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How internationalization (i18n) works in API Manager React Apps

Malintha Amarasinghe edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 17 revisions

Libraries in used:

How to generate locale files


npm run i18n

to generate default locale (en.json & fr.json) files. We have given en as the default language and defaultMessages are in the English language. The above command will generate a fr.json file with all the IDs , But without any values against them.

You could just rename it to any locale code you wish (i:e es.json, ja.json) and fill the relevant translated text in there.

Production build

npm run build:prod

will regenerate the locale files before the webpack bundling. Since we have configured to run a production build in mvn install process, Every maven build will regenerate the locale files.

How to add i18n support in code

ID naming convention

If adding i18n element in publisher, Prefix the react-intl id with the path to the source file from


replace the / with ..

For example

If you are adding a <FormattedMessage /> to below file.


<APIM_PUBLISHER_ROOT> is /features/apimgt/org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.publisher.feature/src/main/resources/publisher-new/

use the id as

        defaultMessage='Click to create API' />

Add internationalization support outside the render() method

                id: 'Apis.Create.Components.APICreateTopMenu.unsupported.file.type',
                defaultMessage: 'Unsupported File Type.'})

export default injectIntl(APIDefinition);

Add i18n support using component.

import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';


    <Typography variant='display1'>
        <FormattedMessage defaultMessage='APIs - Create New API' />


Do Not Update the locale files (i:e en.json) manually. Files under the


directory are most probably auto-generated. We need to address the local extension problem here.

Troubleshooting guide

How to use FormattedMessage inside an <option /> tag of select

     defaultMessage='Restricted by roles'
     {placeholder => <option value='RESTRICTED'>{placeholder}</option>}