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[Spec] TabView #10773

jsuarezruiz opened this issue May 19, 2020 · 25 comments

[Spec] TabView #10773

jsuarezruiz opened this issue May 19, 2020 · 25 comments


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We can have tabs using Shell. However, what happens if we want to have nested tabs within a specific section (Example: Grid)?, what if we want to fully customize each tab?. In these cases, we would need a Custom Renderer so far...

The TabView is a way to display a set of tabs and their respective content. TabView is useful for displaying several content while giving a user the capability to customize mostly everything.


NOTE: TabView is a cross-platform view that takes over when native tabs hit their limits, such as positioning with layouts, styling, and non-uniform styling like a raised button.


Next, a list with the TabView properties, events and visualstates.


TabView Properties

Property Type Description
TabItemsSource IEnumerable A collection used to generate the TabView's tab items.
TabViewItemDataTemplate DataTemplate the template the Tab View uses to generate tab items' header.
TabContentDataTemplate DataTemplate The template the Tab View uses to generate tab items' content.
IsCyclical Bool Enable or disable cyclical tabs navigation.
IsLazy Bool Enable or disable lazy tabs loading.
SelectedIndex Int Gets or sets the currently selected tab. Default is 0.
TabStripPlacement TabStripPlacement The TabStrip placement (top or bottom).
TabStripBackground Brush The TabStrip background.
TabIndicatorBrush Brush The TabIndicator background.
TabIndicatorHeight double The TabIndicator height.
TabIndicatorWidth double The TabIndicator width.
TabIndicatorPlacement TabIndicatorPlacement
TabIndicatorView View The TabIndicator content.
TabContentBackground Brush The tab content background.
TabContentHeight Double The tab content height.
TabStripHeight Double The TabStrip height.
TabContentHeight Double The tab content height.
HasTabStripShadow Bool Show or hide the TabStrip shadow effect.
IsTabTransitionEnabled Bool Enable or disable the transition between tabs.
IsSwipeEnabled Bool Enable or disable the swipe gesture.

TabViewItem Properties

Property Type Description
Text String The text of the tab.
TextColor Color The text color of the tab.
TextColorSelected Color The text color of the selected tab.
FontSize FontSize The font size used in the tab text.
FontSizeSelected FontSize The font size used in the selected tab.
FontFamily String The font family used in the tab.
FontFamilySelected String The font family used in the selected tab.
FontAttributes FontAttributes The font attributes used in the tab.
FontAttributesSelected FontAttributes The font attributes used in the selected tab.
Icon ImageSource The icon of the tab.
IconSelected ImageSource The ImageSource used as icon in the selected tab.
Content View The content of the tab. Is View, can use anything as content.
BadgeText Bool The badge text used in the tab.
BadgeTextColor Color The badge text color used in the tab.
BadgeTextColorSelected Color The badge text color used in the selected tab.
BadgeBackgroundColor Color The badge color used in the tab.
BadgeBackgroundColorSelected Color The badge color used in the selected tab.
IsSelected Bool a bool that indicate if the tab is selected or not.
TapCommand ICommand Command that is executed when the user tap a tab.
TapCommandParameter object The tap command parameter.


TabView Events

Event Description
SelectionChanged Event that is raised when the selected tab changed.
Scrolled Event that is raised when is swiping between tabs.

TabViewItem Events

Event Description
TabTapped Event that is raised when the user tap a tab.


The Visual State Manager (VSM) provides a structured way to make visual changes to the user interface from code.
The VSM introduces the concept of visual states. TabView can have several different visual appearances depending on its underlying state.

TabView have four specific VisualStates:

  • CurrentTabVisualState
  • NextTabVisualState
  • PreviousTabVisualState
  • DefaultTabVisualState


Let's see some samples covering common scenarios.

Basic Tabs

Let's see a basic example:

        Text="Tab 1">
                Text="TabContent1" />
        Text="Tab 2">
                Text="TabContent2" />



Using TabItemsSource (dynamic tabs):

    TabItemsSource="{Binding Monkeys}"
    TabViewItemDataTemplate="{StaticResource TabViewItemTemplate}"
    TabContentDataTemplate="{StaticResource TabContentTemplate}" />


Custom Tabs

The appearance of each tab can be customized:


        Text="Tab 1"
        ControlTemplate="{StaticResource TabItemTemplate}">


Cyclical Tabs

Do you want to navigate between the tabs cyclically?



Lazy Loading

Lazy tab loading:



Tab Transitions and TabViewItem animations

Can use Xamarin.Forms animations to customize the transition between each tab, animate the tab when appears or disappears, or even animate the badge when appears or disappears.

        <local:CustomTabTransition />
        Text="Tab 1">      
                <local:CustomTabViewItemAnimation />
                Text="TabContent1" />


Using VisualStates

Can use different visual states to customize the current tab, the next tab, etc.

