Name | Type | iOS | tvOS | watchOS | macOS |
abs |
Read-Only Property | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
asLocaleCurrency |
Read-Only Property | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
ceil |
Read-Only Property | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
degreesToRadians |
Read-Only Property | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
floor |
Read-Only Property | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
radiansToDegrees |
Read-Only Property | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
randomBetween(min: Float, max: Float) |
Static Method | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
** |
Infix Operator | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
√ |
Prefix Operator | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
± |
Prefix/Infix Operator | 8+ | 9+ | 3+ | 10.10+ |
Absolute of Float value.
- type: Read-Only Property.
- return type: Float
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
Float(12.12) -> 12.12
Float(-12.12) -> 12.12
String with number and current locale currency.
- type: Read-Only Property.
- return type: String
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
Float(12.12).asLocaleCurrency -> "$12.12"
Float(10).asLocaleCurrency ->"$10.00"
Ceil of Float value.
- type: Read-Only Property.
- return type: Float
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
Float(12.12).ceil -> 13
Float(-12.12).ceil -> -12
Float(10).ceil -> 10
Radian value of degree input.
- type: Read-Only Property.
- return type: Float
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
Float(180).degreesToRadians -> M_PI
Floor of Float value.
- type: Read-Only Property.
- return type: Float
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
Float(12.12).floor -> 12
Float(-12.12).floor -> -13
Float(10).floor -> 10
Degree value of radian input.
- type: Read-Only Property.
- return type: Float
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
M_PI.radiansToDegrees -> 180.0
Converts string format to CamelCase.
- type: Static Method.
- return type: Float
- parameters:
- min: minimum number to start random from.
- max: maximum number random number end before.
- returns: random Float between two Float values.
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
Float.randomBetween(min: 1, max: 10) -> random float number between 1 and 10
Value of exponentiation.
- type: Infix Operator.
- return type: Float
- parameters:
- lhs: base Float.
- rhs: exponent Float.
- returns: exponentiation result.
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
2.0 ** 2.0 -> 4.0
4.4 ** 0.5 -> 2.0976176963
Square root of Float.
- type: Prefix Operator.
- return type: Float
- parameters:
- Float: Float value to find square root for.
- returns: square root of given Float.
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
√ 4.0 -> 2.0
Tuple of plus-minus operation.
- type: Prefix/Infix Operator.
- return type: Float
- availability:
iOS 8+
tvOS 9+
watchOS 3+
macOS 10.10+
5.0 ± 2.0 -> (3.0, 7.0)
± 2.0 -> (2.0, -2.0)