This is an accompanying report for the project-3 submission. Below we list some key details we will cover in our submission:
In this section we give a brief description of the MADDPG algorithm from [2], which is an extension of the DDPG algorithm [3] for multi-agent rl setups. We recommend to take a look at section 1 from the report of the previous project (you can find it here), as it provides a description of the DDPG algorithm that might be useful in case you need a refresher.
MADDPG [2] is an multi-agent actor-critic algorithm based on DDPG [3] that makes use of the centralized-trainining with descentralized-execution framework to train multiple agents to solve a multi-agent environment. Centralized training allows agents to train their critics using joint-information from all agents, and descentralized-execution makes agents act using their actors and only the local observations given to each agent.
Before we explain some of the details of the MADDPG algorithm, let's start by analyzing the multi-agent rl-problem a bit more and give a brief explanation of why this problem is potentially harder than the single-agent case.
In the multi-agent setup we have various agents interacting with an environment, each receiving its own observations of the environment (local observations) and each acting according to its own policy.
Because for a specific agent all other agents are part of the environment, then the environment for that agent looks non-stationary. For example, if one agent comes up with some policy that kind of works, then if all of a sudden some of the other agent starts acting differently (because it learns something new, or if swaps its policy, etc.) then, as the observations that the former agent receives are still the same, this agent would take the same actions, but the outcomes might be very different.
These issues might have the effect for Q-learning agents that make use of experience replay-based (like DQN) that experiences from early learning steps might not have the same meaning or be as representative in later learning steps.
For policy-gradient based agents there are also issues, with the intuition being that (recall the pg-theorem) we don't actually have a "stationary distribution" to sample from, as the probabilities that we might transition to some states under a certain policy might be really different as other agents act differently over the training period.
One approach to use would be to augment each agent with the observations (and potentially actions as well) of other agents. This would be acceptable in some scenarios (like in ganes, from which we can grab these non-local measurements as we please), but for some scenarios it'd be unfeasible or not scale properly even if we had a centralized node that could act as a global server.
The approach taken by the authors of [2] is to use only local information for the agents (decentralized execution), and to use non-local information during training (centralized training). These two key considerations are combined in the following way using an actor-critic approach:
- During execution all agents act according to their own policies (actors). So, the agents' policies receive only local information during testing and training (keep the same actor) as well.
- However, for execution we don't actually need the critics, so we can actually train the critics using information from even other agents (non-local information). This is why during training (where we use the critics) we use critics that combine augmented versions of the actions and observations: combination of all actions and all observations from all agents.
We could implement this actor-critic framework for the multi-agent setup by using a single-agent actor-critic algorithm, and extending it using augmented information for the critics. The authors of two chose DDPG as their actor-critic algorithm, and extended it according to its framework, resulting in the MADDPG algorithm.
Recall that in regular single-agent DDPG we make use of the following actor and critic:
- Actor: A deterministic policy μθ(ot), with its own target counterpart μθ-(ot).
- Critic: A parametrized Q-function Qφ(ot,at), with its own target counterpart Qφ-(ot,at).
- Training Critic: We trained the critic using fitted Q-learning as in DQN, using the same features of DQN that helped stabilize learning (Exp. replay and Target networks).
- Training Actor: We trained the actor using the Deterministic Policy Gradient theorem, computing the gradients of the Q-function w.r.t. the actor weights and applying the chain rule.
The modifications used for MADDPG are made mainly to the critics, as they now are using non-local information (both augmented actions and observations). These would be the modifications needed for MADDPG:
- Actor: It's still a deterministic policy, and it still uses only the local information available to the agent.
- Critic: The Q-function accepts now both augmented observations and augmented actions as its inputs.
- Training Critic: We still train the critic as in DQN, although now we have to deal with augmented observations and actions. This makes us modify our replay buffer such that we store this kind of information.
- Training Actor: We train the actor using the DPG theorem as in the single-agent case, with the slight modification that the actions used to evaluate the related Critic must be augmented versions of the actions, so we have to query all agents for this information beforehand.
Combining all these modification we end up with the MADDPG algorithm, shown below:
As starting point we decided to use similar architectures to the ones presented used in the previous project. The only modifications had to be made to de critic networks, which have to handle both augmented observations and actions.
Our actor is a deteministic policy parametrized using a Multi-layer perceptron with ReLU activations and Batch Normalization. This MLP receives as inputs local observations from each actor.
As we saw in the, our environment consists of an observation space of vector observations of 24 dimensions (rank-1 tensor of size 24), and an action space of vector actions of 2 dimensions (rank-1 tensor of size 2). Hence, our network has as inputs vectors of size 24, and outputs of size 2. In between there are fully connected layers with ReLU activations and Batch Normalization layers just before the activations (except at the inputs, where we use batchnorm right away on the inputs). Below we show an image of the architecture, and also a small summary of the network.
