was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967163  0  "built-in functions (empty - introspection not yet supported)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967164  0  "routine_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967165  0  "role_usage_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967166  0  "role_udt_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967167  0  "privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; see also information_schema.table_privileges; may contain excess users or roles)\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967168  0  "privileges granted on functions (incomplete; only contains privileges of user-defined functions)"
+TableCommentType       4294967169  0  "role_column_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967170  0  "resource_groups was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967171  0  "foreign key constraints\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967172  0  "profiling was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967173  0  "processlist was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967174  0  "plugins was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967175  0  "partitions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967176  0  "built-in function parameters (empty - introspection not yet supported)\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967177  0  "optimizer_trace was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967178  0  "keywords was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967179  0  "column usage by indexes and key constraints\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967180  0  "information_schema_catalog_name was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967181  0  "foreign_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967182  0  "foreign_table_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967183  0  "foreign_servers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967184  0  "foreign_server_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967185  0  "foreign_data_wrappers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967186  0  "foreign_data_wrapper_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967187  0  "files was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967188  0  "events was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967189  0  "engines was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967190  0  "roles for the current user\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967191  0  "element_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967192  0  "domains was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967193  0  "domain_udt_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967194  0  "domain_constraints was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967195  0  "data_type_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967196  0  "constraint_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967197  0  "columns usage by constraints\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967198  0  "table and view columns (incomplete)\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967199  0  "columns_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967200  0  "columns with user defined types\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967201  0  "column_statistics was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967202  0  "column privilege grants (incomplete)\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967203  0  "column_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967204  0  "column_domain_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967205  0  "column_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967206  0  "shows the collations available in the current database\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967207  0  "identifies which character set the available collations are \napplicable to. As UTF-8 is the only available encoding this table does not\nprovide much useful information.\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967208  0  "check constraints\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967209  0  "check_constraint_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967210  0  "character sets available in the current database\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967211  0  "attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented"
+TableCommentType       4294967212  0  "roles available to the current user\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967213  0  "roles for which the current user has admin option\n\n"
+TableCommentType       4294967215  0  "list super regions of databases visible to the current user"
+TableCommentType       4294967216  0  "which entries of pg_catalog are implemented in this version of CockroachDB"
+TableCommentType       4294967218  0  "node-level table listing all currently running range feeds"
+TableCommentType       4294967219  0  "virtual table with default privileges"
+TableCommentType       4294967220  0  "available regions for the cluster"
+TableCommentType       4294967221  0  "traces for in-flight spans across all nodes in the cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967222  0  "virtual table with table descriptors that still have data"
+TableCommentType       4294967223  0  "virtual table with cross db references"
+TableCommentType       4294967224  0  "virtual table with database privileges"
+TableCommentType       4294967225  0  "virtual table to validate descriptors"
+TableCommentType       4294967226  0  "decoded zone configurations from system.zones (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967228  0  "finer-grained transaction statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.transaction_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m)."
+TableCommentType       4294967229  0  "stats for all tables accessible by current user in current database as of 10s ago"
+TableCommentType       4294967230  0  "table descriptors accessible by current user, including non-public and virtual (KV scan; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967231  0  "key spans per SQL object"
+TableCommentType       4294967232  0  "indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967233  0  "details for all columns accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967235  0  "session variables (RAM)"
+TableCommentType       4294967236  0  "session trace accumulated so far (RAM)"
+TableCommentType       4294967237  0  "ongoing schema changes, across all descriptors accessible by current user (KV scan; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967238  0  "server parameters, useful to construct connection URLs (RAM, local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967240  0  "range metadata without leaseholder details (KV join; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967241  0  "defined partitions for all tables/indexes accessible by the current user in the current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967242  0  "per-application transaction statistics (in-memory, not durable; local node only). This table is wiped periodically (by default, at least every two hours)"
+TableCommentType       4294967243  0  "statement statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.statement_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m)."
+TableCommentType       4294967244  0  "current values for metrics (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967245  0  "running sessions visible by current user (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967246  0  "running user transactions visible by the current user (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967247  0  "running queries visible by current user (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967248  0  "Node statement execution insights"
+TableCommentType       4294967249  0  "DistSQL remote flows information (RAM; local node only)\n\nThis virtual table contains all of the remote flows of the DistSQL execution\nthat are currently running on this node. The local flows (those that are\nrunning on the same node as the query originated on) are not included."
+TableCommentType       4294967250  0  "contention information (RAM; local node only)\n\nAll of the contention information internally stored in three levels:\n- on the highest, it is grouped by tableID/indexID pair\n- on the middle, it is grouped by key\n- on the lowest, it is grouped by txnID.\nEach of the levels is maintained as an LRU cache with limited size, so\nit is possible that not all of the contention information ever observed\nis contained in this table."
+TableCommentType       4294967251  0  "acquired table leases (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967252  0  "store details and status (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967253  0  "node details across the entire cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967254  0  "wrapper over with row access control (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967255  0  "decoded job metadata from crdb_internal.system_jobs (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967256  0  "in-flight spans (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967257  0  "cluster-wide index usage statistics (in-memory, not durable).Querying this table is an expensive operation since it creates acluster-wide RPC fanout."
+TableCommentType       4294967258  0  "key spans per table index"
+TableCommentType       4294967259  0  "index columns for all indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967260  0  "cluster-wide transaction contention events. Querying this table is an\n\t\texpensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
+TableCommentType       4294967261  0  "locally known edges in the gossip network (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967262  0  "locally known gossiped node liveness (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967263  0  "locally known gossiped health alerts (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967264  0  "locally known gossiped node details (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967265  0  "node liveness status, as seen by kv"
+TableCommentType       4294967266  0  "forward inter-descriptor dependencies starting from tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967267  0  "telemetry counters (RAM; local node only)"
+TableCommentType       4294967268  0  "databases accessible by the current user (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967269  0  "CREATE statements for all user defined types accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967270  0  "CREATE and ALTER statements for all tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967271  0  "CREATE statements for all user defined schemas accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)"
+TableCommentType       4294967272  0  "CREATE statements for all user-defined functions"
+TableCommentType       4294967273  0  "cluster-wide transaction statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
+TableCommentType       4294967274  0  "cluster-wide statement statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
+TableCommentType       4294967275  0  "cluster settings (RAM)"
+TableCommentType       4294967276  0  "running sessions visible to current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967277  0  "running user transactions visible by the current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967278  0  "running queries visible by current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)"
+TableCommentType       4294967279  0  "cluster-wide locks held in lock tables. Querying this table is an\n\t\texpensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout."
+TableCommentType       4294967280  0  "Node transaction execution insights"
+TableCommentType       4294967281  0  "Cluster transaction execution insights"
+TableCommentType       4294967282  0  "Cluster-wide statement execution insights"
 TableCommentType       4294967283  0  "DistSQL remote flows information (cluster RPC; expensive!)\n\nThis virtual table contains all of the remote flows of the DistSQL execution\nthat are currently running on any node in the cluster. The local flows (those that are\nrunning on the same node as the query originated on) are not included."
 TableCommentType       4294967284  0  "contention information (cluster RPC; expensive!)\n\nAll of the contention information internally stored in three levels:\n- on the highest, it is grouped by tableID/indexID pair\n- on the middle, it is grouped by key\n- on the lowest, it is grouped by txnID.\nEach of the levels is maintained as an LRU cache with limited size, so\nit is possible that not all of the contention information ever observed\nis contained in this table."
