This plugin supports PhoneGap/Cordova apps running on both iOS and Android.
The iOS portion currently utilizes an outdated verson of ASIHTTPRequest. Plans are in the works to switch to AFNetworking.
This plugin is meant to work with Cordova 3.5.0+.
Make sure you update your projects to Cordova iOS version 3.5.0+ before installing this plugin.
cordova platform update ios cordova platform update android
Install this plugin using PhoneGap/Cordova cli:
cordova local plugin add
// all responses from the audio player are channeled through successCallback and errorCallback
// request a file list to be downloaded
// any files that are downloaded but not on the list will be deleted
window.filelistdownload.downloadfilelist( successCallback,
// list of files to download
// force: true will cause the file to be downloaded even if it already exists on the device
"audio": "",
"force": false
"audio": "",
"force": false
"audio": "",
"force": false
// scan the file directory to ascertain which files from the given list are currently downloaded
window.filelistdownload.scanfilelist( successCallback,
"audio": ""
"audio": ""
"audio": ""
// example of a callback function
var successCallback = function(result) {
console.log('download callback ' + JSON.stringify(result));
if (result.type==='progress') {
console.log('progress - ' + result.filename + ' is ' + result.percent + '% downloaded');
} else if (result.type==='error') {
console.log("file: " + result.filename);
console.log("code: " + result.code);
console.log("message: " + result.message);
} else if (result.type==='complete') {
console.log('file list download complete');
} else {
console.log('unhandled type (' + result.type + ')');