roundCorners(_ corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat) |
-- |
Set some or all corners radiuses of view. |
addShadow(ofColor color: UIColor, radius: CGFloat,offset: CGSize, opacity: Float) |
-- |
Add shadow to view. |
add(subViews: [UIView]) |
-- |
Add array of subviews to view. |
fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval, completion:((Bool) -> Void)?) |
-- |
Fade in view. |
fadeOut(duration: TimeInterval, completion:((Bool) -> Void)?) |
-- |
Fade out view. |
loadFromNib(named: String, bundle : Bundle? = nil) |
UIView? |
Load view from nib. |
removeSubViews() |
-- |
Remove all subviews in view. |
removeGestureRecognizers() |
-- |
Remove all gesture recognizers from view. |
rotate(byAngle angle : CGFloat, ofType type: AngleUnit, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion:((Bool) -> Void)?) |
-- |
Rotate view by angle on relative axis. |
rotate(toAngle angle: CGFloat, ofType type: AngleUnit, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion:((Bool) -> Void)?) |
-- |
Rotate view to angle on fixed axis. |
scale(by offset: CGPoint, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion:((Bool) -> Void)?) |
-- |
Scale view by offset. |
shake(direction: ShakeDirection, duration: TimeInterval, animationType: ShakeAnimationType, completion:(() -> Void)?) |
-- |
Shake view. |
func addConstraints(withFormat: String, views: UIView...) |
-- |
Add Visual Format constraints. |
func fillToSuperview() |
-- |
Anchor all sides of the view into it's superview. |
func anchor(top: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor?, left: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor?, bottom: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor?, right: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor?, topConstant: CGFloat, leftConstant: CGFloat, bottomConstant: CGFloat, rightConstant: CGFloat, widthConstant: CGFloat, heightConstant: CGFloat) |
[NSLayoutConstraint] |
Add anchors from any side of the current view into the specified anchors and returns the newly added constraints. |
func anchorCenterXToSuperview(withConstant: CGFloat = 0) |
-- |
Anchor center X into current view's superview with a constant margin value. |
func anchorCenterYToSuperview(constant: CGFloat = 0) |
-- |
Anchor center Y into current view's superview with a constant margin value. |
func anchorCenterSuperview() |
-- |
Anchor center X and Y into current view's superview |