 TableCommentType       4294967288  0  "like system.zones but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes"
diff --git a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_builtins b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_builtins
index ed8f3b68db1c..b147bcfb504f 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_builtins
+++ b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_builtins
@@ -179,42 +179,42 @@ is_updatable       b                    120         2       28
 is_updatable       c                    120         3       28                        false
 is_updatable_view  a                    121         1       0                         false
 is_updatable_view  b                    121         2       0                         false
-pg_class           oid                  4294967117  1       0                         false
-pg_class           relname              4294967117  2       0                         false
-pg_class           relnamespace         4294967117  3       0                         false
-pg_class           reltype              4294967117  4       0                         false
-pg_class           reloftype            4294967117  5       0                         false
-pg_class           relowner             4294967117  6       0                         false
-pg_class           relam                4294967117  7       0                         false
-pg_class           relfilenode          4294967117  8       0                         false
-pg_class           reltablespace        4294967117  9       0                         false
-pg_class           relpages             4294967117  10      0                         false
-pg_class           reltuples            4294967117  11      0                         false
-pg_class           relallvisible        4294967117  12      0                         false
-pg_class           reltoastrelid        4294967117  13      0                         false
-pg_class           relhasindex          4294967117  14      0                         false
-pg_class           relisshared          4294967117  15      0                         false
-pg_class           relpersistence       4294967117  16      0                         false
-pg_class           relistemp            4294967117  17      0                         false
-pg_class           relkind              4294967117  18      0                         false
-pg_class           relnatts             4294967117  19      0                         false
-pg_class           relchecks            4294967117  20      0                         false
-pg_class           relhasoids           4294967117  21      0                         false
-pg_class           relhaspkey           4294967117  22      0                         false
-pg_class           relhasrules          4294967117  23      0                         false
-pg_class           relhastriggers       4294967117  24      0                         false
-pg_class           relhassubclass       4294967117  25      0                         false
-pg_class           relfrozenxid         4294967117  26      0                         false
-pg_class           relacl               4294967117  27      0                         false
-pg_class           reloptions           4294967117  28      0                         false
-pg_class           relforcerowsecurity  4294967117  29      0                         false
-pg_class           relispartition       4294967117  30      0                         false
-pg_class           relispopulated       4294967117  31      0                         false
-pg_class           relreplident         4294967117  32      0                         false
-pg_class           relrewrite           4294967117  33      0                         false
-pg_class           relrowsecurity       4294967117  34      0                         false
-pg_class           relpartbound         4294967117  35      0                         false
-pg_class           relminmxid           4294967117  36      0                         false
+pg_class           oid                  4294967115  1       0                         false
+pg_class           relname              4294967115  2       0                         false
+pg_class           relnamespace         4294967115  3       0                         false
+pg_class           reltype              4294967115  4       0                         false
+pg_class           reloftype            4294967115  5       0                         false
+pg_class           relowner             4294967115  6       0                         false
+pg_class           relam                4294967115  7       0                         false
+pg_class           relfilenode          4294967115  8       0                         false
+pg_class           reltablespace        4294967115  9       0                         false
+pg_class           relpages             4294967115  10      0                         false
+pg_class           reltuples            4294967115  11      0                         false
+pg_class           relallvisible        4294967115  12      0                         false
+pg_class           reltoastrelid        4294967115  13      0                         false
+pg_class           relhasindex          4294967115  14      0                         false
+pg_class           relisshared          4294967115  15      0                         false
+pg_class           relpersistence       4294967115  16      0                         false
+pg_class           relistemp            4294967115  17      0                         false
+pg_class           relkind              4294967115  18      0                         false
+pg_class           relnatts             4294967115  19      0                         false
+pg_class           relchecks            4294967115  20      0                         false
+pg_class           relhasoids           4294967115  21      0                         false
+pg_class           relhaspkey           4294967115  22      0                         false
+pg_class           relhasrules          4294967115  23      0                         false
+pg_class           relhastriggers       4294967115  24      0                         false
+pg_class           relhassubclass       4294967115  25      0                         false
+pg_class           relfrozenxid         4294967115  26      0                         false
+pg_class           relacl               4294967115  27      0                         false
+pg_class           reloptions           4294967115  28      0                         false
+pg_class           relforcerowsecurity  4294967115  29      0                         false
+pg_class           relispartition       4294967115  30      0                         false
+pg_class           relispopulated       4294967115  31      0                         false
+pg_class           relreplident         4294967115  32      0                         false
+pg_class           relrewrite           4294967115  33      0                         false
+pg_class           relrowsecurity       4294967115  34      0                         false
+pg_class           relpartbound         4294967115  35      0                         false
+pg_class           relminmxid           4294967115  36      0                         false
 # Check that the oid does not exist. If this test fail, change the oid here and in
diff --git a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_catalog b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_catalog
index b5dff20428db..f76ce34c7120 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_catalog
+++ b/pkg/sql/logictest/testdata/logic_test/pg_catalog
@@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace
 oid         nspname             nspowner    nspacl
 4294967295  crdb_internal       NULL        NULL
-4294967216  information_schema  NULL        NULL
-4294967129  pg_catalog          NULL        NULL
-4294966999  pg_extension        NULL        NULL
+4294967214  information_schema  NULL        NULL
+4294967127  pg_catalog          NULL        NULL
+4294966997  pg_extension        NULL        NULL
 105         public              2310524507  NULL
 # Verify that we can still see the schemas even if we don't have any privilege
@@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace
 oid         nspname             nspowner    nspacl
 4294967295  crdb_internal       NULL        NULL
-4294967216  information_schema  NULL        NULL
-4294967129  pg_catalog          NULL        NULL
-4294966999  pg_extension        NULL        NULL
+4294967214  information_schema  NULL        NULL
+4294967127  pg_catalog          NULL        NULL
+4294966997  pg_extension        NULL        NULL
 105         public              2310524507  NULL
 user root
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ SELECT * FROM pg_collation
 WHERE collname='en-US'
 oid         collname  collnamespace  collowner  collencoding  collcollate  collctype  collprovider  collversion  collisdeterministic
-3903121477  en-US     4294967129     NULL       6             NULL         NULL       NULL          NULL         NULL
+3903121477  en-US     4294967127     NULL       6             NULL         NULL       NULL          NULL         NULL
 user testuser
@@ -1501,16 +1501,16 @@ FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend
 ORDER BY objid, refobjid, refobjsubid
 classid     objid       objsubid  refclassid  refobjid    refobjsubid  deptype
-4294967114  111         0         4294967117  110         14           a
-4294967114  112         0         4294967117  110         15           a
-4294967071  842401391   0         4294967117  110         1            n
-4294967071  842401391   0         4294967117  110         2            n
-4294967071  842401391   0         4294967117  110         3            n
-4294967071  842401391   0         4294967117  110         4            n
-4294967114  1179276562  0         4294967117  3687884464  0            n
-4294967114  3935750373  0         4294967117  3687884465  0            n
-4294967114  4072017905  0         4294967117  0           0            n
-4294967114  4170826110  0         4294967117  0           0            n
+4294967112  111         0         4294967115  110         14           a
+4294967112  112         0         4294967115  110         15           a
+4294967069  842401391   0         4294967115  110         1            n
+4294967069  842401391   0         4294967115  110         2            n
+4294967069  842401391   0         4294967115  110         3            n
+4294967069  842401391   0         4294967115  110         4            n
+4294967112  1179276562  0         4294967115  3687884464  0            n
+4294967112  3935750373  0         4294967115  3687884465  0            n
+4294967112  4072017905  0         4294967115  0           0            n
+4294967112  4170826110  0         4294967115  0           0            n
 # Some entries in pg_depend are dependency links from the pg_constraint system
 # table to the pg_class system table. Other entries are links to pg_class when it is
@@ -1523,8 +1523,8 @@ JOIN pg_class cla ON classid=cla.oid
 JOIN pg_class refcla ON refclassid=refcla.oid
 classid     refclassid  tablename      reftablename
-4294967071  4294967117  pg_rewrite     pg_class
-4294967114  4294967117  pg_constraint  pg_class
+4294967069  4294967115  pg_rewrite     pg_class
+4294967112  4294967115  pg_constraint  pg_class
 # Some entries in pg_depend are foreign key constraints that reference an index
 # in pg_class. Other entries are table-view dependencies
@@ -1623,88 +1623,88 @@ WHERE oid < 4194967002 -- exclude implicit types for virtual tables
 oid     typname                typnamespace  typowner    typlen  typbyval  typtype
-16      bool                   4294967129    NULL        1       true      b
-17      bytea                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-18      char                   4294967129    NULL        1       true      b
-19      name                   4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-20      int8                   4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-21      int2                   4294967129    NULL        2       true      b
-22      int2vector             4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-23      int4                   4294967129    NULL        4       true      b
-24      regproc                4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-25      text                   4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-26      oid                    4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-30      oidvector              4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-700     float4                 4294967129    NULL        4       true      b
-701     float8                 4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-705     unknown                4294967129    NULL        0       true      b
-869     inet                   4294967129    NULL        24      true      b
