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Switched default LIMS driver in samplesheet generation
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Switched the default LIMS driver in samplesheet generation
from 'xml' to 'ml_warehouse'.
Added 'lims_driver_type' attribute to npg::samplesheet.
Updated the tests for samplesheet generation, which are using
the xml LIMS driver, to set the driver type explicitly.
  • Loading branch information
mgcam committed Aug 29, 2023
1 parent 0b1d533 commit 7adf249
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Showing 3 changed files with 37 additions and 18 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Changes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@

- Switched the default LIMS driver in samplesheet generation from 'xml'
to 'ml_warehouse'.
- Added 'lims_driver_type' attribute to npg::samplesheet.
- Updated the tests for samplesheet generation, which are using the xml
LIMS driver, to set the driver type explicitly.

release 96.0.0
- Fixed a regression in the npg_move_runfolder script,
which made it unusable.
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17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions lib/npg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,12 +62,25 @@ still retained in the relevant custom fields.
Readonly::Scalar my $SAMPLESHEET_PATH => $config->{'samplesheets'}||q(samplesheets/);
Readonly::Scalar my $MIN_COLUMN_NUM => 3;
Readonly::Scalar my $DEFAULT_LIMS_DRIVER_TYPE => 'xml';
Readonly::Scalar my $DEFAULT_LIMS_DRIVER_TYPE => 'ml_warehouse';

####################### Public attributes ########################

=head2 lims_driver_type
LIMs driver type to use, defaults to ml_warehouse.

has 'lims_driver_type' => (
'isa' => 'Str',
'required' => 0,
'is' => 'ro',

=head2 id_run
An optional attribute
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +214,7 @@ sub _build_lims {
return [st::api::lims->new(
batch_id => $id,
driver_type => $DEFAULT_LIMS_DRIVER_TYPE)->children];
driver_type => $self->lims_driver_type)->children];

=head2 output
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32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions t/47-samplesheet.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ subtest 'object creation' => sub {
plan tests => 8;

my $result = q();
dies_ok { npg::samplesheet->new( repository=>$dir, output=>\$result)->process }
dies_ok { npg::samplesheet->new( lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, output=>\$result)->process }
'sample sheet process fails when neither run object nor id_run given';

my $ss;
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7007); } 'sample sheet object - no output provided';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7007); } 'sample sheet object - no output provided';
cmp_ok($ss->output, 'eq', '/nfs/sf49/ILorHSorMS_sf49/samplesheets/wibble/MS0001309-300.csv', 'default output location (with zeroes trimmed appropriately)');
is($ss->lims->[0]->driver_type, 'xml', 'xml driver is used');

lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946); } 'sample sheet object - no output provided';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946); } 'sample sheet object - no output provided';
cmp_ok($ss->output, 'eq', '/nfs/sf49/ILorHSorMS_sf49/samplesheets/wibble/000000000-A0616.csv', 'default output location');

lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7007); } 'sample sheet object - no output provided';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7007); } 'sample sheet object - no output provided';
my $orig_flowcell_id = $ss->run->flowcell_id;
cmp_ok($ss->output, 'eq', '/nfs/sf49/ILorHSorMS_sf49/samplesheets/wibble/MS2000132-500V2.csv', 'default output location copes with V2 MiSeq cartirdges/reagent kits');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ RESULT_7007

my $ss;
my $result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7007, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object for unplexed paired run';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7007, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object for unplexed paired run';
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } ' sample sheet generated';
is_string($result, $expected_result_7007);

my $run = $schema->resultset(q(Run))->find(7007);
$result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, run=>$run, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object from run object - no id_run given';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, run=>$run, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object from run object - no id_run given';
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } ' sample sheet generated';
is_string($result, $expected_result_7007);
Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ subtest 'default samplesheet for a plexed paired run' => sub {

my $ss;
my $result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, output=>\$result); } 'samplesheet object for plexed paired run';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, output=>\$result); } 'samplesheet object for plexed paired run';
my $expected_result = << 'RESULT_6946';
Investigator Name,mq1,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ subtest 'default samplesheet for a plexed paired run with reference fallback' =>

my $ss;
my $result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7825, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object for plexed paired run';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7825, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object for plexed paired run';
my $expected_result = << 'RESULT_7825';
Investigator Name,nh4,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ subtest 'default samplesheet, mkfastq option enabled' => sub {
# with the mkfastq option we get an extra leading column, Lane
my $ss;
my $result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7826, mkfastq => 1, output=>\$result); }
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7826, mkfastq => 1, output=>\$result); }
'sample sheet object mkfastq';
my $expected_result = << 'RESULT_mkfastq';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ subtest 'default samplesheet for dual index' => sub {

my $ss;
my $result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7826, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object for dual index';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>7826, output=>\$result); } 'sample sheet object for dual index';
my $expected_result = << 'RESULT_7826';
Investigator Name,nh4,,,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ subtest 'extended samplesheets' => sub {

my $ss;
my $result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, extend => 1, id_run=>7007, output=>\$result); } 'extended sample sheet object for unplexed paired run';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, extend => 1, id_run=>7007, output=>\$result); } 'extended sample sheet object for unplexed paired run';
ok(!$ss->_dual_index, 'no dual index');
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } ' sample sheet generated';
is_string($result, read_file('t/data/samplesheet/7007_extended.csv'));

$result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); } 'extended sample sheet object for plexed paired run';
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); } 'extended sample sheet object for plexed paired run';
ok(!$ss->_dual_index, 'no dual index');
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } ' sample sheet generated';
is_string($result, read_file('t/data/samplesheet/6946_extended.csv'));
Expand All @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ subtest 'extended samplesheets' => sub {
$schema->resultset('Run')->find(6946)->update({batch_id => 4775});

$result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
'extended sample sheet object for unplexed paired 8 lane run with a control lane';
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } 'sample sheet generated';
is_string($result, read_file('t/data/samplesheet/1control7libs_extended.csv'));
Expand All @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ subtest 'extended samplesheets' => sub {
$schema->resultset('Run')->find(6946)->update({batch_id => 16249});

$result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
'extended sample sheet object for plexed paired 8 lane run';
ok(!$ss->_dual_index, 'no dual index');
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } 'sample sheet generated';
Expand All @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ subtest 'extended samplesheets' => sub {
$schema->resultset('Run')->find(6946)->update({batch_id => 23798});

$result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
'extended sample sheet object for plexed paired run with both pool and library lanes';
ok($ss->_dual_index, 'dual index from a 16 char first index');
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } 'sample sheet generated';
Expand All @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ subtest 'extended samplesheets' => sub {
$schema->resultset('Run')->find(6946)->update({batch_id => 1,});

$result = q();
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
lives_ok { $ss = npg::samplesheet->new(lims_driver_type=>'xml', repository=>$dir, npg_tracking_schema=>$schema, id_run=>6946, extend => 1, output=>\$result); }
'extended sample sheet object for plexed paired run with both pool and library lanes';
ok($ss->_dual_index, 'dual index from two indexes in LIMs');
lives_ok { $ss->process(); } 'sample sheet generated';
Expand Down

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