This is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) HID joystick I put together using a WEMOS D32PRO and an Adafruit joystick.
The aim of this project is build a functional, cheap and open Joystick/Gamepad device using off the shelf parts, which is battery powered and connects to any PC/Mac/Phone using BLE.
This project currently uses ESP32 micro controller because:
- It is cheap and widely available.
- It has an open source SDK which is based on FreeRTOS.
- Has great out of the box examples of BLE HID devices, which I used as the basis for this project.
- All the peripherals I needed to make magic happen.
The core of this software is its HID report, and esp_hidd_send_joystick_value which transmits the current state of the joystick.
To read the analogue joystick x and y values I am using the adc driver.
This project uses esp-idf and requires a recent version with support for CMake.
The below image shows this joystick detected by chrome after being paired.
Handy gamepad tester used is located at
TODO Circuit diagram.
J1 connector.
P6 3v3 P5 Sw01 GPIO_14 P4 Sw02 GPIO_25 P3 Sw03 GPIO_26 P2 Sw04 GPIO_27 P1 GND
J2 connector
P1 Sw10 GPIO_19 P2 Sw09 GPIO_18 P3 Sw08 GPIO_17 P4 Sw07 GPIO_16 P5 Sw06 GPIO_05 P6 Sw05 GPIO_04
- Make a simple case and wire up a 1S battery
- Cleanup demo code once I have done some integration testing.
- Extend it to add a screen, this requires more HID stuff which is challenging.
- Add add an identify option using an RGB LED so the user knows which is theirs. There is already an LED setup in the HID code.
This project is copyright Mark Wolfe and Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD and is released under Apache 2.0 license.