-1000    _bool                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1001    _bytea                 4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1002    _char                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1003    _name                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1005    _int2                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1006    _int2vector            4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1007    _int4                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1008    _regproc               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1009    _text                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1013    _oidvector             4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1014    _bpchar                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1015    _varchar               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1016    _int8                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1021    _float4                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1022    _float8                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1028    _oid                   4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1041    _inet                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1042    bpchar                 4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1043    varchar                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1082    date                   4294967129    NULL        16      true      b
-1083    time                   4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-1114    timestamp              4294967129    NULL        24      true      b
-1115    _timestamp             4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1182    _date                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1183    _time                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1184    timestamptz            4294967129    NULL        24      true      b
-1185    _timestamptz           4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1186    interval               4294967129    NULL        24      true      b
-1187    _interval              4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1231    _numeric               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1266    timetz                 4294967129    NULL        16      true      b
-1270    _timetz                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1560    bit                    4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1561    _bit                   4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1562    varbit                 4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1563    _varbit                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-1700    numeric                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-2202    regprocedure           4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-2205    regclass               4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-2206    regtype                4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-2207    _regprocedure          4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-2210    _regclass              4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-2211    _regtype               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-2249    record                 4294967129    NULL        0       true      p
-2277    anyarray               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     p
-2278    void                   4294967129    NULL        0       true      p
-2283    anyelement             4294967129    NULL        -1      false     p
-2287    _record                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-2950    uuid                   4294967129    NULL        16      true      b
-2951    _uuid                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-3614    tsvector               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-3615    tsquery                4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-3643    _tsvector              4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-3645    _tsquery               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-3802    jsonb                  4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-3807    _jsonb                 4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-4089    regnamespace           4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-4090    _regnamespace          4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-4096    regrole                4294967129    NULL        8       true      b
-4097    _regrole               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-90000   geometry               4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-90001   _geometry              4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-90002   geography              4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-90003   _geography             4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
-90004   box2d                  4294967129    NULL        32      true      b
-90005   _box2d                 4294967129    NULL        -1      false     b
+16      bool                   4294967127    NULL        1       true      b
+17      bytea                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+18      char                   4294967127    NULL        1       true      b
+19      name                   4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+20      int8                   4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+21      int2                   4294967127    NULL        2       true      b
+22      int2vector             4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+23      int4                   4294967127    NULL        4       true      b
+24      regproc                4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+25      text                   4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+26      oid                    4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+30      oidvector              4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+700     float4                 4294967127    NULL        4       true      b
+701     float8                 4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+705     unknown                4294967127    NULL        0       true      b
+869     inet                   4294967127    NULL        24      true      b
+1000    _bool                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1001    _bytea                 4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1002    _char                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1003    _name                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1005    _int2                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1006    _int2vector            4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1007    _int4                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1008    _regproc               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1009    _text                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1013    _oidvector             4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1014    _bpchar                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1015    _varchar               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1016    _int8                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1021    _float4                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1022    _float8                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1028    _oid                   4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1041    _inet                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1042    bpchar                 4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1043    varchar                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1082    date                   4294967127    NULL        16      true      b
+1083    time                   4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+1114    timestamp              4294967127    NULL        24      true      b
+1115    _timestamp             4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1182    _date                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1183    _time                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1184    timestamptz            4294967127    NULL        24      true      b
+1185    _timestamptz           4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1186    interval               4294967127    NULL        24      true      b
+1187    _interval              4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1231    _numeric               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1266    timetz                 4294967127    NULL        16      true      b
+1270    _timetz                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1560    bit                    4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1561    _bit                   4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1562    varbit                 4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1563    _varbit                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+1700    numeric                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+2202    regprocedure           4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+2205    regclass               4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+2206    regtype                4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+2207    _regprocedure          4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+2210    _regclass              4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+2211    _regtype               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+2249    record                 4294967127    NULL        0       true      p
+2277    anyarray               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     p
+2278    void                   4294967127    NULL        0       true      p
+2283    anyelement             4294967127    NULL        -1      false     p
+2287    _record                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+2950    uuid                   4294967127    NULL        16      true      b
+2951    _uuid                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+3614    tsvector               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+3615    tsquery                4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+3643    _tsvector              4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+3645    _tsquery               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+3802    jsonb                  4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+3807    _jsonb                 4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+4089    regnamespace           4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+4090    _regnamespace          4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+4096    regrole                4294967127    NULL        8       true      b
+4097    _regrole               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+90000   geometry               4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+90001   _geometry              4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+90002   geography              4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+90003   _geography             4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
+90004   box2d                  4294967127    NULL        32      true      b
+90005   _box2d                 4294967127    NULL        -1      false     b
 100110  t1                     109           1546506610  -1      false     c
 100111  t1_m_seq               109           1546506610  -1      false     c
 100112  t1_n_seq               109           1546506610  -1      false     c
@@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ FROM pg_catalog.pg_type
 WHERE oid = 1000
 oid   typname  typnamespace  typowner  typlen  typbyval  typtype
-1000  _bool    4294967129    NULL      -1      false     b
+1000  _bool    4294967127    NULL      -1      false     b
 query OTOOIBT colnames
 SELECT oid, typname, typnamespace, typowner, typlen, typbyval, typtype
@@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ FROM pg_catalog.pg_type
 WHERE oid = $vtableSourceId
 oid         typname  typnamespace  typowner    typlen  typbyval  typtype
-4294967079  pg_proc  4294967129    2310524507  -1      false     c
+4294967077  pg_proc  4294967127    2310524507  -1      false     c
 ## pg_catalog.pg_proc
@@ -2248,14 +2248,14 @@ FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc
 WHERE proname='substring'
 proname    pronamespace  proowner  prolang  procost  prorows  provariadic
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
-substring  4294967129    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
+substring  4294967127    NULL      0        NULL     NULL     0
 query TTBBBB colnames
 SELECT proname, protransform, proisagg, proiswindow, prosecdef, proleakproof
@@ -2409,293 +2409,297 @@ SELECT objoid, classoid, objsubid, regexp_replace(description, e'\n.*', '') AS d
   FROM pg_catalog.pg_description
 objoid      classoid    objsubid  description
-4294966996  4294967117  0         Shows all defined Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs). Matches PostGIS' spatial_ref_sys table.
