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NDS v2.0 Automation


NDS is derived from the TPC-DS Benchmarks and as such any results obtained using NDS are not comparable to published TPC-DS Benchmark results, as the results obtained from using NDS do not comply with the TPC-DS Benchmarks.


NDS is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.

Additionally, certain files in NDS are licensed subject to the accompanying TPC EULA (also available at Files subject to the TPC EULA are identified as such within the files.

You may not use NDS except in compliance with the Apache License, Version 2.0 and the TPC EULA.


  1. python > 3.6

  2. Necessary libraries

    sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless gcc make flex bison byacc maven
  3. TPC-DS Tools

    User must download TPC-DS Tools from official TPC website. The tool will be downloaded as a zip package with a random guid string prefix. After unzipping it, a folder called DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1 will be seen.

    User must set a system environment variable TPCDS_HOME pointing to this directory. e.g.

    export TPCDS_HOME=/PATH/TO/YOUR/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1

    This variable will help find the TPC-DS Tool when building essential component for this repository.

Data Generation

build the jar for data generation:

cd tpcds-gen

Then two jars will be built at:


Generate data

Note: please make sure you have Hadoop binary locally.

How to generate data to local or HDFS:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [--range RANGE] [--overwrite_output] {local,hdfs} scale parallel data_dir
positional arguments:
  {local,hdfs}        file system to save the generated data.
  scale               volume of data to generate in GB.
  parallel            build data in <parallel_value> separate chunks
  data_dir            generate data in directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --range RANGE       Used for incremental data generation, meaning which part of childchunks are
                      generated in one run. Format: "start,end", both are inclusive. e.g. "1,100". Note:
                      the child range must be within the "parallel", "--parallel 100 --range 100,200" is
  --overwrite_output  overwrite if there has already existing data in the path provided.
  --replication REPLICATION
                      the number of replication factor when generating data to HDFS. if not set, the Hadoop job will use the setting in the Hadoop cluster.

Example command:

python hdfs 100 100 /data/raw_sf100 --overwrite_output

Convert CSV to Parquet or Other data sources

To do the data conversion, the need to be submitted as a Spark job. User can leverage the spark-submit-template utilty to simpify the submission. The utility requires a pre-defined template filewhere user needs to put necessary Spark configurations. Either user can submit the directly to spark with arbitary Spark parameters.

Parquet and Orc are supported for output data foramt at present.

User can also specify --tables to convert specific table or tables. See argument details below.

if --floats is specified in the command, DoubleType will be used to replace DecimalType data in Parquet files, otherwise DecimalType will be saved.

arguments for

python -h
usage: [-h] [--output_mode OUTPUT_MODE] [--input_suffix INPUT_SUFFIX]
                        [--log_level LOG_LEVEL] [--floats]
                        input_prefix output_prefix report_file

positional arguments:
  input_prefix          text to prepend to every input file path (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-generated-data"; the
                        default is empty)
  output_prefix         text to prepend to every output file (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-parquet"; the default is
  report_file           location to store a performance report(local)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output_mode {overwrite,append,ignore,error,errorifexists,default}
                        save modes as defined by value is errorifexists, which is the Spark default behavior
  --output_format {parquet,orc}
                        output data format when converting CSV data sources. Now supports parquet, orc.
  --tables TABLES       specify table names by a comma seprated string. e.g. 'catalog_page,catalog_sales'.
  --input_suffix INPUT_SUFFIX
                        text to append to every input filename (e.g., ".dat"; the default is empty)
  --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        set log level for Spark driver log. Valid log levels include: ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE, WARN(default: INFO)
  --floats              replace DecimalType with DoubleType when saving parquet files. If not specified,
                        decimal data will be saved.

Example command to submit via spark-submit-template utility:

./spark-submit-template convert_submit_gpu.template \  raw_sf3k  parquet_sf3k report.txt

User can also use spark-submit to submit directly.

We provide two basic templates for GPU run(convert_submit_gpu.template) and CPU run(convert_submit_cpu.template). To enable GPU run, user need to download two jars in advance to use spark-rapids plugin.

After that, please set environment variable CUDF_JAR and SPARK_RAPIDS_PLUGIN_JAR to the path where the jars are downloaded to in spark submit templates.

