The code for Interspeech2021 paper "Augmenting Slot Values and Contexts for Spoken Language Understanding with Pretrained Models"
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch == 1.4.0
- transformers ==2.5.1
- tensorboard == 2.5.0
- Download bart-large pretrained model and put it into resources/ folder.
- Substitute the file in the transformer package with the given file utils/
Refer to the bash file utils/ (You need to enter the directory according to your settings in the bash file)
First, choose the training dataset size by
size=327 # for snips you can choose {327, 1308, 13084}
Fine-tune the bart-large model with the given dataset.
python --train_data_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_raw.txt --train_delex_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_delex.txt --train_label_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_label.txt --output ../result/snips/single_${size}/ --cache_dir cache/ --do_train --num_train_epochs 5 --logging_steps 1000 --save_steps 0 --overwrite_output_dir --overwrite_cache --seed ${seed} --cuda_id ${gpu_id} --model_name_or_path ../resources/bart_large
Run the fine-tuned model and generate augmented data.
python --gen_data_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_raw.txt --gen_delex_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_delex.txt --gen_label_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_label.txt --output_file ../result/snips/single_${size}/checkpoint-${checkpoint}/gen_data.txt --output_delex_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_single_delex.txt --output_label_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_single_label.txt --model_type bart --model_name_or_path ../result/snips/single_${size}/checkpoint-${checkpoint}/ --seed ${seed} --cuda_id ${gpu_id}
Filter the unqualified data and save the augmented data in ../result/snips/single_${size}/checkpoint-${checkpoint}/filtered_data.txt
python --delex_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_single_delex.txt --raw_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_raw.txt --label_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_single_label.txt --gen_file ../result/snips/single_${size}/checkpoint-${checkpoint}/gen_data.txt --filter_file ../result/snips/single_${size}/checkpoint-${checkpoint}/filtered_data.txt --org_file ${SNIPS_data}train_${size}_
Refer to the bash file utils/ (You need to enter the directory according to your settings in the bash file)
The process is consistent with the one in Augmenting Slot Values
We also provide the link of other baselines methods for comparison
If you have any questions, please contact with [email protected]