-4294966997  4294967117  0         Shows all defined geometry columns. Matches PostGIS' geometry_columns functionality.
-4294966998  4294967117  0         Shows all defined geography columns. Matches PostGIS' geography_columns functionality.
-4294967000  4294967117  0         view definitions (incomplete - see also information_schema.views)
-4294967001  4294967117  0         database users
-4294967002  4294967117  0         pg_user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967003  4294967117  0         local to remote user mapping (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967004  4294967117  0         scalar types (incomplete)
-4294967005  4294967117  0         pg_ts_template was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967006  4294967117  0         pg_ts_parser was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967007  4294967117  0         pg_ts_dict was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967008  4294967117  0         pg_ts_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967009  4294967117  0         pg_ts_config_map was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967010  4294967117  0         triggers (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967011  4294967117  0         pg_transform was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967012  4294967117  0         pg_timezone_names lists all the timezones that are supported by SET timezone
-4294967013  4294967117  0         pg_timezone_abbrevs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967014  4294967117  0         available tablespaces (incomplete; concept inapplicable to CockroachDB)
-4294967015  4294967117  0         tables summary (see also information_schema.tables, pg_catalog.pg_class)
-4294967016  4294967117  0         pg_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967017  4294967117  0         pg_subscription_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967018  4294967117  0         pg_stats was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967019  4294967117  0         pg_stats_ext was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967020  4294967117  0         pg_statistic was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967021  4294967117  0         pg_statistic_ext has the statistics objects created with CREATE STATISTICS
-4294967022  4294967117  0         pg_statistic_ext_data was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967023  4294967117  0         pg_statio_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967024  4294967117  0         pg_statio_user_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967025  4294967117  0         pg_statio_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967026  4294967117  0         pg_statio_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967027  4294967117  0         pg_statio_sys_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967028  4294967117  0         pg_statio_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967029  4294967117  0         pg_statio_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967030  4294967117  0         pg_statio_all_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967031  4294967117  0         pg_statio_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967032  4294967117  0         pg_stat_xact_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967033  4294967117  0         pg_stat_xact_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967034  4294967117  0         pg_stat_xact_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967035  4294967117  0         pg_stat_xact_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967036  4294967117  0         pg_stat_wal_receiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967037  4294967117  0         pg_stat_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967038  4294967117  0         pg_stat_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967039  4294967117  0         pg_stat_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967040  4294967117  0         pg_stat_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967041  4294967117  0         pg_stat_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967042  4294967117  0         pg_stat_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967043  4294967117  0         pg_stat_ssl was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967044  4294967117  0         pg_stat_slru was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967045  4294967117  0         pg_stat_replication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967046  4294967117  0         pg_stat_progress_vacuum was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967047  4294967117  0         pg_stat_progress_create_index was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967048  4294967117  0         pg_stat_progress_cluster was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967049  4294967117  0         pg_stat_progress_basebackup was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967050  4294967117  0         pg_stat_progress_analyze was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967051  4294967117  0         pg_stat_gssapi was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967052  4294967117  0         pg_stat_database was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967053  4294967117  0         pg_stat_database_conflicts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967054  4294967117  0         pg_stat_bgwriter was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967055  4294967117  0         pg_stat_archiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967056  4294967117  0         pg_stat_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967057  4294967117  0         pg_stat_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967058  4294967117  0         backend access statistics (empty - monitoring works differently in CockroachDB)
-4294967059  4294967117  0         pg_shmem_allocations was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967060  4294967117  0         Shared Dependencies (Roles depending on objects).
-4294967061  4294967117  0         shared security labels (empty - feature not supported)
-4294967062  4294967117  0         shared object comments
-4294967063  4294967117  0         pg_shadow lists properties for roles that are marked as rolcanlogin in pg_authid
-4294967064  4294967117  0         session variables (incomplete)
-4294967065  4294967117  0         pg_sequences is very similar as pg_sequence.
-4294967066  4294967117  0         sequences (see also information_schema.sequences)
-4294967067  4294967117  0         security labels (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967068  4294967117  0         security labels (empty)
-4294967069  4294967117  0         pg_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967070  4294967117  0         database roles
-4294967071  4294967117  0         rewrite rules (only for referencing on pg_depend for table-view dependencies)
-4294967072  4294967117  0         pg_replication_slots was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967073  4294967117  0         pg_replication_origin was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967074  4294967117  0         pg_replication_origin_status was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967075  4294967117  0         range types (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967076  4294967117  0         pg_publication_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967077  4294967117  0         pg_publication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967078  4294967117  0         pg_publication_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967079  4294967117  0         built-in functions (incomplete)
-4294967080  4294967117  0         prepared transactions (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967081  4294967117  0         prepared statements
-4294967082  4294967117  0         pg_policy was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967083  4294967117  0         pg_policies was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967084  4294967117  0         pg_partitioned_table was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967085  4294967117  0         pg_opfamily was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967086  4294967117  0         operators (incomplete)
-4294967087  4294967117  0         opclass (empty - Operator classes not supported yet)
-4294967088  4294967117  0         available namespaces
-4294967089  4294967117  0         available materialized views (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967090  4294967117  0         locks held by active processes (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967091  4294967117  0         pg_largeobject was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967092  4294967117  0         pg_largeobject_metadata was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967093  4294967117  0         available languages (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967094  4294967117  0         pg_init_privs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967095  4294967117  0         table inheritance hierarchy (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967096  4294967117  0         index creation statements
-4294967097  4294967117  0         indexes (incomplete)
-4294967098  4294967117  0         pg_hba_file_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967099  4294967117  0         pg_group was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967100  4294967117  0         foreign tables (empty  - feature does not exist)
-4294967101  4294967117  0         foreign servers (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967102  4294967117  0         foreign data wrappers (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967103  4294967117  0         pg_file_settings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967104  4294967117  0         installed extensions (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967105  4294967117  0         event triggers (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967106  4294967117  0         enum types and labels (empty - feature does not exist)
-4294967107  4294967117  0         object comments
-4294967108  4294967117  0         dependency relationships (incomplete)
-4294967109  4294967117  0         default ACLs; these are the privileges that will be assigned to newly created objects
-4294967110  4294967117  0         contains the default values that have been configured for session variables
-4294967111  4294967117  0         available databases (incomplete)
-4294967112  4294967117  0         contains currently active SQL cursors created with DECLARE
-4294967113  4294967117  0         encoding conversions (empty - unimplemented)
-4294967114  4294967117  0         table constraints (incomplete - see also information_schema.table_constraints)
-4294967115  4294967117  0         pg_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967116  4294967117  0         available collations (incomplete)
-4294967117  4294967117  0         tables and relation-like objects (incomplete - see also information_schema.tables/sequences/views)
-4294967118  4294967117  0         casts (empty - needs filling out)
-4294967119  4294967117  0         available extensions
-4294967120  4294967117  0         pg_available_extension_versions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967121  4294967117  0         role membership
-4294967122  4294967117  0         authorization identifiers - differs from postgres as we do not display passwords,
-4294967123  4294967117  0         table columns (incomplete - see also information_schema.columns)
-4294967124  4294967117  0         column default values
-4294967125  4294967117  0         pg_amproc was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967126  4294967117  0         pg_amop was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967127  4294967117  0         index access methods (incomplete)
-4294967128  4294967117  0         aggregated built-in functions (incomplete)
-4294967130  4294967117  0         views (incomplete)
-4294967131  4294967117  0         view_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967132  4294967117  0         view_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967133  4294967117  0         view_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967134  4294967117  0         grantable privileges (incomplete)
-4294967135  4294967117  0         user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967136  4294967117  0         user_mapping_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967137  4294967117  0         user_defined_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967138  4294967117  0         user_attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967139  4294967117  0         usage_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967140  4294967117  0         udt_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967141  4294967117  0         type privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)
-4294967142  4294967117  0         triggers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967143  4294967117  0         triggered_update_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967144  4294967117  0         transforms was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967145  4294967117  0         tablespaces was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967146  4294967117  0         tablespaces_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967147  4294967117  0         tables and views
-4294967148  4294967117  0         tables_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967149  4294967117  0         privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)
-4294967150  4294967117  0         table_constraints_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967151  4294967117  0         table constraints
-4294967152  4294967117  0         index metadata and statistics (incomplete)
-4294967153  4294967117  0         st_units_of_measure was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967154  4294967117  0         st_spatial_reference_systems was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967155  4294967117  0         st_geometry_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967156  4294967117  0         exposes the session variables.