Data partitioning

when converting CSV to Parquet data, the script will add data partitioning to some tables:

Table Partition Column
catalog_sales cs_sold_date_sk
catalog_returns cr_returned_date_sk
inventory inv_date_sk
store_sales ss_sold_date_sk
store_returns sr_returned_date_sk
web_sales ws_sold_date_sk
web_returns wr_returned_date_sk

Query Generation

The templates.patch that contains necessary modifications to make NDS queries runnable in Spark will be applied automatically in the build step. The final query templates will be in folder $TPCDS_HOME/query_templates after the build process.

we applied the following changes to original templates released in TPC-DS v3.2.0:

  • add interval keyword before all date interval add mark + for syntax compatibility in Spark SQL.

  • convert " mark to ` mark for syntax compatibility in Spark SQL.

Generate Specific Query or Query Streams

usage: [-h] [--template TEMPLATE] [--streams STREAMS]
                               template_dir scale output_dir

positional arguments:
  template_dir         directory to find query templates and dialect file.
  scale                assume a database of this scale factor.
  output_dir           generate query in directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --template TEMPLATE  build queries from this template
  --streams STREAMS    generate how many query streams. If not specified, only one query will be produced.

Example command to generate one query using query1.tpl:

python $TPCDS_HOME/query_templates 3000 ./query_1 --template query1.tpl

Example command to generate 10 query streams each one of which contains all NDS queries but in different order:

python $TPCDS_HOME/query_templates 3000 ./query_streams --streams 10

Benchmark Runner

Power Run

After user generates query streams, Power Run can be executed using one of the them by submitting to Spark.

Arguments supported for

usage: [-h] [--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX] [--output_format OUTPUT_FORMAT]
                    input_prefix query_stream_file time_log

positional arguments:
  input_prefix          text to prepend to every input file path (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-generated-data")
  query_stream_file     query stream file that contains NDS queries in specific order
  time_log              path to execution time log, only support local path.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        text to prepend to every output file (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-parquet")
  --output_format OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        type of query output
  --property_file PROPERTY_FILE
                        property file for Spark configuration.

Example command to submit by spark-submit-template utility:

./spark-submit-template power_run_gpu.template \ \
parquet_sf3k \
./nds_query_streams/query_0.sql \
time.csv \
--property_file properties/

User can also use spark-submit to submit directly.

To simplify the performance analysis process, the script will create a local CSV file to save query(including TempView creation) and corresponding execution time. Note: please use client mode(set in your power_run_gpu.template file) when running in Yarn distributed environment to make sure the time log is saved correctly in your local path.

Note the template file must follow the spark-submit-template utility as the first argument. All Spark configuration words (such as --conf and corresponding k=v values) are quoted by double quotes in the template file. Please follow the format in power_run_gpu.template.

User can define the properties file like The properties will be passed to the submitted Spark job along with the configurations defined in the template file. User can define some common properties in the template file and put some other properties that usually varies in the property file.

The command above will use collect() action to trigger Spark job for each query. It is also supported to save query output to some place for further verification. User can also specify output format e.g. csv, parquet or orc:

./spark-submit-template power_run_gpu.template \ \
parquet_sf3k \
./nds_query_streams/query_0.sql \
time.csv \
--output_prefix /data/query_output \
--output_format parquet

Throughput Run

Throughput Run simulates the scenario that multiple query sessions are running simultaneously in Spark.

We provide an executable bash utility nds-throughput to do Throughput Run.

Example command for Throughput Run that runs 2 Power Run in parallel with stream file query_1.sql and query_2.sql and produces csv log for execution time time_1.csv and time_2.csv.

./nds-throughput 1,2 \
./spark-submit-template power_run_gpu.template \ \
parquet_sf3k \
./nds_query_streams/query_'{}'.sql \

When providing spark-submit-template to Throughput Run, please do consider the computing resources in your environment to make sure all Spark job can get necessary resources to run at the same time, otherwise some query application may be in WAITING status(which can be observed from Spark UI or Yarn Resource Manager UI) until enough resources are released.

NDS2.0 is using source code from TPC-DS Tool V3.2.0