Watch video demo + explanation : YouTube
This chatbot integrated with OpenAI ChatGPT API using Python, is a conversational agent that can interact with users in natural language. It uses the power of machine learning and natural language processing to understand user inputs and generate appropriate responses. It can provide users with a personalized and natural conversational experience.
Refer to this video to install the dependencies and generate OpenAI keys and incorporate with our applications. Make sure you've changed the API keys in pass.yml
file, else it'll raise error openai.error.AuthenticationError: Incorrect API key provided
. I've articulated the steps in text format here :
- start this repository
- Install the dependencies of this repository
- Paste your OpenAI API keys in
- ✒️ automating blogs/news writing as soon as you get an mail
- ⭐ ask chatbot to do custom work on the bases of the mail
- 📟 complete access to your mail and automate (title, body, time, sender, number of sender)
- ⚙️ fully customized attributes depending on the requirements
If you would like to contribute more Applications, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch with your feature or bug fix.
- Commit your changes and push to your fork.
- Create a pull request.
- Please create a seperate folder with
and updathe themain/
- @qxresearch : Videos all about mathematics combined with coding and machine learning.
- @xiaowuc2-blog : Articulated the way I used technologies to thrive.
- computational-thinking : python : My Python course to crack coding interviews (LeetCode). (Recorded / 1:1)
- Let's Have a intellectual conversation :
[email protected]