quota_Anchor col -h
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c , --conf Configuration files have the lowest priority.
-i , --input_file_name
Input file(table file).
-o , --output_coll_name
Output collinearity file.
-r , --r_value Reference genome maximum alignment coverage.
-q , --q_value Query genome maximum alignment coverage.
-s , --strict_strand
Specify whether the direction of the gene pairs within a block must be strictly the same or reverse as the block's
direction(1:yes;0:no. default: 1).
-a , --get_all_collinearity
Enable this flag to disable r and q parameters and get all collinear result(default: 0). Options: 0: enable -r -q parameter; 1 or
other integer: disable -r -q parameter and get all collinear result.
-t , --count_style -r -q parameter's count style for a block, 0: count only the syntenic genes within a block; 1 or other integer: count all genes
within a block(default: 0).
-m , --tandem_length
This parameter is useful only for self vs self synteny alignment. Options: 0 means retain tandem gene pairs; 1 or any other integer
means remove gene pairs with a tandem length shorter than the specified integer value(default: 0). When you are doing positioning wgd event relative to species divergent events based ks, you need set this parameter(e.g. -m 500).
-W , --overlap_window
Collapse BLAST matches. Specify the maximum distance allowed, and only retain best homology pair to synteny analysis under this
distance condition(default: 1).
-D , --maximum_gap_size
Maximum gap size for chain (default: 25).
-I , --minimum_chain_score
minimum chain score (default: 3).
-E , --gap_extend_penalty
Chain gap extend penalty (default: -0.005).
-f , --strict_remove_overlap
Specify whether to strictly remove square region gene pairs for a block to avoid overlap. (1:yes;0:no. default: 0).
-overwrite, --overwrite
Overwrite the output file.
--input_file Some of the file contents are as follows. This file is a tab separated file with 13 columns which can be generated from
quota_Anchor pre_col
function. From left to right, the columns are:reference gene name
,reference chromosome name
,reference gene id
within the chromosome(1-based, e.g. 1,2,3,4...),reference gene start position
(Note:We use longest transcript start postion in gff file),reference gene end positiotn
(Note:We use longest transcript end postion in gff file),reference gene strand
,query gene name
,query chromosome name
,query gene id
,query gene start position
,query gene end position
,query gene strand
(The third column of the blast file in outfmt 6 and pident /100 will be as match score).gene:SORBI_3002G296100 2 3038 67310606 67314182 + Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 89.1 gene:SORBI_3004G001400 4 13 122315 123614 - Zm00001eb000020 chr1 2 41527 45913 - 60.0 gene:SORBI_3002G280200 2 2870 66167219 66169042 - Zm00001eb000020 chr1 2 41527 45913 - 61.5 gene:SORBI_3007G139100 7 1460 56738045 56738551 + Zm00001eb000020 chr1 2 41527 45913 - 55.8
--output_coll_name The first line of the file is the running command text, followed by the header, and the information of the syntenic blocks is displayed from the third line. For the header of the block, from left to right, they are
block id
(1-based),number of syntenic pairs
,block score
andblcok direction
(POSITIVE or NEGATIVE).Note: a)block direction:
: reference gene position and query gene position all increase.NEGATIVE
: reference gene position increase and query gene position decrease.b)strand column:
: reference gene strand is the same as query gene strand.-
: reference gene strand is opposite to query gene strand.#anchorwave pro -i sb_zm.table -o sb_zm.collinearity -R 2 -Q 1 -D 25 -m 0 -W 1 -c 0 -s 0 -a 1 -I 3 -E -0.005 -f 0 refGene refChr refId referenceStart referenceEnd queryGene queryChr queryId queryStart queryEnd strand score ##Alignment 1 N=9 score=4.0115 10&chr2 POSITIVE gene:SORBI_3010G065500 10 667 5198737 5201677 Zm00001eb099470 chr2 3037 185608728 185611581 - 0.665 gene:SORBI_3010G066100 10 673 5269692 5273369 Zm00001eb099640 chr2 3052 186946619 186952568 + 0.556 gene:SORBI_3010G067300 10 685 5393094 5396312 Zm00001eb099720 chr2 3059 187379803 187383240 - 0.469 gene:SORBI_3010G068600 10 700 5507755 5515138 Zm00001eb099810 chr2 3068 187672103 187679430 - 0.387
--r_value and --q_value
: Reference genome maximum alignment coverage. In simple terms, Ther_value
means the maximum times of occurrences of a reference gene in the collinearity file.q_value
: Query genome maximum alignment coverage. In simple terms, Theq_value
means the maximum times of occurrences of a query gene in the collinearity file.Note: maize and sorghum. The maize lineage has undergone a whole genome duplication (WGD) since its divergence with sorghum, but subsequent chromosomal fusions resulted in these species having the same chromosome number (n = 10). You can set
--r_value 2
and--q_value 1
if you use sorghum as reference and maize as query which can allow up to two collinear paths for each sorghum gene/anchor while one collinear path for each maize gene/anchor. -
--strict_strand Specify whether the direction of the gene pairs within a block must be strictly the same or reverse as the block's direction.(1:yes;0:no. default: 1).