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
BatchNorm1d-1 [-1, 24] 48
Linear-2 [-1, 256] 6,400
BatchNorm1d-3 [-1, 256] 512
Linear-4 [-1, 128] 32,896
BatchNorm1d-5 [-1, 128] 256
Linear-6 [-1, 2] 258
Total params: 40,370
Trainable params: 40,370
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.00
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.01
Params size (MB): 0.15
Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.16
(bn0): BatchNorm1d(24, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
(fc1): Linear(in_features=24, out_features=256, bias=True)
(bn1): BatchNorm1d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
(fc2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
(bn2): BatchNorm1d(128, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
(fc3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=2, bias=True)
Our critic is a Q-function that accepts augmented versions of the observations and actions. It is implemented using a Multi-layer perceptron as well, using both ReLU activations and Batch Normalization.
Our Q-network receives as inputs joint observations combined in a NUM_AGENTS x observations_shape
vector, and joint actions combined in a NUM_AGENTS x actions_shape
vector. For our case we have
2 agents, 24 as size of the observations, and 2 as size of the actions. Our network
combines joint observations and joint actions in an intermediate concatenation step, instead of
combining them as both inputs in a single vector. The resulting architecture is shown below, as well
as a small summary of the network.
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
BatchNorm1d-1 [-1, 48] 96
Linear-2 [-1, 128] 6,272
Linear-3 [-1, 128] 17,024
Linear-4 [-1, 1] 129
Total params: 23,521
Trainable params: 23,521
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.00
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.00
Params size (MB): 0.09
Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.09
(bn0): BatchNorm1d(48, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
(fc1): Linear(in_features=48, out_features=128, bias=True)
(fc2): Linear(in_features=132, out_features=128, bias=True)
(fc3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=1, bias=True)
Our implementation is self-contained minimal implementation (unlike our previous projects), which consists of a single documented file with most of the details contained in that file (network models, utils, trainer, etc.). We'll abstract away the functionality (as in previous projects) in later updates to the project. The following are the main components of the implementation we will explain in more detail:
- Models: Pytorch implementation of both decentralized actor and centralized critic networks.
- Utils: Some helper classes, like replay buffers and noise generators.
- Trainer: Training loop implementation, with the implementation of the training of both critics (like DQN) and actors (DPG-theorem).
The model architectures are the ones described in the previuos section (section 1.2), and consist of MLPs. Below there's the Pytorch implementation of the actor-network (deterministic policy), which can be found in between lines 63-107 in the file.
class PiNetwork( nn.Module ) :
r"""A simple deterministic policy network class to be used for the actor
observationShape (tuple): shape of the observations given to the network
actionShape (tuple): shape of the actions to be computed by the network
def __init__( self, observationShape, actionShape, seed ) :
super( PiNetwork, self ).__init__()
self.seed = torch.manual_seed( seed )
self.bn0 = nn.BatchNorm1d( observationShape[0] )
self.fc1 = nn.Linear( observationShape[0], 256 )
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d( 256 )
self.fc2 = nn.Linear( 256, 128 )
self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d( 128 )
self.fc3 = nn.Linear( 128, actionShape[0] )
def _init( self ) : *lecunishUniformInitializer( self.fc1 ) ) *lecunishUniformInitializer( self.fc2 ) ) -3e-3, 3e-3 )
def forward( self, observation ) :
r"""Forward pass for this deterministic policy
observation (torch.tensor): observation used to decide the action
x = self.bn0( observation )
x = F.relu( self.bn1( self.fc1( x ) ) )
x = F.relu( self.bn2( self.fc2( x ) ) )
x = F.tanh( self.fc3( x ) )
return x
Below there's the Pytorch implementation of the critic-network, which can be found in between lines 110-155 in the file. Notice that the network accepts joint observations and joint actions to evaluate q-values, as shown previously in the description of the critic architecture.
