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Date Extensions

Table of Contents

Name Type iOS tvOS watchOS macOS
DayNameStyle Enum 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
MonthNameStyle Enum 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
calendar Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
era Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
year Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
quarter Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
month Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
weekOfYear Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
weekOfMonth Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
weekday Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
day Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
hour Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
minute Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
second Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
nanosecond Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
isInFuture Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
isInPast Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
isInToday Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
isInYesterday Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
isInTomorrow Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
iso8601String Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
nearestFiveMinutes Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
nearestTenMinutes Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
nearestQuarterHour Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
nearestHalfHour Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
nearestHour Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
timeZone Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
unixTimestamp Read-Only Property 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
adding(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
add(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) Mutating Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
changing(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
beginning(of component: Calendar.Component) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
end(of component: Calendar.Component) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
dateString(ofStyle style: DateFormatter.Style) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
dateTimeString(ofStyle style: DateFormatter.Style) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
isInCurrent(_ component: Calendar.Component) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
timeString(ofStyle style: DateFormatter.Style) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
dayName(ofStyle style: DayNameStyle) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
monthName(ofStyle style: MonthNameStyle) Method 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
init?(calendar: Calendar?, timeZone: TimeZone?, era: Int?, year: Int?, month: Int?, day: Int?, hour: Int?, minute: Int?, second: Int?, nanosecond: Int?) Optional Initializer 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
init?(iso8601String: String) Optional Initializer 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+
init(unixTimestamp: Double) Initializer 8+ 9+ 3+ 10.10+


Day name format.

  • type: Enum.
  • cases:
    • threeLetters: 3 letter day abbreviation of day name.
    • oneLetter: 1 letter day abbreviation of day name.
    • full: Full day name.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Day name format.

  • type: Enum.
  • cases:
    • threeLetters: 3 letter month abbreviation of month name.
    • oneLetter: 1 letter month abbreviation of month name.
    • full: Full day name.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


User’s current calendar.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Calendar
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.



  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().era -> 1



  • type: Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().year -> 2017

var someDate = Date()
someDate.year = 2000 // sets someDate's year to 2000



  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.



  • type: Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().month -> 1

var someDate = Date()
someDate.year = 10 // sets someDate's month to 10.


Week of year.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().weekOfYear -> 2 // second week in the current year.


Week of month.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().weekOfMonth -> 2 // second week in the current month.



  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().weekOfMonth -> 5 // fifth day in the current week.



  • type: Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().day -> 12

var someDate = Date() = 1 // sets someDate's day of month to 1.



  • type: Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().hour -> 17 // 5 pm

var someDate = Date() = 13 // sets someDate's hour to 1 pm.



  • type: Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().minute -> 39

var someDate = Date()
someDate.minute = 10 // sets someDate's minutes to 10.



  • type: Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().second -> 55

var someDate = Date()
someDate. second = 15 // sets someDate's seconds to 15.



  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Int
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().nanosecond -> 981379985


Check if date is in future.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Bool
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date(timeInterval: 100, since: Date()).isInFuture -> true


Check if date is in past.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Bool
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date(timeInterval: -100, since: Date()).isInPast -> true


Check if date is in today.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Bool
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().isInToday -> true


Check if date is in yesterday.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Bool
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().isInYesterday -> false


Check if date is in tomorrow.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Bool
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().isInTomorrow -> false


ISO8601 string of format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS) from date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: String
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().iso8601String -> "2017-01-12T14:51:29.574Z"


Nearest five minutes to date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Date
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


var date = Date() // "5:54 PM"
date.minute = 32 // "5:32 PM"
date.nearestFiveMinutes // "5:30 PM"

date.minute = 44 // "5:44 PM"
date.nearestFiveMinutes // "5:45 PM"


Nearest ten minutes to date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Date
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


var date = Date() // "5:57 PM"
date.minute = 34 // "5:34 PM"
date.nearestTenMinutes // "5:30 PM"

date.minute = 48 // "5:48 PM"
date.nearestTenMinutes // "5:50 PM"