-4294967157  4294967117  0         sequences
-4294967158  4294967117  0         schema privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)
-4294967159  4294967117  0         database schemas (may contain schemata without permission)
-4294967160  4294967117  0         schemata_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967161  4294967117  0         sql_sizing was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967162  4294967117  0         sql_parts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967163  4294967117  0         sql_implementation_info was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967164  4294967117  0         sql_features was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967165  4294967117  0         built-in functions (empty - introspection not yet supported)
-4294967166  4294967117  0         routine_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967167  4294967117  0         role_usage_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967168  4294967117  0         role_udt_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967169  4294967117  0         privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; see also information_schema.table_privileges; may contain excess users or roles)
-4294967170  4294967117  0         privileges granted on functions (incomplete; only contains privileges of user-defined functions)
-4294967171  4294967117  0         role_column_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967172  4294967117  0         resource_groups was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967173  4294967117  0         foreign key constraints
-4294967174  4294967117  0         profiling was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967175  4294967117  0         processlist was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967176  4294967117  0         plugins was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967177  4294967117  0         partitions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967178  4294967117  0         built-in function parameters (empty - introspection not yet supported)
-4294967179  4294967117  0         optimizer_trace was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967180  4294967117  0         keywords was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967181  4294967117  0         column usage by indexes and key constraints
-4294967182  4294967117  0         information_schema_catalog_name was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967183  4294967117  0         foreign_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967184  4294967117  0         foreign_table_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967185  4294967117  0         foreign_servers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967186  4294967117  0         foreign_server_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967187  4294967117  0         foreign_data_wrappers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967188  4294967117  0         foreign_data_wrapper_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967189  4294967117  0         files was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967190  4294967117  0         events was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967191  4294967117  0         engines was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967192  4294967117  0         roles for the current user
-4294967193  4294967117  0         element_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967194  4294967117  0         domains was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967195  4294967117  0         domain_udt_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967196  4294967117  0         domain_constraints was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967197  4294967117  0         data_type_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967198  4294967117  0         constraint_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967199  4294967117  0         columns usage by constraints
-4294967200  4294967117  0         table and view columns (incomplete)
-4294967201  4294967117  0         columns_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967202  4294967117  0         columns with user defined types
-4294967203  4294967117  0         column_statistics was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967204  4294967117  0         column privilege grants (incomplete)
-4294967205  4294967117  0         column_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967206  4294967117  0         column_domain_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967207  4294967117  0         column_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967208  4294967117  0         shows the collations available in the current database
-4294967209  4294967117  0         identifies which character set the available collations are
-4294967210  4294967117  0         check constraints
-4294967211  4294967117  0         check_constraint_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967212  4294967117  0         character sets available in the current database
-4294967213  4294967117  0         attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
-4294967214  4294967117  0         roles available to the current user
-4294967215  4294967117  0         roles for which the current user has admin option
-4294967217  4294967117  0         list super regions of databases visible to the current user
-4294967218  4294967117  0         which entries of pg_catalog are implemented in this version of CockroachDB
-4294967220  4294967117  0         node-level table listing all currently running range feeds
-4294967221  4294967117  0         virtual table with default privileges
-4294967222  4294967117  0         available regions for the cluster
-4294967223  4294967117  0         traces for in-flight spans across all nodes in the cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967224  4294967117  0         virtual table with table descriptors that still have data
-4294967225  4294967117  0         virtual table with cross db references
-4294967226  4294967117  0         virtual table with database privileges
-4294967227  4294967117  0         virtual table to validate descriptors
-4294967228  4294967117  0         decoded zone configurations from system.zones (KV scan)
-4294967230  4294967117  0         finer-grained transaction statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.transaction_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m).
-4294967231  4294967117  0         stats for all tables accessible by current user in current database as of 10s ago
-4294967232  4294967117  0         table descriptors accessible by current user, including non-public and virtual (KV scan; expensive!)
-4294967233  4294967117  0         key spans per SQL object
-4294967234  4294967117  0         indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967235  4294967117  0         details for all columns accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967237  4294967117  0         session variables (RAM)
-4294967238  4294967117  0         session trace accumulated so far (RAM)
-4294967239  4294967117  0         ongoing schema changes, across all descriptors accessible by current user (KV scan; expensive!)
-4294967240  4294967117  0         server parameters, useful to construct connection URLs (RAM, local node only)
-4294967242  4294967117  0         range metadata without leaseholder details (KV join; expensive!)
-4294967243  4294967117  0         defined partitions for all tables/indexes accessible by the current user in the current database (KV scan)
-4294967244  4294967117  0         per-application transaction statistics (in-memory, not durable; local node only). This table is wiped periodically (by default, at least every two hours)
-4294967245  4294967117  0         statement statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.statement_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m).
-4294967246  4294967117  0         current values for metrics (RAM; local node only)
-4294967247  4294967117  0         running sessions visible by current user (RAM; local node only)
-4294967248  4294967117  0         running user transactions visible by the current user (RAM; local node only)
-4294967249  4294967117  0         running queries visible by current user (RAM; local node only)
-4294967251  4294967117  0         DistSQL remote flows information (RAM; local node only)
-4294967252  4294967117  0         contention information (RAM; local node only)
-4294967253  4294967117  0         acquired table leases (RAM; local node only)
-4294967254  4294967117  0         store details and status (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967255  4294967117  0         node details across the entire cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967256  4294967117  0         wrapper over with row access control (KV scan)
-4294967257  4294967117  0         decoded job metadata from crdb_internal.system_jobs (KV scan)
-4294967258  4294967117  0         in-flight spans (RAM; local node only)
-4294967259  4294967117  0         cluster-wide index usage statistics (in-memory, not durable).Querying this table is an expensive operation since it creates acluster-wide RPC fanout.
