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Performance Tests Procedure

peterflynn edited this page Sep 17, 2012 · 19 revisions

Sprint DoD has a task for logging performance tests results. We have a small set of performance tests that run within the unit test window. Eventually these tests will be automated. For now, here are the instructions for logging the sprint performance results:

  1. Confirm you have edit access to Brackets Performance Tests (Google Spreadsheet). If not, ask @jasonsanjose.
  2. Get the performance laptop (get key from @pflynn's desk)
  3. Uninstall any existing Brackets and delete the Cache Folder.
  4. Sync the brackets repo on the machine to match the SHA of the installed build (look in Help > About to find it before you run the next step)
  5. Install Brackets and use tools\setup_for_hacking
  6. Reboot the computer
  7. Run Brackets
  8. Debug > Show Performance Data
  9. Log cold startup time under "Startup > Cold Startup (first run, no prefs)"
  10. Debug > Run Tests, Performance, All
  11. Log "Performance Tests File open performance" under "Cold - Performance Tests File open performance"
  12. Log the first set of "JavaScript Inline Editor Creation" results under "Cold - JSQuickEdit Performance suite should open inline editors."
  13. Log the last set of "JavaScript Inline Editor Creation" results under "Warm - JSQuickEdit Performance suite should open inline editors."
  14. Exit and restart Brackets
  15. Debug > Show Performance Data
  16. Log warm startup time under "Startup > Warm Startup"
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