class Qnetwork( nn.Module ) :
r"""A simple Q-network class to be used for the centralized critics
jointObservationShape (tuple): shape of the augmented state representation [o1,o2,...on]
jointActionShape (tuple): shape of the augmented action representation [a1,a2,...,an]
def __init__( self, jointObservationShape, jointActionShape, seed ) :
super( Qnetwork, self ).__init__()
self.seed = torch.manual_seed( seed )
self.bn0 = nn.BatchNorm1d( jointObservationShape[0] )
self.fc1 = nn.Linear( jointObservationShape[0], 128 )
self.fc2 = nn.Linear( 128 + jointActionShape[0], 128 )
self.fc3 = nn.Linear( 128, 1 )
def _init( self ) : *lecunishUniformInitializer( self.fc1 ) ) *lecunishUniformInitializer( self.fc2 ) ) -3e-3, 3e-3 )
def forward( self, jointObservation, jointAction ) :
r"""Forward pass for this critic at a given (x=[o1,...,an],aa=[]) pair
jointObservation (torch.tensor): augmented observation [o1,o2,...,on]
jointAction (torch.tensor): augmented action [a1,a2,...,an]
_h = self.bn0( jointObservation )
_h = F.relu( self.fc1( _h ) )
_h = [_h, jointAction], dim = 1 )
_h = F.relu( self.fc2( _h ) )
_h = self.fc3( _h )
return _h
As in the DDPG algorithm, we make use of a replay buffer to train both our critics (like in DQN) and actors (using DPG-theorem). However, this replay buffer is implemented with some variations for the multiagent case:
It receives transitions to be stores consisting of packed version of observations, actions, rewards, next observations, and termination flags. All these are received as packed numpy arrays with first dimension equal to the number of agents, and stored in that way (see store method). So, it effectively stores tensors of the form
of shapes(2,24)
respectively (w.r.t. measurements earlier). -
It provides (sampling) minibatches of components packed with an extra batch-dimension (minibatch- size). So, it effectively returns tensors of the form
of shapes(bsize,2,24)
for the observations, actions, rewards, next-observations, and termination-flags respectively (all batches). Later, the information per agent can be easily extracted from these tensors via indexing (with agent index), and can also be reshaped into joint-measurements (for critics to consume).
class ReplayBuffer( object ) :
r"""Replay buffer class used to train centralized critics.
This replay buffer is the same as our old friend the replay-buffer from
the vanilla dqn for a single agent, with some slight variations as the
tuples stored now consist in some cases in augmentations of the observations
and action spaces:
x x'
The usage depends on the network that will consume this data in its forward
pass, which could be either a decentralized actor or a centralized critic.
For a decentralized actor:
u ( oi ) requires the local observation for that actor
For a centralized critic:
Q ( [o1,...,on], [a1,...,an] ) requires both the augmented observation
phi-i ---------- ----------- and the joint action from the actors
| |
x joint-action
So, to make things simpler, as the environment is already returning packed
numpy ndarrays with first dimension equal to the num-agents, we will store
these as packed tensors with first dimention equal to num-agents, and return an
even more packed version, which would include a batch dimension on top of the other
dimensions (n-agents,variable-shape), so we would have something like:
e.g. storing:
store( ( [obs1(24,),obs2(24,)], [a1(2,),a2(2,)], ... ) )
-------------------- ---------------
ndarray(2,24) ndarray(2,2)
e.g. sampling:
batch -> ( batchObservations, batchActions, ... )
----------------- ------------
tensor(128,2,24) tensor(128,2,2)
bufferSize (int): max. number of experience tuples this buffer will hold
until it starts throwing away old experiences in a FIFO
numAgents (int): number of agents used during learning (for sanity-checks)
def __init__( self, bufferSize, numAgents ) :
super( ReplayBuffer, self ).__init__()
self._memory = deque( maxlen = bufferSize )
self._numAgents = numAgents
def store( self, transition ) :
r"""Stores a transition tuple in memory
The transition tuples to be stored must come in the form:
( [o1,...,on], [a1,...,an], [r1,...,rn], [o1',...,on'], [done1,...,donen] )
transition (tuple): a transition tuple to be stored in memory
# sanity-check: ensure first dimension of each transition component has the right size
assert len( transition[0] ) == self._numAgents, 'ERROR> group observation size mismatch'
assert len( transition[1] ) == self._numAgents, 'ERROR> group actions size mismatch'
assert len( transition[2] ) == self._numAgents, 'ERROR> group rewards size mismatch'
assert len( transition[3] ) == self._numAgents, 'ERROR> group next observations size mismatch'
assert len( transition[4] ) == self._numAgents, 'ERROR> group dones size mismatch'
self._memory.append( transition )
def sample( self, batchSize ) :
_batch = random.sample( self._memory, batchSize )
_observations = torch.tensor( [ _transition[0] for _transition in _batch ], dtype = torch.float ).to( DEVICE )
_actions = torch.tensor( [ _transition[1] for _transition in _batch ], dtype = torch.float ).to( DEVICE )
_rewards = torch.tensor( [ _transition[2] for _transition in _batch ], dtype = torch.float ).unsqueeze( 2 ).to( DEVICE )
_observationsNext = torch.tensor( [ _transition[3] for _transition in _batch ], dtype = torch.float ).to( DEVICE )
_dones = torch.tensor( [ _transition[4] for _transition in _batch ], dtype = torch.float ).unsqueeze( 2 ).to( DEVICE )
return _observations, _actions, _rewards, _observationsNext, _dones
def __len__( self ) :
return len( self._memory )
For the noise-generator implementations, there are two types of noise generators that we used in our experiments: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise-generator, and a simple Normal noise-generator. Both implementations can be found in the OUNoise and NormalNoise classes.