-4294967260  4294967117  0         key spans per table index
-4294967261  4294967117  0         index columns for all indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967262  4294967117  0         cluster-wide transaction contention events. Querying this table is an
-4294967263  4294967117  0         locally known edges in the gossip network (RAM; local node only)
-4294967264  4294967117  0         locally known gossiped node liveness (RAM; local node only)
-4294967265  4294967117  0         locally known gossiped health alerts (RAM; local node only)
-4294967266  4294967117  0         locally known gossiped node details (RAM; local node only)
-4294967267  4294967117  0         node liveness status, as seen by kv
-4294967268  4294967117  0         forward inter-descriptor dependencies starting from tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967269  4294967117  0         telemetry counters (RAM; local node only)
-4294967270  4294967117  0         databases accessible by the current user (KV scan)
-4294967271  4294967117  0         CREATE statements for all user defined types accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967272  4294967117  0         CREATE and ALTER statements for all tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967273  4294967117  0         CREATE statements for all user defined schemas accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)
-4294967274  4294967117  0         CREATE statements for all user-defined functions
-4294967275  4294967117  0         cluster-wide transaction statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout.
-4294967276  4294967117  0         cluster-wide statement statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout.
-4294967277  4294967117  0         cluster settings (RAM)
-4294967278  4294967117  0         running sessions visible to current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967279  4294967117  0         running user transactions visible by the current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967280  4294967117  0         running queries visible by current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967281  4294967117  0         cluster-wide locks held in lock tables. Querying this table is an
-4294967283  4294967117  0         DistSQL remote flows information (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967284  4294967117  0         contention information (cluster RPC; expensive!)
-4294967288  4294967117  0         like system.zones but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes
-4294967289  4294967117  0         like system.namespace but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes
-4294967290  4294967117  0         like system.descriptor but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes and including virtual objects
-4294967291  4294967117  0         like system.comments but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes and including virtual objects
-4294967292  4294967117  0         built-in functions (RAM/static)
-4294967293  4294967117  0         detailed identification strings (RAM, local node only)
-4294967294  4294967117  0         backward inter-descriptor dependencies starting from tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294966994  4294967115  0         Shows all defined Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs). Matches PostGIS' spatial_ref_sys table.
+4294966995  4294967115  0         Shows all defined geometry columns. Matches PostGIS' geometry_columns functionality.
+4294966996  4294967115  0         Shows all defined geography columns. Matches PostGIS' geography_columns functionality.
+4294966998  4294967115  0         view definitions (incomplete - see also information_schema.views)
+4294966999  4294967115  0         database users
+4294967000  4294967115  0         pg_user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967001  4294967115  0         local to remote user mapping (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967002  4294967115  0         scalar types (incomplete)
+4294967003  4294967115  0         pg_ts_template was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967004  4294967115  0         pg_ts_parser was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967005  4294967115  0         pg_ts_dict was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967006  4294967115  0         pg_ts_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967007  4294967115  0         pg_ts_config_map was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967008  4294967115  0         triggers (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967009  4294967115  0         pg_transform was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967010  4294967115  0         pg_timezone_names lists all the timezones that are supported by SET timezone
+4294967011  4294967115  0         pg_timezone_abbrevs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967012  4294967115  0         available tablespaces (incomplete; concept inapplicable to CockroachDB)
+4294967013  4294967115  0         tables summary (see also information_schema.tables, pg_catalog.pg_class)
+4294967014  4294967115  0         pg_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967015  4294967115  0         pg_subscription_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967016  4294967115  0         pg_stats was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967017  4294967115  0         pg_stats_ext was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967018  4294967115  0         pg_statistic was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967019  4294967115  0         pg_statistic_ext has the statistics objects created with CREATE STATISTICS
+4294967020  4294967115  0         pg_statistic_ext_data was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967021  4294967115  0         pg_statio_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967022  4294967115  0         pg_statio_user_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967023  4294967115  0         pg_statio_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967024  4294967115  0         pg_statio_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967025  4294967115  0         pg_statio_sys_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967026  4294967115  0         pg_statio_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967027  4294967115  0         pg_statio_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967028  4294967115  0         pg_statio_all_sequences was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967029  4294967115  0         pg_statio_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967030  4294967115  0         pg_stat_xact_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967031  4294967115  0         pg_stat_xact_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967032  4294967115  0         pg_stat_xact_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967033  4294967115  0         pg_stat_xact_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967034  4294967115  0         pg_stat_wal_receiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967035  4294967115  0         pg_stat_user_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967036  4294967115  0         pg_stat_user_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967037  4294967115  0         pg_stat_user_functions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967038  4294967115  0         pg_stat_sys_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967039  4294967115  0         pg_stat_sys_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967040  4294967115  0         pg_stat_subscription was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967041  4294967115  0         pg_stat_ssl was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967042  4294967115  0         pg_stat_slru was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967043  4294967115  0         pg_stat_replication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967044  4294967115  0         pg_stat_progress_vacuum was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967045  4294967115  0         pg_stat_progress_create_index was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967046  4294967115  0         pg_stat_progress_cluster was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967047  4294967115  0         pg_stat_progress_basebackup was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967048  4294967115  0         pg_stat_progress_analyze was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967049  4294967115  0         pg_stat_gssapi was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967050  4294967115  0         pg_stat_database was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967051  4294967115  0         pg_stat_database_conflicts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967052  4294967115  0         pg_stat_bgwriter was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967053  4294967115  0         pg_stat_archiver was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967054  4294967115  0         pg_stat_all_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967055  4294967115  0         pg_stat_all_indexes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967056  4294967115  0         backend access statistics (empty - monitoring works differently in CockroachDB)
+4294967057  4294967115  0         pg_shmem_allocations was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967058  4294967115  0         Shared Dependencies (Roles depending on objects).
+4294967059  4294967115  0         shared security labels (empty - feature not supported)
+4294967060  4294967115  0         shared object comments
+4294967061  4294967115  0         pg_shadow lists properties for roles that are marked as rolcanlogin in pg_authid
+4294967062  4294967115  0         session variables (incomplete)
+4294967063  4294967115  0         pg_sequences is very similar as pg_sequence.
