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xetusoss/archiva Helm Chart

The official Kubernetes chart for xetusoss/archiva.

Current Version: 0.2.0

Tested Against: 1.16+

See the Change Log if upgrading


  • PV support in the Kuberentes cluster (if persistence is used)
  • Ingress support in the Kuberentes cluster (if ingress is used)


Parameter Description Default
image.repo Container image xetusoss/archiva
image.tag Container image tag v2
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always SMTP_HOST in the container. See xetusoss/archiva nil
smtp.port SMTP_PORT in the container. See xetusoss/archiva 25
proxy.enabled Enable HTTP proxy configuration false
proxy.hostname The hostname for the proxy frontend used with this deployment. nil
proxy.proto The protocol used on the proxy, either http or https. https
proxy.pathPrefix Path prefix configured on the proxy's frontend (e.g. /archiva) nil
proxy.customPort Custom http or https port used on the proxy frontend nil
userDb.type User database type, either derby or mysql. mysql is not recommended for new deployments. derby
userDb.user User database user, needed when userdb.type=mysql archiva
userDb.password User database password, needed when userdb.type=mysql nil User database host, needed when userdb.type=mysql nil
userDb.port User database port, needed when userdb.type=mysql 3306 User database name, needed when userdb.type=mysql archiva
userDb.image User database image, needed when userdb.type=mysql mysql:8
resourceConf.memory Memory, in megabytes, allocated to the archiva pod 512
resourceConf.cpuLimit CPU limit for Archiva 2
resourceConf.cpuRequest CPU request for Archiva 500m
archiva.jvmExtraOpts Extra jvm arguments for Archiva []
archiva.caCertsSecret Secret to mount under /certs. See xetusoss/archiva nil
service.type Service resource type, ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer ClusterIP
ingress.enabled Enable ingress support false
ingress.annotations Optional ingress annotation values {}
ingress.tls.enabled Enable tls support within the ingress resource false
ingress.tls.secret The secret which contains the TLS keypair for the ingress. Required when ingress.tls.enable = true nil
persistence.enabled Enable persistent storage true
persistence.existingClaim Specify an existing claim for a PersistentVolume nil
persistence.storageClass StorageClass type for the PersistentVolume. Ignored if persistence.existingClaim exists nil
persistence.requestSize The PersistentVolume request size. Ignored if persistence.existingClaim exists 20Gi
tolerations tolerations for the xetusoss/archiva Pod nil
nodeSelector nodeSelector for the xetusoss/archiva Pod nil
priorityClassName priorityClassName for the xetusoss/archiva Pod nil

To setup a quick release for testing, without persistent volume support.

  1. Add the xetusoss helm repository. See the README.
  2. Run the following command.
helm install -n archiva-test --set service.type=NodePort\
    --set persistence.enabled=false\