Finally, the trainer in our case is just a function that implements the MADDPG algorithm, using the models and utilities explained earlier. We split the detailed explanation of the implementation below into various important sections. Notice we have two implementations, each in a separate file and each different is just a few lines:
Our initial implementation, found in the [][url_maddpg_main] file, is just slightly different to the original MADDPG algorithm from the paper in the sense that it uses the same sampled minibatch for all agents, and it evaluates the actions for training the actor using the most recent versions of the actor-networks from all agents (not just its own).
The original implementation, found in the [][url_maddpg_original] file, uses the same structure as in the paper, in which they sampled a different minibatch per agent, and also used only the actor-network of the agent being trained to predict the actions used to compose with the critics in the DPG-theorem update. For all other entries of the actions in the joint-action, it uses the actions from the minibatch for all other agents instead of computing them again using the respective actor-networks.
First, we create the actors and critics for all agents we will be using. Notice we use the joint observation size for the critics as explained in previous sections.
##------------- Create actor network (+its target counterpart)------------##
actorsNetsLocal = [ PiNetwork( env.observation_space.shape,
seed ) for _ in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ]
actorsNetsTarget = [ PiNetwork( env.observation_space.shape,
seed ) for _ in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ]
for _netLocal, _netTarget in zip( actorsNetsLocal, actorsNetsTarget ) :
_netTarget.copy( _netLocal ) DEVICE ) DEVICE )
optimsActors = [ opt.Adam( _actorNet.parameters(), lr = LEARNING_RATE_ACTOR ) \
for _actorNet in actorsNetsLocal ]
##----------- Create critic network (+its target counterpart)-------------##
criticsNetsLocal = [ Qnetwork( (NUM_AGENTS * env.observation_space.shape[0],),
(NUM_AGENTS * env.action_space.shape[0],),
seed ) for _ in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ]
criticsNetsTarget = [ Qnetwork( (NUM_AGENTS * env.observation_space.shape[0],),
(NUM_AGENTS * env.action_space.shape[0],),
seed ) for _ in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ]
for _netLocal, _netTarget in zip( criticsNetsLocal, criticsNetsTarget ) :
_netTarget.copy( _netLocal ) DEVICE ) DEVICE )
optimsCritics = [ opt.Adam( _criticNet.parameters(), lr = LEARNING_RATE_CRITIC ) \
for _criticNet in criticsNetsLocal ]
We then create some of the utilities we will need, like the replay buffer and the noise generator. We used both available generators in two different experiments we ran, as we will explain in the results section. Notice we also declare some boiler plate code logging purposes, and the epsilon scale factor for the noise-scaling with the appropriate schedule. Then, we have the training loop implementation, which we will shown and explain in detail later.
# Circular Replay buffer
rbuffer = ReplayBuffer( REPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE, NUM_AGENTS )
# Noise process
noise = OUNoise( env.action_space.shape, seed )
## noise = NormalNoise( env.action_space.shape, seed )
# Noise scaler factor (annealed with a schedule)
epsilon = 1.0
progressbar = tqdm( range( 1, num_episodes + 1 ), desc = 'Training>' )
scoresAvgs = []
scoresWindow = deque( maxlen = LOG_WINDOW )
bestScore = -np.inf
avgScore = -np.inf
writer = SummaryWriter( os.path.join( SESSION_FOLDER, 'tensorboard_summary' ) )
istep = 0
for iepisode in progressbar :
_oo = env.reset()
_scoreAgents = np.zeros( NUM_AGENTS )
for i in range( MAX_STEPS_IN_EPISODE ) :
# Training Step Implementation:
# 1. All agents take actions
# 2. Take step in env
# 3. Take a learning step
# 3.0 Compute/Assemble joint quantities
# 3.1 Train critic
# 3.2 Train actor
The first part of the training step code consists of grabbing the actions that each agent has to take in the environment, which is shown in the snippet below. We get the actions using the appropriate actor networks, and add some noise for exploration. As we don't want any gradient calculations be made in this step, we ask Pytorch to deactivate this feature momentarily, and also make sure we are in eval mode (because of batchnorm usage).