+4294967064  4294967115  0         sequences (see also information_schema.sequences)
+4294967065  4294967115  0         security labels (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967066  4294967115  0         security labels (empty)
+4294967067  4294967115  0         pg_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967068  4294967115  0         database roles
+4294967069  4294967115  0         rewrite rules (only for referencing on pg_depend for table-view dependencies)
+4294967070  4294967115  0         pg_replication_slots was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967071  4294967115  0         pg_replication_origin was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967072  4294967115  0         pg_replication_origin_status was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967073  4294967115  0         range types (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967074  4294967115  0         pg_publication_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967075  4294967115  0         pg_publication was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967076  4294967115  0         pg_publication_rel was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967077  4294967115  0         built-in functions (incomplete)
+4294967078  4294967115  0         prepared transactions (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967079  4294967115  0         prepared statements
+4294967080  4294967115  0         pg_policy was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967081  4294967115  0         pg_policies was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967082  4294967115  0         pg_partitioned_table was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967083  4294967115  0         pg_opfamily was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967084  4294967115  0         operators (incomplete)
+4294967085  4294967115  0         opclass (empty - Operator classes not supported yet)
+4294967086  4294967115  0         available namespaces
+4294967087  4294967115  0         available materialized views (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967088  4294967115  0         locks held by active processes (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967089  4294967115  0         pg_largeobject was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967090  4294967115  0         pg_largeobject_metadata was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967091  4294967115  0         available languages (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967092  4294967115  0         pg_init_privs was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967093  4294967115  0         table inheritance hierarchy (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967094  4294967115  0         index creation statements
+4294967095  4294967115  0         indexes (incomplete)
+4294967096  4294967115  0         pg_hba_file_rules was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967097  4294967115  0         pg_group was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967098  4294967115  0         foreign tables (empty  - feature does not exist)
+4294967099  4294967115  0         foreign servers (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967100  4294967115  0         foreign data wrappers (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967101  4294967115  0         pg_file_settings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967102  4294967115  0         installed extensions (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967103  4294967115  0         event triggers (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967104  4294967115  0         enum types and labels (empty - feature does not exist)
+4294967105  4294967115  0         object comments
+4294967106  4294967115  0         dependency relationships (incomplete)
+4294967107  4294967115  0         default ACLs; these are the privileges that will be assigned to newly created objects
+4294967108  4294967115  0         contains the default values that have been configured for session variables
+4294967109  4294967115  0         available databases (incomplete)
+4294967110  4294967115  0         contains currently active SQL cursors created with DECLARE
+4294967111  4294967115  0         encoding conversions (empty - unimplemented)
+4294967112  4294967115  0         table constraints (incomplete - see also information_schema.table_constraints)
+4294967113  4294967115  0         pg_config was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967114  4294967115  0         available collations (incomplete)
+4294967115  4294967115  0         tables and relation-like objects (incomplete - see also information_schema.tables/sequences/views)
+4294967116  4294967115  0         casts (empty - needs filling out)
+4294967117  4294967115  0         available extensions
+4294967118  4294967115  0         pg_available_extension_versions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967119  4294967115  0         role membership
+4294967120  4294967115  0         authorization identifiers - differs from postgres as we do not display passwords,
+4294967121  4294967115  0         table columns (incomplete - see also information_schema.columns)
+4294967122  4294967115  0         column default values
+4294967123  4294967115  0         pg_amproc was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967124  4294967115  0         pg_amop was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967125  4294967115  0         index access methods (incomplete)
+4294967126  4294967115  0         aggregated built-in functions (incomplete)
+4294967128  4294967115  0         views (incomplete)
+4294967129  4294967115  0         view_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967130  4294967115  0         view_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967131  4294967115  0         view_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967132  4294967115  0         grantable privileges (incomplete)
+4294967133  4294967115  0         user_mappings was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967134  4294967115  0         user_mapping_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967135  4294967115  0         user_defined_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967136  4294967115  0         user_attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967137  4294967115  0         usage_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967138  4294967115  0         udt_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967139  4294967115  0         type privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)
+4294967140  4294967115  0         triggers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967141  4294967115  0         triggered_update_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967142  4294967115  0         transforms was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967143  4294967115  0         tablespaces was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967144  4294967115  0         tablespaces_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967145  4294967115  0         tables and views
+4294967146  4294967115  0         tables_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967147  4294967115  0         privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)
+4294967148  4294967115  0         table_constraints_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967149  4294967115  0         table constraints
+4294967150  4294967115  0         index metadata and statistics (incomplete)
+4294967151  4294967115  0         st_units_of_measure was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967152  4294967115  0         st_spatial_reference_systems was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967153  4294967115  0         st_geometry_columns was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967154  4294967115  0         exposes the session variables.
+4294967155  4294967115  0         sequences
+4294967156  4294967115  0         schema privileges (incomplete; may contain excess users or roles)
+4294967157  4294967115  0         database schemas (may contain schemata without permission)
+4294967158  4294967115  0         schemata_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967159  4294967115  0         sql_sizing was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967160  4294967115  0         sql_parts was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967161  4294967115  0         sql_implementation_info was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967162  4294967115  0         sql_features was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967163  4294967115  0         built-in functions (empty - introspection not yet supported)
+4294967164  4294967115  0         routine_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967165  4294967115  0         role_usage_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967166  4294967115  0         role_udt_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967167  4294967115  0         privileges granted on table or views (incomplete; see also information_schema.table_privileges; may contain excess users or roles)
+4294967168  4294967115  0         privileges granted on functions (incomplete; only contains privileges of user-defined functions)
+4294967169  4294967115  0         role_column_grants was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967170  4294967115  0         resource_groups was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967171  4294967115  0         foreign key constraints
+4294967172  4294967115  0         profiling was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967173  4294967115  0         processlist was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967174  4294967115  0         plugins was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967175  4294967115  0         partitions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967176  4294967115  0         built-in function parameters (empty - introspection not yet supported)
+4294967177  4294967115  0         optimizer_trace was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967178  4294967115  0         keywords was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967179  4294967115  0         column usage by indexes and key constraints
+4294967180  4294967115  0         information_schema_catalog_name was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967181  4294967115  0         foreign_tables was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967182  4294967115  0         foreign_table_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967183  4294967115  0         foreign_servers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967184  4294967115  0         foreign_server_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967185  4294967115  0         foreign_data_wrappers was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967186  4294967115  0         foreign_data_wrapper_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967187  4294967115  0         files was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967188  4294967115  0         events was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967189  4294967115  0         engines was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967190  4294967115  0         roles for the current user
+4294967191  4294967115  0         element_types was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967192  4294967115  0         domains was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967193  4294967115  0         domain_udt_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967194  4294967115  0         domain_constraints was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967195  4294967115  0         data_type_privileges was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967196  4294967115  0         constraint_table_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967197  4294967115  0         columns usage by constraints
+4294967198  4294967115  0         table and view columns (incomplete)
+4294967199  4294967115  0         columns_extensions was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967200  4294967115  0         columns with user defined types
+4294967201  4294967115  0         column_statistics was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967202  4294967115  0         column privilege grants (incomplete)
+4294967203  4294967115  0         column_options was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967204  4294967115  0         column_domain_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967205  4294967115  0         column_column_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967206  4294967115  0         shows the collations available in the current database
+4294967207  4294967115  0         identifies which character set the available collations are
+4294967208  4294967115  0         check constraints
+4294967209  4294967115  0         check_constraint_routine_usage was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967210  4294967115  0         character sets available in the current database
+4294967211  4294967115  0         attributes was created for compatibility and is currently unimplemented
+4294967212  4294967115  0         roles available to the current user
+4294967213  4294967115  0         roles for which the current user has admin option
+4294967215  4294967115  0         list super regions of databases visible to the current user
+4294967216  4294967115  0         which entries of pg_catalog are implemented in this version of CockroachDB
+4294967218  4294967115  0         node-level table listing all currently running range feeds
+4294967219  4294967115  0         virtual table with default privileges
+4294967220  4294967115  0         available regions for the cluster
+4294967221  4294967115  0         traces for in-flight spans across all nodes in the cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967222  4294967115  0         virtual table with table descriptors that still have data
+4294967223  4294967115  0         virtual table with cross db references
+4294967224  4294967115  0         virtual table with database privileges
+4294967225  4294967115  0         virtual table to validate descriptors
+4294967226  4294967115  0         decoded zone configurations from system.zones (KV scan)
+4294967228  4294967115  0         finer-grained transaction statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.transaction_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m).
