Lightweight dotnet core help libraries for aop.
install with nuget:
dotnet add package Lightwind.Asyncinterceptor
dotnet add package Lightwind.DynamicProxyExtension
is a help library to simplify the use of Castle.Core dynamic proxy with async interceptors.
It is inspired by :
can work with Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy
to make asynchronous method interception easier. Autofac asyncinterceptor code sample can be found here.
You can create your own async interceptor class inherited from AsyncinterceptorBase to use this package.
There are just three methods to override for your own intercteptor:
protected virtual void BeforeProceed(IInvocation invocation);
protected virtual void AfterProceedSync(IInvocation invocation);
protected virtual Task AfterProceedAsync(IInvocation invocation, bool hasAsynResult);
Task / Task<TResult> / ValueTask / ValueTask<TResult>
return types can be handled automaticly.
AsyncinterceptorBase running processes:
AsyncinterceptorBase blocks Tasks running using async await, return values can be changed at interceptor AfterProceedAsync, check the sample here.
is a help library for aop interceptors with just Microsoft's default IoC framework (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) + Castle.Core.
This package aims to help people who want to implement aop but don't like to use third party IoC frameworks (like autofac, dryioc).
services.AddDynamicProxyService<IHelloRobot>(sp =>
return new HelloRobot();
}, ServiceLifetime.Transient, new MyInterceptor());