Nearest quarter hour to date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Date
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


var date = Date() // "5:57 PM"
date.minute = 34 // "5:34 PM"
date.nearestQuarterHour // "5:30 PM"

date.minute = 40 // "5:40 PM"
date.nearestQuarterHour // "5:45 PM"


Nearest half hour to date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Date
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


var date = Date() // "6:07 PM"
date.minute = 41 // "6:41 PM"
date.nearestHalfHour // "6:30 PM"

date.minute = 51 // "6:51 PM"
date.nearestHalfHour // "7:00 PM"


Nearest hour to date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Date
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


var date = Date() // "6:17 PM"
date.nearestHour // "6:00 PM"

date.minute = 36 // "6:36 PM"
date.nearestHour // "7:00 PM"


Time zone used by system.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: TimeZone
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().timeZone -> Europe/Istanbul (current)


UNIX timestamp from date.

  • type: Read-Only Property.
  • return type: Double
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().unixTimestamp -> 1484233862.826291

adding(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)

Date by adding multiples of calendar component.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: Date
  • parameters:
    • component: component type.
    • value: multiples of components to add.
  • returns: original date + multiples of component added.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date() // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:07 PM"
let date2 = date.adding(.minute, value: -10) // "Jan 12, 2017, 6:57 PM"
let date3 = date.adding(.day, value: 4) // "Jan 16, 2017, 7:07 PM"
let date4 = date.adding(.month, value: 2) // "Mar 12, 2017, 7:07 PM"
let date5 = date.adding(.year, value: 13) // "Jan 12, 2030, 7:07 PM"

add(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)

Add calendar component to date.

  • type: Mutating Method.
  • return type: Date
  • parameters:
    • component: component type.
    • value: multiples of components to add.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


var date = Date() // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:07 PM"
date.add(.minute, value: -10) // "Jan 12, 2017, 6:57 PM"
date.add(.day, value: 4) // "Jan 16, 2017, 7:07 PM"
date.add(.month, value: 2) // "Mar 12, 2017, 7:07 PM"
date.add(.year, value: 13) // "Jan 12, 2030, 7:07 PM"

changing(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)

Date by changing value of calendar component.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: Date
  • parameters:
    • component: component type.
    • value: multiples of components to add.
  • returns: original date after changing given component to given value.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date() // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:07 PM"
let date2 = date.changing(.minute, value: 10) // "Jan 12, 2017, 6:10 PM"
let date3 = date.changing(.day, value: 4) // "Jan 4, 2017, 7:07 PM"
let date4 = date.changing(.month, value: 2) // "Feb 12, 2017, 7:07 PM"
let date5 = date.changing(.year, value: 2000) // "Jan 12, 2000, 7:07 PM"

beginning(of component: Calendar.Component)

Data at the beginning of calendar component.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: Date?
  • parameters:
    • component: calendar component to get date at the beginning of.
  • returns: date at the beginning of calendar component (if applicable).
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date() // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:14 PM"
let date2 = date.beginning(of: .hour) // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:00 PM"
let date3 = date.beginning(of: .month) // "Jan 1, 2017, 12:00 AM"
let date4 = date.beginning(of: .year) // "Jan 1, 2017, 12:00 AM"

end(of component: Calendar.Component)

Date at the end of calendar component.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: Date?
  • parameters:
    • component: calendar component to get date at the end of.
  • returns: date at the end of calendar component (if applicable).
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date() // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:27 PM"
let date2 = date.end(of: .day) // "Jan 12, 2017, 11:59 PM"
let date3 = date.end(of: .month) // "Jan 31, 2017, 11:59 PM"
let date4 = date.end(of: .year) // "Dec 31, 2017, 11:59 PM"

dateString(ofStyle style: DateFormatter.Style = .medium)

Date string from date.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: String
  • parameters:
    • style: DateFormatter style (default is .medium).
  • returns: date string.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().dateString(ofStyle: .short) -> "1/12/17"
Date().dateString(ofStyle: .medium) -> "Jan 12, 2017"
Date().dateString(ofStyle: .long) -> "January 12, 2017"
Date().dateString(ofStyle: .full) -> "Thursday, January 12, 2017"

dateTimeString(ofStyle style: DateFormatter.Style = .medium)