+4294967229  4294967115  0         stats for all tables accessible by current user in current database as of 10s ago
+4294967230  4294967115  0         table descriptors accessible by current user, including non-public and virtual (KV scan; expensive!)
+4294967231  4294967115  0         key spans per SQL object
+4294967232  4294967115  0         indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967233  4294967115  0         details for all columns accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967235  4294967115  0         session variables (RAM)
+4294967236  4294967115  0         session trace accumulated so far (RAM)
+4294967237  4294967115  0         ongoing schema changes, across all descriptors accessible by current user (KV scan; expensive!)
+4294967238  4294967115  0         server parameters, useful to construct connection URLs (RAM, local node only)
+4294967240  4294967115  0         range metadata without leaseholder details (KV join; expensive!)
+4294967241  4294967115  0         defined partitions for all tables/indexes accessible by the current user in the current database (KV scan)
+4294967242  4294967115  0         per-application transaction statistics (in-memory, not durable; local node only). This table is wiped periodically (by default, at least every two hours)
+4294967243  4294967115  0         statement statistics. The contents of this table are flushed to the system.statement_statistics table at the interval set by the cluster setting sql.stats.flush.interval (by default, 10m).
+4294967244  4294967115  0         current values for metrics (RAM; local node only)
+4294967245  4294967115  0         running sessions visible by current user (RAM; local node only)
+4294967246  4294967115  0         running user transactions visible by the current user (RAM; local node only)
+4294967247  4294967115  0         running queries visible by current user (RAM; local node only)
+4294967248  4294967115  0         Node statement execution insights
+4294967249  4294967115  0         DistSQL remote flows information (RAM; local node only)
+4294967250  4294967115  0         contention information (RAM; local node only)
+4294967251  4294967115  0         acquired table leases (RAM; local node only)
+4294967252  4294967115  0         store details and status (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967253  4294967115  0         node details across the entire cluster (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967254  4294967115  0         wrapper over with row access control (KV scan)
+4294967255  4294967115  0         decoded job metadata from crdb_internal.system_jobs (KV scan)
+4294967256  4294967115  0         in-flight spans (RAM; local node only)
+4294967257  4294967115  0         cluster-wide index usage statistics (in-memory, not durable).Querying this table is an expensive operation since it creates acluster-wide RPC fanout.
+4294967258  4294967115  0         key spans per table index
+4294967259  4294967115  0         index columns for all indexes accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967260  4294967115  0         cluster-wide transaction contention events. Querying this table is an
+4294967261  4294967115  0         locally known edges in the gossip network (RAM; local node only)
+4294967262  4294967115  0         locally known gossiped node liveness (RAM; local node only)
+4294967263  4294967115  0         locally known gossiped health alerts (RAM; local node only)
+4294967264  4294967115  0         locally known gossiped node details (RAM; local node only)
+4294967265  4294967115  0         node liveness status, as seen by kv
+4294967266  4294967115  0         forward inter-descriptor dependencies starting from tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967267  4294967115  0         telemetry counters (RAM; local node only)
+4294967268  4294967115  0         databases accessible by the current user (KV scan)
+4294967269  4294967115  0         CREATE statements for all user defined types accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967270  4294967115  0         CREATE and ALTER statements for all tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967271  4294967115  0         CREATE statements for all user defined schemas accessible by the current user in current database (KV scan)
+4294967272  4294967115  0         CREATE statements for all user-defined functions
+4294967273  4294967115  0         cluster-wide transaction statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout.
+4294967274  4294967115  0         cluster-wide statement statistics that have not yet been flushed to system tables. Querying this table is a somewhat expensive operation since it creates a cluster-wide RPC-fanout.
+4294967275  4294967115  0         cluster settings (RAM)
+4294967276  4294967115  0         running sessions visible to current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967277  4294967115  0         running user transactions visible by the current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967278  4294967115  0         running queries visible by current user (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967279  4294967115  0         cluster-wide locks held in lock tables. Querying this table is an
+4294967280  4294967115  0         Node transaction execution insights
+4294967281  4294967115  0         Cluster transaction execution insights
+4294967282  4294967115  0         Cluster-wide statement execution insights
+4294967283  4294967115  0         DistSQL remote flows information (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967284  4294967115  0         contention information (cluster RPC; expensive!)
+4294967288  4294967115  0         like system.zones but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes
+4294967289  4294967115  0         like system.namespace but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes
+4294967290  4294967115  0         like system.descriptor but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes and including virtual objects
+4294967291  4294967115  0         like system.comments but overlaid with in-txn in-memory changes and including virtual objects
+4294967292  4294967115  0         built-in functions (RAM/static)
+4294967293  4294967115  0         detailed identification strings (RAM, local node only)
+4294967294  4294967115  0         backward inter-descriptor dependencies starting from tables accessible by current user in current database (KV scan)
 ## pg_catalog.pg_shdescription
@@ -3227,7 +3231,7 @@ query OTOOTBBOOOOOOOO colnames
 SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_operator where oprname='+' and oprleft='float8'::regtype
 oid       oprname  oprnamespace  oprowner  oprkind  oprcanmerge  oprcanhash  oprleft  oprright  oprresult  oprcom  oprnegate  oprcode  oprrest  oprjoin
-74817020  +        4294967129    NULL      b        false        false       701      701       701        NULL    NULL       NULL     NULL     NULL
+74817020  +        4294967127    NULL      b        false        false       701      701       701        NULL    NULL       NULL     NULL     NULL
 # Verify proper functionality of system information functions.
@@ -4073,7 +4077,7 @@ indoption
 query TTI
 SELECT database_name, descriptor_name, descriptor_id from test.crdb_internal.create_statements where descriptor_name = 'pg_views'
-test  pg_views  4294967000
+test  pg_views  4294966998
 # Verify INCLUDED columns appear in pg_index. See issue #59563
 statement ok
diff --git a/pkg/sql/sem/catconstants/constants.go b/pkg/sql/sem/catconstants/constants.go
index b85d51c1ad45..eaf85c7facf8 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/sem/catconstants/constants.go
+++ b/pkg/sql/sem/catconstants/constants.go
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ const (
+	CrdbInternalClusterTxnExecutionInsightsTableID
+	CrdbInternalNodeTxnExecutionInsightsTableID
diff --git a/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/insights.proto b/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/insights.proto
index d8c24ca916ec..5d40f68f9c0e 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/insights.proto
+++ b/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/insights.proto
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ message Transaction {
   string auto_retry_reason = 13;
   repeated Problem problems = 14;
   repeated Cause causes = 15;
+  repeated bytes stmt_execution_ids = 16 [ (gogoproto.customname) = "StmtExecutionIDs",
+    (gogoproto.customtype) = ""];
 message Statement {
diff --git a/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/registry.go b/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/registry.go
index b37c532315e4..bcc0bff965d1 100644
--- a/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/registry.go
+++ b/pkg/sql/sqlstats/insights/registry.go
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ func (r *lockingRegistry) ObserveTransaction(sessionID clusterunique.ID, transac
 			insight.Transaction.Problems = addProblem(insight.Transaction.Problems, s.Problem)
+		insight.Transaction.StmtExecutionIDs = append(insight.Transaction.StmtExecutionIDs, s.ID)
 		insight.Statements = append(insight.Statements, s)