# take full-random actions during these many steps
_aa = np.clip( np.random.randn( *((NUM_AGENTS,) + env.action_space.shape) ), -1., 1. )
# take actions from exploratory policy
else :
# eval-mode (in case batchnorm is used)
for _actorNet in actorsNetsLocal :
# choose an action for each agent using its own actor network
with torch.no_grad() :
_aa = []
for iactor, _actorNet in enumerate( actorsNetsLocal ) :
# evaluate action to take from each actor policy
_a = _actorNet( torch.from_numpy( _oo[iactor] ).unsqueeze( 0 ).float().to( DEVICE ) ).cpu().data.numpy().squeeze()
_aa.append( _a )
_aa = np.array( _aa )
# add some noise sampled from the noise process (each agent gets different sample)
_nn = np.array( [ epsilon * noise.sample() for _ in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ] ).reshape( _aa.shape )
_aa += _nn
# actions are speed-factors (range (-1,1)) in both x and y
_aa = np.clip( _aa, -1., 1. )
# back to train-mode (in case batchnorm is used)
for _actorNet in actorsNetsLocal :
The next part of the training step is to take those actions in the environment, and grab the information received and stored it into the replay buffer. This is shown in the snippet below. Notice we store the packed versions of the measurements required for training, as expected for our replay buffer implementation.
# take action in the environment and grab bounty
_oonext, _rr, _dd, _ = env.step( _aa )
# store joint information (form (NAGENTS,) + MEASUREMENT-SHAPE)
if i == MAX_STEPS_IN_EPISODE - 1 : ( _oo, _aa, _rr, _oonext, np.ones_like( _dd ) ) )
else : ( _oo, _aa, _rr, _oonext, _dd ) )
The following section is in charge of checking when to take a learning step. This part is a bit different between our two implementations
if len( rbuffer ) > BATCH_SIZE and istep % TRAIN_FREQUENCY_STEPS == 0 and \
for _ in range( TRAIN_NUM_UPDATES ) :
# Learning Step
# ...
This next part is a bit different from our initial implementation, and the original implementation of the paper. Firstly, for the initial implementation, we sample a minibatch from the replay buffer, and then used it for all agents (as you can see the sampling being outside the for-loop over the actors). Also, we assemble the joint-observations, joint-actions, joint-next-observations and joint-next-actions outside that for-loop from the common minibatch. Notice also that the joint-next-actions are computed with the other agents' target actor-networks, which might differ from the original implementation as the target networks might have received a soft-update from their related-agent update step.
# grab a batch of data from the replay buffer
_observations, _actions, _rewards, _observationsNext, _dones = rbuffer.sample( BATCH_SIZE )
# compute joint observations and actions to be passed ...
# to the critic, which basically consists of keep the ...
# batch dimension and vectorize everything else into one ...
# single dimension [o1,...,on] and [a1,...,an]
_batchJointObservations = _observations.reshape( _observations.shape[0], -1 )
_batchJointObservationsNext = _observationsNext.reshape( _observationsNext.shape[0], -1 )
_batchJointActions = _actions.reshape( _actions.shape[0], -1 )
# compute the joint next actions required for the centralized ...
# critics q-target computation
with torch.no_grad() :
_batchJointActionsNext = torch.stack( [ actorsNetsTarget[iactor]( _observationsNext[:,iactor,:] ) \
for iactor in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ], dim = 1 )
_batchJointActionsNext = _batchJointActionsNext.reshape( _batchJointActionsNext.shape[0], -1 )
for iactor in range( NUM_AGENTS ) :
# extract local observations to be fed to the actors, ...
# as well as local rewards and dones to be used for local
# q-targets computation using critics
_batchLocalObservations = _observations[:,iactor,:]
_batchLocalRewards = _rewards[:,iactor,:]
_batchLocalDones = _dones[:,iactor,:]
# 3.1 Train critic
# 3.2 Train actor
The original implementation uses different batches per agent, which is shown in the snippet below. Notice how we just swapped the order of the for-loop over the agents, and then grabbed all information needed (as in the previous snippet) using the information of the specific minibatch sampled per agent.
for iactor in range( NUM_AGENTS ) :
# grab a batch of data from the replay buffer
_observations, _actions, _rewards, _observationsNext, _dones = rbuffer.sample( BATCH_SIZE )
# compute joint observations and actions to be passed ...
# to the critic, which basically consists of keep the ...
# batch dimension and vectorize everything else into one ...
# single dimension [o1,...,on] and [a1,...,an]
_batchJointObservations = _observations.reshape( _observations.shape[0], -1 )
_batchJointObservationsNext = _observationsNext.reshape( _observationsNext.shape[0], -1 )
_batchJointActions = _actions.reshape( _actions.shape[0], -1 )
# compute the joint next actions required for the centralized ...
# critics q-target computation
with torch.no_grad() :
_batchJointActionsNext = torch.stack( [ actorsNetsTarget[iactorIndx]( _observationsNext[:,iactorIndx,:] ) \
for iactorIndx in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ], dim = 1 )
_batchJointActionsNext = _batchJointActionsNext.reshape( _batchJointActionsNext.shape[0], -1 )
# extract local observations to be fed to the actors, ...
# as well as local rewards and dones to be used for local
# q-targets computation using critics
_batchLocalObservations = _observations[:,iactor,:]
_batchLocalRewards = _rewards[:,iactor,:]
_batchLocalDones = _dones[:,iactor,:]
# 3.1 Train critic
# 3.2 Train actor
The next part is similar for both implementations, and is in charge of training the critic in a similar way to DQN (fitting q-values to TD-targets). The only difference is the usage of joint-observations and joint-actions to evaluate the q-values and the TD-targets (joint-next-observations and joint-next-actions)s.