Date and time string from date.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: String
  • parameters:
    • style: DateFormatter style (default is .medium).
  • returns: date and time string.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().dateTimeString(ofStyle: .short) -> "1/12/17, 7:32 PM"
Date().dateTimeString(ofStyle: .medium) -> "Jan 12, 2017, 7:32:00 PM"
Date().dateTimeString(ofStyle: .long) -> "January 12, 2017 at 7:32:00 PM GMT+3"
Date().dateTimeString(ofStyle: .full) -> "Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 7:32:00 PM GMT+03:00"

isInCurrent(_ component: Calendar.Component)

Check if date is in current given calendar component.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: Bool
  • parameters:
    • component: calendar component to check.
  • returns: true if date is in current given calendar component.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().isInCurrent(.day) -> true
Date().isInCurrent(.year) -> true

timeString(ofStyle style: DateFormatter.Style = .medium)

Time string from date.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: String
  • parameters:
    • style: DateFormatter style (default is .medium).
  • returns: time string.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().timeString(ofStyle: .short) -> "7:37 PM"
Date().timeString(ofStyle: .medium) -> "7:37:02 PM"
Date().timeString(ofStyle: .long) -> "7:37:02 PM GMT+3"
Date().timeString(ofStyle: .full) -> "7:37:02 PM GMT+03:00"

dayName(ofStyle style: DayNameStyle = .full)

Day name from date.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: String
  • parameters:
    • style: style of day name (default is DayNameStyle.full).
  • returns: day name string (example: W, Wed, Wednesday).
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().dayName(ofStyle: .oneLetter) -> "T"
Date().dayName(ofStyle: .threeLetters) -> "Thu"
Date().dayName(ofStyle: .full) -> "Thursday"

monthName(ofStyle style: MonthNameStyle = .full)

Month name from date.

  • type: Method.
  • return type: String
  • parameters:
    • style: style of month name (default is MonthNameStyle.full).
  • returns: month name string (example: D, Dec, December).
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


Date().monthName(ofStyle: .oneLetter) -> "J"
Date().monthName(ofStyle: .threeLetters) -> "Jan"
Date().monthName(ofStyle: .full) -> "January"

init?(calendar: Calendar? = Calendar.current, timeZone: TimeZone? = TimeZone.current, era: Int? = Date().era, year: Int? = Date().year, month: Int? = Date().month, day: Int? = Date().day, hour: Int? = Date().hour, minute: Int? = Date().minute, second: Int? = Date().second, nanosecond: Int? = Date().nanosecond)

Create a new date form calendar components.

  • type: Optional Initializer.
  • return type: Date?
  • parameters:
    • calendar: Calendar (default is current).
    • timeZone: TimeZone (default is current).
    • era: Era (default is current era).
    • year: Year (default is current year).
    • month: Month (default is current month).
    • day: Day (default is today).
    • hour: Hour (default is current hour).
    • minute: Minute (default is current minute).
    • second: Second (default is current second).
    • nanosecond: Nanosecond (default is current nanosecond).
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date(year: 2010, month: 1, day: 12) // "Jan 12, 2010, 7:45 PM"

init?(iso8601String: String)

Create date object from ISO8601 string.

  • type: Optional Initializer.
  • return type: Date?
  • parameters:
    • iso8601String: iso8601String: ISO8601 string of format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date(iso8601String: "2017-01-12T16:48:00.959Z") // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:48 PM"

init(unixTimestamp: Double)

Create new date object from UNIX timestamp.

  • type: Initializer.
  • return type: Date
  • parameters:
    • unixTimestamp: UNIX timestamp.
  • availability: iOS 8+ tvOS 9+ watchOS 3+ macOS 10.10+.


let date = Date(unixTimestamp: 1484239783.922743) // "Jan 12, 2017, 7:49 PM"