比較的大きなデータセット( CIFAR image classification datasets,IMDB dataset)に対してHMC,SGMCMCを適用し特性を見ている
(1) BNNs can achieve significant performance gains over standard training and deep ensembles
(2) a single long HMC chain can provide a comparable representation of the posterior to multiple shorter chains
(3) in contrast to recent studies, we find posterior tempering is not needed for near-optimal performance, with little evidence for a "cold posterior" effect, which we show is largely an artifact of data augmentation;
(4) BMA performance is robust to the choice of prior scale, and relatively similar for diagonal Gaussian, mixture of Gaussian, and logistic priors;
(5) Bayesian neural networks show surprisingly poor generalization under domain shift;
(6) while cheaper alternatives such as deep ensembles and SGMCMC methods can provide good generalization