Note: If you set
--strict_strand 1
. For POSITIVE blocks, in addition to requiring that both the reference gene position and the query gene position all increase, the algorithm also needs to restrict the strand of the gene pair to+
, which means that the reference gene strand is the same as the query gene strand. For NEGATIVE blocks, in addition to requiring that the reference gene position increase and the query gene position decrease, the algorithm also needs to restrict the strand of the gene pair to-
, which means that the reference gene strand is the opposite as the query gene strand. To some extent, the relative inversion syntenic gene pairs are removed and block more stable.If you set
--strict_strand 0
. For POSITIVE blocks, reference gene position and query gene position all increase. For NEGATIVE blocks, reference gene position increase and query gene position decrease. This is similar to DAGchainer, MCScanX and WGDI. -
--get_all_collinearity Enable this flag to disable r and q parameters and get all collinear result(default: 0). Options: 0: enable -r -q parameter; 1 or other integer: disable -r -q parameter and get all collinear result.
Note: If you set
--get_all_collinearity 1
, the algorithm will search all blocks regardless of whether you set--r_value
. Theoretically, you can also get all collinear blocks by setting -q -r to extremely large numbers, but the speed is very slow. We provide this option to speed up the process of getting all collinear results. -
--tandem_length This parameter is useful only for self vs self synteny alignment. Options: 0 means retain tandem gene pairs; 1 or any other integer means remove gene pairs with a tandem length shorter than the specified integer value(default: 0). When you are doing positioning wgd events relative to species divergent events based ks, you need set this parameter(e.g. -m 500).
The part table file of maize vs maize is as follows. The software will search the gene pairs with the same reference gene name and query gene name, so that the software will identify query vs ref as self vs self. Only in this case will the parameter
take effect, otherwise the software will ignore this parameter. If the reference gene and the query gene are located on the same chromosome and theabsolute value of queryId - refId
(Abbreviated as abs(queryId - refId)
) is less than or equal to 500, the software will ignore the gene pair. -
--tandem_length 500
is set, but the reference gene name cannot possibly be the same as the query gene name, this parameter is useless.Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 100.0 Zm00001eb320340 chr7 1992 151457760 151461185 - Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 94.918 Zm00001eb192920 chr4 2548 180976882 180978457 + Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 24.324 Zm00001eb299540 chr7 139 4226770 4244226 + Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 25.786 Zm00001eb246440 chr5 3279 185610728 185613090 + Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 27.547 Zm00001eb349900 chr8 1579 110289798 110292975 - Zm00001eb000010 chr1 1 34722 38366 + 20.544
--overlap_window Collapse BLAST matches. Specify the maximum distance allowed, and only retain best homology pair to synteny analysis under this distance condition(default: 1).
Note: For every chromosome pair(refChr & queryChr)
- For a query gene, if two different reference genes can match this query gene and two reference genes distance
abs(refId1 - refId2)
, the software will retain a match which has maximumpident
and remove another match. - For a ref gene, if two different query genes can match this reference gene and two query genes distance
abs(queryId1 - queryId2)
, the software will retain a match which has maximumpident
and remove another match.
- For a query gene, if two different reference genes can match this query gene and two reference genes distance
--maximum_gap_size For a block, two adjacent gene pairs has a limit which is
abs(refId1-refId2) - 1
andabs(queryId1-queryId2) - 1
. And (abs(refId1-refId2) - 1
+abs(queryId1-queryId2) - 1
) / 2 as distance between two gene pairs(matches). -
--gap_extend_penalty If gap exists,
between two matches is equal togap_open_penalty + disatance * gap_extend_penalty
.Note: Without careful parameter adjustment, most synteny software based gene and dynamic programming seem often have some gene pairs with poor match scores at the edge of the syntenic block. If your reference and query species are closely related and you want to get higher quality syntenic blocks, you can set this value to
and so on, but not too high so that no matches are retained. -
--minimum_chain_score minimum chain score (default: 3).
Note: For the default value of 3, since the match score is
(<=1), the number of syntenic gene pairs for any block is greater than or equal to 3. -
--count_style -r -q parameter's count style for a block(default: 0). 0: count only the syntenic genes within a block; 1 or other integer: count all genes.
Note: Under the premise that the --r_value parameter is set to 2 and the --q_value parameter is set to 1, if --count_style is set to 1, take the following figure as an example, if the number of genes contained in the chromosome region of the reference species corresponding to the square area surrounded by the dotted line in the blue area is less than or equal to
--maximum_gap_size - 1
, and the number of genes contained in the chromosome region of the corresponding query species is also less than or equal to--maximum_gap_size - 1
, then the two collinear regions between chromosome a and chromosome 1 should be one block instead of two blocks(ifmatchscore + gap_penalty
> 0), and the software will count all the genes between the two reference genes at both ends of the block, and of course, it will also count all the genes between the two query genes at both ends of the block. If count_style is set to 0, the software will only count the syntenic genes between the genes at both ends. -
--strict_remove_overlap Specify whether to strictly remove square region gene pairs for a block to avoid overlap. (1:yes;0:no. default: 0). Note: If there are a large number of so-called tandem duplications or proximal duplications gene pairs for the two chromosomes being compared, as shown in the figure below, there may be a large number of colinear regions between the two chromosomes. If this parameter is set to 1. When the software identifies a block based on the maximum block score, the gene pairs obtained by crossing the two gene sets corresponding to the two(reference and query) chromosome regions of the block will be ignored, so that only this block is retained. When using this parameter, you may need to increase --gap_extend_penalty (e.g. -0.02 or -0.03) to prevent poorer gene pairs on either side of the block from affecting the results. In general,
is sufficient, so there is no need to set this parameter.