#---------------------- TRAIN CRITICS --------------------#
# compute current q-values for the joint-actions taken ...
# at joint-observations using the critic, as explained ...
# in the MADDPG algorithm:
# Q(x,a1,a2,...,an) -> Q( [o1,o2,...,on], [a1,a2,...,an] )
# phi-i
_qvalues = criticsNetsLocal[iactor]( _batchJointObservations, _batchJointActions )
# compute target q-values using both decentralized ...
# target actor and centralized target critic for this ...
# current actor, as explained in the MADDPG algorithm:
# Q-targets = r + ( 1 - done ) * gamma * Q ( [o1',...,on'], [a1',...,an'] )
# i i i phi-target-i
with torch.no_grad() :
_qvaluesTarget = _batchLocalRewards + ( 1. - _batchLocalDones ) \
* GAMMA * criticsNetsTarget[iactor]( _batchJointObservationsNext,
_batchJointActionsNext )
# compute loss for the critic
_lossCritic = F.mse_loss( _qvalues, _qvaluesTarget )
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm( criticsNetsLocal[iactor].parameters(), 1 )
We then have to train the actor, so we used the DPG-theorem in a similar way to the single-agent DDPG case, with the small difference that the critic from which we take gradients from use joint-observations and joint-actions instead. The snippet below shows the implementation of our initial variant that uses all most recent actor networks from all other agents (as well as the current actor-network for the agent being trained), to compute the actions used to compose the joint-action for the critic.
#---------------------- TRAIN ACTORS ---------------------#
# compute loss for the actor, from the objective to "maximize":
# dJ / dtheta = E [ dQ / du * du / dtheta ]
# where:
# * theta: weights of the actor
# * dQ / du : gradient of Q w.r.t. u (actions taken)
# * du / dtheta : gradient of the Actor's weights
# compute predicted actions for current local observations ...
# as we will need them for computing the gradients of the ...
# actor. Recall that these gradients depend on the gradients ...
# of its own related centralized critic, which need the joint ...
# actions to work. Keep with grads here as we have to build ...
# the computation graph with these operations
_batchJointActionsPred = torch.stack( [ actorsNetsLocal[indexActor]( _observations[:,indexActor,:] ) \
for indexActor in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ], dim = 1 )
_batchJointActionsPred = _batchJointActionsPred.reshape( _batchJointActionsPred.shape[0], -1 )
# compose the critic over the actor outputs (sandwich), which effectively does g(f(x))
_lossActor = -criticsNetsLocal[iactor]( _batchJointObservations, _batchJointActionsPred ).mean()
The original implementation of the training step for the actor-networks of the agents is shown below. Notice that we only use the actor-network of the current actor being updated, and to compose the joint-action we use all actions from the replay buffer to fill the actions from the other agents.
#---------------------- TRAIN ACTORS ---------------------#
# compute loss for the actor, from the objective to "maximize":
# dJ / dtheta = E [ dQ / du * du / dtheta ]
# where:
# * theta: weights of the actor
# * dQ / du : gradient of Q w.r.t. u (actions taken)
# * du / dtheta : gradient of the Actor's weights
# compute predicted actions for current local observations ...
# as we will need them for computing the gradients of the ...
# actor. Recall that these gradients depend on the gradients ...
# of its own related centralized critic, which need the joint ...
# actions to work. Keep with grads here as we have to build ...
# the computation graph with these operations
_batchJointActionsPred = torch.stack( [ actorsNetsLocal[indexActor]( _observations[:,indexActor,:] ) \
if indexActor == iactor else _actions[:,indexActor,:] \
for indexActor in range( NUM_AGENTS ) ], dim = 1 )
_batchJointActionsPred = _batchJointActionsPred.reshape( _batchJointActionsPred.shape[0], -1 )
# compose the critic over the actor outputs (sandwich), which effectively does g(f(x))
_lossActor = -criticsNetsLocal[iactor]( _batchJointObservations, _batchJointActionsPred ).mean()
Finally, just before exiting the update step for each agent, we make a soft-update using Polyak-averaging for both actor and critic networks. Once all learning steps are made for all agents, we update the noise-scaler factor using the schedule requested.
