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Performance Tests Procedure

jasonsanjose edited this page Sep 17, 2012 · 19 revisions

Sprint DoD has a task for logging performance tests results. We have a small set of performance tests that run within the unit test window. Eventually these tests will be automated. For now, here are the instructions for logging the sprint performance results:

  1. Confirm you have edit access to Brackets Performance Tests. If not, ask
  2. Get the performance laptop (get key from Peter Flynn's desk)
  3. Uninstall any existing Brackets
  4. Install Brackets and use tools\setup_for_hacking
  5. Run Brackets
  6. Debug > Show Performance Data
  7. Log cold startup time under "Startup > Cold Startup (first run, no prefs)"
  8. Debug > Run Tests, Performance, All
  9. Log "Performance Tests File open performance" under "Cold - Performance Tests File open performance"
  10. Log the first set of "JavaScript Inline Editor Creation" results under "Cold - JSQuickEdit Performance suite should open inline editors."
  11. Log the last set of "JavaScript Inline Editor Creation" results under "Warm - JSQuickEdit Performance suite should open inline editors."
  12. Exit and restart Brackets
  13. Debug > Show Performance Data
  14. Log cold startup time under Startup > Warm Startup
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