        <VisualStateGroup x:Name="TabViewStates">
            <VisualState x:Name="CurrentTab">
                    <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="1" />
            <VisualState x:Name="PreviousTab">
                    <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0.7" />
            <VisualState x:Name="NextTab">
                    <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0.7" />
            <VisualState x:Name="DefaultTab">
                    <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0.9" />
    <Label Text="{Binding Index}" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="End" />

Create Tabs using C#

You can use XAML or C# to create the UI in Xamarin.Forms. Let's see how we would create tabs using C#.

var tabView = new Tabs
    TabStripPlacement = TabStripPlacement.Bottom,
    TabStripBackgroundColor = Color.Blue,
    TabStripHeight = 60,
    TabIndicatorColor = Color.Yellow,
    TabContentBackgroundColor = Color.Yellow

var tabViewItem1 = new TabViewItem
    Icon = "triangle.png",
    Text = "Tab 1",
    TextColor = Color.White,
    TextColorSelected = Color.Yellow,

var tabViewItem1Content = new Grid
    BackgroundColor = Color.Gray

var label1 = new Label
    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    Text = "TabContent1"


tabViewItem1.Content = tabViewItem1Content;


var tabViewItem2 = new TabViewItem
    Icon = "circle.png",
    Text = "Tab 2",
    TextColor = Color.White,
    TextColorSelected = Color.Yellow

var tabViewItem2Content = new Grid
    BackgroundColor = Color.OrangeRed

var label2 = new Label
    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    Text = "TabContent2"


tabViewItem2.Content = tabViewItem2Content;


Using Styles

Can customize the appearance of the tab content, tab strip, tab item, etc. using XAML styles or CSS.

Using XAML:

        Value="12" />
        Value="#979797" />

Using CSS:

.customTabItem {
    font-size: medium;
    text-color: red;

Difficulty : Medium

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ZairiAimenDz commented May 19, 2020

Beautiful Stuff

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Good job!

Regarding the name "TabView", I am concerned that it will create some confusion with the one in UWP, especially when the day comes where that control is mapped to Xamarin.Forms/MAUI.

And I do hope that day comes since it would be a nice control to have for UWP, iPad and Android Tablet. It would be even cooler if it had a way to seamlessly transform for phones as well.

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vhugogarcia commented May 20, 2020

Awesome control. However, I think this can be updated a little to cover a design like this:

ezgif com-optimize


TabView Properties (Additional)

Property Type Description
CornerRadius float Allows to set the radius of a the corners from the tab view
HeightRequest double Allows to set the height of the control
WidthRequest double Allows to set the width of the control

TabViewItem Properties (Additional)

Property Type Description
IconPlacement IconPlacement Allows to set the location of the icon on the tab: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
CornerRadius float Allows to set the radius of a the corners from the tab view
BadgeIcon ImageSource The image to be used as a badge indicator. Due to something we just need to show a small dot on it without text or numbers.

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This looks great!

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jsuarezruiz commented May 20, 2020

@vhugogarcia Thanks for your feedback, very interesting!.

With the Spec definition, you could already manage the size of the TabView, even the content or the TabStrip height. About have CornerRadius, mnnn, I suppose it would be interesting if we have the option in the TabStrip, right?. Something like TabStripCornerRadius.

In the case of the TabViewItem, you can use a template to customize the content. So you can manage Corner Radius in the TabViewItem. However, we can have the CornerRadius property and allow to customize the corners also in the default templates.

Then we have the IconPlacement and BadgeIcon. Both seem like good ideas to me.

I will update the Spec.

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Can I use this without Shell?

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It's just a bunch of forms elements put together

you can use it wherever you can stick a view :-)

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Hi guys, fantastic stuff can you make sure these cool controls work without shell? Thousand of apps do not use shell and we use Prism which as you know cannot use shell till shell allows proper integration with dependency injection. thank you

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@developer9969 Please see the previous two comments and the answer of PureWeen

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@developer9969 Yes, you can use it without shell too.

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d617617 commented May 27, 2020

Nice ,I have been looking forward to it for a long time.Thank sir!

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angelru commented Jun 2, 2020

Awesome!!, when can it be used?

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rs-mobitech commented Jun 17, 2020

When I am viewing my application on an iPad in landscape, I have wide margins but I would also like to have a wide margin for the tab icons so that for example the icons are evenly spaced but they have a 200 margin to the right and to the left. Will this be possible?

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@rscholey Yes, will be possible.

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@jsuarezruiz I saw that TabView has been "Cut" from the roadmap. Does this mean that it won't resurface until MAUI ? (Same question for AppBar)

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Hi @timahrentlov, yes we cut it from the upcoming Forms releases in order to make additional room for the foundational improvements we need to focus on.

In order to still ship these controls sooner we are planning to move them to the XamarinCommunityToolkit. We have good momentum there ( insert contributor recruiting pitch ;) ) and I hope this will be a reasonable option during this transitional period.

@jsuarezruiz please close this issue here and move it to .NET MAUI. Same for the AppBar.

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@davidortinau can we expect to see updated roadmap soon? Even if it's just "under the hood" changes, I'm sure many would be interested to see what is the team actually working on.

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Oh what a bummer. :(
I was really desperately waiting for this one.

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MaxFmi commented Jul 23, 2020

I haven't seen a possibility to register routes for TabViewItems. Would it be possible to register routes for TabViewItems and navigate through them by using absolute navigation?

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MaxFmi commented Jul 23, 2020

Was it already moved to I can't find it there. Or does no code exist yet?

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AswinPG commented Aug 16, 2020

Was it already moved to I can't find it there. Or does no code exist yet? I think this is the one

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@AswinPG this looks good but i think that it is older than this issue and there is not nuget for it. Still can be used for anyone needs urgently i believe

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@jsuarezruiz your repo looks already fine. you never released a nuget package for this?

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Phenek commented Dec 16, 2020

Hello @jsuarezruiz ,

I faced some scrollConflict on Android (issue #9315)
when using embedded scroll ↔ ↕ ( ListView, ScrollView, CollectionView )

if you don't mind, take a look

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