# update target networks
actorsNetsTarget[iactor].copy( actorsNetsLocal[iactor], TAU )
criticsNetsTarget[iactor].copy( criticsNetsLocal[iactor], TAU )
# update epsilon using schedule
if EPSILON_SCHEDULE == 'linear' :
epsilon = max( 0.1, epsilon - EPSILON_DECAY_LINEAR )
else :
epsilon = max( 0.1, epsilon * EPSILON_DECAY_FACTOR )
There's some more boiler plate code used for logging and saving training results, which can be found at the end of the train function, but all parts explained above are the main implementation of the MADDPG algorithm.
In this section we give a more detailed description of the results, which include our choice of hyperparameters, results provided for the project submission, and some test over different random seeds to check variability.
We provide pre-trained agents that used the initial implementation (trained with the hyperparameters for the submission). To test these agents just run the following in your terminal:
python test --sessionId=session_submission
There are also pre-trained agents that were trained using the original-paper implementation. To test these just run the following in your terminal:
python test --sessionId=session_submission
The submission results consist of the following:
The weights of the trained agent are provided in the results/session_submission folder, and are saved in the checkpoint_actor_0.pth, checkpoint_actor_1.pth, checkpoint_critic_0.pth and checkpoint_critic_1.pth files.
The tensorboard logs of the training sessions, which can be found in the folder called results/session_submission/tensorboard_summary. You can check the training results invoking tensorboard using the command below, and then open the tensorboard client in your browser using the url given in the terminal:
tensorboard --logdir=./results/session_submission/tensorboard_summary
Notice that there are also results for the submission using the original implementation, which can be checked in a similar way as follows:
tensorboard --logdir=./results/session_submission_original/tensorboard_summary
Also, you can check this video of the pre-trained agent solving the required task.
The hyperparameters available are the same as in the single-agent case of DDPG. We started with the same hyperparameters as in the previous project (for the batch-norm case), and then started tweaking them until we got a working solution. The way we approached this tuning process was mostly heuristic (based on intuition of the training dynamics), as we couldn't afford running either grid-search nor random-search due to compute constraints. Below we mention the steps taken to arrive at the hyperparameters that best work for us so far.
We let the agents train with that configuration at first, and noticed that the episodes termiate very quickly, and that they did not learn much at first as the noise forced the agents at first to take too extreme actions. To ammend this, we decided to give the agents a period of random exploration before starting taking learning steps.
Also, as at first we don't usually receive that many good episodes, we decided to avoid taking too many learning steps per update, and reduce it to a sweetspot of 4:2 (update every 4 timesteps, take two learning step per update).
After only those two changes we started getting good results (almost reaching the objective of +0.5), so we just adjusted the epsilon factor by looking at the tensorboard plots and identifying a sweetspot for this factor (as at first we had a too small decay factor).
The final hyperparameters used for the submission using the initial MADDPG implementation are shown in the table below.
Hyperparameter | Value | Description |
gamma | 0.99 | Discount factor |
tau | 0.001 | Polyak averaging factor |
replay-buffer size | 1000000 | Size of the replay buffer |
learning rate - Actor | 0.001 | Learning rate for the actor (using Adam) |
learning rate - Critic | 0.001 | Learning rate for the actor (using Adam) |
batch-Size | 256 | Batch size used for a learning step |
train-Frequency-Steps | 4 | How often to request learning from the agent |
train-NumLearning-Steps | 2 | Number of learning steps per learning request of the agent |
noise-type | 'ounoise' | Type of noise used, either ounoise='Ornstein-Uhlenbeck', or normal="Sample-gaussian" |
noise-OU-Mu | 0.0 | Mu-param μ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process |
noise-OU-Theta | 0.15 | Theta param θ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process |
noise-OU-Sigma | 0.2 | Sigma param σ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process |
noise-Normal-Stddev | 0.2 | Standard deviation of the normal noise |
epsilon-schedule | 'linear' | Type of schedule used to decay the noise factor ε,either 'linear' or 'geometric' |
epsilon-factor-Geom | 0.999 | Decay factor for the geometric schedule |
epsilon-factor-Linear | 2e-5 | Decay factor for the linear schedule |
training-starting-step | 50000 | At which step to start learning |
As we mentioned in previous sections, our initial implementation was different from the original algorithm from the paper. We noticed this while writing section 1, and decided to ammend the implementation to have a more suitable comparison (for future experiments) and to check if the original provides better training performance. After updating the implementation we started training and got somewhat similar starting results with the same set of hyperparameters. However, the performance never got better than +0.5, and training was a bit unstable. To ammend this, we started doing the following tweaks to the hyperparameters until we got a working solution:
Because learning was a bit more unstable than the previous implementation, we decided to use a bit more conservative/smaller learning rates. This started showing promise as we almost got to the required +0.5 objective. We then just let it train for more episodes and it eventually got to a point similar to the early-timesteps results of the previous implementation, which we thought might benefit from training from even more episodes.
