World Information Architecture Day is dedicated to the empowerment of local leaders. Our celebrations inspire the global growth of information architecture as a community of practice and we value diverse thoughts and thinkers in our celebrations. World IA Day is jointly produced by a network of global, regional, and local volunteers.
Committees Global Board of Directors Driving Principles
Learn. Share. Grow.
A lot of love goes into each World IA Day celebration.
Local organizers around the world plan from July to February curating quality information architecture content based on the global theme.
Each celebration is unique: Local teams are creative, designing a day that brings value to their community and awareness to the practice of information architecture.
We have been celebrating World Information Architecture Day since 2012 and our celebrations grow every year.
Regardless where you live in the world, we are always seeking talented and dedicated volunteers willing to get involved and help make World IA Day a successful and beloved celebration… worldwide! Whether organized as an informal gathering, a design slam, a conference or something in between; we'd love to have your help.