We then decided to take a slightly different approach by not using a starting exploration phase, for which we decided to change to choose a different noise-generator than the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We noticed from the previous implementation that non-correlated noise seemed to work well for exploration at the beginning of training, as the agent might have more chances to touch the ball and pass it thatn with the previous noise-generator. This worked fine and we started to get results similar to the ones shown in the project description in the Udacity Platform.
After just adjusting the noise-scaler factor and changing the learning frequency and number of steps per update, we ended up with an implementation in accordance to the original (from the paper) that worked quite well and did not needed a lot of exploration at first.
The final hyperparameters used for this implementation are shown in the table below.
Hyperparameter | Value | Description |
gamma | 0.999 | Discount factor |
tau | 0.001 | Polyak averaging factor |
replay-buffer size | 1000000 | Size of the replay buffer |
learning rate - Actor | 0.0004 | Learning rate for the actor (using Adam) |
learning rate - Critic | 0.0008 | Learning rate for the actor (using Adam) |
batch-Size | 256 | Batch size used for a learning step |
train-Frequency-Steps | 1 | How often to request learning from the agent |
train-NumLearning-Steps | 1 | Number of learning steps per learning request of the agent |
noise-type | 'normal' | Type of noise used, either ounoise='Ornstein-Uhlenbeck', or normal="Sample-gaussian" |
noise-OU-Mu | 0.0 | Mu-param μ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process |
noise-OU-Theta | 0.15 | Theta param θ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process |
noise-OU-Sigma | 0.2 | Sigma param σ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise process |
noise-Normal-Stddev | 0.2 | Standard deviation of the normal noise |
epsilon-schedule | 'linear' | Type of schedule used to decay the noise factor ε,either 'linear' or 'geometric' |
epsilon-factor-Geom | 0.999 | Decay factor for the geometric schedule |
epsilon-factor-Linear | 5e-6 | Decay factor for the linear schedule |
training-starting-step | 0 | At which step to start learning |
Using the configurations mentioned earlier we ended up having working solutions that could maintain an average reward of +0.5 over 100 episodes. Below there are some plots of the results of training sessions with such configurations.
- Initial implementation. Notice that we reach an average score of +0.5 starting at episode 5200, and then maintain it over the remaining episodes.
- Paper implementation. Notice that we reach an average score of +0.5 starting at episode 1500, and then maintain it over the remaining episodes.
Below we show the agent's performance during evaluation. Notice that the agent can smoothly follow the goals, missing it just in very few situations for just a small time before recovering.
We did some experiments to check both the variability of the results obtained using both implementations by running the two versions of the algorithm with various random seeds. Below we show the results of such runs:
- Initial implementation: Sub-figure (a) shows average scores over a window of 100, and sub-figure (b) shows an std-plot over all runs.
- Original paper implementation: Sub-figure (a) shows average scores over a window of 100, and sub-figure (b) shows an std-plot over all runs.
Notice that in both cases all runs successfully reach the objective, with some degree of variability in between random seeds. It'd be interesting to run both implementations for longer in order to check if the performance crashes, as in the solution plot shown as baseline by Udacity.
Finally, below we mention some of the improvements we consider making in following updates to this post:
Run both implementations over the same conditions of no-initial exploration: As mentioned in previous sections, for the initial implementation we decided to go for some fixed number of exploration steps, whereas for the original implementation we just started learning from the beginning. This issue was caused mainly because for the initial submission runs we used a Ornstein-Uhlenbeck based noise generator, which seem to not gave us sufficient exploration over the whole space, as the environment resets quite quickly and rewards are a bit more sparse than the previous project.
Use PPO and SAC instead of DDPG as actor-critic algorithm: The algorithm studied here is based on a general actor-critic framework in which critics are centralized and actors are decentralized, so we could use a different actor-critic algorithm in a similar way. It'd be interesting to see how much more stable these other actor-critic algorithms would perform.
Run the implementations for longer: By running it for longer we could test if the algorithm crashes as the baseline does.
Solve the optional soccer task: Tune all baselines and try to solve the optional Soccer Task (soccer env. from ml-agents).
Implement recurrent versions: Finally, we'd like to implement recurrent variants of these agents. It might take way longer to train, but it'd be interesting to see if they give better results.
- [1] Sutton, Richard & Barto, Andrew. Reinforcement Learning: An introduction.
- [2] Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments paper by Lowe et. al.
- [3] Continuous control through deep reinforcement learning paper by Lillicrap et. al.
- [4] Deterministic Policy Gradients Algorithms paper by Silver et. al.
- [5] DDPG implementation from Udacity
- [6] Post on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients from OpenAI's Spinning Up in RL
- [7] Post on Policy Gradient Algorithms by Lilian Weng
- [8] Lecture 8: Advanced Q-Learning Algorithms from Berkeley's cs294 DeepRL course
- [9] Udacity DeepRL Nanodegree